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440 lines
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10 years ago
// Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include "rocksdb/delete_scheduler.h"
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "rocksdb/options.h"
#include "util/delete_scheduler_impl.h"
#include "util/string_util.h"
#include "util/sync_point.h"
#include "util/testharness.h"
namespace rocksdb {
class DeleteSchedulerTest : public testing::Test {
DeleteSchedulerTest() : env_(Env::Default()) {
dummy_files_dir_ = test::TmpDir(env_) + "/dummy_data_dir";
trash_dir_ = test::TmpDir(env_) + "/trash";
~DeleteSchedulerTest() {
if (delete_scheduler_ != nullptr) {
delete delete_scheduler_;
delete_scheduler_ = nullptr;
void WaitForEmptyTrash() {
void DestroyDir(const std::string& dir) {
if (env_->FileExists(dir).IsNotFound()) {
std::vector<std::string> files_in_dir;
EXPECT_OK(env_->GetChildren(dir, &files_in_dir));
for (auto& file_in_dir : files_in_dir) {
if (file_in_dir == "." || file_in_dir == "..") {
EXPECT_OK(env_->DeleteFile(dir + "/" + file_in_dir));
void DestroyAndCreateDir(const std::string& dir) {
int CountFilesInDir(const std::string& dir) {
std::vector<std::string> files_in_dir;
EXPECT_OK(env_->GetChildren(dir, &files_in_dir));
// Ignore "." and ".."
return static_cast<int>(files_in_dir.size()) - 2;
std::string NewDummyFile(const std::string& file_name, uint64_t size = 1024) {
std::string file_path = dummy_files_dir_ + "/" + file_name;
std::unique_ptr<WritableFile> f;
env_->NewWritableFile(file_path, &f, EnvOptions());
std::string data(size, 'A');
return file_path;
Env* env_;
std::string dummy_files_dir_;
std::string trash_dir_;
int64_t rate_bytes_per_sec_;
DeleteScheduler* delete_scheduler_;
// Test the basic functionality of DeleteScheduler (Rate Limiting).
// 1- Create 100 dummy files
// 2- Delete the 100 dummy files using DeleteScheduler
// 3- Wait for DeleteScheduler to delete all files in trash
// 4- Measure time spent in step 2,3 and make sure it matches the expected
// time from a rate limited delete
// 5- Make sure that all created files were completely deleted
TEST_F(DeleteSchedulerTest, BasicRateLimiting) {
int num_files = 100; // 100 files
uint64_t file_size = 1024; // every file is 1 kb
std::vector<uint64_t> delete_kbs_per_sec = {512, 200, 100, 50, 25};
for (size_t t = 0; t < delete_kbs_per_sec.size(); t++) {
rate_bytes_per_sec_ = delete_kbs_per_sec[t] * 1024;
delete_scheduler_ =
NewDeleteScheduler(env_, trash_dir_, rate_bytes_per_sec_);
// Create 100 dummy files, every file is 1 Kb
std::vector<std::string> generated_files;
uint64_t total_files_size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_files; i++) {
std::string file_name = "file" + ToString(i) + ".data";
generated_files.push_back(NewDummyFile(file_name, file_size));
total_files_size += file_size;
// Delete dummy files and measure time spent to empty trash
uint64_t delete_start_time = env_->NowMicros();
for (int i = 0; i < num_files; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(dummy_files_dir_), 0);
uint64_t time_spent_deleting = env_->NowMicros() - delete_start_time;
uint64_t expected_delete_time =
((total_files_size * 1000000) / rate_bytes_per_sec_);
ASSERT_GT(time_spent_deleting, expected_delete_time * 0.9);
ASSERT_LT(time_spent_deleting, expected_delete_time * 1.1);
printf("Delete time = %" PRIu64 ", Expected delete time = %" PRIu64
", Ratio %f\n",
time_spent_deleting, expected_delete_time,
static_cast<double>(time_spent_deleting) / expected_delete_time);
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(trash_dir_), 0);
auto bg_errors = delete_scheduler_->GetBackgroundErrors();
ASSERT_EQ(bg_errors.size(), 0);
// Same as the BasicRateLimiting test but delete files in multiple threads.
// 1- Create 100 dummy files
// 2- Delete the 100 dummy files using DeleteScheduler using 10 threads
// 3- Wait for DeleteScheduler to delete all files in queue
// 4- Measure time spent in step 2,3 and make sure it matches the expected
// time from a rate limited delete
// 5- Make sure that all created files were completely deleted
TEST_F(DeleteSchedulerTest, RateLimitingMultiThreaded) {
int thread_cnt = 10;
int num_files = 10; // 10 files per thread
uint64_t file_size = 1024; // every file is 1 kb
std::vector<uint64_t> delete_kbs_per_sec = {512, 200, 100, 50, 25};
for (size_t t = 0; t < delete_kbs_per_sec.size(); t++) {
rate_bytes_per_sec_ = delete_kbs_per_sec[t] * 1024;
delete_scheduler_ =
NewDeleteScheduler(env_, trash_dir_, rate_bytes_per_sec_);
// Create 100 dummy files, every file is 1 Kb
std::vector<std::string> generated_files;
uint64_t total_files_size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_files * thread_cnt; i++) {
std::string file_name = "file" + ToString(i) + ".data";
generated_files.push_back(NewDummyFile(file_name, file_size));
total_files_size += file_size;
// Delete dummy files using 10 threads and measure time spent to empty trash
uint64_t delete_start_time = env_->NowMicros();
std::atomic<int> thread_num(0);
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < thread_cnt; i++) {
threads.emplace_back([&]() {
int idx = thread_num.fetch_add(1);
int range_start = idx * num_files;
int range_end = range_start + num_files;
for (int j = range_start; j < range_end; j++){
for (size_t i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(dummy_files_dir_), 0);
uint64_t time_spent_deleting = env_->NowMicros() - delete_start_time;
uint64_t expected_delete_time =
((total_files_size * 1000000) / rate_bytes_per_sec_);
ASSERT_GT(time_spent_deleting, expected_delete_time * 0.9);
ASSERT_LT(time_spent_deleting, expected_delete_time * 1.1);
printf("Delete time = %" PRIu64 ", Expected delete time = %" PRIu64
", Ratio %f\n",
time_spent_deleting, expected_delete_time,
static_cast<double>(time_spent_deleting) / expected_delete_time);
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(trash_dir_), 0);
auto bg_errors = delete_scheduler_->GetBackgroundErrors();
ASSERT_EQ(bg_errors.size(), 0);
// Disable rate limiting by setting rate_bytes_per_sec_ to 0 and make sure
// that when DeleteScheduler delete a file it delete it immediately and dont
// move it to trash
TEST_F(DeleteSchedulerTest, DisableRateLimiting) {
int bg_delete_file = 0;
[&](void* arg) { bg_delete_file++; });
delete_scheduler_ = NewDeleteScheduler(env_, "", 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Every file we delete will be deleted immediately
std::string dummy_file = NewDummyFile("");
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(dummy_files_dir_), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(trash_dir_), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(bg_delete_file, 0);
// Testing that moving files to trash with the same name is not a problem
// 1- Create 10 files with the same name ""
// 2- Delete the 10 files using DeleteScheduler
// 3- Make sure that trash directory contain 10 files ("" x 10)
// --- Hold DeleteSchedulerImpl::BackgroundEmptyTrash ---
// 4- Make sure that files are deleted from trash
TEST_F(DeleteSchedulerTest, ConflictNames) {
rate_bytes_per_sec_ = 1024 * 1024; // 1 Mb/sec
delete_scheduler_ = NewDeleteScheduler(env_, trash_dir_, rate_bytes_per_sec_);
// Create "" and move it to trash 10 times
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
std::string dummy_file = NewDummyFile("");
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(dummy_files_dir_), 0);
// 10 files ("" x 10) in trash
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(trash_dir_), 10);
// Hold BackgroundEmptyTrash
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(trash_dir_), 0);
auto bg_errors = delete_scheduler_->GetBackgroundErrors();
ASSERT_EQ(bg_errors.size(), 0);
// 1- Create 10 dummy files
// 2- Delete the 10 files using DeleteScheduler (move them to trsah)
// 3- Delete the 10 files directly (using env_->DeleteFile)
// --- Hold DeleteSchedulerImpl::BackgroundEmptyTrash ---
// 4- Make sure that DeleteScheduler failed to delete the 10 files and
// reported 10 background errors
TEST_F(DeleteSchedulerTest, BackgroundError) {
rate_bytes_per_sec_ = 1024 * 1024; // 1 Mb/sec
delete_scheduler_ = NewDeleteScheduler(env_, trash_dir_, rate_bytes_per_sec_);
// Generate 10 dummy files and move them to trash
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
std::string file_name = "data_" + ToString(i) + ".data";
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(dummy_files_dir_), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(trash_dir_), 10);
// Delete 10 files from trash, this will cause background errors in
// BackgroundEmptyTrash since we already deleted the files it was
// goind to delete
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
std::string file_name = "data_" + ToString(i) + ".data";
ASSERT_OK(env_->DeleteFile(trash_dir_ + "/" + file_name));
// Hold BackgroundEmptyTrash
auto bg_errors = delete_scheduler_->GetBackgroundErrors();
ASSERT_EQ(bg_errors.size(), 10);
// 1- Create 10 files in trash
// 2- Create a DeleteScheduler with delete_exisitng_trash = true
// 3- Wait for DeleteScheduler to delete all files in queue
// 4- Make sure that all files in trash directory were deleted
TEST_F(DeleteSchedulerTest, TrashWithExistingFiles) {
std::vector<std::string> dummy_files;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
std::string file_name = "data_" + ToString(i) + ".data";
std::string trash_path = trash_dir_ + "/" + file_name;
env_->RenameFile(NewDummyFile(file_name), trash_path);
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(trash_dir_), 10);
Status s;
rate_bytes_per_sec_ = 1024 * 1024; // 1 Mb/sec
delete_scheduler_ = NewDeleteScheduler(env_, trash_dir_, rate_bytes_per_sec_,
nullptr, true, &s);
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(trash_dir_), 0);
auto bg_errors = delete_scheduler_->GetBackgroundErrors();
ASSERT_EQ(bg_errors.size(), 0);
// 1- Create 10 dummy files
// 2- Delete 10 dummy files using DeleteScheduler
// 3- Wait for DeleteScheduler to delete all files in queue
// 4- Make sure all files in trash directory were deleted
// 5- Repeat previous steps 5 times
TEST_F(DeleteSchedulerTest, StartBGEmptyTrashMultipleTimes) {
int bg_delete_file = 0;
[&](void* arg) { bg_delete_file++; });
rate_bytes_per_sec_ = 1024 * 1024; // 1 MB / sec
delete_scheduler_ = NewDeleteScheduler(env_, trash_dir_, rate_bytes_per_sec_);
// Move files to trash, wait for empty trash, start again
for (int run = 1; run <= 5; run++) {
// Generate 10 dummy files and move them to trash
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
std::string file_name = "data_" + ToString(i) + ".data";
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(dummy_files_dir_), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(bg_delete_file, 10 * run);
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(trash_dir_), 0);
auto bg_errors = delete_scheduler_->GetBackgroundErrors();
ASSERT_EQ(bg_errors.size(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(bg_delete_file, 50);
// 1- Create a DeleteScheduler with very slow rate limit (1 Byte / sec)
// 2- Delete 100 files using DeleteScheduler
// 3- Delete the DeleteScheduler (call the destructor while queue is not empty)
// 4- Make sure that not all files were deleted from trash and that
// DeleteScheduler background thread did not delete all files
TEST_F(DeleteSchedulerTest, DestructorWithNonEmptyQueue) {
int bg_delete_file = 0;
[&](void* arg) { bg_delete_file++; });
rate_bytes_per_sec_ = 1; // 1 Byte / sec
delete_scheduler_ = NewDeleteScheduler(env_, trash_dir_, rate_bytes_per_sec_);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
std::string file_name = "data_" + ToString(i) + ".data";
// Deleting 100 files will need >28 hours to delete
// we will delete the DeleteScheduler while delete queue is not empty
delete delete_scheduler_;
delete_scheduler_ = nullptr;
ASSERT_LT(bg_delete_file, 100);
ASSERT_GT(CountFilesInDir(trash_dir_), 0);
// 1- Delete the trash directory
// 2- Delete 10 files using DeleteScheduler
// 3- Make sure that the 10 files were deleted immediately since DeleteScheduler
// failed to move them to trash directory
TEST_F(DeleteSchedulerTest, MoveToTrashError) {
int bg_delete_file = 0;
[&](void* arg) { bg_delete_file++; });
rate_bytes_per_sec_ = 1024; // 1 Kb / sec
delete_scheduler_ = NewDeleteScheduler(env_, trash_dir_, rate_bytes_per_sec_);
// We will delete the trash directory, that mean that DeleteScheduler wont
// be able to move files to trash and will delete files them immediately.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
std::string file_name = "data_" + ToString(i) + ".data";
ASSERT_EQ(CountFilesInDir(dummy_files_dir_), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(bg_delete_file, 0);
} // namespace rocksdb
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();