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// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#include "utilities/transactions/write_prepared_txn.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "db/column_family.h"
#include "db/db_impl.h"
#include "rocksdb/db.h"
#include "rocksdb/status.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/transaction_db.h"
#include "util/cast_util.h"
#include "utilities/transactions/pessimistic_transaction.h"
#include "utilities/transactions/write_prepared_txn_db.h"
namespace rocksdb {
struct WriteOptions;
WritePreparedTxn::WritePreparedTxn(WritePreparedTxnDB* txn_db,
const WriteOptions& write_options,
const TransactionOptions& txn_options)
: PessimisticTransaction(txn_db, write_options, txn_options, false),
wpt_db_(txn_db) {
// Call Initialize outside PessimisticTransaction constructor otherwise it
// would skip overridden functions in WritePreparedTxn since they are not
// defined yet in the constructor of PessimisticTransaction
void WritePreparedTxn::Initialize(const TransactionOptions& txn_options) {
prepare_batch_cnt_ = 0;
Status WritePreparedTxn::Get(const ReadOptions& read_options,
ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
const Slice& key, PinnableSlice* pinnable_val) {
auto snapshot = read_options.snapshot;
auto snap_seq =
snapshot != nullptr ? snapshot->GetSequenceNumber() : kMaxSequenceNumber;
SequenceNumber min_uncommitted = 0; // by default disable the optimization
if (snapshot != nullptr) {
min_uncommitted =
static_cast_with_check<const SnapshotImpl, const Snapshot>(snapshot)
WritePreparedTxnReadCallback callback(wpt_db_, snap_seq, min_uncommitted);
return write_batch_.GetFromBatchAndDB(db_, read_options, column_family, key,
pinnable_val, &callback);
Iterator* WritePreparedTxn::GetIterator(const ReadOptions& options) {
// Make sure to get iterator from WritePrepareTxnDB, not the root db.
Iterator* db_iter = wpt_db_->NewIterator(options);
return write_batch_.NewIteratorWithBase(db_iter);
Iterator* WritePreparedTxn::GetIterator(const ReadOptions& options,
ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family) {
// Make sure to get iterator from WritePrepareTxnDB, not the root db.
Iterator* db_iter = wpt_db_->NewIterator(options, column_family);
return write_batch_.NewIteratorWithBase(column_family, db_iter);
Status WritePreparedTxn::PrepareInternal() {
WriteOptions write_options = write_options_;
write_options.disableWAL = false;
const bool WRITE_AFTER_COMMIT = true;
WriteBatchInternal::MarkEndPrepare(GetWriteBatch()->GetWriteBatch(), name_,
// For each duplicate key we account for a new sub-batch
prepare_batch_cnt_ = GetWriteBatch()->SubBatchCnt();
// AddPrepared better to be called in the pre-release callback otherwise there
// is a non-zero chance of max advancing prepare_seq and readers assume the
// data as committed.
// Also having it in the PreReleaseCallback allows in-order addition of
// prepared entries to PrepareHeap and hence enables an optimization. Refer to
// SmallestUnCommittedSeq for more details.
AddPreparedCallback add_prepared_callback(
wpt_db_, prepare_batch_cnt_,
const bool DISABLE_MEMTABLE = true;
uint64_t seq_used = kMaxSequenceNumber;
Status s = db_impl_->WriteImpl(
write_options, GetWriteBatch()->GetWriteBatch(),
/*callback*/ nullptr, &log_number_, /*log ref*/ 0, !DISABLE_MEMTABLE,
&seq_used, prepare_batch_cnt_, &add_prepared_callback);
assert(!s.ok() || seq_used != kMaxSequenceNumber);
auto prepare_seq = seq_used;
return s;
Status WritePreparedTxn::CommitWithoutPrepareInternal() {
// For each duplicate key we account for a new sub-batch
const size_t batch_cnt = GetWriteBatch()->SubBatchCnt();
return CommitBatchInternal(GetWriteBatch()->GetWriteBatch(), batch_cnt);
Status WritePreparedTxn::CommitBatchInternal(WriteBatch* batch,
size_t batch_cnt) {
return wpt_db_->WriteInternal(write_options_, batch, batch_cnt, this);
Status WritePreparedTxn::CommitInternal() {
"CommitInternal prepare_seq: %" PRIu64, GetID());
// We take the commit-time batch and append the Commit marker.
// The Memtable will ignore the Commit marker in non-recovery mode
WriteBatch* working_batch = GetCommitTimeWriteBatch();
const bool empty = working_batch->Count() == 0;
WriteBatchInternal::MarkCommit(working_batch, name_);
const bool for_recovery = use_only_the_last_commit_time_batch_for_recovery_;
if (!empty && for_recovery) {
// When not writing to memtable, we can still cache the latest write batch.
// The cached batch will be written to memtable in WriteRecoverableState
// during FlushMemTable
auto prepare_seq = GetId();
const bool includes_data = !empty && !for_recovery;
size_t commit_batch_cnt = 0;
if (UNLIKELY(includes_data)) {
"Duplicate key overhead");
SubBatchCounter counter(*wpt_db_->GetCFComparatorMap());
auto s = working_batch->Iterate(&counter);
commit_batch_cnt = counter.BatchCount();
const bool disable_memtable = !includes_data;
const bool do_one_write =
!db_impl_->immutable_db_options().two_write_queues || disable_memtable;
const bool publish_seq = do_one_write;
// Note: CommitTimeWriteBatch does not need AddPrepared since it is written to
// DB in one shot. min_uncommitted still works since it requires capturing
// data that is written to DB but not yet committed, while
// CommitTimeWriteBatch commits with PreReleaseCallback.
WritePreparedCommitEntryPreReleaseCallback update_commit_map(
wpt_db_, db_impl_, prepare_seq, prepare_batch_cnt_, commit_batch_cnt,
uint64_t seq_used = kMaxSequenceNumber;
// Since the prepared batch is directly written to memtable, there is already
// a connection between the memtable and its WAL, so there is no need to
// redundantly reference the log that contains the prepared data.
const uint64_t zero_log_number = 0ull;
size_t batch_cnt = UNLIKELY(commit_batch_cnt) ? commit_batch_cnt : 1;
auto s = db_impl_->WriteImpl(write_options_, working_batch, nullptr, nullptr,
zero_log_number, disable_memtable, &seq_used,
batch_cnt, &update_commit_map);
assert(!s.ok() || seq_used != kMaxSequenceNumber);
if (LIKELY(do_one_write || !s.ok())) {
if (LIKELY(s.ok())) {
// Note RemovePrepared should be called after WriteImpl that publishsed
// the seq. Otherwise SmallestUnCommittedSeq optimization breaks.
wpt_db_->RemovePrepared(prepare_seq, prepare_batch_cnt_);
return s;
} // else do the 2nd write to publish seq
// Note: the 2nd write comes with a performance penality. So if we have too
// many of commits accompanied with ComitTimeWriteBatch and yet we cannot
// enable use_only_the_last_commit_time_batch_for_recovery_ optimization,
// two_write_queues should be disabled to avoid many additional writes here.
class PublishSeqPreReleaseCallback : public PreReleaseCallback {
explicit PublishSeqPreReleaseCallback(DBImpl* db_impl)
: db_impl_(db_impl) {}
virtual Status Callback(SequenceNumber seq, bool is_mem_disabled) override {
#ifdef NDEBUG
return Status::OK();
DBImpl* db_impl_;
} publish_seq_callback(db_impl_);
WriteBatch empty_batch;
// In the absence of Prepare markers, use Noop as a batch separator
const bool DISABLE_MEMTABLE = true;
const size_t ONE_BATCH = 1;
const uint64_t NO_REF_LOG = 0;
s = db_impl_->WriteImpl(write_options_, &empty_batch, nullptr, nullptr,
assert(!s.ok() || seq_used != kMaxSequenceNumber);
// Note RemovePrepared should be called after WriteImpl that publishsed the
// seq. Otherwise SmallestUnCommittedSeq optimization breaks.
wpt_db_->RemovePrepared(prepare_seq, prepare_batch_cnt_);
return s;
Status WritePreparedTxn::RollbackInternal() {
"RollbackInternal prepare_seq: %" PRIu64, GetId());
WriteBatch rollback_batch;
assert(GetId() != kMaxSequenceNumber);
assert(GetId() > 0);
auto cf_map_shared_ptr = wpt_db_->GetCFHandleMap();
auto cf_comp_map_shared_ptr = wpt_db_->GetCFComparatorMap();
auto read_at_seq = kMaxSequenceNumber;
struct RollbackWriteBatchBuilder : public WriteBatch::Handler {
DBImpl* db_;
ReadOptions roptions;
WritePreparedTxnReadCallback callback;
WriteBatch* rollback_batch_;
std::map<uint32_t, const Comparator*>& comparators_;
std::map<uint32_t, ColumnFamilyHandle*>& handles_;
using CFKeys = std::set<Slice, SetComparator>;
std::map<uint32_t, CFKeys> keys_;
bool rollback_merge_operands_;
DBImpl* db, WritePreparedTxnDB* wpt_db, SequenceNumber snap_seq,
WriteBatch* dst_batch,
std::map<uint32_t, const Comparator*>& comparators,
std::map<uint32_t, ColumnFamilyHandle*>& handles,
bool rollback_merge_operands)
: db_(db),
callback(wpt_db, snap_seq,
0), // 0 disables min_uncommitted optimization
rollback_merge_operands_(rollback_merge_operands) {}
Status Rollback(uint32_t cf, const Slice& key) {
Status s;
CFKeys& cf_keys = keys_[cf];
if (cf_keys.size() == 0) { // just inserted
auto cmp = comparators_[cf];
keys_[cf] = CFKeys(SetComparator(cmp));
auto it = cf_keys.insert(key);
if (it.second ==
false) { // second is false if a element already existed.
return s;
PinnableSlice pinnable_val;
bool not_used;
auto cf_handle = handles_[cf];
s = db_->GetImpl(roptions, cf_handle, key, &pinnable_val, &not_used,
assert(s.ok() || s.IsNotFound());
if (s.ok()) {
s = rollback_batch_->Put(cf_handle, key, pinnable_val);
} else if (s.IsNotFound()) {
// There has been no readable value before txn. By adding a delete we
// make sure that there will be none afterwards either.
s = rollback_batch_->Delete(cf_handle, key);
} else {
// Unexpected status. Return it to the user.
return s;
Status PutCF(uint32_t cf, const Slice& key, const Slice& /*val*/) override {
return Rollback(cf, key);
Status DeleteCF(uint32_t cf, const Slice& key) override {
return Rollback(cf, key);
Status SingleDeleteCF(uint32_t cf, const Slice& key) override {
return Rollback(cf, key);
Status MergeCF(uint32_t cf, const Slice& key,
const Slice& /*val*/) override {
if (rollback_merge_operands_) {
return Rollback(cf, key);
} else {
return Status::OK();
Status MarkNoop(bool) override { return Status::OK(); }
Status MarkBeginPrepare(bool) override { return Status::OK(); }
Status MarkEndPrepare(const Slice&) override { return Status::OK(); }
Status MarkCommit(const Slice&) override { return Status::OK(); }
Status MarkRollback(const Slice&) override {
return Status::InvalidArgument();
virtual bool WriteAfterCommit() const override { return false; }
} rollback_handler(db_impl_, wpt_db_, read_at_seq, &rollback_batch,
*cf_comp_map_shared_ptr.get(), *cf_map_shared_ptr.get(),
auto s = GetWriteBatch()->GetWriteBatch()->Iterate(&rollback_handler);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
// The Rollback marker will be used as a batch separator
WriteBatchInternal::MarkRollback(&rollback_batch, name_);
bool do_one_write = !db_impl_->immutable_db_options().two_write_queues;
const bool DISABLE_MEMTABLE = true;
const uint64_t NO_REF_LOG = 0;
uint64_t seq_used = kMaxSequenceNumber;
const size_t ONE_BATCH = 1;
// We commit the rolled back prepared batches. ALthough this is
// counter-intuitive, i) it is safe to do so, since the prepared batches are
// already canceled out by the rollback batch, ii) adding the commit entry to
// CommitCache will allow us to benefit from the existing mechanism in
// CommitCache that keeps an entry evicted due to max advance and yet overlaps
// with a live snapshot around so that the live snapshot properly skips the
// entry even if its prepare seq is lower than max_evicted_seq_.
WritePreparedCommitEntryPreReleaseCallback update_commit_map(
wpt_db_, db_impl_, GetId(), prepare_batch_cnt_, ONE_BATCH);
// Note: the rollback batch does not need AddPrepared since it is written to
// DB in one shot. min_uncommitted still works since it requires capturing
// data that is written to DB but not yet committed, while
// the roolback batch commits with PreReleaseCallback.
s = db_impl_->WriteImpl(write_options_, &rollback_batch, nullptr, nullptr,
do_one_write ? &update_commit_map : nullptr);
assert(!s.ok() || seq_used != kMaxSequenceNumber);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
if (do_one_write) {
wpt_db_->RemovePrepared(GetId(), prepare_batch_cnt_);
return s;
} // else do the 2nd write for commit
uint64_t& prepare_seq = seq_used;
"RollbackInternal 2nd write prepare_seq: %" PRIu64,
// Commit the batch by writing an empty batch to the queue that will release
// the commit sequence number to readers.
const size_t ZERO_COMMITS = 0;
WritePreparedCommitEntryPreReleaseCallback update_commit_map_with_prepare(
wpt_db_, db_impl_, prepare_seq, ONE_BATCH, ZERO_COMMITS);
WriteBatch empty_batch;
// In the absence of Prepare markers, use Noop as a batch separator
s = db_impl_->WriteImpl(write_options_, &empty_batch, nullptr, nullptr,
assert(!s.ok() || seq_used != kMaxSequenceNumber);
// Mark the txn as rolled back
uint64_t& rollback_seq = seq_used;
if (s.ok()) {
// Note: it is safe to do it after PreReleaseCallback via WriteImpl since
// all the writes by the prpared batch are already blinded by the rollback
// batch. The only reason we commit the prepared batch here is to benefit
// from the existing mechanism in CommitCache that takes care of the rare
// cases that the prepare seq is visible to a snsapshot but max evicted seq
// advances that prepare seq.
for (size_t i = 0; i < prepare_batch_cnt_; i++) {
wpt_db_->AddCommitted(GetId() + i, rollback_seq);
wpt_db_->RemovePrepared(GetId(), prepare_batch_cnt_);
return s;
Status WritePreparedTxn::ValidateSnapshot(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
const Slice& key,
SequenceNumber* tracked_at_seq) {
SequenceNumber min_uncommitted =
static_cast_with_check<const SnapshotImpl, const Snapshot>(
SequenceNumber snap_seq = snapshot_->GetSequenceNumber();
// tracked_at_seq is either max or the last snapshot with which this key was
// trackeed so there is no need to apply the IsInSnapshot to this comparison
// here as tracked_at_seq is not a prepare seq.
if (*tracked_at_seq <= snap_seq) {
// If the key has been previous validated at a sequence number earlier
// than the curent snapshot's sequence number, we already know it has not
// been modified.
return Status::OK();
*tracked_at_seq = snap_seq;
ColumnFamilyHandle* cfh =
column_family ? column_family : db_impl_->DefaultColumnFamily();
WritePreparedTxnReadCallback snap_checker(wpt_db_, snap_seq, min_uncommitted);
return TransactionUtil::CheckKeyForConflicts(db_impl_, cfh, key.ToString(),
snap_seq, false /* cache_only */,
void WritePreparedTxn::SetSnapshot() {
const bool kForWWConflictCheck = true;
SnapshotImpl* snapshot = wpt_db_->GetSnapshotInternal(kForWWConflictCheck);
Status WritePreparedTxn::RebuildFromWriteBatch(WriteBatch* src_batch) {
auto ret = PessimisticTransaction::RebuildFromWriteBatch(src_batch);
prepare_batch_cnt_ = GetWriteBatch()->SubBatchCnt();
return ret;
} // namespace rocksdb
#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE