
188 lines
6.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
# COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
# (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
'''Access the results of benchmark runs
Send these results on to OpenSearch graphing service
import argparse
import itertools
import os
import re
import sys
import requests
from dateutil import parser
import logging
class Configuration:
opensearch_user = os.environ['ES_USER']
opensearch_pass = os.environ['ES_PASS']
class BenchmarkResultException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, content):
super().__init__(self, message)
self.content = content
class BenchmarkUtils:
expected_keys = ['ops_sec', 'mb_sec', 'lsm_sz', 'blob_sz', 'c_wgb', 'w_amp',
'c_mbps', 'c_wsecs', 'c_csecs', 'b_rgb', 'b_wgb', 'usec_op',
'p50', 'p99', 'p99.9', 'p99.99', 'pmax',
'uptime', 'stall%', 'Nstall', 'u_cpu', 's_cpu', 'rss', 'test', 'date', 'version', 'job_id']
def sanity_check(row):
if not 'test' in row:
logging.debug(f"not 'test' in row: {row}")
return False
if row['test'] == '':
logging.debug(f"row['test'] == '': {row}")
return False
if not 'date' in row:
logging.debug(f"not 'date' in row: {row}")
return False
if not 'ops_sec' in row:
logging.debug(f"not 'ops_sec' in row: {row}")
return False
v = int(row['ops_sec'])
except (ValueError, TypeError):
logging.debug(f"int(row['ops_sec']): {row}")
return False
(_, _) = parser.parse(row['date'], fuzzy_with_tokens=True)
except (parser.ParserError):
logging.error(f"parser.parse((row['date']): not a valid format for date in row: {row}")
return False
return True
def conform_opensearch(row):
(dt, _) = parser.parse(row['date'], fuzzy_with_tokens=True)
# create a test_date field, which was previously what was expected
# repair the date field, which has what can be a WRONG ISO FORMAT, (no leading 0 on single-digit day-of-month)
# e.g. 2022-07-1T00:14:55 should be 2022-07-01T00:14:55
row['test_date'] = dt.isoformat()
row['date'] = dt.isoformat()
return dict((key.replace('.', '_'), value)
for (key, value) in row.items())
class ResultParser:
def __init__(self, field="(\w|[+-:.%])+", intrafield="(\s)+", separator="\t"):
self.field = re.compile(field)
self.intra = re.compile(intrafield)
self.sep = re.compile(separator)
def ignore(self, l_in: str):
if len(l_in) == 0:
return True
if l_in[0:1] == '#':
return True
return False
def line(self, l_in: str):
'''Parse a line into items
Being clever about separators
l = l_in
row = []
while l != '':
match_item = self.field.match(l)
if match_item:
item =
l = l[len(item):]
match_intra = self.intra.match(l)
if match_intra:
intra =
# Count the separators
# If there are >1 then generate extra blank fields
# White space with no true separators fakes up a single separator
tabbed = self.sep.split(intra)
sep_count = len(tabbed) - 1
if sep_count == 0:
sep_count = 1
for i in range(sep_count-1):
l = l[len(intra):]
raise BenchmarkResultException(
'Invalid TSV line', f"{l_in} at {l}")
return row
def parse(self, lines):
'''Parse something that iterates lines'''
rows = [self.line(line) for line in lines if not self.ignore(line)]
header = rows[0]
width = len(header)
records = [{k: v for (k, v) in itertools.zip_longest(
header, row[:width])} for row in rows[1:]]
return records
def load_report_from_tsv(filename: str):
file = open(filename, 'r')
contents = file.readlines()
parser = ResultParser()
report = parser.parse(contents)
logging.debug(f"Loaded TSV Report: {report}")
return report
def push_report_to_opensearch(report, esdocument):
sanitized = [BenchmarkUtils.conform_opensearch(row)
for row in report if BenchmarkUtils.sanity_check(row)]
logging.debug(f"upload {len(sanitized)} sane of {len(report)} benchmarks to opensearch")
for single_benchmark in sanitized:
logging.debug(f"upload benchmark: {single_benchmark}")
response =
json=single_benchmark, auth=(os.environ['ES_USER'], os.environ['ES_PASS']))
f"Sent to OpenSearch, status: {response.status_code}, result: {response.text}")
def push_report_to_null(report):
for row in report:
if BenchmarkUtils.sanity_check(row):
logging.debug(f"row {row}")
conformed = BenchmarkUtils.conform_opensearch(row)
logging.debug(f"conformed row {conformed}")
def main():
'''Tool for fetching, parsing and uploading benchmark results to OpenSearch / ElasticSearch
This tool will
(1) Open a local tsv benchmark report file
(2) Upload to OpenSearch document, via https/JSON
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='CircleCI benchmark scraper.')
# --tsvfile is the name of the file to read results from
# --esdocument is the ElasticSearch document to push these results into
parser.add_argument('--tsvfile', default='build_tools/circle_api_scraper_input.txt',
help='File from which to read tsv report')
parser.add_argument('--esdocument', help='ElasticSearch/OpenSearch document URL to upload report into')
parser.add_argument('--upload', choices=['opensearch', 'none'], default='opensearch')
args = parser.parse_args()
logging.debug(f"Arguments: {args}")
reports = load_report_from_tsv(args.tsvfile)
if (args.upload == 'opensearch'):
push_report_to_opensearch(reports, args.esdocument)
if __name__ == '__main__':