@ -827,6 +827,82 @@ TEST_F(VersionSetTest, SameColumnFamilyGroupCommit) {
EXPECT_EQ ( kGroupSize - 1 , count ) ;
TEST_F ( VersionSetTest , PersistBlobFileStateInNewManifest ) {
// Initialize the database and add a couple of blob files, one with some
// garbage in it, and one without any garbage.
NewDB ( ) ;
VersionEdit edit ;
constexpr uint64_t blob_file_number = 123 ;
constexpr uint64_t total_blob_count = 456 ;
constexpr uint64_t total_blob_bytes = 77777777 ;
constexpr char checksum_method [ ] = " SHA1 " ;
constexpr char checksum_value [ ] =
" bdb7f34a59dfa1592ce7f52e99f98c570c525cbd " ;
constexpr uint64_t garbage_blob_count = 89 ;
constexpr uint64_t garbage_blob_bytes = 1000000 ;
edit . AddBlobFile ( blob_file_number , total_blob_count , total_blob_bytes ,
checksum_method , checksum_value ) ;
edit . AddBlobFileGarbage ( blob_file_number , garbage_blob_count ,
garbage_blob_bytes ) ;
constexpr uint64_t blob_file_number = 234 ;
constexpr uint64_t total_blob_count = 555 ;
constexpr uint64_t total_blob_bytes = 66666 ;
constexpr char checksum_method [ ] = " CRC32 " ;
constexpr char checksum_value [ ] = " 3d87ff57 " ;
edit . AddBlobFile ( blob_file_number , total_blob_count , total_blob_bytes ,
checksum_method , checksum_value ) ;
assert ( versions_ ) ;
assert ( versions_ - > GetColumnFamilySet ( ) ) ;
mutex_ . Lock ( ) ;
Status s =
versions_ - > LogAndApply ( versions_ - > GetColumnFamilySet ( ) - > GetDefault ( ) ,
mutable_cf_options_ , & edit , & mutex_ ) ;
mutex_ . Unlock ( ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
// Force the creation of a new manifest file and make sure metadata for
// the blob files is re-persisted.
size_t addition_encoded = 0 ;
SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > SetCallBack (
" BlobFileAddition::EncodeTo::CustomFields " ,
[ & ] ( void * /* arg */ ) { + + addition_encoded ; } ) ;
size_t garbage_encoded = 0 ;
SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > SetCallBack (
" BlobFileGarbage::EncodeTo::CustomFields " ,
[ & ] ( void * /* arg */ ) { + + garbage_encoded ; } ) ;
SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > EnableProcessing ( ) ;
VersionEdit dummy ;
mutex_ . Lock ( ) ;
constexpr FSDirectory * db_directory = nullptr ;
constexpr bool new_descriptor_log = true ;
s = versions_ - > LogAndApply ( versions_ - > GetColumnFamilySet ( ) - > GetDefault ( ) ,
mutable_cf_options_ , & dummy , & mutex_ , db_directory ,
new_descriptor_log ) ;
mutex_ . Unlock ( ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( addition_encoded , 2 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( garbage_encoded , 1 ) ;
SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > DisableProcessing ( ) ;
SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > ClearAllCallBacks ( ) ;
class VersionSetAtomicGroupTest : public VersionSetTestBase ,
public testing : : Test {
public :