@ -12,6 +12,11 @@
# include <iostream>
# include <unordered_set>
# ifdef OS_LINUX
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# endif
# include "rocksdb/env.h"
# include "port/port.h"
# include "util/coding.h"
@ -258,6 +263,41 @@ TEST(EnvPosixTest, RandomAccessUniqueID) {
env_ - > DeleteFile ( fname ) ;
// only works in linux platforms
TEST ( EnvPosixTest , AllocateTest ) {
std : : string fname = GetOnDiskTestDir ( ) + " /preallocate_testfile " ;
EnvOptions soptions ;
soptions . use_mmap_writes = false ;
unique_ptr < WritableFile > wfile ;
ASSERT_OK ( env_ - > NewWritableFile ( fname , & wfile , soptions ) ) ;
// allocate 100 MB
size_t kPreallocateSize = 100 * 1024 * 1024 ;
size_t kBlockSize = 512 ;
size_t kPageSize = 4096 ;
std : : string data = " test " ;
wfile - > SetPreallocationBlockSize ( kPreallocateSize ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( wfile - > Append ( Slice ( data ) ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( wfile - > Flush ( ) ) ;
struct stat f_stat ;
stat ( fname . c_str ( ) , & f_stat ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( data . size ( ) , f_stat . st_size ) ;
// verify that blocks are preallocated
ASSERT_EQ ( kPreallocateSize / kBlockSize , f_stat . st_blocks ) ;
// close the file, should deallocate the blocks
wfile . reset ( ) ;
stat ( fname . c_str ( ) , & f_stat ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( data . size ( ) , f_stat . st_size ) ;
// verify that preallocated blocks were deallocated on file close
size_t data_blocks_pages = ( ( data . size ( ) + kPageSize - 1 ) / kPageSize ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( data_blocks_pages * kPageSize / kBlockSize , f_stat . st_blocks ) ;
# endif
// Returns true if any of the strings in ss are the prefix of another string.
bool HasPrefix ( const std : : unordered_set < std : : string > & ss ) {
for ( const std : : string & s : ss ) {