@ -23,6 +23,14 @@ class SimCache;
// to predict block cache hit rate without actually allocating the memory. It
// can help users tune their current block cache size, and determine how
// efficient they are using the memory.
// Since GetSimCapacity() returns the capacity for simulutation, it differs from
// actual memory usage, which can be estimated as:
// sim_capacity * entry_size / (entry_size + block_size),
// where 76 <= entry_size <= 104,
// BlockBasedTableOptions.block_size = 4096 by default but is configurable,
// Therefore, generally the actual memory overhead of SimCache is Less than
// sim_capacity * 2%
extern std : : shared_ptr < SimCache > NewSimCache (
std : : shared_ptr < Cache > cache , size_t sim_capacity , int num_shard_bits ,
std : : shared_ptr < Statistics > stats = nullptr ) ;