@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ def my_check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
if ' stdout ' in kwargs :
raise ValueError ( ' stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden. ' )
process = subprocess . Popen ( stdout = subprocess . PIPE , * popenargs , * * kwargs )
process = subprocess . Popen ( stderr = subprocess . PIPE , stdout = subprocess . PIPE ,
* popenargs , * * kwargs )
output , unused_err = process . communicate ( )
retcode = process . poll ( )
if retcode :
@ -24,6 +25,8 @@ def my_check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
( retcode , cmd ) )
return output
def run_err_null ( cmd ) :
return os . system ( cmd + " 2>/dev/null " )
class LDBTestCase ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
@ -58,8 +61,9 @@ class LDBTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
try :
my_check_output ( " ./ldb %s |grep -v \" Created bg thread \" " % params ,
shell = True )
my_check_output ( " ./ldb %s >/dev/null 2>&1 |grep -v \" Created bg \
thread \" " % params , shell = True )
except Exception , e :
self . fail (
@ -81,6 +85,7 @@ class LDBTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self . assertRunFAILFull ( " %s %s " % ( self . dbParam ( self . DB_NAME ) , params ) )
def testSimpleStringPutGet ( self ) :
print " Running testSimpleStringPutGet... "
self . assertRunFAIL ( " put x1 y1 " )
self . assertRunOK ( " put --create_if_missing x1 y1 " , " OK " )
self . assertRunOK ( " get x1 " , " y1 " )
@ -122,12 +127,13 @@ class LDBTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
# non-existent key, while delete does not
def dumpDb ( self , params , dumpFile ) :
return 0 == os . system ( " ./ldb dump %s > %s " % ( params , dumpFile ) )
return 0 == run_err_null ( " ./ldb dump %s > %s " % ( params , dumpFile ) )
def loadDb ( self , params , dumpFile ) :
return 0 == os . system ( " cat %s | ./ldb load %s " % ( dumpFile , params ) )
return 0 == run_err_null ( " cat %s | ./ldb load %s " % ( dumpFile , params ) )
def testStringBatchPut ( self ) :
print " Running testStringBatchPut... "
self . assertRunOK ( " batchput x1 y1 --create_if_missing " , " OK " )
self . assertRunOK ( " scan " , " x1 : y1 " )
self . assertRunOK ( " batchput x2 y2 x3 y3 \" x4 abc \" \" y4 xyz \" " , " OK " )
@ -136,8 +142,8 @@ class LDBTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self . assertRunFAIL ( " batchput k1 " )
self . assertRunFAIL ( " batchput k1 v1 k2 " )
def testHexPutGet ( self ) :
print " Running testHexPutGet... "
self . assertRunOK ( " put a1 b1 --create_if_missing " , " OK " )
self . assertRunOK ( " scan " , " a1 : b1 " )
self . assertRunOK ( " scan --hex " , " 0x6131 : 0x6231 " )
@ -165,8 +171,8 @@ class LDBTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self . assertRunOK ( " delete --hex 0x6133 " , " OK " )
self . assertRunOK ( " scan " , " a1 : b1 \n a2 : b2 \n a4 : b4 " )
def testInvalidCmdLines ( self ) :
print " Running testInvalidCmdLines... "
# db not specified
self . assertRunFAILFull ( " put 0x6133 0x6233 --hex --create_if_missing " )
# No param called he
@ -176,8 +182,8 @@ class LDBTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
# hex has invalid boolean value
self . assertRunFAIL ( " put 0x6133 0x6233 --hex=Boo --create_if_missing " )
def testDumpLoad ( self ) :
print " Running testDumpLoad... "
self . assertRunOK ( " batchput --create_if_missing x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 " ,
" OK " )
self . assertRunOK ( " scan " , " x1 : y1 \n x2 : y2 \n x3 : y3 \n x4 : y4 " )
@ -267,8 +273,8 @@ class LDBTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self . assertFalse ( self . dumpDb (
" --db= %s --create_if_missin " % origDbPath , dumpFilePath ) )
def testMiscAdminTask ( self ) :
print " Running testMiscAdminTask... "
# These tests need to be improved; for example with asserts about
# whether compaction or level reduction actually took place.
self . assertRunOK ( " batchput --create_if_missing x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 " ,
@ -276,33 +282,32 @@ class LDBTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self . assertRunOK ( " scan " , " x1 : y1 \n x2 : y2 \n x3 : y3 \n x4 : y4 " )
origDbPath = os . path . join ( self . TMP_DIR , self . DB_NAME )
self . assertTrue ( 0 == os . system ( " ./ldb compact --db= %s " % origDbPath ) )
self . assertTrue ( 0 == run_err_null (
" ./ldb compact --db= %s " % origDbPath ) )
self . assertRunOK ( " scan " , " x1 : y1 \n x2 : y2 \n x3 : y3 \n x4 : y4 " )
self . assertTrue ( 0 == os . system (
self . assertTrue ( 0 == run_err_null (
" ./ldb reduce_levels --db= %s --new_levels=2 " % origDbPath ) )
self . assertRunOK ( " scan " , " x1 : y1 \n x2 : y2 \n x3 : y3 \n x4 : y4 " )
self . assertTrue ( 0 == os . system (
self . assertTrue ( 0 == run_err_null (
" ./ldb reduce_levels --db= %s --new_levels=3 " % origDbPath ) )
self . assertRunOK ( " scan " , " x1 : y1 \n x2 : y2 \n x3 : y3 \n x4 : y4 " )
self . assertTrue ( 0 == os . system (
self . assertTrue ( 0 == run_err_null (
" ./ldb compact --db= %s --from=x1 --to=x3 " % origDbPath ) )
self . assertRunOK ( " scan " , " x1 : y1 \n x2 : y2 \n x3 : y3 \n x4 : y4 " )
self . assertTrue ( 0 == os . system (
" ./ldb compact --db= %s --hex --from=0x6131 --to=0x6134 " %
origDbPath ) )
self . assertTrue ( 0 == run_err_null (
" ./ldb compact --db= %s --hex --from=0x6131 --to=0x6134 "
% origDbPath ) )
self . assertRunOK ( " scan " , " x1 : y1 \n x2 : y2 \n x3 : y3 \n x4 : y4 " )
#TODO(dilip): Not sure what should be passed to WAL.Currently corrupted.
self . assertTrue ( 0 == os . system (
self . assertTrue ( 0 == run_err_null (
" ./ldb dump_wal --db= %s --walfile= %s --header " % (
origDbPath , os . path . join ( origDbPath , " LOG " ) ) ) )
self . assertRunOK ( " scan " , " x1 : y1 \n x2 : y2 \n x3 : y3 \n x4 : y4 " )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
unittest . main ( )