@ -60,6 +60,44 @@ class DBIter: public Iterator {
} ;
// LocalStatistics contain Statistics counters that will be aggregated per
// each iterator instance and then will be sent to the global statistics when
// the iterator is destroyed.
// The purpose of this approach is to avoid perf regression happening
// when multiple threads bump the atomic counters from a DBIter::Next().
struct LocalStatistics {
explicit LocalStatistics ( ) { ResetCounters ( ) ; }
void ResetCounters ( ) {
next_count_ = 0 ;
next_found_count_ = 0 ;
prev_count_ = 0 ;
prev_found_count_ = 0 ;
bytes_read_ = 0 ;
void BumpGlobalStatistics ( Statistics * global_statistics ) {
RecordTick ( global_statistics , NUMBER_DB_NEXT , next_count_ ) ;
RecordTick ( global_statistics , NUMBER_DB_NEXT_FOUND , next_found_count_ ) ;
RecordTick ( global_statistics , NUMBER_DB_PREV , prev_count_ ) ;
RecordTick ( global_statistics , NUMBER_DB_PREV_FOUND , prev_found_count_ ) ;
RecordTick ( global_statistics , ITER_BYTES_READ , bytes_read_ ) ;
ResetCounters ( ) ;
// Map to Tickers::NUMBER_DB_NEXT
uint64_t next_count_ ;
// Map to Tickers::NUMBER_DB_NEXT_FOUND
uint64_t next_found_count_ ;
// Map to Tickers::NUMBER_DB_PREV
uint64_t prev_count_ ;
// Map to Tickers::NUMBER_DB_PREV_FOUND
uint64_t prev_found_count_ ;
// Map to Tickers::ITER_BYTES_READ
uint64_t bytes_read_ ;
} ;
DBIter ( Env * env , const ImmutableCFOptions & ioptions , const Comparator * cmp ,
InternalIterator * iter , SequenceNumber s , bool arena_mode ,
uint64_t max_sequential_skip_in_iterations , uint64_t version_number ,
@ -86,6 +124,7 @@ class DBIter: public Iterator {
virtual ~ DBIter ( ) {
RecordTick ( statistics_ , NO_ITERATORS , - 1 ) ;
local_stats_ . BumpGlobalStatistics ( statistics_ ) ;
if ( ! arena_mode_ ) {
delete iter_ ;
} else {
@ -213,6 +252,7 @@ class DBIter: public Iterator {
bool iter_pinned_ ;
// List of operands for merge operator.
std : : deque < std : : string > merge_operands_ ;
LocalStatistics local_stats_ ;
// No copying allowed
DBIter ( const DBIter & ) ;
@ -250,6 +290,9 @@ void DBIter::Next() {
PERF_COUNTER_ADD ( internal_key_skipped_count , 1 ) ;
if ( statistics_ ! = nullptr ) {
local_stats_ . next_count_ + + ;
// Now we point to the next internal position, for both of merge and
// not merge cases.
if ( ! iter_ - > Valid ( ) ) {
@ -257,18 +300,15 @@ void DBIter::Next() {
return ;
FindNextUserEntry ( true /* skipping the current user key */ ) ;
if ( statistics_ ! = nullptr ) {
RecordTick ( statistics_ , NUMBER_DB_NEXT ) ;
if ( valid_ ) {
RecordTick ( statistics_ , NUMBER_DB_NEXT_FOUND ) ;
RecordTick ( statistics_ , ITER_BYTES_READ , key ( ) . size ( ) + value ( ) . size ( ) ) ;
if ( valid_ & & prefix_extractor_ & & prefix_same_as_start_ & &
prefix_extractor_ - > Transform ( saved_key_ . GetKey ( ) )
. compare ( prefix_start_ . GetKey ( ) ) ! = 0 ) {
valid_ = false ;
if ( statistics_ ! = nullptr & & valid_ ) {
local_stats_ . next_found_count_ + + ;
local_stats_ . bytes_read_ + = ( key ( ) . size ( ) + value ( ) . size ( ) ) ;
// PRE: saved_key_ has the current user key if skipping
@ -436,10 +476,10 @@ void DBIter::Prev() {
PrevInternal ( ) ;
if ( statistics_ ! = nullptr ) {
RecordTick ( statistics_ , NUMBER_DB_PREV ) ;
local_stats_ . prev_count_ + + ;
if ( valid_ ) {
RecordTick ( statistics_ , NUMBER_DB_PREV_FOUND ) ;
RecordTick ( statistics_ , ITER_BYTES_READ , key ( ) . size ( ) + value ( ) . size ( ) ) ;
local_stats_ . prev_found_count_ + + ;
local_stats_ . bytes_read_ + = ( key ( ) . size ( ) + value ( ) . size ( ) ) ;
if ( valid_ & & prefix_extractor_ & & prefix_same_as_start_ & &