@ -540,6 +540,25 @@ class SnapshotConcurrentAccessTest
size_t split_cnt_ ;
} ;
class SeqAdvanceConcurrentTest
: public WritePreparedTransactionTestBase ,
virtual public : : testing : : WithParamInterface <
std : : tuple < bool , bool , TxnDBWritePolicy , size_t , size_t > > {
public :
SeqAdvanceConcurrentTest ( )
: WritePreparedTransactionTestBase ( std : : get < 0 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ,
std : : get < 1 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ,
std : : get < 2 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ) ,
split_id_ ( std : : get < 3 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ) ,
split_cnt_ ( std : : get < 4 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ) { } ;
protected :
// A test is split into split_cnt_ tests, each identified with split_id_ where
// 0 <= split_id_ < split_cnt_
size_t split_id_ ;
size_t split_cnt_ ;
} ;
WritePreparedTransactionTest , WritePreparedTransactionTest ,
: : testing : : Values ( std : : make_tuple ( false , false , WRITE_PREPARED ) ,
@ -591,6 +610,32 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(
std : : make_tuple ( false , false , WRITE_PREPARED , 18 , 20 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , false , WRITE_PREPARED , 19 , 20 ) ) ) ;
TwoWriteQueues , SeqAdvanceConcurrentTest ,
: : testing : : Values ( std : : make_tuple ( false , true , WRITE_PREPARED , 0 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , true , WRITE_PREPARED , 1 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , true , WRITE_PREPARED , 2 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , true , WRITE_PREPARED , 3 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , true , WRITE_PREPARED , 4 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , true , WRITE_PREPARED , 5 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , true , WRITE_PREPARED , 6 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , true , WRITE_PREPARED , 7 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , true , WRITE_PREPARED , 8 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , true , WRITE_PREPARED , 9 , 10 ) ) ) ;
OneWriteQueue , SeqAdvanceConcurrentTest ,
: : testing : : Values ( std : : make_tuple ( false , false , WRITE_PREPARED , 0 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , false , WRITE_PREPARED , 1 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , false , WRITE_PREPARED , 2 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , false , WRITE_PREPARED , 3 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , false , WRITE_PREPARED , 4 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , false , WRITE_PREPARED , 5 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , false , WRITE_PREPARED , 6 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , false , WRITE_PREPARED , 7 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , false , WRITE_PREPARED , 8 , 10 ) ,
std : : make_tuple ( false , false , WRITE_PREPARED , 9 , 10 ) ) ) ;
TEST_P ( WritePreparedTransactionTest , CommitMapTest ) {
WritePreparedTxnDB * wp_db = dynamic_cast < WritePreparedTxnDB * > ( db ) ;
assert ( wp_db ) ;
@ -972,7 +1017,7 @@ TEST_P(WritePreparedTransactionTest, AdvanceMaxEvictedSeqWithDuplicatesTest) {
delete txn0 ;
TEST_P ( WritePreparedTransaction Test, SeqAdvanceConcurrentTest ) {
TEST_P ( SeqAdvanceConcurrent Test, SeqAdvanceConcurrentTest ) {
// Given the sequential run of txns, with this timeout we should never see a
// deadlock nor a timeout unless we have a key conflict, which should be
// almost infeasible.
@ -999,6 +1044,7 @@ TEST_P(WritePreparedTransactionTest, SeqAdvanceConcurrentTest) {
const size_t max_n = static_cast < size_t > ( std : : pow ( type_cnt , txn_cnt ) ) ;
printf ( " Number of cases being tested is % " ROCKSDB_PRIszt " \n " , max_n ) ;
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < max_n ; n + + , ReOpen ( ) ) {
if ( n % split_cnt_ ! = split_id_ ) continue ;
if ( n % 1000 = = 0 ) {
printf ( " Tested % " ROCKSDB_PRIszt " cases so far \n " , n ) ;
@ -1037,9 +1083,8 @@ TEST_P(WritePreparedTransactionTest, SeqAdvanceConcurrentTest) {
rocksdb : : SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > EnableProcessing ( ) ;
for ( size_t bi = 0 ; bi < txn_cnt ; bi + + ) {
size_t d =
( n % base [ bi + 1 ] ) /
base [ bi ] ; // get the bi-th digit in number system based on type_cnt
// get the bi-th digit in number system based on type_cnt
size_t d = ( n % base [ bi + 1 ] ) / base [ bi ] ;
switch ( d ) {
case 0 :
threads . emplace_back ( txn_t0 , bi ) ;
@ -1062,8 +1107,8 @@ TEST_P(WritePreparedTransactionTest, SeqAdvanceConcurrentTest) {
// wait to be linked
while ( linked . load ( ) < = bi ) {
if ( bi + 1 = =
first_group_size ) { // after a queue of size first_group_size
// after a queue of size first_group_size
if ( bi + 1 = = first_group_size ) {
while ( ! batch_formed ) {
// to make it more deterministic, wait until the commits are linked