@ -615,15 +615,15 @@ void InternalStats::DumpDBStats(std::string* value) {
// Data
// writes: total number of write requests.
// keys: total number of key updates issued by all the write requests
// batche s: number of group commits issued to the DB. Each group can contai n
// one or more writes.
// commit group s: number of group commits issued to the DB. Each group can
// contain one or more writes.
// so writes/keys is the average number of put in multi-put or put
// writes/batche s is the average group commit size.
// writes/group s is the average group commit size.
// The format is the same for interval stats.
snprintf ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) ,
" Cumulative writes: %s writes, %s keys, %s batche s, "
" %.1f writes per batch , ingest: %.2f GB, %.2f MB/s \n " ,
" Cumulative writes: %s writes, %s keys, %s commit group s, "
" %.1f writes per commit group , ingest: %.2f GB, %.2f MB/s \n " ,
NumberToHumanString ( write_other + write_self ) . c_str ( ) ,
NumberToHumanString ( num_keys_written ) . c_str ( ) ,
NumberToHumanString ( write_self ) . c_str ( ) ,
@ -654,8 +654,8 @@ void InternalStats::DumpDBStats(std::string* value) {
uint64_t interval_num_keys_written =
num_keys_written - db_stats_snapshot_ . num_keys_written ;
snprintf ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) ,
" Interval writes: %s writes, %s keys, %s batche s, "
" %.1f writes per batch , ingest: %.2f MB, %.2f MB/s \n " ,
" Interval writes: %s writes, %s keys, %s commit group s, "
" %.1f writes per commit group , ingest: %.2f MB, %.2f MB/s \n " ,
NumberToHumanString (
interval_write_other + interval_write_self ) . c_str ( ) ,
NumberToHumanString ( interval_num_keys_written ) . c_str ( ) ,