@ -394,15 +394,21 @@ void WritePreparedTxnDB::Init(const TransactionDBOptions& /* unused */) {
void WritePreparedTxnDB : : AddPrepared ( uint64_t seq ) {
ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS ( info_log_ , " Txn % " PRIu64 " Prepareing " , seq ) ;
assert ( seq > max_evicted_seq_ ) ;
if ( seq < = max_evicted_seq_ ) {
throw std : : runtime_error (
" Added prepare_seq is larger than max_evicted_seq_: " + ToString ( seq ) +
" <= " + ToString ( max_evicted_seq_ . load ( ) ) ) ;
ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS ( info_log_ , " Txn % " PRIu64 " Prepareing with max % " PRIu64 ,
seq , max_evicted_seq_ . load ( ) ) ;
WriteLock wl ( & prepared_mutex_ ) ;
prepared_txns_ . push ( seq ) ;
if ( UNLIKELY ( seq < = max_evicted_seq_ ) ) {
// This should not happen in normal case
info_log_ ,
" Added prepare_seq is not larger than max_evicted_seq_: % " PRIu64
" <= % " PRIu64 ,
seq , max_evicted_seq_ . load ( ) ) ;
delayed_prepared_ . insert ( seq ) ;
delayed_prepared_empty_ . store ( false , std : : memory_order_release ) ;
} else {
prepared_txns_ . push ( seq ) ;
void WritePreparedTxnDB : : AddCommitted ( uint64_t prepare_seq , uint64_t commit_seq ,
@ -443,6 +449,21 @@ void WritePreparedTxnDB::AddCommitted(uint64_t prepare_seq, uint64_t commit_seq,
// After each eviction from commit cache, check if the commit entry should
// be kept around because it overlaps with a live snapshot.
CheckAgainstSnapshots ( evicted ) ;
if ( UNLIKELY ( ! delayed_prepared_empty_ . load ( std : : memory_order_acquire ) ) ) {
WriteLock wl ( & prepared_mutex_ ) ;
for ( auto dp : delayed_prepared_ ) {
if ( dp = = evicted . prep_seq ) {
// This is a rare case that txn is committed but prepared_txns_ is not
// cleaned up yet. Refer to delayed_prepared_commits_ definition for
// why it should be kept updated.
delayed_prepared_commits_ [ evicted . prep_seq ] = evicted . commit_seq ;
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG ( info_log_ ,
" delayed_prepared_commits_[% " PRIu64 " ]=% " PRIu64 ,
evicted . prep_seq , evicted . commit_seq ) ;
break ;
bool succ =
ExchangeCommitEntry ( indexed_seq , evicted_64b , { prepare_seq , commit_seq } ) ;
@ -465,12 +486,24 @@ void WritePreparedTxnDB::AddCommitted(uint64_t prepare_seq, uint64_t commit_seq,
void WritePreparedTxnDB : : RemovePrepared ( const uint64_t prepare_seq ,
const size_t batch_cnt ) {
" RemovePrepared:Start " ,
const_cast < void * > ( reinterpret_cast < const void * > ( & prepare_seq ) ) ) ;
ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS ( info_log_ ,
" RemovePrepared % " PRIu64 " cnt: % " ROCKSDB_PRIszt ,
prepare_seq , batch_cnt ) ;
WriteLock wl ( & prepared_mutex_ ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < batch_cnt ; i + + ) {
prepared_txns_ . erase ( prepare_seq + i ) ;
bool was_empty = delayed_prepared_ . empty ( ) ;
if ( ! was_empty ) {
delayed_prepared_ . erase ( prepare_seq + i ) ;
auto it = delayed_prepared_commits_ . find ( prepare_seq + i ) ;
if ( it ! = delayed_prepared_commits_ . end ( ) ) {
ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS ( info_log_ , " delayed_prepared_commits_.erase % " PRIu64 ,
prepare_seq + i ) ;
delayed_prepared_commits_ . erase ( it ) ;
bool is_empty = delayed_prepared_ . empty ( ) ;
if ( was_empty ! = is_empty ) {
delayed_prepared_empty_ . store ( is_empty , std : : memory_order_release ) ;
@ -511,8 +544,19 @@ bool WritePreparedTxnDB::ExchangeCommitEntry(const uint64_t indexed_seq,
void WritePreparedTxnDB : : AdvanceMaxEvictedSeq ( const SequenceNumber & prev_max ,
const SequenceNumber & new_max ) {
ROCKS_LOG_DETAILS ( info_log_ ,
" AdvanceMaxEvictedSeq overhead % " PRIu64 " => % " PRIu64 ,
prev_max , new_max ) ;
" AdvanceMaxEvictedSeq overhead % " PRIu64
" => % " PRIu64 prev_max ,
new_max ) ;
// Declare the intention before getting snapshot from the DB. This helps a
// concurrent GetSnapshot to wait to catch up with future_max_evicted_seq_ if
// it has not already. Otherwise the new snapshot is when we ask DB for
// snapshots smaller than future max.
auto updated_future_max = prev_max ;
while ( updated_future_max < new_max & &
! future_max_evicted_seq_ . compare_exchange_weak (
updated_future_max , new_max , std : : memory_order_acq_rel ,
std : : memory_order_relaxed ) ) {
} ;
// When max_evicted_seq_ advances, move older entries from prepared_txns_
// to delayed_prepared_. This guarantees that if a seq is lower than max,
// then it is not in prepared_txns_ ans save an expensive, synchronized
@ -520,6 +564,11 @@ void WritePreparedTxnDB::AdvanceMaxEvictedSeq(const SequenceNumber& prev_max,
// normal cases.
WriteLock wl ( & prepared_mutex_ ) ;
info_log_ ,
" AdvanceMaxEvictedSeq prepared_txns_.empty() %d top: % " PRIu64 ,
prepared_txns_ . empty ( ) ,
prepared_txns_ . empty ( ) ? 0 : prepared_txns_ . top ( ) ) ;
while ( ! prepared_txns_ . empty ( ) & & prepared_txns_ . top ( ) < = new_max ) {
auto to_be_popped = prepared_txns_ . top ( ) ;
delayed_prepared_ . insert ( to_be_popped ) ;
@ -587,15 +636,21 @@ SnapshotImpl* WritePreparedTxnDB::GetSnapshotInternal(
SnapshotImpl * snap_impl = db_impl_ - > GetSnapshotImpl ( for_ww_conflict_check ) ;
assert ( snap_impl ) ;
SequenceNumber snap_seq = snap_impl - > GetSequenceNumber ( ) ;
if ( UNLIKELY ( snap_seq ! = 0 & & snap_seq < = max_evicted_seq_ ) ) {
// Note: Check against future_max_evicted_seq_ (in contrast with
// max_evicted_seq_) in case there is a concurrent AdvanceMaxEvictedSeq.
if ( UNLIKELY ( snap_seq ! = 0 & & snap_seq < = future_max_evicted_seq_ ) ) {
// There is a very rare case in which the commit entry evicts another commit
// entry that is not published yet thus advancing max evicted seq beyond the
// last published seq. This case is not likely in real-world setup so we
// handle it with a few retries.
size_t retry = 0 ;
while ( snap_impl - > GetSequenceNumber ( ) < = max_evicted_seq_ & & retry < 100 ) {
ROCKS_LOG_WARN ( info_log_ , " GetSnapshot retry % " PRIu64 ,
snap_impl - > GetSequenceNumber ( ) ) ;
SequenceNumber max ;
while ( ( max = future_max_evicted_seq_ . load ( ) ) ! = 0 & &
snap_impl - > GetSequenceNumber ( ) < = max & & retry < 100 ) {
ROCKS_LOG_WARN ( info_log_ ,
" GetSnapshot snap: % " PRIu64 " max: % " PRIu64
" retry % " ROCKSDB_PRIszt ,
snap_impl - > GetSequenceNumber ( ) , max , retry ) ;
ReleaseSnapshot ( snap_impl ) ;
// Wait for last visible seq to catch up with max, and also go beyond it
// by one.
@ -604,20 +659,19 @@ SnapshotImpl* WritePreparedTxnDB::GetSnapshotInternal(
assert ( snap_impl ) ;
retry + + ;
assert ( snap_impl - > GetSequenceNumber ( ) > max_evicted_seq_ ) ;
if ( snap_impl - > GetSequenceNumber ( ) < = max_evicted_seq_ ) {
throw std : : runtime_error ( " Snapshot seq " +
ToString ( snap_impl - > GetSequenceNumber ( ) ) +
" after " + ToString ( retry ) +
" retries is still less than max_evicted_seq_ " +
ToString ( max_evicted_seq_ . load ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( snap_impl - > GetSequenceNumber ( ) > max ) ;
if ( snap_impl - > GetSequenceNumber ( ) < = max ) {
throw std : : runtime_error (
" Snapshot seq " + ToString ( snap_impl - > GetSequenceNumber ( ) ) +
" after " + ToString ( retry ) +
" retries is still less than futre_max_evicted_seq_ " + ToString ( max ) ) ;
EnhanceSnapshot ( snap_impl , min_uncommitted ) ;
db_impl_ - > immutable_db_options ( ) . info_log ,
" GetSnapshot % " PRIu64 " ww:% " PRIi32 " min_uncommitted: % " PRIu64 ,
for_ww_conflict_check , snap_impl - > GetSequenceNumber ( ) , min_uncommitted ) ;
snap_impl - > GetSequenceNumber ( ) , for_ww_conflict_check , min_uncommitted ) ;
return snap_impl ;