@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
# include <inttypes.h>
# include <cstddef>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <stdio.h>
@ -487,6 +489,9 @@ static bool ValidatePrefixSize(const char* flagname, int32_t value) {
DEFINE_int32 ( prefix_size , 0 , " control the prefix size for HashSkipList and "
" plain table " ) ;
DEFINE_int64 ( keys_per_prefix , 0 , " control average number of keys generated "
" per prefix, 0 means no special handling of the prefix, "
" i.e. use the prefix comes with the generated random number. " ) ;
enum RepFactory {
kSkipList ,
@ -593,9 +598,9 @@ class Stats {
double start_ ;
double finish_ ;
double seconds_ ;
long long done_ ;
long long last_report_done_ ;
long long next_report_ ;
int64_t done_ ;
int64_t last_report_done_ ;
int64_t next_report_ ;
int64_t bytes_ ;
double last_op_finish_ ;
double last_report_finish_ ;
@ -672,12 +677,12 @@ class Stats {
else if ( next_report_ < 100000 ) next_report_ + = 10000 ;
else if ( next_report_ < 500000 ) next_report_ + = 50000 ;
else next_report_ + = 100000 ;
fprintf ( stderr , " ... finished %lld ops%30s \r " , done_ , " " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " ... finished % " PRIu64 " ops%30s \r " , done_ , " " ) ;
fflush ( stderr ) ;
} else {
double now = FLAGS_env - > NowMicros ( ) ;
fprintf ( stderr ,
" %s ... thread %d: (%lld,%lld ) ops and "
" %s ... thread %d: (% " PRIu64 " ,% " PRIu64 " ) ops and "
" (%.1f,%.1f) ops/second in (%.6f,%.6f) seconds \n " ,
FLAGS_env - > TimeToString ( ( uint64_t ) now / 1000000 ) . c_str ( ) ,
id_ ,
@ -773,7 +778,7 @@ struct ThreadState {
class Duration {
public :
Duration ( int max_seconds , long long max_ops ) {
Duration ( int max_seconds , int64_t max_ops ) {
max_seconds_ = max_seconds ;
max_ops_ = max_ops ;
ops_ = 0 ;
@ -799,8 +804,8 @@ class Duration {
private :
int max_seconds_ ;
long long max_ops_ ;
long long ops_ ;
int64_t max_ops_ ;
int64_t ops_ ;
double start_at_ ;
} ;
@ -811,24 +816,27 @@ class Benchmark {
const FilterPolicy * filter_policy_ ;
const SliceTransform * prefix_extractor_ ;
DB * db_ ;
long long num_ ;
int64_t num_ ;
int value_size_ ;
int key_size_ ;
int prefix_size_ ;
int64_t keys_per_prefix_ ;
int entries_per_batch_ ;
WriteOptions write_options_ ;
long long reads_ ;
long long writes_ ;
long long readwrites_ ;
long long merge_keys_ ;
int64_t reads_ ;
int64_t writes_ ;
int64_t readwrites_ ;
int64_t merge_keys_ ;
int heap_counter_ ;
char keyFormat_ [ 100 ] ; // will contain the format of key. e.g "%016d"
void PrintHeader ( ) {
PrintEnvironment ( ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Keys: %d bytes each \n " , FLAGS_key_size ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Values: %d bytes each (%d bytes after compression) \n " ,
FLAGS_value_size ,
static_cast < int > ( FLAGS_value_size * FLAGS_compression_ratio + 0.5 ) ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Entries: %lld \n " , num_ ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Entries: % " PRIu64 " \n " , num_ ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Prefix: %d bytes \n " , FLAGS_prefix_size ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Keys per prefix: % " PRIu64 " \n " , keys_per_prefix_ ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " RawSize: %.1f MB (estimated) \n " ,
( ( static_cast < int64_t > ( FLAGS_key_size + FLAGS_value_size ) * num_ )
/ 1048576.0 ) ) ;
@ -1006,6 +1014,8 @@ class Benchmark {
num_ ( FLAGS_num ) ,
value_size_ ( FLAGS_value_size ) ,
key_size_ ( FLAGS_key_size ) ,
prefix_size_ ( FLAGS_prefix_size ) ,
keys_per_prefix_ ( FLAGS_keys_per_prefix ) ,
entries_per_batch_ ( 1 ) ,
reads_ ( FLAGS_reads < 0 ? FLAGS_num : FLAGS_reads ) ,
writes_ ( FLAGS_writes < 0 ? FLAGS_num : FLAGS_writes ) ,
@ -1014,6 +1024,11 @@ class Benchmark {
) ,
merge_keys_ ( FLAGS_merge_keys < 0 ? FLAGS_num : FLAGS_merge_keys ) ,
heap_counter_ ( 0 ) {
if ( FLAGS_prefix_size > FLAGS_key_size ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " prefix size is larger than key size " ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > files ;
FLAGS_env - > GetChildren ( FLAGS_db , & files ) ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < files . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
@ -1032,17 +1047,55 @@ class Benchmark {
delete prefix_extractor_ ;
//this function will construct string format for key. e.g "%016lld"
void ConstructStrFormatForKey ( char * str , int keySize ) {
str [ 0 ] = ' % ' ;
str [ 1 ] = ' 0 ' ;
sprintf ( str + 2 , " %dlld%s " , keySize , " %s " ) ;
// Generate key according to the given specification and random number.
// The resulting key will have the following format (if keys_per_prefix_
// is positive), extra trailing bytes are either cut off or paddd with '0'.
// The prefix value is derived from key value.
// ----------------------------
// | prefix 00000 | key 00000 |
// ----------------------------
// If keys_per_prefix_ is 0, the key is simply a binary representation of
// random number followed by trailing '0's
// ----------------------------
// | key 00000 |
// ----------------------------
std : : string GenerateKeyFromInt ( uint64_t v , int64_t num_keys ) {
std : : string key ;
key . resize ( key_size_ ) ;
char * start = & ( key [ 0 ] ) ;
char * pos = start ;
if ( keys_per_prefix_ > 0 ) {
int64_t num_prefix = num_keys / keys_per_prefix_ ;
int64_t prefix = v % num_prefix ;
int bytes_to_fill = std : : min ( prefix_size_ , 8 ) ;
if ( port : : kLittleEndian ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bytes_to_fill ; + + i ) {
pos [ i ] = ( prefix > > ( ( bytes_to_fill - i - 1 ) < < 3 ) ) & 0xFF ;
} else {
memcpy ( pos , static_cast < void * > ( & prefix ) , bytes_to_fill ) ;
if ( prefix_size_ > 8 ) {
// fill the rest with 0s
memset ( pos + 8 , ' 0 ' , prefix_size_ - 8 ) ;
pos + = prefix_size_ ;
int bytes_to_fill = std : : min ( key_size_ - static_cast < int > ( pos - start ) , 8 ) ;
if ( port : : kLittleEndian ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bytes_to_fill ; + + i ) {
pos [ i ] = ( v > > ( ( bytes_to_fill - i - 1 ) < < 3 ) ) & 0xFF ;
} else {
memcpy ( pos , static_cast < void * > ( & v ) , bytes_to_fill ) ;
pos + = bytes_to_fill ;
if ( key_size_ > pos - start ) {
memset ( pos , ' 0 ' , key_size_ - ( pos - start ) ) ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > GenerateKeyFromInt ( long long v , const char * suffix = " " ) {
unique_ptr < char [ ] > keyInStr ( new char [ kMaxKeySize + 1 ] ) ;
snprintf ( keyInStr . get ( ) , kMaxKeySize + 1 , keyFormat_ , v , suffix ) ;
return keyInStr ;
return key ;
void Run ( ) {
@ -1066,7 +1119,6 @@ class Benchmark {
writes_ = ( FLAGS_writes < 0 ? FLAGS_num : FLAGS_writes ) ;
value_size_ = FLAGS_value_size ;
key_size_ = FLAGS_key_size ;
ConstructStrFormatForKey ( keyFormat_ , key_size_ ) ;
entries_per_batch_ = 1 ;
write_options_ = WriteOptions ( ) ;
if ( FLAGS_sync ) {
@ -1698,7 +1750,7 @@ class Benchmark {
if ( num_ ! = FLAGS_num ) {
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " (%lld ops) " , num_ ) ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " (% " PRIu64 " ops) " , num_ ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
@ -1710,7 +1762,7 @@ class Benchmark {
while ( ! duration . Done ( entries_per_batch_ ) ) {
batch . Clear ( ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < entries_per_batch_ ; j + + ) {
long long k = 0 ;
int64_t k = 0 ;
switch ( write_mode ) {
k = i + j ;
@ -1720,7 +1772,7 @@ class Benchmark {
break ;
const long long t = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
const int64_t t = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
if ( ! bit_set - > test ( t ) ) {
// best case
k = t ;
@ -1748,9 +1800,9 @@ class Benchmark {
break ;
} ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
batch . Put ( key . get ( ) , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
bytes + = value_size_ + strlen ( key . get ( ) ) ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , FLAGS_num ) ;
batch . Put ( key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
bytes + = value_size_ + key . size ( ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
s = db_ - > Write ( write_options_ , & batch ) ;
@ -1765,7 +1817,7 @@ class Benchmark {
void ReadSequential ( ThreadState * thread ) {
Iterator * iter = db_ - > NewIterator ( ReadOptions ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ) ;
long long i = 0 ;
int64_t i = 0 ;
int64_t bytes = 0 ;
for ( iter - > SeekToFirst ( ) ; i < reads_ & & iter - > Valid ( ) ; iter - > Next ( ) ) {
bytes + = iter - > key ( ) . size ( ) + iter - > value ( ) . size ( ) ;
@ -1778,7 +1830,7 @@ class Benchmark {
void ReadReverse ( ThreadState * thread ) {
Iterator * iter = db_ - > NewIterator ( ReadOptions ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ) ;
long long i = 0 ;
int64_t i = 0 ;
int64_t bytes = 0 ;
for ( iter - > SeekToLast ( ) ; i < reads_ & & iter - > Valid ( ) ; iter - > Prev ( ) ) {
bytes + = iter - > key ( ) . size ( ) + iter - > value ( ) . size ( ) ;
@ -1792,20 +1844,20 @@ class Benchmark {
// Calls MultiGet over a list of keys from a random distribution.
// Returns the total number of keys found.
long MultiGetRandom ( ReadOptions & options , int num_keys ,
Random64 & rand , long long range , const char * suffix ) {
Random64 * rand , int64_t range , const char * suffix ) {
assert ( num_keys > 0 ) ;
std : : vector < Slice > keys ( num_keys ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > values ( num_keys ) ;
std : : vector < unique_ptr < char [ ] > > gen_keys ( num_keys ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > gen_keys ( num_keys ) ;
int i ;
long long k ;
int64_t k ;
// Fill the keys vector
for ( i = 0 ; i < num_keys ; + + i ) {
k = rand . Next ( ) % range ;
gen_keys [ i ] = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , suffix ) ;
keys [ i ] = gen_keys [ i ] . get ( ) ;
k = rand - > Next ( ) % range ;
gen_keys [ i ] = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , range ) + suffix ;
keys [ i ] = gen_keys [ i ] ;
if ( FLAGS_use_snapshot ) {
@ -1841,7 +1893,7 @@ class Benchmark {
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , reads_ ) ;
long long found = 0 ;
int64_t found = 0 ;
if ( FLAGS_use_multiget ) { // MultiGet
const long & kpg = FLAGS_keys_per_multiget ; // keys per multiget group
@ -1850,7 +1902,8 @@ class Benchmark {
// Recalculate number of keys per group, and call MultiGet until done
long num_keys ;
while ( num_keys = std : : min ( keys_left , kpg ) , ! duration . Done ( num_keys ) ) {
found + = MultiGetRandom ( options , num_keys , thread - > rand , FLAGS_num , " " ) ;
found + =
MultiGetRandom ( options , num_keys , & thread - > rand , FLAGS_num , " " ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
keys_left - = num_keys ;
@ -1858,11 +1911,11 @@ class Benchmark {
options . tailing = true ;
Iterator * iter = db_ - > NewIterator ( options ) ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
const long long k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
const int64_t k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , FLAGS_num ) ;
iter - > Seek ( key . get ( ) ) ;
if ( iter - > Valid ( ) & & iter - > key ( ) . compare ( Slice ( key . get ( ) ) ) = = 0 ) {
iter - > Seek ( key ) ;
if ( iter - > Valid ( ) & & iter - > key ( ) . compare ( Slice ( key ) ) = = 0 ) {
+ + found ;
@ -1873,30 +1926,29 @@ class Benchmark {
Iterator * iter = db_ - > NewIterator ( options ) ;
std : : string value ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
const long long k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
const int64_t k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , FLAGS_num ) ;
if ( FLAGS_use_snapshot ) {
options . snapshot = db_ - > GetSnapshot ( ) ;
if ( FLAGS_read_range < 2 ) {
if ( db_ - > Get ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) . ok ( ) ) {
if ( db_ - > Get ( options , key , & value ) . ok ( ) ) {
found + + ;
} else {
Slice skey ( key . get ( ) ) ;
int count = 1 ;
if ( FLAGS_get_approx ) {
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key2 =
GenerateKeyFromInt ( k + ( int ) FLAGS_read_range ) ;
Slice skey2 ( key2 . get ( ) ) ;
Range range ( s key, s key2) ;
std : : string key2 =
GenerateKeyFromInt ( k + static_cast < int > ( FLAGS_read_range ) ,
FLAGS_num + FLAGS_read_range ) ;
Range range ( key , key2 ) ;
uint64_t sizes ;
db_ - > GetApproximateSizes ( & range , 1 , & sizes ) ;
for ( iter - > Seek ( s key) ;
for ( iter - > Seek ( key ) ;
iter - > Valid ( ) & & count < = FLAGS_read_range ;
+ + count , iter - > Next ( ) ) {
found + + ;
@ -1915,7 +1967,8 @@ class Benchmark {
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " (%lld of %lld found) " , found , reads_ ) ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " (% " PRIu64 " of % " PRIu64 " found) " ,
found , reads_ ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
@ -1928,13 +1981,13 @@ class Benchmark {
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , reads_ ) ;
long long found = 0 ;
int64_t found = 0 ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
std : : string value ;
const int k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
Slice skey ( key . get ( ) ) ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , FLAGS_num ) ;
Slice skey ( key ) ;
Slice prefix = prefix_extractor_ - > Transform ( skey ) ;
options . prefix = FLAGS_use_prefix_api ? & prefix : nullptr ;
@ -1950,7 +2003,8 @@ class Benchmark {
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " (%lld of %lld found) " , found , reads_ ) ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " (% " PRIu64 " of % " PRIu64 " found) " ,
found , reads_ ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
@ -1968,7 +2022,8 @@ class Benchmark {
long num_keys ;
long found ;
while ( num_keys = std : : min ( keys_left , kpg ) , ! duration . Done ( num_keys ) ) {
found = MultiGetRandom ( options , num_keys , thread - > rand , FLAGS_num , " . " ) ;
found =
MultiGetRandom ( options , num_keys , & thread - > rand , FLAGS_num , " . " ) ;
// We should not find any key since the key we try to get has a
// different suffix
@ -1983,9 +2038,9 @@ class Benchmark {
std : : string value ;
Status s ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
const long long k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , " . " ) ;
s = db_ - > Get ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) ;
const int64_t k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , FLAGS_num ) + " . " ;
s = db_ - > Get ( options , key , & value ) ;
assert ( ! s . ok ( ) & & s . IsNotFound ( ) ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
@ -1995,26 +2050,26 @@ class Benchmark {
void ReadHot ( ThreadState * thread ) {
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , reads_ ) ;
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
const long long range = ( FLAGS_num + 99 ) / 100 ;
long long found = 0 ;
const int64_t range = ( FLAGS_num + 99 ) / 100 ;
int64_t found = 0 ;
if ( FLAGS_use_multiget ) {
const long long kpg = FLAGS_keys_per_multiget ; // keys per multiget group
long long keys_left = reads_ ;
const int64_t kpg = FLAGS_keys_per_multiget ; // keys per multiget group
int64_t keys_left = reads_ ;
// Recalculate number of keys per group, and call MultiGet until done
long num_keys ;
while ( num_keys = std : : min ( keys_left , kpg ) , ! duration . Done ( num_keys ) ) {
found + = MultiGetRandom ( options , num_keys , thread - > rand , range , " " ) ;
found + = MultiGetRandom ( options , num_keys , & thread - > rand , range , " " ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
keys_left - = num_keys ;
} else {
std : : string value ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
const long long k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % range ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
if ( db_ - > Get ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) . ok ( ) ) {
const int64_t k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % range ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , range ) ;
if ( db_ - > Get ( options , key , & value ) . ok ( ) ) {
+ + found ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
@ -2022,7 +2077,8 @@ class Benchmark {
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " (%lld of %lld found) " , found , reads_ ) ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " (% " PRIu64 " of % " PRIu64 " found) " ,
found , reads_ ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
@ -2040,18 +2096,19 @@ class Benchmark {
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , reads_ ) ;
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
std : : string value ;
long long found = 0 ;
int64_t found = 0 ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
Iterator * iter = db_ - > NewIterator ( options ) ;
const long long k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
iter - > Seek ( key . get ( ) ) ;
if ( iter - > Valid ( ) & & iter - > key ( ) = = key . get ( ) ) found + + ;
const int64_t k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , FLAGS_num ) ;
iter - > Seek ( key ) ;
if ( iter - > Valid ( ) & & iter - > key ( ) = = Slice ( key ) ) found + + ;
delete iter ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " (%lld of %lld found) " , found , num_ ) ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " (% " PRIu64 " of % " PRIu64 " found) " ,
found , num_ ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
@ -2063,9 +2120,9 @@ class Benchmark {
while ( ! duration . Done ( entries_per_batch_ ) ) {
batch . Clear ( ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < entries_per_batch_ ; j + + ) {
const long long k = seq ? i + j : ( thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ) ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
batch . Delete ( key . get ( ) ) ;
const int64_t k = seq ? i + j : ( thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ) ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , FLAGS_num ) ;
batch . Delete ( key ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
s = db_ - > Write ( write_options_ , & batch ) ;
@ -2113,10 +2170,9 @@ class Benchmark {
const long long k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
Status s = db_ - > Put ( write_options_ , key . get ( ) ,
gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
const int64_t k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , FLAGS_num ) ;
Status s = db_ - > Put ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " put error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
@ -2228,18 +2284,18 @@ class Benchmark {
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
RandomGenerator gen ;
std : : string value ;
long long found = 0 ;
int64_t found = 0 ;
int get_weight = 0 ;
int put_weight = 0 ;
int delete_weight = 0 ;
long long gets_done = 0 ;
long long puts_done = 0 ;
long long deletes_done = 0 ;
int64_t gets_done = 0 ;
int64_t puts_done = 0 ;
int64_t deletes_done = 0 ;
// the number of iterations is the larger of read_ or write_
for ( long long i = 0 ; i < readwrites_ ; i + + ) {
const long long k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % ( FLAGS_numdistinct ) ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
for ( int64_t i = 0 ; i < readwrites_ ; i + + ) {
const int64_t k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % ( FLAGS_numdistinct ) ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , FLAGS_numdistinct ) ;
if ( get_weight = = 0 & & put_weight = = 0 & & delete_weight = = 0 ) {
// one batch completed, reinitialize for next batch
get_weight = FLAGS_readwritepercent ;
@ -2248,7 +2304,7 @@ class Benchmark {
if ( get_weight > 0 ) {
// do all the gets first
Status s = GetMany ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) ;
Status s = GetMany ( options , key , & value ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) & & ! s . IsNotFound ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " getmany error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// we continue after error rather than exiting so that we can
@ -2261,8 +2317,7 @@ class Benchmark {
} else if ( put_weight > 0 ) {
// then do all the corresponding number of puts
// for all the gets we have done earlier
Status s = PutMany ( write_options_ , key . get ( ) ,
gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
Status s = PutMany ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " putmany error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
@ -2270,7 +2325,7 @@ class Benchmark {
put_weight - - ;
puts_done + + ;
} else if ( delete_weight > 0 ) {
Status s = DeleteMany ( write_options_ , key . get ( ) ) ;
Status s = DeleteMany ( write_options_ , key ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " deletemany error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
@ -2283,7 +2338,8 @@ class Benchmark {
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) ,
" ( get:%lld put:%lld del:%lld total:%lld found:%lld) " ,
" ( get:% " PRIu64 " put:% " PRIu64 " del:% " PRIu64 " total:% " \
PRIu64 " found:% " PRIu64 " ) " ,
gets_done , puts_done , deletes_done , readwrites_ , found ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
@ -2300,17 +2356,17 @@ class Benchmark {
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
RandomGenerator gen ;
std : : string value ;
long long found = 0 ;
int64_t found = 0 ;
int get_weight = 0 ;
int put_weight = 0 ;
long long reads_done = 0 ;
long long writes_done = 0 ;
int64_t reads_done = 0 ;
int64_t writes_done = 0 ;
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , readwrites_ ) ;
// the number of iterations is the larger of read_ or write_
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
const long long k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
const int64_t k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , FLAGS_num ) ;
if ( get_weight = = 0 & & put_weight = = 0 ) {
// one batch completed, reinitialize for next batch
get_weight = FLAGS_readwritepercent ;
@ -2323,17 +2379,14 @@ class Benchmark {
if ( FLAGS_get_approx ) {
char key2 [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( key2 , sizeof ( key2 ) , " %016lld " , k + 1 ) ;
Slice skey2 ( key2 ) ;
Slice skey ( key2 ) ;
Range range ( skey , skey2 ) ;
std : : string key2 = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k + 1 , FLAGS_num + 1 ) ;
Range range ( key , key2 ) ;
uint64_t sizes ;
db_ - > GetApproximateSizes ( & range , 1 , & sizes ) ;
// do all the gets first
Status s = db_ - > Get ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) ;
Status s = db_ - > Get ( options , key , & value ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) & & ! s . IsNotFound ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " get error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// we continue after error rather than exiting so that we can
@ -2352,8 +2405,7 @@ class Benchmark {
} else if ( put_weight > 0 ) {
// then do all the corresponding number of puts
// for all the gets we have done earlier
Status s = db_ - > Put ( write_options_ , key . get ( ) ,
gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
Status s = db_ - > Put ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " put error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
@ -2364,8 +2416,8 @@ class Benchmark {
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) ,
" ( reads:%lld writes:%lld total:%lld found:%lld )" ,
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " ( reads:% " PRIu64 " writes:% " PRIu64 \
" total:% " PRIu64 " found:% " PRIu64 " ) " ,
reads_done , writes_done , readwrites_ , found ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
@ -2388,10 +2440,10 @@ class Benchmark {
long num_keys ; // number of keys to read in current group
long num_put_keys ; // number of keys to put in current group
long found = 0 ;
long reads_done = 0 ;
long writes_done = 0 ;
long multigets_done = 0 ;
int64_t found = 0 ;
int64_t reads_done = 0 ;
int64_t writes_done = 0 ;
int64_t multigets_done = 0 ;
// the number of iterations is the larger of read_ or write_
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , readwrites_ ) ;
@ -2415,18 +2467,18 @@ class Benchmark {
assert ( num_keys + num_put_keys < = keys_left ) ;
// Apply the MultiGet operations
found + = MultiGetRandom ( options , num_keys , thread - > rand , FLAGS_num , " " ) ;
found + = MultiGetRandom ( options , num_keys , & thread - > rand , FLAGS_num , " " ) ;
+ + multigets_done ;
reads_done + = num_keys ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
// Now do the puts
int i ;
long long k ;
int64_t k ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < num_put_keys ; + + i ) {
k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
Status s = db_ - > Put ( write_options_ , key . get ( ) ,
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , FLAGS_num ) ;
Status s = db_ - > Put ( write_options_ , key ,
gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " put error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
@ -2440,7 +2492,8 @@ class Benchmark {
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) ,
" ( reads:%ld writes:%ld total:%lld multiget_ops:%ld found:%ld) " ,
" ( reads:% " PRIu64 " writes:% " PRIu64 " total:% " PRIu64 \
" multiget_ops:% " PRIu64 " found:% " PRIu64 " ) " ,
reads_done , writes_done , readwrites_ , multigets_done , found ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
@ -2451,29 +2504,26 @@ class Benchmark {
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
RandomGenerator gen ;
std : : string value ;
long long found = 0 ;
int64_t found = 0 ;
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , readwrites_ ) ;
// the number of iterations is the larger of read_ or write_
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
const long long k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
const int64_t k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , FLAGS_num ) ;
if ( FLAGS_use_snapshot ) {
options . snapshot = db_ - > GetSnapshot ( ) ;
if ( FLAGS_get_approx ) {
char key2 [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( key2 , sizeof ( key2 ) , " %016lld " , k + 1 ) ;
Slice skey2 ( key2 ) ;
Slice skey ( key2 ) ;
Range range ( skey , skey2 ) ;
std : : string key2 = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k + 1 , FLAGS_num + 1 ) ;
Range range ( key , key2 ) ;
uint64_t sizes ;
db_ - > GetApproximateSizes ( & range , 1 , & sizes ) ;
if ( db_ - > Get ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) . ok ( ) ) {
if ( db_ - > Get ( options , key , & value ) . ok ( ) ) {
found + + ;
@ -2481,7 +2531,7 @@ class Benchmark {
db_ - > ReleaseSnapshot ( options . snapshot ) ;
Status s = db_ - > Put ( write_options_ , key . get ( ) , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
Status s = db_ - > Put ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " put error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
@ -2490,7 +2540,7 @@ class Benchmark {
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) ,
" ( updates:%lld found:%lld ) " , readwrites_ , found ) ;
" ( updates:% " PRIu64 " found:% " PRIu64 " ) " , readwrites_ , found ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
@ -2501,30 +2551,27 @@ class Benchmark {
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
RandomGenerator gen ;
std : : string value ;
long found = 0 ;
int64_t found = 0 ;
// The number of iterations is the larger of read_ or write_
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , readwrites_ ) ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
const long long k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
const int64_t k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , FLAGS_num ) ;
if ( FLAGS_use_snapshot ) {
options . snapshot = db_ - > GetSnapshot ( ) ;
if ( FLAGS_get_approx ) {
char key2 [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( key2 , sizeof ( key2 ) , " %016lld " , k + 1 ) ;
Slice skey2 ( key2 ) ;
Slice skey ( key2 ) ;
Range range ( skey , skey2 ) ;
std : : string key2 = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k + 1 , FLAGS_num + 1 ) ;
Range range ( key , key2 ) ;
uint64_t sizes ;
db_ - > GetApproximateSizes ( & range , 1 , & sizes ) ;
// Get the existing value
if ( db_ - > Get ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) . ok ( ) ) {
if ( db_ - > Get ( options , key , & value ) . ok ( ) ) {
found + + ;
} else {
// If not existing, then just assume an empty string of data
@ -2544,7 +2591,7 @@ class Benchmark {
value . append ( operand . data ( ) , operand . size ( ) ) ;
// Write back to the database
Status s = db_ - > Put ( write_options_ , key . get ( ) , value ) ;
Status s = db_ - > Put ( write_options_ , key , value ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " put error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
@ -2552,7 +2599,8 @@ class Benchmark {
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " ( updates:%lld found:%ld) " , readwrites_ , found ) ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " ( updates:% " PRIu64 " found:% " PRIu64 " ) " ,
readwrites_ , found ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
@ -2572,11 +2620,10 @@ class Benchmark {
// The number of iterations is the larger of read_ or write_
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , readwrites_ ) ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
const long long k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % merge_keys_ ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
const int64_t k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % merge_keys_ ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , merge_keys_ ) ;
Status s = db_ - > Merge ( write_options_ , key . get ( ) ,
gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
Status s = db_ - > Merge ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " merge error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
@ -2587,7 +2634,7 @@ class Benchmark {
// Print some statistics
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " ( updates:%lld ) " , readwrites_ ) ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " ( updates:% " PRIu64 " ) " , readwrites_ ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
@ -2602,23 +2649,22 @@ class Benchmark {
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
RandomGenerator gen ;
std : : string value ;
long long num_hits = 0 ;
long long num_gets = 0 ;
long long num_merges = 0 ;
int64_t num_hits = 0 ;
int64_t num_gets = 0 ;
int64_t num_merges = 0 ;
size_t max_length = 0 ;
// the number of iterations is the larger of read_ or write_
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , readwrites_ ) ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
const long long k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % merge_keys_ ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
const int64_t k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % merge_keys_ ;
std : : string key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , merge_keys_ ) ;
bool do_merge = int ( thread - > rand . Next ( ) % 100 ) < FLAGS_mergereadpercent ;
if ( do_merge ) {
Status s = db_ - > Merge ( write_options_ , key . get ( ) ,
gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
Status s = db_ - > Merge ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " merge error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
@ -2627,7 +2673,7 @@ class Benchmark {
num_merges + + ;
} else {
Status s = db_ - > Get ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) ;
Status s = db_ - > Get ( options , key , & value ) ;
if ( value . length ( ) > max_length )
max_length = value . length ( ) ;
@ -2647,7 +2693,8 @@ class Benchmark {
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) ,
" (reads:%lld merges:%lld total:%lld hits:%lld maxlength:%zu) " ,
" (reads:% " PRIu64 " merges:% " PRIu64 " total:% " PRIu64 " hits:% " \
PRIu64 " maxlength:%zu) " ,
num_gets , num_merges , readwrites_ , num_hits , max_length ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;