@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
# include <thread>
# include "db/db_impl.h"
# include "db/db_test_util.h"
# include "rocksdb/db.h"
# include "rocksdb/env.h"
# include "rocksdb/iterator.h"
@ -26,6 +27,8 @@
namespace rocksdb {
static const int kValueSize = 1000 ;
namespace {
std : : string RandomString ( Random * rnd , int len ) {
std : : string r ;
@ -70,6 +73,77 @@ class ColumnFamilyTest : public testing::Test {
delete env_ ;
// Return the value to associate with the specified key
Slice Value ( int k , std : : string * storage ) {
if ( k = = 0 ) {
// Ugh. Random seed of 0 used to produce no entropy. This code
// preserves the implementation that was in place when all of the
// magic values in this file were picked.
* storage = std : : string ( kValueSize , ' ' ) ;
return Slice ( * storage ) ;
} else {
Random r ( k ) ;
return test : : RandomString ( & r , kValueSize , storage ) ;
void Build ( int base , int n , int flush_every = 0 ) {
std : : string key_space , value_space ;
WriteBatch batch ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + ) {
if ( flush_every ! = 0 & & i ! = 0 & & i % flush_every = = 0 ) {
DBImpl * dbi = reinterpret_cast < DBImpl * > ( db_ ) ;
dbi - > TEST_FlushMemTable ( ) ;
int keyi = base + i ;
Slice key ( DBTestBase : : Key ( keyi ) ) ;
batch . Clear ( ) ;
batch . Put ( handles_ [ 0 ] , key , Value ( keyi , & value_space ) ) ;
batch . Put ( handles_ [ 1 ] , key , Value ( keyi , & value_space ) ) ;
batch . Put ( handles_ [ 2 ] , key , Value ( keyi , & value_space ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( db_ - > Write ( WriteOptions ( ) , & batch ) ) ;
void CheckMissed ( ) {
uint64_t next_expected = 0 ;
uint64_t missed = 0 ;
int bad_keys = 0 ;
int bad_values = 0 ;
int correct = 0 ;
std : : string value_space ;
for ( int cf = 0 ; cf < 3 ; cf + + ) {
next_expected = 0 ;
Iterator * iter = db_ - > NewIterator ( ReadOptions ( false , true ) , handles_ [ cf ] ) ;
for ( iter - > SeekToFirst ( ) ; iter - > Valid ( ) ; iter - > Next ( ) ) {
uint64_t key ;
Slice in ( iter - > key ( ) ) ;
in . remove_prefix ( 3 ) ;
if ( ! ConsumeDecimalNumber ( & in , & key ) | | ! in . empty ( ) | |
key < next_expected ) {
bad_keys + + ;
continue ;
missed + = ( key - next_expected ) ;
next_expected = key + 1 ;
if ( iter - > value ( ) ! = Value ( static_cast < int > ( key ) , & value_space ) ) {
bad_values + + ;
} else {
correct + + ;
delete iter ;
ASSERT_EQ ( 0 , bad_keys ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( 0 , bad_values ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( 0 , missed ) ;
( void ) correct ;
void Close ( ) {
for ( auto h : handles_ ) {
if ( h ) {
@ -2597,6 +2671,80 @@ TEST_F(ColumnFamilyTest, LogSyncConflictFlush) {
Close ( ) ;
# endif
// this test is placed here, because the infrastructure for Column Family
// test is being used to ensure a roll of wal files.
// Basic idea is to test that WAL truncation is being detected and not
// ignored
TEST_F ( ColumnFamilyTest , DISABLED_LogTruncationTest ) {
Open ( ) ;
CreateColumnFamiliesAndReopen ( { " one " , " two " } ) ;
Build ( 0 , 100 ) ;
// Flush the 0th column family to force a roll of the wal log
Flush ( 0 ) ;
// Add some more entries
Build ( 100 , 100 ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > filenames ;
ASSERT_OK ( env_ - > GetChildren ( dbname_ , & filenames ) ) ;
// collect wal files
std : : vector < std : : string > logfs ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < filenames . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
uint64_t number ;
FileType type ;
if ( ! ( ParseFileName ( filenames [ i ] , & number , & type ) ) ) continue ;
if ( type ! = kLogFile ) continue ;
logfs . push_back ( filenames [ i ] ) ;
std : : sort ( logfs . begin ( ) , logfs . end ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_GE ( logfs . size ( ) , 2 ) ;
// Take the last but one file, and truncate it
std : : string fpath = dbname_ + " / " + logfs [ logfs . size ( ) - 2 ] ;
std : : vector < std : : string > names_save = names_ ;
uint64_t fsize ;
ASSERT_OK ( env_ - > GetFileSize ( fpath , & fsize ) ) ;
ASSERT_GT ( fsize , 0 ) ;
Close ( ) ;
std : : string backup_logs = dbname_ + " /backup_logs " ;
std : : string t_fpath = backup_logs + " / " + logfs [ logfs . size ( ) - 2 ] ;
ASSERT_OK ( env_ - > CreateDirIfMissing ( backup_logs ) ) ;
// Not sure how easy it is to make this data driven.
// need to read back the WAL file and truncate last 10
// entries
CopyFile ( fpath , t_fpath , fsize - 9180 ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( env_ - > DeleteFile ( fpath ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( env_ - > RenameFile ( t_fpath , fpath ) ) ;
db_options_ . wal_recovery_mode = WALRecoveryMode : : kPointInTimeRecovery ;
OpenReadOnly ( names_save ) ;
CheckMissed ( ) ;
Close ( ) ;
Open ( names_save ) ;
CheckMissed ( ) ;
Close ( ) ;
// cleanup
env_ - > DeleteDir ( backup_logs ) ;
} // namespace rocksdb
int main ( int argc , char * * argv ) {