@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
# include <unordered_set>
# include <vector>
# include "db/log_reader.h"
# include "env/composite_env_wrapper.h"
# include "file/filename.h"
# include "file/sequence_file_reader.h"
@ -42,7 +41,6 @@
# include "util/channel.h"
# include "util/coding.h"
# include "util/crc32c.h"
# include "util/file_checksum_helper.h"
# include "util/string_util.h"
# include "utilities/checkpoint/checkpoint_impl.h"
@ -64,22 +62,6 @@ inline std::string ChecksumInt32ToHex(const uint32_t& checksum_value) {
PutFixed32 ( & checksum_str , EndianSwapValue ( checksum_value ) ) ;
return ChecksumStrToHex ( checksum_str ) ;
// Checks if the checksum function names are the same. Note that both the
// backup default checksum function and the db standard checksum function are
// crc32c although they have different names. So We treat the db standard
// checksum function name and the backup default checksum function name as
// the same name.
inline bool IsSameChecksumFunc ( const std : : string & dst_checksum_func_name ,
const std : : string & src_checksum_func_name ) {
return ( dst_checksum_func_name = = src_checksum_func_name ) | |
( ( dst_checksum_func_name = = kDefaultBackupFileChecksumFuncName ) & &
( src_checksum_func_name = = kStandardDbFileChecksumFuncName ) ) | |
( ( src_checksum_func_name = = kDefaultBackupFileChecksumFuncName ) & &
( dst_checksum_func_name = = kStandardDbFileChecksumFuncName ) ) ;
inline bool IsSstFile ( const std : : string & fname ) {
return fname . length ( ) > 4 & & fname . rfind ( " .sst " ) = = fname . length ( ) - 4 ;
} // namespace
void BackupStatistics : : IncrementNumberSuccessBackup ( ) {
@ -190,15 +172,11 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
struct FileInfo {
FileInfo ( const std : : string & fname , uint64_t sz , const std : : string & checksum ,
const std : : string & custom_checksum ,
const std : : string & checksum_name , const std : : string & id = " " ,
const std : : string & sid = " " )
const std : : string & id = " " , const std : : string & sid = " " )
: refs ( 0 ) ,
filename ( fname ) ,
size ( sz ) ,
checksum_hex ( checksum ) ,
custom_checksum_hex ( custom_checksum ) ,
checksum_func_name ( checksum_name ) ,
db_id ( id ) ,
db_session_id ( sid ) { }
@ -209,8 +187,6 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
const std : : string filename ;
const uint64_t size ;
const std : : string checksum_hex ;
const std : : string custom_checksum_hex ;
const std : : string checksum_func_name ;
// DB identities
// db_id is obtained for potential usage in the future but not used
// currently
@ -399,78 +375,6 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
return GetBackupMetaDir ( ) + " / " + ( tmp ? " . " : " " ) +
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE : : ToString ( backup_id ) + ( tmp ? " .tmp " : " " ) ;
inline Status GetFileNameInfo ( const std : : string & file ,
std : : string & local_name , uint64_t & number ,
FileType & type ) const {
// 1. extract the filename
size_t last_slash = file . find_last_of ( ' / ' ) ;
// file will either be shared/<file>, shared_checksum/<file_crc32c_size>,
// shared_checksum/<file_session>, shared_checksum/<file_crc32c_session>,
// or private/<number>/<file>
assert ( last_slash ! = std : : string : : npos ) ;
local_name = file . substr ( last_slash + 1 ) ;
// if the file was in shared_checksum, extract the real file name
// in this case the file is <number>_<checksum>_<size>.<type>,
// <number>_<session>.<type>, or <number>_<checksum>_<session>.<type>
if ( file . substr ( 0 , last_slash ) = = GetSharedChecksumDirRel ( ) ) {
local_name = GetFileFromChecksumFile ( local_name ) ;
// 2. find the filetype
bool ok = ParseFileName ( local_name , & number , & type ) ;
if ( ! ok ) {
return Status : : Corruption ( " Backup corrupted: Fail to parse filename " +
local_name ) ;
return Status : : OK ( ) ;
inline bool HasCustomChecksumGenFactory ( ) const {
return options_ . file_checksum_gen_factory ! = nullptr ;
// Returns nullptr if file_checksum_gen_factory is not set or
// file_checksum_gen_factory is not able to create a generator with
// name being requested_checksum_func_name
inline std : : unique_ptr < FileChecksumGenerator > GetCustomChecksumGenerator (
const std : : string & requested_checksum_func_name = " " ) const {
std : : shared_ptr < FileChecksumGenFactory > checksum_factory =
options_ . file_checksum_gen_factory ;
if ( checksum_factory = = nullptr ) {
return nullptr ;
} else {
FileChecksumGenContext gen_context ;
gen_context . requested_checksum_func_name = requested_checksum_func_name ;
return checksum_factory - > CreateFileChecksumGenerator ( gen_context ) ;
// Set the checksum generator by the requested checksum function name
inline Status SetChecksumGenerator (
const std : : string & requested_checksum_func_name ,
std : : unique_ptr < FileChecksumGenerator > & checksum_func ) {
if ( requested_checksum_func_name ! = kDefaultBackupFileChecksumFuncName ) {
if ( ! HasCustomChecksumGenFactory ( ) ) {
// No custom checksum factory indicates users would like to use the
// backup default checksum function and accept the degraded data
// integrity checking
return Status : : OK ( ) ;
} else {
checksum_func =
GetCustomChecksumGenerator ( requested_checksum_func_name ) ;
// we will use the default backup checksum function if the custom
// checksum functions is the db standard checksum function but is not
// found in the checksum factory passed in; otherwise, we return
// Status::InvalidArgument()
if ( checksum_func = = nullptr & &
requested_checksum_func_name ! = kStandardDbFileChecksumFuncName ) {
return Status : : InvalidArgument ( " Checksum checksum function " +
requested_checksum_func_name +
" not found " ) ;
// The requested checksum function is the default backup checksum function
return Status : : OK ( ) ;
// If size_limit == 0, there is no size limit, copy everything.
@ -478,48 +382,27 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
// @param src If non-empty, the file is copied from this pathname.
// @param contents If non-empty, the file will be created with these contents.
Status CopyOrCreateFile (
const std : : string & src , const std : : string & dst ,
const std : : string & contents , Env * src_env , Env * dst_env ,
const EnvOptions & src_env_options , bool sync , RateLimiter * rate_limiter ,
const std : : string & backup_checksum_func_name , uint64_t * size = nullptr ,
std : : string * checksum_hex = nullptr ,
std : : string * custom_checksum_hex = nullptr , uint64_t size_limit = 0 ,
std : : function < void ( ) > progress_callback = [ ] ( ) { } ) ;
Status CalculateChecksum (
const std : : string & src , Env * src_env , const EnvOptions & src_env_options ,
uint64_t size_limit , std : : string * checksum_hex ,
const std : : unique_ptr < FileChecksumGenerator > & checksum_func = nullptr ,
std : : string * custom_checksum_hex = nullptr ) ;
Status CopyOrCreateFile ( const std : : string & src , const std : : string & dst ,
const std : : string & contents , Env * src_env ,
Env * dst_env , const EnvOptions & src_env_options ,
bool sync , RateLimiter * rate_limiter ,
uint64_t * size = nullptr ,
std : : string * checksum_hex = nullptr ,
uint64_t size_limit = 0 ,
std : : function < void ( ) > progress_callback = [ ] ( ) { } ) ;
Status CalculateChecksum ( const std : : string & src , Env * src_env ,
const EnvOptions & src_env_options ,
uint64_t size_limit , std : : string * checksum_hex ) ;
// Obtain db_id and db_session_id from the table properties of file_path
Status GetFileDbIdentities ( Env * src_env , const EnvOptions & src_env_options ,
const std : : string & file_path , std : : string * db_id ,
std : : string * db_session_id ) ;
Status GetFileChecksumsFromManifestInBackup ( Env * src_env ,
const BackupID & backup_id ,
const BackupMeta * backup ,
FileChecksumList * checksum_list ) ;
Status VerifyFileWithCrc32c ( Env * src_env , const BackupMeta * backup ,
const std : : string & rel_path ) ;
struct LogReporter : public log : : Reader : : Reporter {
Status * status ;
virtual void Corruption ( size_t /*bytes*/ , const Status & s ) override {
if ( status - > ok ( ) ) {
* status = s ;
} ;
struct CopyOrCreateResult {
uint64_t size ;
std : : string checksum_hex ;
std : : string custom_checksum_hex ;
std : : string checksum_func_name ;
std : : string db_id ;
std : : string db_session_id ;
Status status ;
@ -543,7 +426,6 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
bool verify_checksum_after_work ;
std : : string src_checksum_func_name ;
std : : string src_checksum_hex ;
std : : string backup_checksum_func_name ;
std : : string db_id ;
std : : string db_session_id ;
@ -560,7 +442,6 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
verify_checksum_after_work ( false ) ,
src_checksum_func_name ( kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName ) ,
src_checksum_hex ( " " ) ,
backup_checksum_func_name ( kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName ) ,
db_id ( " " ) ,
db_session_id ( " " ) { }
@ -586,7 +467,6 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
verify_checksum_after_work = o . verify_checksum_after_work ;
src_checksum_func_name = std : : move ( o . src_checksum_func_name ) ;
src_checksum_hex = std : : move ( o . src_checksum_hex ) ;
backup_checksum_func_name = std : : move ( o . backup_checksum_func_name ) ;
db_id = std : : move ( o . db_id ) ;
db_session_id = std : : move ( o . db_session_id ) ;
return * this ;
@ -601,8 +481,6 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
const std : : string & _src_checksum_func_name =
kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName ,
const std : : string & _src_checksum_hex = " " ,
const std : : string & _backup_checksum_func_name =
kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName ,
const std : : string & _db_id = " " , const std : : string & _db_session_id = " " )
: src_path ( std : : move ( _src_path ) ) ,
dst_path ( std : : move ( _dst_path ) ) ,
@ -617,7 +495,6 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
verify_checksum_after_work ( _verify_checksum_after_work ) ,
src_checksum_func_name ( _src_checksum_func_name ) ,
src_checksum_hex ( _src_checksum_hex ) ,
backup_checksum_func_name ( _backup_checksum_func_name ) ,
db_id ( _db_id ) ,
db_session_id ( _db_session_id ) { }
} ;
@ -999,49 +876,33 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::Initialize() {
result . status = CopyOrCreateFile (
work_item . src_path , work_item . dst_path , work_item . contents ,
work_item . src_env , work_item . dst_env , work_item . src_env_options ,
work_item . sync , work_item . rate_limiter ,
work_item . backup_checksum_func_name , & result . size ,
& result . checksum_hex , & result . custom_checksum_hex ,
work_item . size_limit , work_item . progress_callback ) ;
result . checksum_func_name = work_item . backup_checksum_func_name ;
work_item . sync , work_item . rate_limiter , & result . size ,
& result . checksum_hex , work_item . size_limit ,
work_item . progress_callback ) ;
result . db_id = work_item . db_id ;
result . db_session_id = work_item . db_session_id ;
if ( result . status . ok ( ) & & work_item . verify_checksum_after_work ) {
// work_item.verify_checksum_after_work being true means backup engine
// has obtained its crc32c and/or custom checksum for the table file.
// Therefore, we can try to compare the checksums if possible.
// unknown checksum function name implies no db table file checksum in
// db manifest; work_item.verify_checksum_after_work being true means
// backup engine has calculated its crc32c checksum for the table
// file; therefore, we are able to compare the checksums.
if ( work_item . src_checksum_func_name = =
kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName | |
IsSameChecksumFunc ( result . checksum_func_name ,
work_item . src_checksum_func_name ) ) {
std : : string checksum_to_compare ;
std : : string checksum_func_name_used ;
if ( work_item . src_checksum_func_name = =
kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName | |
work_item . src_checksum_func_name = =
kStandardDbFileChecksumFuncName ) {
// kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName implies no table file checksums in
// db manifest, but we can compare using the crc32c checksum
checksum_to_compare = result . checksum_hex ;
checksum_func_name_used = kStandardDbFileChecksumFuncName ;
} else {
checksum_to_compare = result . custom_checksum_hex ;
checksum_func_name_used = work_item . src_checksum_func_name ;
if ( work_item . src_checksum_hex ! = checksum_to_compare ) {
work_item . src_checksum_func_name = = kDbFileChecksumFuncName ) {
if ( work_item . src_checksum_hex ! = result . checksum_hex ) {
std : : string checksum_info (
" Expected checksum is " + work_item . src_checksum_hex +
" while computed checksum is " + checksum_to_compare ) ;
result . status = Status : : Corruption (
checksum_func_name_used + " mismatch after copying to " +
work_item . dst_path + " : " + checksum_info ) ;
" while computed checksum is " + result . checksum_hex ) ;
result . status =
Status : : Corruption ( " Checksum mismatch after copying to " +
work_item . dst_path + " : " + checksum_info ) ;
} else {
std : : string checksum_function_info (
" Existing checksum function is " +
work_item . src_checksum_func_name +
" while provided checksum function is " +
result . checksum_func_n ame) ;
kBackupFileChecksumFuncName ) ;
options_ . info_log ,
" Unable to verify checksum after copying to %s: %s \n " ,
@ -1129,6 +990,15 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::CreateNewBackupWithMetadata(
CheckpointImpl checkpoint ( db ) ;
uint64_t sequence_number = 0 ;
DBOptions db_options = db - > GetDBOptions ( ) ;
FileChecksumGenFactory * db_checksum_factory =
db_options . file_checksum_gen_factory . get ( ) ;
const std : : string kFileChecksumGenFactoryName =
" FileChecksumGenCrc32cFactory " ;
bool compare_checksum =
db_checksum_factory ! = nullptr & &
db_checksum_factory - > Name ( ) = = kFileChecksumGenFactoryName
? true
: false ;
EnvOptions src_raw_env_options ( db_options ) ;
s = checkpoint . CreateCustomCheckpoint (
db_options ,
@ -1194,14 +1064,12 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::CreateNewBackupWithMetadata(
options . progress_callback , contents ) ;
} /* create_file_cb */ ,
& sequence_number , options . flush_before_backup ? 0 : port : : kMaxUint64 ,
db_options . file_checksum_gen_factory = = nullptr ? false : true ) ;
compare_checksum ) ;
if ( s . ok ( ) ) {
new_backup - > SetSequenceNumber ( sequence_number ) ;
ROCKS_LOG_INFO ( options_ . info_log ,
" add files for backup done (%s), wait finish. " ,
s . ok ( ) ? " OK " : " not OK " ) ;
ROCKS_LOG_INFO ( options_ . info_log , " add files for backup done, wait finish. " ) ;
Status item_status ;
for ( auto & item : backup_items_to_finish ) {
item . result . wait ( ) ;
@ -1213,11 +1081,10 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::CreateNewBackupWithMetadata(
if ( item_status . ok ( ) ) {
item_status = new_backup . get ( ) - > AddFile ( std : : make_shared < FileInfo > (
item . dst_relative , result . size , result . checksum_hex ,
result . custom_checksum_hex , result . checksum_func_name , result . db_id ,
item . dst_relative , result . size , result . checksum_hex , result . db_id ,
result . db_session_id ) ) ;
if ( s . ok ( ) & & ! item_status . ok ( ) ) {
if ( ! item_status . ok ( ) ) {
s = item_status ;
@ -1475,74 +1342,50 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::RestoreDBFromBackup(const RestoreOptions& options,
DeleteChildren ( db_dir ) ;
Status s ;
// Try to obtain checksum info from backuped DB MANIFEST
// The checksum info will be used for validating the checksums of the table
// files after restoration, in addtion to the default backup engine crc32c
// checksums.
std : : unique_ptr < FileChecksumList > checksum_list ( NewFileChecksumList ( ) ) ;
s = GetFileChecksumsFromManifestInBackup ( backup_env_ , backup_id , backup . get ( ) ,
checksum_list . get ( ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
RateLimiter * rate_limiter = options_ . restore_rate_limiter . get ( ) ;
if ( rate_limiter ) {
copy_file_buffer_size_ =
static_cast < size_t > ( rate_limiter - > GetSingleBurstBytes ( ) ) ;
Status s ;
std : : vector < RestoreAfterCopyOrCreateWorkItem > restore_items_to_finish ;
for ( const auto & file_info : backup - > GetFiles ( ) ) {
const std : : string & file = file_info - > filename ;
std : : string dst ;
uint64_t number ;
FileType type ;
s = GetFileNameInfo ( file , dst , number , type ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
// 1. extract the filename
size_t slash = file . find_last_of ( ' / ' ) ;
// file will either be shared/<file>, shared_checksum/<file_crc32c_size>,
// shared_checksum/<file_session>, shared_checksum/<file_crc32c_session>,
// or private/<number>/<file>
assert ( slash ! = std : : string : : npos ) ;
dst = file . substr ( slash + 1 ) ;
std : : string src_checksum_func_name = kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName ;
std : : string src_checksum_str = kUnknownFileChecksum ;
std : : string src_checksum_hex ;
bool has_manifest_checksum = false ;
if ( type = = kTableFile ) {
Status file_checksum_status = checksum_list - > SearchOneFileChecksum (
number , & src_checksum_str , & src_checksum_func_name ) ;
if ( file_checksum_status . ok ( ) & &
src_checksum_str ! = kUnknownFileChecksum & &
src_checksum_func_name ! = kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName ) {
src_checksum_hex = ChecksumStrToHex ( src_checksum_str ) ;
has_manifest_checksum = true ;
// if the file was in shared_checksum, extract the real file name
// in this case the file is <number>_<checksum>_<size>.<type>,
// <number>_<session>.<type>, or <number>_<checksum>_<session>.<type>
if ( file . substr ( 0 , slash ) = = GetSharedChecksumDirRel ( ) ) {
dst = GetFileFromChecksumFile ( dst ) ;
// Construct the final path
// 2. find the filetype
uint64_t number ;
FileType type ;
bool ok = ParseFileName ( dst , & number , & type ) ;
if ( ! ok ) {
return Status : : Corruption ( " Backup corrupted: Fail to parse filename " +
dst ) ;
// 3. Construct the final path
// kLogFile lives in wal_dir and all the rest live in db_dir
dst = ( ( type = = kLogFile ) ? wal_dir : db_dir ) +
" / " + dst ;
ROCKS_LOG_INFO ( options_ . info_log , " Restoring %s to %s \n " , file . c_str ( ) ,
dst . c_str ( ) ) ;
std : : string backup_checksum_func_name = file_info - > checksum_func_name ;
std : : unique_ptr < FileChecksumGenerator > checksum_func ;
if ( src_checksum_func_name ! = kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName ) {
s = SetChecksumGenerator ( src_checksum_func_name , checksum_func ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
if ( checksum_func ! = nullptr ) {
backup_checksum_func_name = checksum_func - > Name ( ) ;
CopyOrCreateWorkItem copy_or_create_work_item (
GetAbsolutePath ( file ) , dst , " " /* contents */ , backup_env_ , db_env_ ,
EnvOptions ( ) /* src_env_options */ , false , rate_limiter ,
0 /* size_limit */ , [ ] ( ) { } /* progress_callback */ ,
has_manifest_checksum , src_checksum_func_name , src_checksum_hex ,
backup_checksum_func_name ) ;
0 /* size_limit */ ) ;
RestoreAfterCopyOrCreateWorkItem after_copy_or_create_work_item (
copy_or_create_work_item . result . get_future ( ) , file_info - > checksum_hex ) ;
files_to_copy_or_create_ . write ( std : : move ( copy_or_create_work_item ) ) ;
@ -1560,11 +1403,7 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::RestoreDBFromBackup(const RestoreOptions& options,
s = item_status ;
break ;
} else if ( item . checksum_hex ! = result . checksum_hex ) {
// Compare crc32c checksums (especially for non-table files)
std : : string checksum_info ( " Expected checksum is " + item . checksum_hex +
" while computed checksum is " +
result . checksum_hex ) ;
s = Status : : Corruption ( " Crc32c checksum check failed: " + checksum_info ) ;
s = Status : : Corruption ( " Checksum check failed " ) ;
break ;
@ -1603,17 +1442,6 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::VerifyBackup(BackupID backup_id,
InsertPathnameToSizeBytes ( abs_dir , backup_env_ , & curr_abs_path_to_size ) ;
Status s ;
std : : unique_ptr < FileChecksumList > checksum_list ( NewFileChecksumList ( ) ) ;
if ( verify_with_checksum ) {
// Try to obtain checksum info from backuped DB MANIFEST
s = GetFileChecksumsFromManifestInBackup ( backup_env_ , backup_id ,
backup . get ( ) , checksum_list . get ( ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
// For all files registered in backup
for ( const auto & file_info : backup - > GetFiles ( ) ) {
const auto abs_path = GetAbsolutePath ( file_info - > filename ) ;
@ -1632,68 +1460,27 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::VerifyBackup(BackupID backup_id,
if ( verify_with_checksum ) {
// verify file checksum
// try setting checksum_func
std : : unique_ptr < FileChecksumGenerator > checksum_func ;
std : : string src_checksum_func_name = kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName ;
std : : string src_checksum_str = kUnknownFileChecksum ;
std : : string src_checksum_hex ;
if ( IsSstFile ( file_info - > filename ) ) {
const std : : string & file = file_info - > filename ;
std : : string local_name ;
uint64_t number ;
FileType type ;
s = GetFileNameInfo ( file , local_name , number , type ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
assert ( type = = kTableFile ) ;
// Try to get checksum for the table file
Status file_checksum_status = checksum_list - > SearchOneFileChecksum (
number , & src_checksum_str , & src_checksum_func_name ) ;
if ( file_checksum_status . ok ( ) & &
src_checksum_str ! = kUnknownFileChecksum & &
src_checksum_func_name ! = kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName ) {
s = SetChecksumGenerator ( src_checksum_func_name , checksum_func ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
src_checksum_hex = ChecksumStrToHex ( src_checksum_str ) ;
std : : string checksum_hex ;
ROCKS_LOG_INFO ( options_ . info_log , " Verifying %s checksum... \n " ,
abs_path . c_str ( ) ) ;
std : : string checksum_hex ;
std : : string custom_checksum_hex ;
CalculateChecksum ( abs_path , backup_env_ , EnvOptions ( ) , 0 /* size_limit */ ,
& checksum_hex , checksum_func , & custom_checksum_hex ) ;
& checksum_hex ) ;
if ( file_info - > checksum_hex ! = checksum_hex ) {
std : : string checksum_info (
" Expected checksum is " + file_info - > checksum_hex +
" while computed checksum is " + checksum_hex ) ;
return Status : : Corruption ( " File corrupted: crc32c mismatch for " +
return Status : : Corruption ( " File corrupted: Checksum mismatch for " +
abs_path + " : " + checksum_info ) ;
if ( checksum_func ! = nullptr & & src_checksum_hex ! = custom_checksum_hex ) {
std : : string checksum_info ( " Expected checksum is " + src_checksum_hex +
" while computed checksum is " +
custom_checksum_hex ) ;
return Status : : Corruption ( " File corrupted: " + src_checksum_func_name +
" mismatch for " + abs_path + " : " +
checksum_info ) ;
return Status : : OK ( ) ;
Status BackupEngineImpl : : CopyOrCreateFile (
const std : : string & src , const std : : string & dst , const std : : string & contents ,
Env * src_env , Env * dst_env , const EnvOptions & src_env_options , bool sync ,
RateLimiter * rate_limiter , const std : : string & backup_checksum_func_name ,
uint64_t * size , std : : string * checksum_hex , std : : string * custom_checksum_hex ,
RateLimiter * rate_limiter , uint64_t * size , std : : string * checksum_hex ,
uint64_t size_limit , std : : function < void ( ) > progress_callback ) {
assert ( src . empty ( ) ! = contents . empty ( ) ) ;
Status s ;
@ -1707,13 +1494,6 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::CopyOrCreateFile(
uint32_t checksum_value = 0 ;
// Get custom checksum function
std : : unique_ptr < FileChecksumGenerator > checksum_func ;
s = SetChecksumGenerator ( backup_checksum_func_name , checksum_func ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
// Check if size limit is set. if not, set it to very big number
if ( size_limit = = 0 ) {
size_limit = std : : numeric_limits < uint64_t > : : max ( ) ;
@ -1768,10 +1548,6 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::CopyOrCreateFile(
if ( checksum_hex ! = nullptr ) {
checksum_value = crc32c : : Extend ( checksum_value , data . data ( ) , data . size ( ) ) ;
if ( checksum_func ! = nullptr & & custom_checksum_hex ! = nullptr ) {
checksum_func - > Update ( data . data ( ) , data . size ( ) ) ;
s = dest_writer - > Append ( data ) ;
if ( rate_limiter ! = nullptr ) {
rate_limiter - > Request ( data . size ( ) , Env : : IO_LOW , nullptr /* stats */ ,
@ -1784,14 +1560,10 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::CopyOrCreateFile(
} while ( s . ok ( ) & & contents . empty ( ) & & data . size ( ) > 0 & & size_limit > 0 ) ;
// Convert uint32_t checksum to hex checksum
if ( checksum_hex ! = nullptr ) {
// Convert uint32_t checksum to hex checksum
checksum_hex - > assign ( ChecksumInt32ToHex ( checksum_value ) ) ;
if ( checksum_func ! = nullptr & & custom_checksum_hex ! = nullptr ) {
checksum_func - > Finalize ( ) ;
custom_checksum_hex - > assign ( ChecksumStrToHex ( checksum_func - > GetChecksum ( ) ) ) ;
if ( s . ok ( ) & & sync ) {
s = dest_writer - > Sync ( false ) ;
@ -1819,50 +1591,27 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::AddBackupFileWorkItem(
std : : string dst_relative_tmp ;
Status s ;
std : : string checksum_hex ;
std : : string custom_checksum_hex ;
// The function name of backup checksum function.
std : : string backup_checksum_func_name = kDefaultBackupFileChecksumFuncName ;
std : : string db_id ;
std : : string db_session_id ;
// whether a default or custom checksum for a table file is available
// whether the checksum for a table file is available
bool has_checksum = false ;
// Set up the custom checksum function.
// A nullptr checksum_func indicates the default backup checksum function
// will be used. If checksum_func is not nullptr, then both the default
// backup checksum function and checksum_func will be used.
std : : unique_ptr < FileChecksumGenerator > checksum_func ;
if ( src_checksum_func_name ! = kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName ) {
// DB files have checksum functions
s = SetChecksumGenerator ( src_checksum_func_name , checksum_func ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
if ( checksum_func ! = nullptr ) {
backup_checksum_func_name = checksum_func - > Name ( ) ;
// Whenever the db checksum function name matches the backup engine custom
// checksum function name, we will compare the checksum values after copying.
// Note that only table files may have a known checksum name passed in.
// Whenever a default checksum function name is passed in, we will compares
// the corresponding checksum values after copying. Note that only table files
// may have a known checksum function name passed in.
// If the checksum function names do not match and db session id is not
// If no default checksum function name is passed in and db session id is not
// available, we will calculate the checksum *before* copying in two cases
// (we always calcuate checksums when copying or creating for any file types):
// a) share_files_with_checksum is true and file type is table;
// b) share_table_files is true and the file exists already.
// Step 0: Check if a known checksum function name is passed in
if ( IsSameChecksumFunc ( backup_checksum_func_name , src_checksum_func_name ) ) {
// Step 0: Check if default checksum function name is passed in
if ( kDbFileChecksumFuncName = = src_checksum_func_name ) {
if ( src_checksum_str = = kUnknownFileChecksum ) {
return Status : : Aborted ( " Unknown checksum value for " + fname ) ;
if ( checksum_func = = nullptr ) {
checksum_hex = ChecksumStrToHex ( src_checksum_str ) ;
} else {
custom_checksum_hex = ChecksumStrToHex ( src_checksum_str ) ;
checksum_hex = ChecksumStrToHex ( src_checksum_str ) ;
has_checksum = true ;
@ -1881,8 +1630,7 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::AddBackupFileWorkItem(
// the shared_checksum directory.
if ( ! has_checksum & & db_session_id . empty ( ) ) {
s = CalculateChecksum ( src_dir + fname , db_env_ , src_env_options ,
size_limit , & checksum_hex , checksum_func ,
& custom_checksum_hex ) ;
size_limit , & checksum_hex ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
@ -1901,14 +1649,8 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::AddBackupFileWorkItem(
// shared_checksum/<file_number>_<db_session_id>.sst
// Otherwise, dst_relative is of the form
// shared_checksum/<file_number>_<checksum>_<size>.sst
// Also, we display custom checksums in the name if possible.
dst_relative = GetSharedFileWithChecksum (
dst_relative , has_checksum ,
checksum_func = = nullptr | | UseLegacyNaming ( db_session_id )
? checksum_hex
: custom_checksum_hex ,
size_bytes , db_session_id ) ;
dst_relative , has_checksum , checksum_hex , size_bytes , db_session_id ) ;
dst_relative_tmp = GetSharedFileWithChecksumRel ( dst_relative , true ) ;
dst_relative = GetSharedFileWithChecksumRel ( dst_relative , false ) ;
} else if ( shared ) {
@ -1973,14 +1715,10 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::AddBackupFileWorkItem(
backup_env_ - > DeleteFile ( final_dest_path ) ;
} else {
// file exists and referenced
if ( ! has_checksum | | checksum_hex . empty ( ) ) {
// Either both checksum_hex and custom_checksum_hex need recalculating
// or only checksum_hex needs recalculating
if ( ! has_checksum ) {
// FIXME(peterd): extra I/O
s = CalculateChecksum (
src_dir + fname , db_env_ , src_env_options , size_limit ,
& checksum_hex , checksum_func ,
checksum_hex . empty ( ) ? nullptr : & custom_checksum_hex ) ;
s = CalculateChecksum ( src_dir + fname , db_env_ , src_env_options ,
size_limit , & checksum_hex ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
@ -1999,11 +1737,6 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::AddBackupFileWorkItem(
fname . c_str ( ) , checksum_hex . c_str ( ) , size_bytes ) ;
if ( checksum_func ! = nullptr ) {
ROCKS_LOG_INFO ( options_ . info_log , " %s checksum is %s " ,
backup_checksum_func_name . c_str ( ) ,
custom_checksum_hex . c_str ( ) ) ;
} else if ( backuped_file_infos_ . find ( dst_relative ) = =
backuped_file_infos_ . end ( ) & &
! same_path ) {
@ -2020,14 +1753,10 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::AddBackupFileWorkItem(
// the file is present and referenced by a backup
ROCKS_LOG_INFO ( options_ . info_log ,
" %s already present, calculate checksum " , fname . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! has_checksum | | checksum_hex . empty ( ) ) {
// Either both checksum_hex and custom_checksum_hex need recalculating
// or only checksum_hex needs recalculating
if ( ! has_checksum ) {
// FIXME(peterd): extra I/O
s = CalculateChecksum (
src_dir + fname , db_env_ , src_env_options , size_limit ,
& checksum_hex , checksum_func ,
checksum_hex . empty ( ) ? nullptr : & custom_checksum_hex ) ;
s = CalculateChecksum ( src_dir + fname , db_env_ , src_env_options ,
size_limit , & checksum_hex ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
@ -2045,8 +1774,7 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::AddBackupFileWorkItem(
src_dir . empty ( ) ? " " : src_dir + fname , * copy_dest_path , contents ,
db_env_ , backup_env_ , src_env_options , options_ . sync , rate_limiter ,
size_limit , progress_callback , has_checksum , src_checksum_func_name ,
checksum_func = = nullptr ? checksum_hex : custom_checksum_hex ,
backup_checksum_func_name , db_id , db_session_id ) ;
checksum_hex , db_id , db_session_id ) ;
BackupAfterCopyOrCreateWorkItem after_copy_or_create_work_item (
copy_or_create_work_item . result . get_future ( ) , shared , need_to_copy ,
backup_env_ , temp_dest_path , final_dest_path , dst_relative ) ;
@ -2062,8 +1790,6 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::AddBackupFileWorkItem(
result . status = s ;
result . size = size_bytes ;
result . checksum_hex = std : : move ( checksum_hex ) ;
result . custom_checksum_hex = std : : move ( custom_checksum_hex ) ;
result . checksum_func_name = std : : move ( backup_checksum_func_name ) ;
result . db_id = std : : move ( db_id ) ;
result . db_session_id = std : : move ( db_session_id ) ;
promise_result . set_value ( std : : move ( result ) ) ;
@ -2071,16 +1797,14 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::AddBackupFileWorkItem(
return s ;
Status BackupEngineImpl : : CalculateChecksum (
const std : : string & src , Env * src_env , const EnvOptions & src_env_options ,
uint64_t size_limit , std : : string * checksum_hex ,
const std : : unique_ptr < FileChecksumGenerator > & checksum_func ,
std : : string * custom_checksum_hex ) {
Status BackupEngineImpl : : CalculateChecksum ( const std : : string & src , Env * src_env ,
const EnvOptions & src_env_options ,
uint64_t size_limit ,
std : : string * checksum_hex ) {
if ( checksum_hex = = nullptr ) {
return Status : : Invalid Argumen t( " Checksum pointer is null " ) ;
return Status : : Abo rted ( " Checksum pointer is null " ) ;
uint32_t checksum_value = 0 ;
if ( size_limit = = 0 ) {
size_limit = std : : numeric_limits < uint64_t > : : max ( ) ;
@ -2109,18 +1833,10 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::CalculateChecksum(
size_limit - = data . size ( ) ;
checksum_value = crc32c : : Extend ( checksum_value , data . data ( ) , data . size ( ) ) ;
if ( checksum_func ! = nullptr & & custom_checksum_hex ! = nullptr ) {
checksum_func - > Update ( data . data ( ) , data . size ( ) ) ;
} while ( data . size ( ) > 0 & & size_limit > 0 ) ;
checksum_hex - > assign ( ChecksumInt32ToHex ( checksum_value ) ) ;
if ( checksum_func ! = nullptr & & custom_checksum_hex ! = nullptr ) {
checksum_func - > Finalize ( ) ;
custom_checksum_hex - > assign ( ChecksumStrToHex ( checksum_func - > GetChecksum ( ) ) ) ;
return s ;
@ -2179,77 +1895,6 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::GetFileDbIdentities(Env* src_env,
Status BackupEngineImpl : : GetFileChecksumsFromManifestInBackup (
Env * src_env , const BackupID & backup_id , const BackupMeta * backup ,
FileChecksumList * checksum_list ) {
if ( checksum_list = = nullptr ) {
return Status : : InvalidArgument ( " checksum_list is nullptr " ) ;
checksum_list - > reset ( ) ;
Status s ;
// Read CURRENT file to get the latest DB MANIFEST filename in backup_id
// and then read the the MANIFEST file to obtain the checksum info stored
// in the file.
std : : string current_rel_path =
GetPrivateFileRel ( backup_id , false /* tmp */ , " CURRENT " ) ;
s = VerifyFileWithCrc32c ( src_env , backup , current_rel_path ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
std : : string manifest_filename ;
s = ReadFileToString ( src_env , GetAbsolutePath ( current_rel_path ) ,
& manifest_filename ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
// Remove tailing '\n' if any
while ( ! manifest_filename . empty ( ) & & manifest_filename . back ( ) = = ' \n ' ) {
manifest_filename . pop_back ( ) ;
std : : string manifest_rel_path =
GetPrivateFileRel ( backup_id , false /* tmp */ , manifest_filename ) ;
s = VerifyFileWithCrc32c ( src_env , backup , manifest_rel_path ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
// Read whole manifest file in backup
s = GetFileChecksumsFromManifest (
src_env , GetAbsolutePath ( manifest_rel_path ) ,
std : : numeric_limits < uint64_t > : : max ( ) /*manifest_file_size*/ ,
checksum_list ) ;
return s ;
Status BackupEngineImpl : : VerifyFileWithCrc32c ( Env * src_env ,
const BackupMeta * backup ,
const std : : string & rel_path ) {
const std : : shared_ptr < FileInfo > file_info = backup - > GetFile ( rel_path ) ;
if ( file_info = = nullptr ) {
return Status : : Corruption ( rel_path + " is missing " ) ;
std : : string abs_path = GetAbsolutePath ( rel_path ) ;
std : : string expected_checksum = file_info - > checksum_hex ;
std : : string actual_checksum ;
Status s = CalculateChecksum ( abs_path , src_env , EnvOptions ( ) ,
0 /* size_limit */ , & actual_checksum ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
if ( actual_checksum ! = expected_checksum ) {
std : : string checksum_info ( " Expected checksum is " + expected_checksum +
" while computed checksum is " + actual_checksum ) ;
return Status : : Corruption ( " crc32c mismatch for " + rel_path + " : " +
checksum_info ) ;
return s ;
void BackupEngineImpl : : DeleteChildren ( const std : : string & dir ,
uint32_t file_type_filter ) {
std : : vector < std : : string > children ;
@ -2423,14 +2068,6 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::BackupMeta::AddFile(
return Status : : Corruption (
" Checksum mismatch for existing backup file. Delete old backups and "
" try again. " ) ;
} else if ( IsSameChecksumFunc ( itr - > second - > checksum_func_name ,
file_info - > checksum_func_name ) & &
! itr - > second - > custom_checksum_hex . empty ( ) & &
itr - > second - > custom_checksum_hex ! =
file_info - > custom_checksum_hex ) {
return Status : : Corruption (
" Custom checksum mismatch for existing backup file. Delete old "
" backups and try again. " ) ;
+ + itr - > second - > refs ; // increase refcount if already present
@ -2544,14 +2181,12 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::BackupMeta::LoadFromFile(
uint32_t checksum_value = 0 ;
std : : string checksum_func_name = kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName ;
if ( line . starts_with ( checksum_prefix ) ) {
line . remove_prefix ( checksum_prefix . size ( ) ) ;
checksum_func_name = kDefaultBackupFileChecksumFuncName ;
checksum_value = static_cast < uint32_t > ( strtoul ( line . data ( ) , nullptr , 10 ) ) ;
if ( line ! = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE : : ToString ( checksum_value ) ) {
return Status : : Corruption ( " Invalid crc32c c hecksum value for " +
filename + " in " + meta_filename_ ) ;
return Status : : Corruption ( " Invalid checksum value for " + filename +
" in " + meta_filename_ ) ;
} else {
return Status : : Corruption ( " Unknown checksum type for " + filename +
@ -2559,8 +2194,7 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::BackupMeta::LoadFromFile(
files . emplace_back (
new FileInfo ( filename , size , ChecksumInt32ToHex ( checksum_value ) ,
" " /* custom_checksum_hex */ , checksum_func_name ) ) ;
new FileInfo ( filename , size , ChecksumInt32ToHex ( checksum_value ) ) ) ;
if ( s . ok ( ) & & data . size ( ) > 0 ) {