@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ package org.rocksdb;
* A user can call { @link org . rocksdb . WriteBatchWithIndex # newIterator ( ) } to
* create an iterator over the write batch or
* { @link org . rocksdb . WriteBatchWithIndex # newIteratorWithBase ( org . rocksdb . RocksIterator ) }
* to get an iterator for the database with Read - Your - Own - Writes like capability
* { @link org . rocksdb . WriteBatchWithIndex # newIteratorWithBase ( org . rocksdb . ReadOptions , org . rocksdb . RocksIterator ) }
* to get an iterator for the database with Read - Your - Own - Writes like
* capability
* /
public class WriteBatchWithIndex extends AbstractWriteBatch {
/ * *
@ -120,25 +121,65 @@ public class WriteBatchWithIndex extends AbstractWriteBatch {
* the write batch update finishes . The state may recover after Next ( ) is
* called .
* @param read_opts The read options to use
* @param columnFamilyHandle The column family to iterate over
* @param baseIterator The base iterator ,
* e . g . { @link org . rocksdb . RocksDB # newIterator ( ) }
* @return An iterator which shows a view comprised of both the database
* point - in - time from baseIterator and modifications made in this write batch .
* /
public RocksIterator newIteratorWithBase (
final ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle ,
final RocksIterator baseIterator ) {
RocksIterator iterator = new RocksIterator (
baseIterator . parent_ ,
iteratorWithBase ( nativeHandle_ ,
columnFamilyHandle . nativeHandle_ ,
baseIterator . nativeHandle_ ) ) ;
public RocksIterator newIteratorWithBase ( final ReadOptions read_opts ,
final ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle , final RocksIterator baseIterator ) {
RocksIterator iterator = new RocksIterator ( baseIterator . parent_ ,
iteratorWithBase ( nativeHandle_ , columnFamilyHandle . nativeHandle_ ,
baseIterator . nativeHandle_ , read_opts . nativeHandle_ ) ) ;
//when the iterator is deleted it will also delete the baseIterator
baseIterator . disOwnNativeHandle ( ) ;
return iterator ;
/ * *
* Provides Read - Your - Own - Writes like functionality by
* creating a new Iterator that will use { @link org . rocksdb . WBWIRocksIterator }
* as a delta and baseIterator as a base
* Updating write batch with the current key of the iterator is not safe .
* We strongly recommand users not to do it . It will invalidate the current
* key ( ) and value ( ) of the iterator . This invalidation happens even before
* the write batch update finishes . The state may recover after Next ( ) is
* called .
* @param columnFamilyHandle The column family to iterate over
* @param baseIterator The base iterator ,
* e . g . { @link org . rocksdb . RocksDB # newIterator ( ) }
* @return An iterator which shows a view comprised of both the database
* point - in - time from baseIterator and modifications made in this write batch .
* /
public RocksIterator newIteratorWithBase (
final ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle ,
final RocksIterator baseIterator ) {
ReadOptions read_opts = new ReadOptions ( ) ;
return newIteratorWithBase ( read_opts , columnFamilyHandle , baseIterator ) ;
/ * *
* Provides Read - Your - Own - Writes like functionality by
* creating a new Iterator that will use { @link org . rocksdb . WBWIRocksIterator }
* as a delta and baseIterator as a base . Operates on the default column
* family .
* @param read_opts The read options to use
* @param baseIterator The base iterator ,
* e . g . { @link org . rocksdb . RocksDB # newIterator ( ) }
* @return An iterator which shows a view comprised of both the database
* point - in - timefrom baseIterator and modifications made in this write batch .
* /
public RocksIterator newIteratorWithBase (
final ReadOptions read_opts , final RocksIterator baseIterator ) {
return newIteratorWithBase (
read_opts , baseIterator . parent_ . getDefaultColumnFamily ( ) , baseIterator ) ;
/ * *
* Provides Read - Your - Own - Writes like functionality by
* creating a new Iterator that will use { @link org . rocksdb . WBWIRocksIterator }
@ -151,8 +192,8 @@ public class WriteBatchWithIndex extends AbstractWriteBatch {
* point - in - timefrom baseIterator and modifications made in this write batch .
* /
public RocksIterator newIteratorWithBase ( final RocksIterator baseIterator ) {
return newIteratorWithBase ( baseIterator . parent_ . getDefaultColumnFamily ( ) ,
baseIterator ) ;
ReadOptions read_opts = new ReadOptions ( ) ;
return newIteratorWithBase ( read_opts , baseIterator ) ;
/ * *
@ -295,8 +336,8 @@ public class WriteBatchWithIndex extends AbstractWriteBatch {
final boolean overwriteKey ) ;
private native long iterator0 ( final long handle ) ;
private native long iterator1 ( final long handle , final long cfHandle ) ;
private native long iteratorWithBase ( final long handle ,
final long baseIterator Handle, final long cfH andle) ;
private native long iteratorWithBase ( final long handle , final long baseIteratorHandle ,
final long cf Handle, final long jreadopt_h andle) ;
private native byte [ ] getFromBatch ( final long handle , final long optHandle ,
final byte [ ] key , final int keyLen ) ;
private native byte [ ] getFromBatch ( final long handle , final long optHandle ,