@ -5,81 +5,184 @@ |
package org.rocksdb.test; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.Collections; |
import org.rocksdb.*; |
public class MergeTest { |
static final String db_path_string = "/tmp/mergestringjni_db"; |
static final String db_path_function = "/tmp/mergefunctionjni_db"; |
static { |
RocksDB.loadLibrary(); |
} |
public static void testStringOption() |
throws InterruptedException, RocksDBException { |
System.out.println("Testing merge function string option ==="); |
Options opt = new Options(); |
opt.setCreateIfMissing(true); |
opt.setMergeOperatorName("stringappend"); |
RocksDB db = RocksDB.open(opt, db_path_string); |
System.out.println("Writing aa under key..."); |
db.put("key".getBytes(), "aa".getBytes()); |
System.out.println("Writing bb under key..."); |
db.merge("key".getBytes(), "bb".getBytes()); |
byte[] value = db.get("key".getBytes()); |
String strValue = new String(value); |
System.out.println("Retrieved value: " + strValue); |
db.close(); |
opt.dispose(); |
assert(strValue.equals("aa,bb")); |
System.out.println("Merge function string option passed!"); |
} |
public static void testOperatorOption() |
throws InterruptedException, RocksDBException { |
System.out.println("Testing merge function operator option ==="); |
Options opt = new Options(); |
opt.setCreateIfMissing(true); |
StringAppendOperator stringAppendOperator = new StringAppendOperator(); |
opt.setMergeOperator(stringAppendOperator); |
RocksDB db = RocksDB.open(opt, db_path_string); |
System.out.println("Writing aa under key..."); |
db.put("key".getBytes(), "aa".getBytes()); |
System.out.println("Writing bb under key..."); |
db.merge("key".getBytes(), "bb".getBytes()); |
byte[] value = db.get("key".getBytes()); |
String strValue = new String(value); |
System.out.println("Retrieved value: " + strValue); |
db.close(); |
opt.dispose(); |
assert(strValue.equals("aa,bb")); |
System.out.println("Merge function operator option passed!"); |
} |
public static void main(String[] args) |
throws InterruptedException, RocksDBException { |
testStringOption(); |
testOperatorOption(); |
} |
static final String db_path_string = "/tmp/rocksdbjni_mergestring_db"; |
static final String db_cf_path_string = "/tmp/rocksdbjni_mergecfstring_db"; |
static final String db_path_operator = "/tmp/rocksdbjni_mergeoperator_db"; |
static { |
RocksDB.loadLibrary(); |
} |
public static void testStringOption() |
throws InterruptedException, RocksDBException { |
Options opt = new Options(); |
opt.setCreateIfMissing(true); |
opt.setMergeOperatorName("stringappend"); |
RocksDB db = RocksDB.open(opt, db_path_string); |
// writing aa under key
db.put("key".getBytes(), "aa".getBytes()); |
// merge bb under key
db.merge("key".getBytes(), "bb".getBytes()); |
byte[] value = db.get("key".getBytes()); |
String strValue = new String(value); |
db.close(); |
opt.dispose(); |
assert(strValue.equals("aa,bb")); |
} |
public static void testCFStringOption() |
throws InterruptedException, RocksDBException { |
Options opt = new Options(); |
opt.setCreateIfMissing(true); |
opt.setCreateMissingColumnFamilies(true); |
opt.setMergeOperatorName("stringappend"); |
List<String> cfNames = new ArrayList<String>(); |
List<ColumnFamilyHandle> columnFamilyHandleList = |
new ArrayList<ColumnFamilyHandle>(); |
cfNames.add("default"); |
cfNames.add("new_cf"); |
RocksDB db = RocksDB.open(opt, db_cf_path_string, |
cfNames, columnFamilyHandleList); |
// writing aa under key
db.put(columnFamilyHandleList.get(1), |
"cfkey".getBytes(), "aa".getBytes()); |
// merge bb under key
db.merge(columnFamilyHandleList.get(1), |
"cfkey".getBytes(), "bb".getBytes()); |
byte[] value = db.get(columnFamilyHandleList.get(1), "cfkey".getBytes()); |
String strValue = new String(value); |
for (ColumnFamilyHandle handle : columnFamilyHandleList) { |
handle.dispose(); |
} |
db.close(); |
opt.dispose(); |
assert(strValue.equals("aa,bb")); |
} |
public static void testOperatorOption() |
throws InterruptedException, RocksDBException { |
Options opt = new Options(); |
opt.setCreateIfMissing(true); |
StringAppendOperator stringAppendOperator = new StringAppendOperator(); |
opt.setMergeOperator(stringAppendOperator); |
RocksDB db = RocksDB.open(opt, db_path_string); |
// Writing aa under key
db.put("key".getBytes(), "aa".getBytes()); |
// Writing bb under key
db.merge("key".getBytes(), "bb".getBytes()); |
byte[] value = db.get("key".getBytes()); |
String strValue = new String(value); |
db.close(); |
opt.dispose(); |
assert(strValue.equals("aa,bb")); |
} |
public static void testCFOperatorOption() |
throws InterruptedException, RocksDBException { |
Options opt = new Options(); |
opt.setCreateIfMissing(true); |
opt.setCreateMissingColumnFamilies(true); |
StringAppendOperator stringAppendOperator = new StringAppendOperator(); |
opt.setMergeOperator(stringAppendOperator); |
List<String> cfNames = new ArrayList<String>(); |
List<ColumnFamilyHandle> columnFamilyHandleList = |
new ArrayList<ColumnFamilyHandle>(); |
cfNames.add("default"); |
cfNames.add("new_cf"); |
RocksDB db = RocksDB.open(opt, db_path_operator, |
cfNames, columnFamilyHandleList); |
// writing aa under key
db.put(columnFamilyHandleList.get(1), |
"cfkey".getBytes(), "aa".getBytes()); |
// merge bb under key
db.merge(columnFamilyHandleList.get(1), |
"cfkey".getBytes(), "bb".getBytes()); |
byte[] value = db.get(columnFamilyHandleList.get(1), "cfkey".getBytes()); |
String strValue = new String(value); |
// Test also with createColumnFamily
ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle = db.createColumnFamily("new_cf2"); |
// writing xx under cfkey2
db.put(columnFamilyHandle, "cfkey2".getBytes(), "xx".getBytes()); |
// merge yy under cfkey2
db.merge(columnFamilyHandle, "cfkey2".getBytes(), "yy".getBytes()); |
value = db.get(columnFamilyHandle, "cfkey2".getBytes()); |
String strValueTmpCf = new String(value); |
db.close(); |
opt.dispose(); |
assert(strValue.equals("aa,bb")); |
assert(strValueTmpCf.equals("xx,yy")); |
} |
public static void testOperatorGcBehaviour() |
throws RocksDBException { |
Options opt = new Options(); |
opt.setCreateIfMissing(true); |
StringAppendOperator stringAppendOperator = new StringAppendOperator(); |
opt.setMergeOperator(stringAppendOperator); |
RocksDB db = RocksDB.open(opt, db_path_string); |
db.close(); |
opt.dispose(); |
System.gc(); |
System.runFinalization(); |
// test reuse
opt = new Options(); |
opt.setMergeOperator(stringAppendOperator); |
db = RocksDB.open(opt, db_path_string); |
db.close(); |
opt.dispose(); |
System.gc(); |
System.runFinalization(); |
// test param init
opt = new Options(); |
opt.setMergeOperator(new StringAppendOperator()); |
db = RocksDB.open(opt, db_path_string); |
db.close(); |
opt.dispose(); |
System.gc(); |
System.runFinalization(); |
// test replace one with another merge operator instance
opt = new Options(); |
opt.setMergeOperator(stringAppendOperator); |
StringAppendOperator newStringAppendOperator = new StringAppendOperator(); |
opt.setMergeOperator(newStringAppendOperator); |
db = RocksDB.open(opt, db_path_string); |
db.close(); |
opt.dispose(); |
stringAppendOperator = null; |
newStringAppendOperator = null; |
System.gc(); |
System.runFinalization(); |
} |
public static void main(String[] args) |
throws InterruptedException, RocksDBException { |
testStringOption(); |
testCFStringOption(); |
testOperatorOption(); |
testCFOperatorOption(); |
testOperatorGcBehaviour(); |
System.out.println("Passed MergeTest."); |
} |
} |