@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ TEST_F(DBBasicTest, FlushEmptyColumnFamily) {
sleeping_task_low . WaitUntilDone ( ) ;
TEST_F ( DBBasicTest , FLUSH ) {
TEST_F ( DBBasicTest , Flush ) {
do {
CreateAndReopenWithCF ( { " pikachu " } , CurrentOptions ( ) ) ;
WriteOptions writeOpt = WriteOptions ( ) ;
@ -2196,9 +2196,36 @@ class DBBasicTestWithTimestampBase : public DBTestBase {
: DBTestBase ( dbname ) { }
protected :
class TestComparatorBase : public Comparator {
static std : : string Key1 ( uint64_t k ) {
uint32_t x = 1 ;
const bool is_little_endian = ( * reinterpret_cast < char * > ( & x ) ! = 0 ) ;
std : : string ret ;
if ( is_little_endian ) {
ret . assign ( reinterpret_cast < char * > ( & k ) , sizeof ( k ) ) ;
} else {
ret . resize ( sizeof ( k ) ) ;
ret [ 0 ] = k & 0xff ;
ret [ 1 ] = ( k > > 8 ) & 0xff ;
ret [ 2 ] = ( k > > 16 ) & 0xff ;
ret [ 3 ] = ( k > > 24 ) & 0xff ;
ret [ 4 ] = ( k > > 32 ) & 0xff ;
ret [ 5 ] = ( k > > 40 ) & 0xff ;
ret [ 6 ] = ( k > > 48 ) & 0xff ;
ret [ 7 ] = ( k > > 56 ) & 0xff ;
std : : reverse ( ret . begin ( ) , ret . end ( ) ) ;
return ret ;
class TestComparator : public Comparator {
private :
const Comparator * cmp_without_ts_ ;
public :
explicit TestComparatorBase ( size_t ts_sz ) : Comparator ( ts_sz ) { }
explicit TestComparator ( size_t ts_sz )
: Comparator ( ts_sz ) , cmp_without_ts_ ( nullptr ) {
cmp_without_ts_ = BytewiseComparator ( ) ;
const char * Name ( ) const override { return " TestComparator " ; }
@ -2211,20 +2238,23 @@ class DBBasicTestWithTimestampBase : public DBTestBase {
if ( r ! = 0 | | 0 = = timestamp_size ( ) ) {
return r ;
return CompareTimestamp (
return - CompareTimestamp (
Slice ( a . data ( ) + a . size ( ) - timestamp_size ( ) , timestamp_size ( ) ) ,
Slice ( b . data ( ) + b . size ( ) - timestamp_size ( ) , timestamp_size ( ) ) ) ;
virtual int CompareImpl ( const Slice & a , const Slice & b ) const = 0 ;
int CompareWithoutTimestamp ( const Slice & a , const Slice & b ) const override {
assert ( a . size ( ) > = timestamp_size ( ) ) ;
assert ( b . size ( ) > = timestamp_size ( ) ) ;
Slice k1 = StripTimestampFromUserKey ( a , timestamp_size ( ) ) ;
Slice k2 = StripTimestampFromUserKey ( b , timestamp_size ( ) ) ;
return CompareImpl ( k1 , k2 ) ;
using Comparator : : CompareWithoutTimestamp ;
int CompareWithoutTimestamp ( const Slice & a , bool a_has_ts , const Slice & b ,
bool b_has_ts ) const override {
if ( a_has_ts ) {
assert ( a . size ( ) > = timestamp_size ( ) ) ;
if ( b_has_ts ) {
assert ( b . size ( ) > = timestamp_size ( ) ) ;
Slice lhs = a_has_ts ? StripTimestampFromUserKey ( a , timestamp_size ( ) ) : a ;
Slice rhs = b_has_ts ? StripTimestampFromUserKey ( b , timestamp_size ( ) ) : b ;
return cmp_without_ts_ - > Compare ( lhs , rhs ) ;
int CompareTimestamp ( const Slice & ts1 , const Slice & ts2 ) const override {
@ -2240,60 +2270,409 @@ class DBBasicTestWithTimestampBase : public DBTestBase {
uint64_t low2 = 0 ;
uint64_t high1 = 0 ;
uint64_t high2 = 0 ;
auto * ptr1 = const_cast < Slice * > ( & ts1 ) ;
auto * ptr2 = const_cast < Slice * > ( & ts2 ) ;
const size_t kSize = ts1 . size ( ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < char [ ] > ts1_buf ( new char [ kSize ] ) ;
memcpy ( ts1_buf . get ( ) , ts1 . data ( ) , ts1 . size ( ) ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < char [ ] > ts2_buf ( new char [ kSize ] ) ;
memcpy ( ts2_buf . get ( ) , ts2 . data ( ) , ts2 . size ( ) ) ;
Slice ts1_copy = Slice ( ts1_buf . get ( ) , kSize ) ;
Slice ts2_copy = Slice ( ts2_buf . get ( ) , kSize ) ;
auto * ptr1 = const_cast < Slice * > ( & ts1_copy ) ;
auto * ptr2 = const_cast < Slice * > ( & ts2_copy ) ;
if ( ! GetFixed64 ( ptr1 , & low1 ) | | ! GetFixed64 ( ptr1 , & high1 ) | |
! GetFixed64 ( ptr2 , & low2 ) | | ! GetFixed64 ( ptr2 , & high2 ) ) {
assert ( false ) ;
if ( high1 < high2 ) {
return 1 ;
} else if ( high1 > high2 ) {
return - 1 ;
} else if ( high1 > high2 ) {
return 1 ;
if ( low1 < low2 ) {
return 1 ;
} else if ( low1 > low2 ) {
return - 1 ;
} else if ( low1 > low2 ) {
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
} ;
Slice EncodeTimestamp ( uint64_t low , uint64_t high , std : : string * ts ) {
assert ( nullptr ! = ts ) ;
ts - > clear ( ) ;
PutFixed64 ( ts , low ) ;
PutFixed64 ( ts , high ) ;
assert ( ts - > size ( ) = = sizeof ( low ) + sizeof ( high ) ) ;
return Slice ( * ts ) ;
std : : string Timestamp ( uint64_t low , uint64_t high ) {
std : : string ts ;
PutFixed64 ( & ts , low ) ;
PutFixed64 ( & ts , high ) ;
return ts ;
void CheckIterUserEntry ( const Iterator * it , const Slice & expected_key ,
const Slice & expected_value ,
const Slice & expected_ts ) const {
ASSERT_TRUE ( it - > Valid ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( it - > status ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( expected_key , it - > key ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( expected_value , it - > value ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( expected_ts , it - > timestamp ( ) ) ;
void CheckIterEntry ( const Iterator * it , const Slice & expected_ukey ,
SequenceNumber expected_seq , ValueType expected_val_type ,
const Slice & expected_value , const Slice & expected_ts ) {
ASSERT_TRUE ( it - > Valid ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( it - > status ( ) ) ;
std : : string ukey_and_ts ;
ukey_and_ts . assign ( expected_ukey . data ( ) , expected_ukey . size ( ) ) ;
ukey_and_ts . append ( expected_ts . data ( ) , expected_ts . size ( ) ) ;
ParsedInternalKey parsed_ikey ( ukey_and_ts , expected_seq , expected_val_type ) ;
std : : string ikey ;
AppendInternalKey ( & ikey , parsed_ikey ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( Slice ( ikey ) , it - > key ( ) ) ;
if ( expected_val_type = = kTypeValue ) {
ASSERT_EQ ( expected_value , it - > value ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( expected_ts , it - > timestamp ( ) ) ;
} ;
class DBBasicTestWithTimestamp : public DBBasicTestWithTimestampBase {
public :
DBBasicTestWithTimestamp ( )
: DBBasicTestWithTimestampBase ( " /db_basic_test_with_timestamp " ) { }
: DBBasicTestWithTimestampBase ( " db_basic_test_with_timestamp " ) { }
} ;
protected :
class TestComparator : public TestComparatorBase {
public :
const int kKeyPrefixLength =
3 ; // 3: length of "key" in generated keys ("key" + std::to_string(j))
explicit TestComparator ( size_t ts_sz ) : TestComparatorBase ( ts_sz ) { }
int CompareImpl ( const Slice & a , const Slice & b ) const override {
int n1 = atoi (
std : : string ( a . data ( ) + kKeyPrefixLength , a . size ( ) - kKeyPrefixLength )
. c_str ( ) ) ;
int n2 = atoi (
std : : string ( b . data ( ) + kKeyPrefixLength , b . size ( ) - kKeyPrefixLength )
. c_str ( ) ) ;
return ( n1 < n2 ) ? - 1 : ( n1 > n2 ) ? 1 : 0 ;
TEST_F ( DBBasicTestWithTimestamp , SimpleForwardIterate ) {
const int kNumKeysPerFile = 2048 ;
const uint64_t kMaxKey = 16384 ;
Options options = CurrentOptions ( ) ;
options . env = env_ ;
// TODO(yanqin) re-enable auto compaction
options . disable_auto_compactions = true ;
options . create_if_missing = true ;
const size_t kTimestampSize = Timestamp ( 0 , 0 ) . size ( ) ;
TestComparator test_cmp ( kTimestampSize ) ;
options . comparator = & test_cmp ;
options . memtable_factory . reset ( new SpecialSkipListFactory ( kNumKeysPerFile ) ) ;
DestroyAndReopen ( options ) ;
const std : : vector < uint64_t > start_keys = { 1 , 0 } ;
const std : : vector < std : : string > write_timestamps = { Timestamp ( 1 , 0 ) ,
Timestamp ( 3 , 0 ) } ;
const std : : vector < std : : string > read_timestamps = { Timestamp ( 2 , 0 ) ,
Timestamp ( 4 , 0 ) } ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < write_timestamps . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
WriteOptions write_opts ;
Slice write_ts = write_timestamps [ i ] ;
write_opts . timestamp = & write_ts ;
for ( uint64_t key = start_keys [ i ] ; key < = kMaxKey ; + + key ) {
Status s = db_ - > Put ( write_opts , Key1 ( key ) , " value " + std : : to_string ( i ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
} ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < read_timestamps . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
ReadOptions read_opts ;
Slice read_ts = read_timestamps [ i ] ;
read_opts . timestamp = & read_ts ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > it ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_opts ) ) ;
int count = 0 ;
uint64_t key = 0 ;
for ( it - > Seek ( Key1 ( 0 ) ) , key = start_keys [ i ] ; it - > Valid ( ) ;
it - > Next ( ) , + + count , + + key ) {
CheckIterUserEntry ( it . get ( ) , Key1 ( key ) , " value " + std : : to_string ( i ) ,
write_timestamps [ i ] ) ;
size_t expected_count = kMaxKey - start_keys [ i ] + 1 ;
ASSERT_EQ ( expected_count , count ) ;
// SeekToFirst() with lower bound.
// Then iter with lower and upper bounds.
uint64_t l = 0 ;
uint64_t r = kMaxKey + 1 ;
while ( l < r ) {
std : : string lb_str = Key1 ( l ) ;
Slice lb = lb_str ;
std : : string ub_str = Key1 ( r ) ;
Slice ub = ub_str ;
read_opts . iterate_lower_bound = & lb ;
read_opts . iterate_upper_bound = & ub ;
it . reset ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_opts ) ) ;
for ( it - > SeekToFirst ( ) , key = std : : max ( l , start_keys [ i ] ) , count = 0 ;
it - > Valid ( ) ; it - > Next ( ) , + + key , + + count ) {
CheckIterUserEntry ( it . get ( ) , Key1 ( key ) , " value " + std : : to_string ( i ) ,
write_timestamps [ i ] ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( r - std : : max ( l , start_keys [ i ] ) , count ) ;
l + = ( kMaxKey / 100 ) ;
r - = ( kMaxKey / 100 ) ;
Close ( ) ;
TEST_F ( DBBasicTestWithTimestamp , ForwardIterateStartSeqnum ) {
const int kNumKeysPerFile = 2048 ;
const uint64_t kMaxKey = 0xffffffffffffffff ;
const uint64_t kMinKey = kMaxKey - 16383 ;
Options options = CurrentOptions ( ) ;
options . env = env_ ;
options . create_if_missing = true ;
// TODO(yanqin) re-enable auto compaction
options . disable_auto_compactions = true ;
const size_t kTimestampSize = Timestamp ( 0 , 0 ) . size ( ) ;
TestComparator test_cmp ( kTimestampSize ) ;
options . comparator = & test_cmp ;
options . memtable_factory . reset ( new SpecialSkipListFactory ( kNumKeysPerFile ) ) ;
DestroyAndReopen ( options ) ;
std : : vector < SequenceNumber > start_seqs ;
const int kNumTimestamps = 4 ;
std : : vector < std : : string > write_ts_list ;
for ( int t = 0 ; t ! = kNumTimestamps ; + + t ) {
write_ts_list . push_back ( Timestamp ( 2 * t , /*do not care*/ 17 ) ) ;
WriteOptions write_opts ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i ! = write_ts_list . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
Slice write_ts = write_ts_list [ i ] ;
write_opts . timestamp = & write_ts ;
uint64_t k = kMinKey ;
do {
Status s = db_ - > Put ( write_opts , Key1 ( k ) , " value " + std : : to_string ( i ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
if ( k = = kMaxKey ) {
break ;
+ + k ;
} while ( k ! = 0 ) ;
start_seqs . push_back ( db_ - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > read_ts_list ;
for ( int t = 0 ; t ! = kNumTimestamps - 1 ; + + t ) {
read_ts_list . push_back ( Timestamp ( 2 * t + 3 , /*do not care*/ 17 ) ) ;
ReadOptions read_opts ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i ! = read_ts_list . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
Slice read_ts = read_ts_list [ i ] ;
read_opts . timestamp = & read_ts ;
read_opts . iter_start_seqnum = start_seqs [ i ] ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_opts ) ) ;
SequenceNumber expected_seq = start_seqs [ i ] + 1 ;
uint64_t key = kMinKey ;
for ( iter - > Seek ( Key1 ( kMinKey ) ) ; iter - > Valid ( ) ; iter - > Next ( ) ) {
CheckIterEntry ( iter . get ( ) , Key1 ( key ) , expected_seq , kTypeValue ,
" value " + std : : to_string ( i + 1 ) , write_ts_list [ i + 1 ] ) ;
+ + key ;
+ + expected_seq ;
Close ( ) ;
TEST_F ( DBBasicTestWithTimestamp , ReseekToTargetTimestamp ) {
Options options = CurrentOptions ( ) ;
options . env = env_ ;
options . create_if_missing = true ;
constexpr size_t kNumKeys = 16 ;
options . max_sequential_skip_in_iterations = kNumKeys / 2 ;
options . statistics = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE : : CreateDBStatistics ( ) ;
// TODO(yanqin) re-enable auto compaction
options . disable_auto_compactions = true ;
const size_t kTimestampSize = Timestamp ( 0 , 0 ) . size ( ) ;
TestComparator test_cmp ( kTimestampSize ) ;
options . comparator = & test_cmp ;
DestroyAndReopen ( options ) ;
// Insert kNumKeys
WriteOptions write_opts ;
Status s ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i ! = kNumKeys ; + + i ) {
std : : string ts_str = Timestamp ( static_cast < uint64_t > ( i + 1 ) , 0 ) ;
Slice ts = ts_str ;
write_opts . timestamp = & ts ;
s = db_ - > Put ( write_opts , " foo " , " value " + std : : to_string ( i ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
ReadOptions read_opts ;
std : : string ts_str = Timestamp ( 1 , 0 ) ;
Slice ts = ts_str ;
read_opts . timestamp = & ts ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_opts ) ) ;
iter - > SeekToFirst ( ) ;
CheckIterUserEntry ( iter . get ( ) , " foo " , " value0 " , ts_str ) ;
1 , options . statistics - > getTickerCount ( NUMBER_OF_RESEEKS_IN_ITERATION ) ) ;
Close ( ) ;
TEST_F ( DBBasicTestWithTimestamp , ReseekToNextUserKey ) {
Options options = CurrentOptions ( ) ;
options . env = env_ ;
options . create_if_missing = true ;
constexpr size_t kNumKeys = 16 ;
options . max_sequential_skip_in_iterations = kNumKeys / 2 ;
options . statistics = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE : : CreateDBStatistics ( ) ;
// TODO(yanqin) re-enable auto compaction
options . disable_auto_compactions = true ;
const size_t kTimestampSize = Timestamp ( 0 , 0 ) . size ( ) ;
TestComparator test_cmp ( kTimestampSize ) ;
options . comparator = & test_cmp ;
DestroyAndReopen ( options ) ;
// Write kNumKeys + 1 keys
WriteOptions write_opts ;
Status s ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i ! = kNumKeys ; + + i ) {
std : : string ts_str = Timestamp ( static_cast < uint64_t > ( i + 1 ) , 0 ) ;
Slice ts = ts_str ;
write_opts . timestamp = & ts ;
s = db_ - > Put ( write_opts , " a " , " value " + std : : to_string ( i ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
std : : string ts_str = Timestamp ( static_cast < uint64_t > ( kNumKeys + 1 ) , 0 ) ;
WriteBatch batch ( 0 , 0 , kTimestampSize ) ;
batch . Put ( " a " , " new_value " ) ;
batch . Put ( " b " , " new_value " ) ;
s = batch . AssignTimestamp ( ts_str ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
s = db_ - > Write ( write_opts , & batch ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
ReadOptions read_opts ;
std : : string ts_str = Timestamp ( static_cast < uint64_t > ( kNumKeys + 1 ) , 0 ) ;
Slice ts = ts_str ;
read_opts . timestamp = & ts ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_opts ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( " a " ) ;
iter - > Next ( ) ;
CheckIterUserEntry ( iter . get ( ) , " b " , " new_value " , ts_str ) ;
1 , options . statistics - > getTickerCount ( NUMBER_OF_RESEEKS_IN_ITERATION ) ) ;
Close ( ) ;
TEST_F ( DBBasicTestWithTimestamp , MaxKeysSkipped ) {
Options options = CurrentOptions ( ) ;
options . env = env_ ;
options . create_if_missing = true ;
const size_t kTimestampSize = Timestamp ( 0 , 0 ) . size ( ) ;
TestComparator test_cmp ( kTimestampSize ) ;
options . comparator = & test_cmp ;
DestroyAndReopen ( options ) ;
constexpr size_t max_skippable_internal_keys = 2 ;
const size_t kNumKeys = max_skippable_internal_keys + 2 ;
WriteOptions write_opts ;
Status s ;
std : : string ts_str = Timestamp ( 1 , 0 ) ;
Slice ts = ts_str ;
write_opts . timestamp = & ts ;
ASSERT_OK ( db_ - > Put ( write_opts , " a " , " value " ) ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < kNumKeys ; + + i ) {
std : : string ts_str = Timestamp ( static_cast < uint64_t > ( i + 1 ) , 0 ) ;
Slice ts = ts_str ;
write_opts . timestamp = & ts ;
s = db_ - > Put ( write_opts , " b " , " value " + std : : to_string ( i ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
ReadOptions read_opts ;
read_opts . max_skippable_internal_keys = max_skippable_internal_keys ;
std : : string ts_str = Timestamp ( 1 , 0 ) ;
Slice ts = ts_str ;
read_opts . timestamp = & ts ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_opts ) ) ;
iter - > SeekToFirst ( ) ;
iter - > Next ( ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( iter - > status ( ) . IsIncomplete ( ) ) ;
Close ( ) ;
class DBBasicTestWithTimestampCompressionSettings
: public DBBasicTestWithTimestampBase ,
public testing : : WithParamInterface < std : : tuple <
std : : shared_ptr < const FilterPolicy > , CompressionType , uint32_t > > {
public :
DBBasicTestWithTimestampCompressionSettings ( )
: DBBasicTestWithTimestampBase (
" db_basic_test_with_timestamp_compression " ) { }
} ;
TEST_P ( DBBasicTestWithTimestampCompressionSettings , PutAndGet ) {
const int kNumKeysPerFile = 8192 ;
const size_t kNumTimestamps = 6 ;
Options options = CurrentOptions ( ) ;
options . create_if_missing = true ;
options . env = env_ ;
options . memtable_factory . reset ( new SpecialSkipListFactory ( kNumKeysPerFile ) ) ;
size_t ts_sz = Timestamp ( 0 , 0 ) . size ( ) ;
TestComparator test_cmp ( ts_sz ) ;
options . comparator = & test_cmp ;
BlockBasedTableOptions bbto ;
bbto . filter_policy = std : : get < 0 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
bbto . whole_key_filtering = true ;
options . table_factory . reset ( NewBlockBasedTableFactory ( bbto ) ) ;
const CompressionType comp_type = std : : get < 1 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
# if LZ4_VERSION_NUMBER < 10400 // r124+
if ( comp_type = = kLZ4Compression | | comp_type = = kLZ4HCCompression ) {
return ;
# endif // LZ4_VERSION_NUMBER >= 10400
if ( ! ZSTD_Supported ( ) & & comp_type = = kZSTD ) {
return ;
if ( ! Zlib_Supported ( ) & & comp_type = = kZlibCompression ) {
return ;
options . compression = comp_type ;
options . compression_opts . max_dict_bytes = std : : get < 2 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
if ( comp_type = = kZSTD ) {
options . compression_opts . zstd_max_train_bytes = std : : get < 2 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
options . target_file_size_base = 1 < < 26 ; // 64MB
DestroyAndReopen ( options ) ;
CreateAndReopenWithCF ( { " pikachu " } , options ) ;
size_t num_cfs = handles_ . size ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( 2 , num_cfs ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > write_ts_list ;
std : : vector < std : : string > read_ts_list ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i ! = kNumTimestamps ; + + i ) {
write_ts_list . push_back ( Timestamp ( i * 2 , 0 ) ) ;
read_ts_list . push_back ( Timestamp ( 1 + i * 2 , 0 ) ) ;
const Slice write_ts = write_ts_list . back ( ) ;
WriteOptions wopts ;
wopts . timestamp = & write_ts ;
for ( int cf = 0 ; cf ! = static_cast < int > ( num_cfs ) ; + + cf ) {
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j ! = ( kNumKeysPerFile - 1 ) / kNumTimestamps ; + + j ) {
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( cf , Key1 ( j ) ,
" value_ " + std : : to_string ( j ) + " _ " + std : : to_string ( i ) ,
wopts ) ) ;
const auto & verify_db_func = [ & ] ( ) {
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i ! = kNumTimestamps ; + + i ) {
ReadOptions ropts ;
const Slice read_ts = read_ts_list [ i ] ;
ropts . timestamp = & read_ts ;
for ( int cf = 0 ; cf ! = static_cast < int > ( num_cfs ) ; + + cf ) {
ColumnFamilyHandle * cfh = handles_ [ cf ] ;
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j ! = ( kNumKeysPerFile - 1 ) / kNumTimestamps ; + + j ) {
std : : string value ;
ASSERT_OK ( db_ - > Get ( ropts , cfh , Key1 ( j ) , & value ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( " value_ " + std : : to_string ( j ) + " _ " + std : : to_string ( i ) ,
value ) ;
} ;
verify_db_func ( ) ;
Close ( ) ;
// A class which remembers the name of each flushed file.
class FlushedFileCollector : public EventListener {
@ -2325,7 +2704,7 @@ class FlushedFileCollector : public EventListener {
InstrumentedMutex mutex_ ;
} ;
TEST_F ( DBBasicTestWithTimestamp , PutAndGetWithCompaction ) {
TEST_P ( DBBasicTestWithTimestampCompressionSettings , PutAndGetWithCompaction ) {
const int kNumKeysPerFile = 8192 ;
const size_t kNumTimestamps = 2 ;
const size_t kNumKeysPerTimestamp = ( kNumKeysPerFile - 1 ) / kNumTimestamps ;
@ -2338,23 +2717,39 @@ TEST_F(DBBasicTestWithTimestamp, PutAndGetWithCompaction) {
FlushedFileCollector * collector = new FlushedFileCollector ( ) ;
options . listeners . emplace_back ( collector ) ;
std : : string tmp ;
size_t ts_sz = EncodeTimestamp ( 0 , 0 , & tmp ) . size ( ) ;
size_t ts_sz = Timestamp ( 0 , 0 ) . size ( ) ;
TestComparator test_cmp ( ts_sz ) ;
options . comparator = & test_cmp ;
BlockBasedTableOptions bbto ;
bbto . filter_policy . reset ( NewBloomFilterPolicy (
10 /*bits_per_key*/ , false /*use_block_based_builder*/ ) ) ;
bbto . filter_policy = std : : get < 0 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
bbto . whole_key_filtering = true ;
options . table_factory . reset ( NewBlockBasedTableFactory ( bbto ) ) ;
const CompressionType comp_type = std : : get < 1 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
# if LZ4_VERSION_NUMBER < 10400 // r124+
if ( comp_type = = kLZ4Compression | | comp_type = = kLZ4HCCompression ) {
return ;
# endif // LZ4_VERSION_NUMBER >= 10400
if ( ! ZSTD_Supported ( ) & & comp_type = = kZSTD ) {
return ;
if ( ! Zlib_Supported ( ) & & comp_type = = kZlibCompression ) {
return ;
options . compression = comp_type ;
options . compression_opts . max_dict_bytes = std : : get < 2 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
if ( comp_type = = kZSTD ) {
options . compression_opts . zstd_max_train_bytes = std : : get < 2 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
DestroyAndReopen ( options ) ;
CreateAndReopenWithCF ( { " pikachu " } , options ) ;
size_t num_cfs = handles_ . size ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( 2 , num_cfs ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > write_ts_strs ( kNumTimestamps ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > read_ts_strs ( kNumTimestamps ) ;
std : : vector < Slice > write_ts_list ;
std : : vector < Slice > read_ts_list ;
std : : vector < std : : string > write_ts_list ;
std : : vector < std : : string > read_ts_list ;
const auto & verify_record_func = [ & ] ( size_t i , size_t k ,
ColumnFamilyHandle * cfh ) {
@ -2362,26 +2757,26 @@ TEST_F(DBBasicTestWithTimestamp, PutAndGetWithCompaction) {
std : : string timestamp ;
ReadOptions ropts ;
ropts . timestamp = & read_ts_list [ i ] ;
const Slice read_ts = read_ts_list [ i ] ;
ropts . timestamp = & read_ts ;
std : : string expected_timestamp =
std : : string ( write_ts_list [ i ] . data ( ) , write_ts_list [ i ] . size ( ) ) ;
db_ - > Get ( ropts , cfh , " key " + std : : to_string ( k ) , & value , & timestamp ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( db_ - > Get ( ropts , cfh , Key1 ( k ) , & value , & timestamp ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( " value_ " + std : : to_string ( k ) + " _ " + std : : to_string ( i ) , value ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( expected_timestamp , timestamp ) ;
} ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i ! = kNumTimestamps ; + + i ) {
write_ts_list . emplace _back( Encode Timestamp( i * 2 , 0 , & write_ts_strs [ i ] ) ) ;
read_ts_list . emplace _back( Encode Timestamp( 1 + i * 2 , 0 , & read_ts_strs [ i ] ) ) ;
const Slice & write_ts = write_ts_list . back ( ) ;
write_ts_list . push _back( Timestamp ( i * 2 , 0 ) ) ;
read_ts_list . push _back( Timestamp ( 1 + i * 2 , 0 ) ) ;
const Slice write_ts = write_ts_list . back ( ) ;
WriteOptions wopts ;
wopts . timestamp = & write_ts ;
for ( int cf = 0 ; cf ! = static_cast < int > ( num_cfs ) ; + + cf ) {
size_t memtable_get_start = 0 ;
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j ! = kNumKeysPerTimestamp ; + + j ) {
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( cf , " key " + std : : to_string ( j ) ,
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( cf , Key1 ( j ) ,
" value_ " + std : : to_string ( j ) + " _ " + std : : to_string ( i ) ,
wopts ) ) ;
if ( j = = kSplitPosBase + i | | j = = kNumKeysPerTimestamp - 1 ) {
@ -2411,7 +2806,8 @@ TEST_F(DBBasicTestWithTimestamp, PutAndGetWithCompaction) {
const auto & verify_db_func = [ & ] ( ) {
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i ! = kNumTimestamps ; + + i ) {
ReadOptions ropts ;
ropts . timestamp = & read_ts_list [ i ] ;
const Slice read_ts = read_ts_list [ i ] ;
ropts . timestamp = & read_ts ;
std : : string expected_timestamp ( write_ts_list [ i ] . data ( ) ,
write_ts_list [ i ] . size ( ) ) ;
for ( int cf = 0 ; cf ! = static_cast < int > ( num_cfs ) ; + + cf ) {
@ -2423,130 +2819,148 @@ TEST_F(DBBasicTestWithTimestamp, PutAndGetWithCompaction) {
} ;
verify_db_func ( ) ;
Close ( ) ;
# endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
class DBBasicTestWithTimestampWithParam
Timestamp , DBBasicTestWithTimestampCompressionSettings ,
: : testing : : Combine (
: : testing : : Values ( std : : shared_ptr < const FilterPolicy > ( nullptr ) ,
std : : shared_ptr < const FilterPolicy > (
NewBloomFilterPolicy ( 10 , false ) ) ) ,
: : testing : : Values ( kNoCompression , kZlibCompression , kLZ4Compression ,
kLZ4HCCompression , kZSTD ) ,
: : testing : : Values ( 0 , 1 < < 14 ) ) ) ;
class DBBasicTestWithTimestampPrefixSeek
: public DBBasicTestWithTimestampBase ,
public testing : : WithParamInterface < bool > {
public testing : : WithParamInterface <
std : : tuple < std : : shared_ptr < const SliceTransform > ,
std : : shared_ptr < const FilterPolicy > , bool > > {
public :
DBBasicTestWithTimestampWithParam ( )
DBBasicTestWithTimestampPrefixSeek ( )
: DBBasicTestWithTimestampBase (
" /db_basic_test_with_timestamp_with_param " ) { }
protected :
class TestComparator : public TestComparatorBase {
private :
const Comparator * cmp_without_ts_ ;
public :
explicit TestComparator ( size_t ts_sz )
: TestComparatorBase ( ts_sz ) , cmp_without_ts_ ( nullptr ) {
cmp_without_ts_ = BytewiseComparator ( ) ;
int CompareImpl ( const Slice & a , const Slice & b ) const override {
return cmp_without_ts_ - > Compare ( a , b ) ;
} ;
" /db_basic_test_with_timestamp_prefix_seek " ) { }
} ;
TEST_P ( DBBasicTestWithTimestampWithParam , PutAndGet ) {
const int kNumKeysPerFile = 8192 ;
const size_t kNumTimestamps = 6 ;
bool memtable_only = GetParam ( ) ;
TEST_P ( DBBasicTestWithTimestampPrefixSeek , ForwardIterateWithPrefix ) {
const size_t kNumKeysPerFile = 4096 ;
Options options = CurrentOptions ( ) ;
options . create_if_missing = true ;
options . env = env_ ;
options . memtable_factory . reset ( new SpecialSkipListFactory ( kNumKeysPerFile ) ) ;
std : : string tmp ;
size_t ts_sz = EncodeTimestamp ( 0 , 0 , & tmp ) . size ( ) ;
TestComparator test_cmp ( ts_sz ) ;
options . create_if_missing = true ;
// TODO(yanqin): re-enable auto compactions
options . disable_auto_compactions = true ;
const size_t kTimestampSize = Timestamp ( 0 , 0 ) . size ( ) ;
TestComparator test_cmp ( kTimestampSize ) ;
options . comparator = & test_cmp ;
options . prefix_extractor = std : : get < 0 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
options . memtable_factory . reset ( new SpecialSkipListFactory ( kNumKeysPerFile ) ) ;
BlockBasedTableOptions bbto ;
bbto . filter_policy . reset ( NewBloomFilterPolicy (
10 /*bits_per_key*/ , false /*use_block_based_builder*/ ) ) ;
bbto . whole_key_filtering = true ;
bbto . filter_policy = std : : get < 1 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
options . table_factory . reset ( NewBlockBasedTableFactory ( bbto ) ) ;
DestroyAndReopen ( options ) ;
std : : vector < CompressionType > compression_types ;
compression_types . push_back ( kNoCompression ) ;
if ( Zlib_Supported ( ) ) {
compression_types . push_back ( kZlibCompression ) ;
# if LZ4_VERSION_NUMBER >= 10400 // r124+
compression_types . push_back ( kLZ4Compression ) ;
compression_types . push_back ( kLZ4HCCompression ) ;
# endif // LZ4_VERSION_NUMBER >= 10400
if ( ZSTD_Supported ( ) ) {
compression_types . push_back ( kZSTD ) ;
const uint64_t kMaxKey = 0xffffffffffffffff ;
const uint64_t kMinKey = 0xffffffffffff8000 ;
const std : : vector < std : : string > write_ts_list = { Timestamp ( 3 , 0xffffffff ) ,
Timestamp ( 6 , 0xffffffff ) } ;
WriteOptions write_opts ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i ! = write_ts_list . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
Slice write_ts = write_ts_list [ i ] ;
write_opts . timestamp = & write_ts ;
uint64_t key = kMinKey ;
do {
Status s = db_ - > Put ( write_opts , Key1 ( key ) , " value " + std : : to_string ( i ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
if ( key = = kMaxKey ) {
break ;
+ + key ;
} while ( true ) ;
// Switch compression dictionary on/off to check key extraction
// correctness in kBuffered state
std : : vector < uint32_t > max_dict_bytes_list = { 0 , 1 < < 14 } ; // 0 or 16KB
for ( auto compression_type : compression_types ) {
for ( uint32_t max_dict_bytes : max_dict_bytes_list ) {
options . compression = compression_type ;
options . compression_opts . max_dict_bytes = max_dict_bytes ;
if ( compression_type = = kZSTD ) {
options . compression_opts . zstd_max_train_bytes = max_dict_bytes ;
options . target_file_size_base = 1 < < 26 ; // 64MB
DestroyAndReopen ( options ) ;
CreateAndReopenWithCF ( { " pikachu " } , options ) ;
size_t num_cfs = handles_ . size ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( 2 , num_cfs ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > write_ts_strs ( kNumTimestamps ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > read_ts_strs ( kNumTimestamps ) ;
std : : vector < Slice > write_ts_list ;
std : : vector < Slice > read_ts_list ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i ! = kNumTimestamps ; + + i ) {
write_ts_list . emplace_back (
EncodeTimestamp ( i * 2 , 0 , & write_ts_strs [ i ] ) ) ;
read_ts_list . emplace_back (
EncodeTimestamp ( 1 + i * 2 , 0 , & read_ts_strs [ i ] ) ) ;
const Slice & write_ts = write_ts_list . back ( ) ;
WriteOptions wopts ;
wopts . timestamp = & write_ts ;
for ( int cf = 0 ; cf ! = static_cast < int > ( num_cfs ) ; + + cf ) {
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j ! = ( kNumKeysPerFile - 1 ) / kNumTimestamps ; + + j ) {
cf , " key " + std : : to_string ( j ) ,
" value_ " + std : : to_string ( j ) + " _ " + std : : to_string ( i ) , wopts ) ) ;
if ( ! memtable_only ) {
ASSERT_OK ( Flush ( cf ) ) ;
const std : : vector < std : : string > read_ts_list = { Timestamp ( 5 , 0xffffffff ) ,
Timestamp ( 9 , 0xffffffff ) } ;
ReadOptions read_opts ;
read_opts . total_order_seek = false ;
read_opts . prefix_same_as_start = std : : get < 2 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " %s %s %d \n " , options . prefix_extractor - > Name ( ) ,
bbto . filter_policy ? bbto . filter_policy - > Name ( ) : " null " ,
static_cast < int > ( read_opts . prefix_same_as_start ) ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i ! = read_ts_list . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
Slice read_ts = read_ts_list [ i ] ;
read_opts . timestamp = & read_ts ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_opts ) ) ;
// Seek to kMaxKey
iter - > Seek ( Key1 ( kMaxKey ) ) ;
CheckIterUserEntry ( iter . get ( ) , Key1 ( kMaxKey ) , " value " + std : : to_string ( i ) ,
write_ts_list [ i ] ) ;
iter - > Next ( ) ;
ASSERT_FALSE ( iter - > Valid ( ) ) ;
const std : : vector < uint64_t > targets = { kMinKey , kMinKey + 0x10 ,
kMinKey + 0x100 , kMaxKey } ;
const SliceTransform * const pe = options . prefix_extractor . get ( ) ;
ASSERT_NE ( nullptr , pe ) ;
const size_t kPrefixShift =
8 * ( Key1 ( 0 ) . size ( ) - pe - > Transform ( Key1 ( 0 ) ) . size ( ) ) ;
const uint64_t kPrefixMask =
~ ( ( static_cast < uint64_t > ( 1 ) < < kPrefixShift ) - 1 ) ;
const uint64_t kNumKeysWithinPrefix =
( static_cast < uint64_t > ( 1 ) < < kPrefixShift ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i ! = read_ts_list . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
Slice read_ts = read_ts_list [ i ] ;
read_opts . timestamp = & read_ts ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > it ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_opts ) ) ;
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j ! = targets . size ( ) ; + + j ) {
std : : string start_key = Key1 ( targets [ j ] ) ;
uint64_t expected_ub =
( targets [ j ] & kPrefixMask ) - 1 + kNumKeysWithinPrefix ;
uint64_t expected_key = targets [ j ] ;
size_t count = 0 ;
it - > Seek ( Key1 ( targets [ j ] ) ) ;
while ( it - > Valid ( ) ) {
std : : string saved_prev_key ;
saved_prev_key . assign ( it - > key ( ) . data ( ) , it - > key ( ) . size ( ) ) ;
// Out of prefix
if ( ! read_opts . prefix_same_as_start & &
pe - > Transform ( saved_prev_key ) ! = pe - > Transform ( start_key ) ) {
break ;
CheckIterUserEntry ( it . get ( ) , Key1 ( expected_key ) ,
" value " + std : : to_string ( i ) , write_ts_list [ i ] ) ;
+ + count ;
+ + expected_key ;
it - > Next ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( expected_ub - targets [ j ] + 1 , count ) ;
const auto & verify_db_func = [ & ] ( ) {
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i ! = kNumTimestamps ; + + i ) {
ReadOptions ropts ;
ropts . timestamp = & read_ts_list [ i ] ;
for ( int cf = 0 ; cf ! = static_cast < int > ( num_cfs ) ; + + cf ) {
ColumnFamilyHandle * cfh = handles_ [ cf ] ;
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j ! = ( kNumKeysPerFile - 1 ) / kNumTimestamps ;
+ + j ) {
std : : string value ;
db_ - > Get ( ropts , cfh , " key " + std : : to_string ( j ) , & value ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( " value_ " + std : : to_string ( j ) + " _ " + std : : to_string ( i ) ,
value ) ;
} ;
verify_db_func ( ) ;
Close ( ) ;
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P ( Timestamp , DBBasicTestWithTimestampWithParam ,
: : testing : : Bool ( ) ) ;
// TODO(yanqin): consider handling non-fixed-length prefix extractors, e.g.
// NoopTransform.
Timestamp , DBBasicTestWithTimestampPrefixSeek ,
: : testing : : Combine (
: : testing : : Values (
std : : shared_ptr < const SliceTransform > ( NewFixedPrefixTransform ( 4 ) ) ,
std : : shared_ptr < const SliceTransform > ( NewFixedPrefixTransform ( 7 ) ) ,
std : : shared_ptr < const SliceTransform > ( NewFixedPrefixTransform ( 8 ) ) ) ,
: : testing : : Values ( std : : shared_ptr < const FilterPolicy > ( nullptr ) ,
std : : shared_ptr < const FilterPolicy > (
NewBloomFilterPolicy ( 10 /*bits_per_key*/ , false ) ) ,
std : : shared_ptr < const FilterPolicy > (
NewBloomFilterPolicy ( 20 /*bits_per_key*/ ,
false ) ) ) ,
: : testing : : Bool ( ) ) ) ;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE