// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors. #include "utilities/ttl/db_ttl.h" #include "include/utilities/utility_db.h" #include "db/filename.h" #include "util/coding.h" #include "include/leveldb/env.h" #include "include/leveldb/iterator.h" namespace leveldb { class TtlIterator : public Iterator { public: TtlIterator(Iterator* iter, int32_t ts_len) : iter_(iter), ts_len_(ts_len) { assert(iter_); } ~TtlIterator() { delete iter_; } bool Valid() const { return iter_->Valid(); } void SeekToFirst() { iter_->SeekToFirst(); } void SeekToLast() { iter_->SeekToLast(); } void Seek(const Slice& target) { iter_->Seek(target); } void Next() { iter_->Next(); } void Prev() { iter_->Prev(); } Slice key() const { return iter_->key(); } Slice value() const { assert(DBWithTTL::SanityCheckTimestamp(iter_->value().ToString()).ok()); Slice trimmed_value = iter_->value(); trimmed_value.size_ -= ts_len_; return trimmed_value; } Status status() const { return iter_->status(); } private: Iterator* iter_; int32_t ts_len_; }; // Open the db inside DBWithTTL because options needs pointer to its ttl DBWithTTL::DBWithTTL(const int32_t ttl, const Options& options, const std::string& dbname, Status& st, bool read_only) : ttl_(ttl) { assert(options.compaction_filter == nullptr); Options options_to_open = options; options_to_open.compaction_filter = this; if (read_only) { st = DB::OpenForReadOnly(options_to_open, dbname, &db_); } else { st = DB::Open(options_to_open, dbname, &db_); } } DBWithTTL::~DBWithTTL() { delete db_; } Status UtilityDB::OpenTtlDB( const Options& options, const std::string& dbname, DB** dbptr, int32_t ttl, bool read_only) { Status st; *dbptr = new DBWithTTL(ttl, options, dbname, st, read_only); if (!st.ok()) { delete dbptr; } return st; } // returns true(i.e. key-value to be deleted) if its TS has expired based on ttl bool DBWithTTL::Filter( int level, const Slice& key, const Slice& old_val, std::string* new_val, bool* value_changed) const { return IsStale(old_val, ttl_); } const char* DBWithTTL::Name() const { return "Delete By TTL"; } // Gives back the current time Status DBWithTTL::GetCurrentTime(int32_t& curtime) { return Env::Default()->GetCurrentTime((int64_t*)&curtime); } // Appends the current timestamp to the string. // Returns false if could not get the current_time, true if append succeeds Status DBWithTTL::AppendTS(const Slice& val, std::string& val_with_ts) { val_with_ts.reserve(kTSLength + val.size()); char ts_string[kTSLength]; int32_t curtime; Status st = GetCurrentTime(curtime); if (!st.ok()) { return st; } EncodeFixed32(ts_string, curtime); val_with_ts.append(val.data(), val.size()); val_with_ts.append(ts_string, kTSLength); return st; } // Returns corruption if the length of the string is lesser than timestamp, or // timestamp refers to a time lesser than ttl-feature release time Status DBWithTTL::SanityCheckTimestamp(const std::string& str) { if (str.length() < (unsigned)kTSLength) { return Status::Corruption("Error: value's length less than timestamp's\n"); } // Checks that TS is not lesser than kMinTimestamp // Gaurds against corruption & normal database opened incorrectly in ttl mode int32_t timestamp_value = DecodeFixed32(str.data() + str.size() - kTSLength); if (timestamp_value < kMinTimestamp){ return Status::Corruption("Error: Timestamp < ttl feature release time!\n"); } return Status::OK(); } // Checks if the string is stale or not according to TTl provided bool DBWithTTL::IsStale(const Slice& value, int32_t ttl) { if (ttl <= 0) { // Data is fresh if TTL is non-positive return false; } int32_t curtime; if (!GetCurrentTime(curtime).ok()) { return false; // Treat the data as fresh if could not get current time } else { int32_t timestamp_value = DecodeFixed32(value.data() + value.size() - kTSLength); if ((timestamp_value + ttl) < curtime) { return true; // Data is stale } } return false; } // Strips the TS from the end of the string Status DBWithTTL::StripTS(std::string* str) { Status st; // Erasing characters which hold the TS str->erase(str->length() - kTSLength, kTSLength); return st; } Status DBWithTTL::Put( const WriteOptions& o, const Slice& key, const Slice& val) { std::string value_with_ts; Status st = AppendTS(val, value_with_ts); if (!st.ok()) { return st; } return db_->Put(o, key, value_with_ts); } Status DBWithTTL::Get(const ReadOptions& options, const Slice& key, std::string* value) { Status st = db_->Get(options, key, value); if (!st.ok()) { return st; } st = SanityCheckTimestamp(*value); if (!st.ok()) { return st; } return StripTS(value); } std::vector DBWithTTL::MultiGet(const ReadOptions& options, const std::vector& keys, std::vector* values) { return std::vector(keys.size(), Status::NotSupported("MultiGet not\ supported with TTL")); } Status DBWithTTL::Delete(const WriteOptions& wopts, const Slice& key) { return db_->Delete(wopts, key); } Status DBWithTTL::Merge(const WriteOptions& options, const Slice& key, const Slice& value) { return Status::NotSupported("Merge operation not supported."); } Status DBWithTTL::Write(const WriteOptions& opts, WriteBatch* updates) { class Handler : public WriteBatch::Handler { public: WriteBatch updates_ttl; Status batch_rewrite_status; virtual void Put(const Slice& key, const Slice& value) { std::string value_with_ts; Status st = AppendTS(value, value_with_ts); if (!st.ok()) { batch_rewrite_status = st; } else { updates_ttl.Put(key, value_with_ts); } } virtual void Merge(const Slice& key, const Slice& value) { // TTL doesn't support merge operation batch_rewrite_status = Status::NotSupported("TTL doesn't support Merge"); } virtual void Delete(const Slice& key) { updates_ttl.Delete(key); } }; Handler handler; updates->Iterate(&handler); if (!handler.batch_rewrite_status.ok()) { return handler.batch_rewrite_status; } else { return db_->Write(opts, &(handler.updates_ttl)); } } Iterator* DBWithTTL::NewIterator(const ReadOptions& opts) { return new TtlIterator(db_->NewIterator(opts), kTSLength); } const Snapshot* DBWithTTL::GetSnapshot() { return db_->GetSnapshot(); } void DBWithTTL::ReleaseSnapshot(const Snapshot* snapshot) { db_->ReleaseSnapshot(snapshot); } bool DBWithTTL::GetProperty(const Slice& property, std::string* value) { return db_->GetProperty(property, value); } void DBWithTTL::GetApproximateSizes(const Range* r, int n, uint64_t* sizes) { db_->GetApproximateSizes(r, n, sizes); } void DBWithTTL::CompactRange(const Slice* begin, const Slice* end) { db_->CompactRange(begin, end); } int DBWithTTL::NumberLevels() { return db_->NumberLevels(); } int DBWithTTL::MaxMemCompactionLevel() { return db_->MaxMemCompactionLevel(); } int DBWithTTL::Level0StopWriteTrigger() { return db_->Level0StopWriteTrigger(); } Status DBWithTTL::Flush(const FlushOptions& fopts) { return db_->Flush(fopts); } Status DBWithTTL::DisableFileDeletions() { return db_->DisableFileDeletions(); } Status DBWithTTL::EnableFileDeletions() { return db_->EnableFileDeletions(); } Status DBWithTTL::GetLiveFiles(std::vector& vec, uint64_t* mfs) { return db_->GetLiveFiles(vec, mfs); } SequenceNumber DBWithTTL::GetLatestSequenceNumber() { return db_->GetLatestSequenceNumber(); } Status DBWithTTL::GetUpdatesSince( SequenceNumber seq_number, unique_ptr* iter) { return db_->GetUpdatesSince(seq_number, iter); } void DBWithTTL::TEST_Destroy_DBWithTtl() { ((DBImpl*) db_)->TEST_Destroy_DBImpl(); } } // namespace leveldb