// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). // #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE #include "utilities/geodb/geodb_impl.h" #include <cctype> #include "util/testharness.h" namespace rocksdb { class GeoDBTest : public testing::Test { public: static const std::string kDefaultDbName; static Options options; DB* db; GeoDB* geodb; GeoDBTest() { GeoDBOptions geodb_options; EXPECT_OK(DestroyDB(kDefaultDbName, options)); options.create_if_missing = true; Status status = DB::Open(options, kDefaultDbName, &db); geodb = new GeoDBImpl(db, geodb_options); } ~GeoDBTest() { delete geodb; } GeoDB* getdb() { return geodb; } }; const std::string GeoDBTest::kDefaultDbName = test::PerThreadDBPath("geodb_test"); Options GeoDBTest::options = Options(); // Insert, Get and Remove TEST_F(GeoDBTest, SimpleTest) { GeoPosition pos1(100, 101); std::string id1("id1"); std::string value1("value1"); // insert first object into database GeoObject obj1(pos1, id1, value1); Status status = getdb()->Insert(obj1); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); // insert second object into database GeoPosition pos2(200, 201); std::string id2("id2"); std::string value2 = "value2"; GeoObject obj2(pos2, id2, value2); status = getdb()->Insert(obj2); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); // retrieve first object using position std::string value; status = getdb()->GetByPosition(pos1, Slice(id1), &value); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); ASSERT_EQ(value, value1); // retrieve first object using id GeoObject obj; status = getdb()->GetById(Slice(id1), &obj); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); ASSERT_EQ(obj.position.latitude, 100); ASSERT_EQ(obj.position.longitude, 101); ASSERT_EQ(obj.id.compare(id1), 0); ASSERT_EQ(obj.value, value1); // delete first object status = getdb()->Remove(Slice(id1)); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); status = getdb()->GetByPosition(pos1, Slice(id1), &value); ASSERT_TRUE(status.IsNotFound()); status = getdb()->GetById(id1, &obj); ASSERT_TRUE(status.IsNotFound()); // check that we can still find second object status = getdb()->GetByPosition(pos2, id2, &value); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); ASSERT_EQ(value, value2); status = getdb()->GetById(id2, &obj); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); } // Search. // Verify distances via http://www.stevemorse.org/nearest/distance.php TEST_F(GeoDBTest, Search) { GeoPosition pos1(45, 45); std::string id1("mid1"); std::string value1 = "midvalue1"; // insert object at 45 degree latitude GeoObject obj1(pos1, id1, value1); Status status = getdb()->Insert(obj1); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); // search all objects centered at 46 degree latitude with // a radius of 200 kilometers. We should find the one object that // we inserted earlier. GeoIterator* iter1 = getdb()->SearchRadial(GeoPosition(46, 46), 200000); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); ASSERT_EQ(iter1->geo_object().value, "midvalue1"); uint32_t size = 0; while (iter1->Valid()) { GeoObject obj; status = getdb()->GetById(Slice(id1), &obj); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); ASSERT_EQ(iter1->geo_object().position.latitude, pos1.latitude); ASSERT_EQ(iter1->geo_object().position.longitude, pos1.longitude); ASSERT_EQ(iter1->geo_object().id.compare(id1), 0); ASSERT_EQ(iter1->geo_object().value, value1); size++; iter1->Next(); ASSERT_TRUE(!iter1->Valid()); } ASSERT_EQ(size, 1U); delete iter1; // search all objects centered at 46 degree latitude with // a radius of 2 kilometers. There should be none. GeoIterator* iter2 = getdb()->SearchRadial(GeoPosition(46, 46), 2); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); ASSERT_FALSE(iter2->Valid()); delete iter2; } TEST_F(GeoDBTest, DifferentPosInSameQuadkey) { // insert obj1 into database GeoPosition pos1(40.00001, 116.00001); std::string id1("12"); std::string value1("value1"); GeoObject obj1(pos1, id1, value1); Status status = getdb()->Insert(obj1); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); // insert obj2 into database GeoPosition pos2(40.00002, 116.00002); std::string id2("123"); std::string value2 = "value2"; GeoObject obj2(pos2, id2, value2); status = getdb()->Insert(obj2); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); // get obj1's quadkey ReadOptions opt; PinnableSlice quadkey1; status = getdb()->Get(opt, getdb()->DefaultColumnFamily(), "k:" + id1, &quadkey1); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); // get obj2's quadkey PinnableSlice quadkey2; status = getdb()->Get(opt, getdb()->DefaultColumnFamily(), "k:" + id2, &quadkey2); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); // obj1 and obj2 have the same quadkey ASSERT_EQ(quadkey1, quadkey2); // get obj1 by id, and check value GeoObject obj; status = getdb()->GetById(Slice(id1), &obj); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); ASSERT_EQ(obj.position.latitude, pos1.latitude); ASSERT_EQ(obj.position.longitude, pos1.longitude); ASSERT_EQ(obj.id.compare(id1), 0); ASSERT_EQ(obj.value, value1); // get obj2 by id, and check value status = getdb()->GetById(Slice(id2), &obj); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()); ASSERT_EQ(obj.position.latitude, pos2.latitude); ASSERT_EQ(obj.position.longitude, pos2.longitude); ASSERT_EQ(obj.id.compare(id2), 0); ASSERT_EQ(obj.value, value2); } } // namespace rocksdb int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); } #else #include <stdio.h> int main() { fprintf(stderr, "SKIPPED\n"); return 0; } #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE