#!/bin/bash # REQUIRE: db_bench binary exists in the current directory function main { commit=${1:-"origin/master"} test_root_dir=${TEST_PATH:-"/tmp/rocksdb/regression_test"} init_arguments $test_root_dir checkout_rocksdb $commit build_db_bench setup_test_directory # an additional dot indicates we share same env variables run_db_bench "fillseq" 0 run_db_bench "overwrite" run_db_bench "readrandom" run_db_bench "readwhilewriting" run_db_bench "deleterandom" run_db_bench "seekrandom" run_db_bench "seekrandomwhilewriting" echo "" echo "Benchmark completed! Results are available in $RESULT_PATH" } ############################################################################ function init_arguments { K=1024 M=$((1024 * K)) G=$((1024 * M)) current_time=$(date +"%F-%H:%M:%S") RESULT_PATH=${2:-"$1/results/$current_time"} COMMIT_ID=`git log | head -n1 | cut -c 8-` SUMMARY_FILE="$RESULT_PATH/SUMMARY.csv" DB_PATH=${3:-"$1/db/"} WAL_PATH=${4:-"$1/wal/"} if [ -z "$REMOTE_HOST_USER" ]; then DB_BENCH_DIR=${5:-"."} else DB_BENCH_DIR=${5:-"$1/db_bench"} fi NUM_THREADS=${NUM_THREADS:-16} NUM_KEYS=${NUM_KEYS:-$((1 * G))} KEY_SIZE=${KEY_SIZE:-100} VALUE_SIZE=${VALUE_SIZE:-900} CACHE_SIZE=${CACHE_SIZE:-$((1 * G))} STATISTICS=${STATISTICS:-0} COMPRESSION_RATIO=${COMPRESSION_RATIO:-0.5} HISTOGRAM=${HISTOGRAM:-1} STATS_PER_INTERVAL=${STATS_PER_INTERVAL:-1} STATS_INTERVAL_SECONDS=${STATS_INTERVAL_SECONDS:-60} MAX_BACKGROUND_FLUSHES=${MAX_BACKGROUND_FLUSHES:-4} MAX_BACKGROUND_COMPACTIONS=${MAX_BACKGROUND_COMPACTIONS:-16} SEEK_NEXTS=${SEEK_NEXTS:-10} SEED=${SEED:-$( date +%s )} } # $1 --- benchmark name # $2 --- use_existing_db (optional) function run_db_bench { # this will terminate all currently-running db_bench find_db_bench_cmd="ps aux | grep db_bench | grep -v grep | grep -v aux | awk '{print \$2}'" USE_EXISTING_DB=${2:-1} echo "" echo "=======================================================================" echo "Benchmark $1" echo "=======================================================================" echo "" db_bench_error=0 db_bench_cmd="$DB_BENCH_DIR/db_bench \ --benchmarks=$1 --db=$DB_PATH --wal_dir=$WAL_PATH \ --use_existing_db=$USE_EXISTING_DB \ --threads=$NUM_THREADS \ --num=$NUM_KEYS \ --key_size=$KEY_SIZE \ --value_size=$VALUE_SIZE \ --cache_size=$CACHE_SIZE \ --statistics=$STATISTICS \ --compression_ratio=$COMPRESSION_RATIO \ --histogram=$HISTOGRAM \ --seek_nexts=$SEEK_NEXTS \ --stats_per_interval=$STATS_PER_INTERVAL \ --stats_interval_seconds=$STATS_INTERVAL_SECONDS \ --max_background_flushes=$MAX_BACKGROUND_FLUSHES \ --max_background_compactions=$MAX_BACKGROUND_COMPACTIONS \ --seed=$SEED 2>&1" kill_db_bench_cmd="pkill db_bench" ps_cmd="ps aux" if ! [ -z "$REMOTE_HOST_USER" ]; then kill_db_bench_cmd="$SSH $REMOTE_HOST_USER $kill_db_bench_cmd" db_bench_cmd="$SSH $REMOTE_HOST_USER $db_bench_cmd" ps_cmd="$SSH $REMOTE_HOST_USER $ps_cmd" fi ## kill existing db_bench processes eval "$kill_db_bench_cmd" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Killed all currently running db_bench" fi ## make sure no db_bench is running # The following statement is necessary make sure "eval $ps_cmd" will success. # Otherwise, if we simply check whether "$(eval $ps_cmd | grep db_bench)" is # successful or not, then it will always be false since grep will return # non-zero status when there's no matching output. ps_output="$(eval $ps_cmd)" exit_on_error $? "$ps_cmd" # perform the actual command to check whether db_bench is running grep_output="$(eval $ps_cmd | grep db_bench)" if [ "$grep_output" != "" ]; then echo "Stopped regression_test.sh as there're still db_bench processes running:" echo $grep_output exit 1 fi ## run the db_bench cmd="($db_bench_cmd || db_bench_error=1) | tee -a $RESULT_PATH/$1" exit_on_error $? echo $cmd eval $cmd exit_on_error $db_bench_error update_report "$1" "$RESULT_PATH/$1" } # $1 --- name of the benchmark # $2 --- the filename of the output log of db_bench function update_report { main_result=`cat $2 | grep $1` exit_on_error $? perc_statement=`cat $2 | grep Percentile` exit_on_error $? # Obtain micros / op main_pattern="$1"'[[:blank:]]+:[[:blank:]]+([0-9\.]+)[[:blank:]]+micros/op' [[ $main_result =~ $main_pattern ]] micros_op=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} # Obtain percentile information perc_pattern='Percentiles: P50: ([0-9\.]+) P75: ([0-9\.]+) P99: ([0-9\.]+) P99.9: ([0-9\.]+) P99.99: ([0-9\.]+)' [[ $perc_statement =~ $perc_pattern ]] perc[0]=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} # p50 perc[1]=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} # p75 perc[2]=${BASH_REMATCH[3]} # p99 perc[3]=${BASH_REMATCH[4]} # p99.9 perc[4]=${BASH_REMATCH[5]} # p99.99 printf "$COMMIT_ID, %30s, %10.2f, %10.2f, %10.2f, %10.2f, %10.2f, %10.2f\n" \ $1 $micros_op ${perc[0]} ${perc[1]} ${perc[2]} ${perc[3]} ${perc[4]} \ >> $SUMMARY_FILE exit_on_error $? } function exit_on_error { if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then echo "" echo "ERROR: Benchmark did not complete successfully." if ! [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "Failure command: $2" fi echo "Partial results are output to $RESULT_PATH" echo "ERROR" >> $SUMMARY_FILE exit $1 fi } function checkout_rocksdb { echo "Checking out commit $1 ..." git fetch --all exit_on_error $? git checkout $1 exit_on_error $? } function build_db_bench { echo "Building db_bench ..." make clean exit_on_error $? DEBUG_LEVEL=0 make db_bench -j32 exit_on_error $? } function run_remote { if ! [ -z "$REMOTE_HOST_USER" ]; then cmd="$SSH $REMOTE_HOST_USER $1" else cmd="$1" fi result=0 eval "($cmd) || result=1" exit_on_error $result "$cmd" } function run_local { result=0 eval "($1 || result=1)" exit_on_error $result } function setup_test_directory { echo "Deleting old regression test directories and creating new ones" run_remote "rm -rf $DB_PATH" run_remote "rm -rf $WAL_PATH" if ! [ -z "$REMOTE_HOST_USER" ]; then run_remote "rm -rf $DB_BENCH_DIR" fi run_remote "mkdir -p $DB_PATH" run_remote "mkdir -p $WAL_PATH" if ! [ -z "$REMOTE_HOST_USER" ]; then run_remote "mkdir -p $DB_BENCH_DIR" run_local "$SCP ./db_bench $REMOTE_HOST_USER:$DB_BENCH_DIR/db_bench" fi run_local "rm -rf $RESULT_PATH" run_local "mkdir -p $RESULT_PATH" printf "%40s, %30s, %10s, %10s, %10s, %10s, %10s, %10s\n" \ "commit id" "benchmark" "ms-per-op" "p50" "p75" "p99" "p99.9" "p99.99" \ $micros_op ${perc[0]} ${perc[1]} ${perc[2]} ${perc[3]} ${perc[4]} \ >> $SUMMARY_FILE } ############################################################################ main $@