// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). // // Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors. #ifdef GFLAGS #include "db_stress_tool/multi_ops_txns_stress.h" #include "rocksdb/utilities/write_batch_with_index.h" #include "util/defer.h" #ifndef NDEBUG #include "utilities/fault_injection_fs.h" #endif // NDEBUG namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE { // The description of A and C can be found in multi_ops_txns_stress.h DEFINE_int32(lb_a, 0, "(Inclusive) lower bound of A"); DEFINE_int32(ub_a, 1000, "(Exclusive) upper bound of A"); DEFINE_int32(lb_c, 0, "(Inclusive) lower bound of C"); DEFINE_int32(ub_c, 1000, "(Exclusive) upper bound of C"); DEFINE_string(key_spaces_path, "", "Path to file describing the lower and upper bounds of A and C"); DEFINE_int32(delay_snapshot_read_one_in, 0, "With a chance of 1/N, inject a random delay between taking " "snapshot and read."); // MultiOpsTxnsStressTest can either operate on a database with pre-populated // data (possibly from previous ones), or create a new db and preload it with // data specified via `-lb_a`, `-ub_a`, `-lb_c`, `-ub_c`, etc. Among these, we // define the test key spaces as two key ranges: [lb_a, ub_a) and [lb_c, ub_c). // The key spaces specification is persisted in a file whose absolute path can // be specified via `-key_spaces_path`. // // Whether an existing db is used or a new one is created, key_spaces_path will // be used. In the former case, the test reads the key spaces specification // from `-key_spaces_path` and decodes [lb_a, ub_a) and [lb_c, ub_c). In the // latter case, the test writes a key spaces specification to a file at the // location, and this file will be used by future runs until a new db is // created. // // Create a fresh new database (-destroy_db_initially=1 or there is no database // in the location specified by -db). See PreloadDb(). // // Use an existing, non-empty database. See ScanExistingDb(). // // This test is multi-threaded, and thread count can be specified via // `-threads`. For simplicity, we partition the key ranges and each thread // operates on a subrange independently. // Within each subrange, a KeyGenerator object is responsible for key // generation. A KeyGenerator maintains two sets: set of existing keys within // [low, high), set of non-existing keys within [low, high). [low, high) is the // subrange. The test initialization makes sure there is at least one // non-existing key, otherwise the test will return an error and exit before // any test thread is spawned. void MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::KeyGenerator::FinishInit() { assert(existing_.empty()); assert(!existing_uniq_.empty()); assert(low_ < high_); for (auto v : existing_uniq_) { assert(low_ <= v); assert(high_ > v); existing_.push_back(v); } if (non_existing_uniq_.empty()) { fprintf( stderr, "Cannot allocate key in [%u, %u)\nStart with a new DB or try change " "the number of threads for testing via -threads=<#threads>\n", static_cast<unsigned int>(low_), static_cast<unsigned int>(high_)); fflush(stderr); std::terminate(); } initialized_ = true; } std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::KeyGenerator::ChooseExisting() { assert(initialized_); const size_t N = existing_.size(); assert(N > 0); uint32_t rnd = rand_.Uniform(static_cast<int>(N)); assert(rnd < N); return std::make_pair(existing_[rnd], rnd); } uint32_t MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::KeyGenerator::Allocate() { assert(initialized_); auto it = non_existing_uniq_.begin(); assert(non_existing_uniq_.end() != it); uint32_t ret = *it; // Remove this element from non_existing_. // Need to call UndoAllocation() if the calling transaction does not commit. non_existing_uniq_.erase(it); return ret; } void MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::KeyGenerator::Replace(uint32_t old_val, uint32_t old_pos, uint32_t new_val) { assert(initialized_); { auto it = existing_uniq_.find(old_val); assert(it != existing_uniq_.end()); existing_uniq_.erase(it); } { assert(0 == existing_uniq_.count(new_val)); existing_uniq_.insert(new_val); existing_[old_pos] = new_val; } { assert(0 == non_existing_uniq_.count(old_val)); non_existing_uniq_.insert(old_val); } } void MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::KeyGenerator::UndoAllocation(uint32_t new_val) { assert(initialized_); assert(0 == non_existing_uniq_.count(new_val)); non_existing_uniq_.insert(new_val); } std::string MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::Record::EncodePrimaryKey(uint32_t a) { char buf[8]; EncodeFixed32(buf, kPrimaryIndexId); std::reverse(buf, buf + 4); EncodeFixed32(buf + 4, a); std::reverse(buf + 4, buf + 8); return std::string(buf, sizeof(buf)); } std::string MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::Record::EncodeSecondaryKey(uint32_t c) { char buf[8]; EncodeFixed32(buf, kSecondaryIndexId); std::reverse(buf, buf + 4); EncodeFixed32(buf + 4, c); std::reverse(buf + 4, buf + 8); return std::string(buf, sizeof(buf)); } std::string MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::Record::EncodeSecondaryKey(uint32_t c, uint32_t a) { char buf[12]; EncodeFixed32(buf, kSecondaryIndexId); std::reverse(buf, buf + 4); EncodeFixed32(buf + 4, c); EncodeFixed32(buf + 8, a); std::reverse(buf + 4, buf + 8); std::reverse(buf + 8, buf + 12); return std::string(buf, sizeof(buf)); } std::tuple<Status, uint32_t, uint32_t> MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::Record::DecodePrimaryIndexValue( Slice primary_index_value) { if (primary_index_value.size() != 8) { return std::tuple<Status, uint32_t, uint32_t>{Status::Corruption(""), 0, 0}; } uint32_t b = 0; uint32_t c = 0; if (!GetFixed32(&primary_index_value, &b) || !GetFixed32(&primary_index_value, &c)) { assert(false); return std::tuple<Status, uint32_t, uint32_t>{Status::Corruption(""), 0, 0}; } return std::tuple<Status, uint32_t, uint32_t>{Status::OK(), b, c}; } std::pair<Status, uint32_t> MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::Record::DecodeSecondaryIndexValue( Slice secondary_index_value) { if (secondary_index_value.size() != 4) { return std::make_pair(Status::Corruption(""), 0); } uint32_t crc = 0; bool result __attribute__((unused)) = GetFixed32(&secondary_index_value, &crc); assert(result); return std::make_pair(Status::OK(), crc); } std::pair<std::string, std::string> MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::Record::EncodePrimaryIndexEntry() const { std::string primary_index_key = EncodePrimaryKey(); std::string primary_index_value = EncodePrimaryIndexValue(); return std::make_pair(primary_index_key, primary_index_value); } std::string MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::Record::EncodePrimaryKey() const { return EncodePrimaryKey(a_); } std::string MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::Record::EncodePrimaryIndexValue() const { char buf[8]; EncodeFixed32(buf, b_); EncodeFixed32(buf + 4, c_); return std::string(buf, sizeof(buf)); } std::pair<std::string, std::string> MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::Record::EncodeSecondaryIndexEntry() const { std::string secondary_index_key; char buf[12]; EncodeFixed32(buf, kSecondaryIndexId); std::reverse(buf, buf + 4); EncodeFixed32(buf + 4, c_); EncodeFixed32(buf + 8, a_); std::reverse(buf + 4, buf + 8); std::reverse(buf + 8, buf + 12); secondary_index_key.assign(buf, sizeof(buf)); // Secondary index value is always 4-byte crc32 of the secondary key std::string secondary_index_value; uint32_t crc = crc32c::Value(buf, sizeof(buf)); PutFixed32(&secondary_index_value, crc); return std::make_pair(secondary_index_key, secondary_index_value); } std::string MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::Record::EncodeSecondaryKey() const { char buf[12]; EncodeFixed32(buf, kSecondaryIndexId); std::reverse(buf, buf + 4); EncodeFixed32(buf + 4, c_); EncodeFixed32(buf + 8, a_); std::reverse(buf + 4, buf + 8); std::reverse(buf + 8, buf + 12); return std::string(buf, sizeof(buf)); } Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::Record::DecodePrimaryIndexEntry( Slice primary_index_key, Slice primary_index_value) { if (primary_index_key.size() != 8) { assert(false); return Status::Corruption("Primary index key length is not 8"); } const char* const index_id_buf = primary_index_key.data(); uint32_t index_id = static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(index_id_buf[0])) << 24; index_id += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(index_id_buf[1])) << 16; index_id += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(index_id_buf[2])) << 8; index_id += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(index_id_buf[3])); primary_index_key.remove_prefix(sizeof(uint32_t)); if (index_id != kPrimaryIndexId) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Unexpected primary index id: " << index_id; return Status::Corruption(oss.str()); } const char* const buf = primary_index_key.data(); a_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(buf[0])) << 24; a_ += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(buf[1])) << 16; a_ += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(buf[2])) << 8; a_ += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(buf[3])); if (primary_index_value.size() != 8) { return Status::Corruption("Primary index value length is not 8"); } GetFixed32(&primary_index_value, &b_); GetFixed32(&primary_index_value, &c_); return Status::OK(); } Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::Record::DecodeSecondaryIndexEntry( Slice secondary_index_key, Slice secondary_index_value) { if (secondary_index_key.size() != 12) { return Status::Corruption("Secondary index key length is not 12"); } uint32_t crc = crc32c::Value(secondary_index_key.data(), secondary_index_key.size()); const char* const index_id_buf = secondary_index_key.data(); uint32_t index_id = static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(index_id_buf[0])) << 24; index_id += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(index_id_buf[1])) << 16; index_id += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(index_id_buf[2])) << 8; index_id += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(index_id_buf[3])); secondary_index_key.remove_prefix(sizeof(uint32_t)); if (index_id != kSecondaryIndexId) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Unexpected secondary index id: " << index_id; return Status::Corruption(oss.str()); } const char* const buf = secondary_index_key.data(); assert(secondary_index_key.size() == 8); c_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(buf[0])) << 24; c_ += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(buf[1])) << 16; c_ += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(buf[2])) << 8; c_ += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(buf[3])); a_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(buf[4])) << 24; a_ += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(buf[5])) << 16; a_ += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(buf[6])) << 8; a_ += static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(buf[7])); if (secondary_index_value.size() != 4) { return Status::Corruption("Secondary index value length is not 4"); } uint32_t val = 0; GetFixed32(&secondary_index_value, &val); if (val != crc) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Secondary index key checksum mismatch, stored: " << val << ", recomputed: " << crc; return Status::Corruption(oss.str()); } return Status::OK(); } void MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::FinishInitDb(SharedState* shared) { if (FLAGS_enable_compaction_filter) { // TODO (yanqin) enable compaction filter } ReopenAndPreloadDbIfNeeded(shared); // TODO (yanqin) parallelize if key space is large for (auto& key_gen : key_gen_for_a_) { assert(key_gen); key_gen->FinishInit(); } // TODO (yanqin) parallelize if key space is large for (auto& key_gen : key_gen_for_c_) { assert(key_gen); key_gen->FinishInit(); } } void MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::ReopenAndPreloadDbIfNeeded(SharedState* shared) { (void)shared; #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE bool db_empty = false; { std::unique_ptr<Iterator> iter(db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions())); iter->SeekToFirst(); if (!iter->Valid()) { db_empty = true; } } if (db_empty) { PreloadDb(shared, FLAGS_threads, FLAGS_lb_a, FLAGS_ub_a, FLAGS_lb_c, FLAGS_ub_c); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Key ranges will be read from %s.\n-lb_a, -ub_a, -lb_c, -ub_c will " "be ignored\n", FLAGS_key_spaces_path.c_str()); fflush(stdout); ScanExistingDb(shared, FLAGS_threads); } #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE } // Used for point-lookup transaction Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::TestGet( ThreadState* thread, const ReadOptions& read_opts, const std::vector<int>& /*rand_column_families*/, const std::vector<int64_t>& /*rand_keys*/) { uint32_t a = 0; uint32_t pos = 0; std::tie(a, pos) = ChooseExistingA(thread); return PointLookupTxn(thread, read_opts, a); } // Not used. std::vector<Status> MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::TestMultiGet( ThreadState* /*thread*/, const ReadOptions& /*read_opts*/, const std::vector<int>& /*rand_column_families*/, const std::vector<int64_t>& /*rand_keys*/) { return std::vector<Status>{Status::NotSupported()}; } Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::TestPrefixScan( ThreadState* thread, const ReadOptions& read_opts, const std::vector<int>& rand_column_families, const std::vector<int64_t>& rand_keys) { (void)thread; (void)read_opts; (void)rand_column_families; (void)rand_keys; return Status::OK(); } // Given a key K, this creates an iterator which scans to K and then // does a random sequence of Next/Prev operations. Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::TestIterate( ThreadState* thread, const ReadOptions& read_opts, const std::vector<int>& /*rand_column_families*/, const std::vector<int64_t>& /*rand_keys*/) { uint32_t c = 0; uint32_t pos = 0; std::tie(c, pos) = ChooseExistingC(thread); return RangeScanTxn(thread, read_opts, c); } // Not intended for use. Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::TestPut(ThreadState* /*thread*/, WriteOptions& /*write_opts*/, const ReadOptions& /*read_opts*/, const std::vector<int>& /*cf_ids*/, const std::vector<int64_t>& /*keys*/, char (&value)[100], std::unique_ptr<MutexLock>& /*lock*/) { (void)value; return Status::NotSupported(); } // Not intended for use. Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::TestDelete( ThreadState* /*thread*/, WriteOptions& /*write_opts*/, const std::vector<int>& /*rand_column_families*/, const std::vector<int64_t>& /*rand_keys*/, std::unique_ptr<MutexLock>& /*lock*/) { return Status::NotSupported(); } // Not intended for use. Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::TestDeleteRange( ThreadState* /*thread*/, WriteOptions& /*write_opts*/, const std::vector<int>& /*rand_column_families*/, const std::vector<int64_t>& /*rand_keys*/, std::unique_ptr<MutexLock>& /*lock*/) { return Status::NotSupported(); } void MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::TestIngestExternalFile( ThreadState* thread, const std::vector<int>& rand_column_families, const std::vector<int64_t>& /*rand_keys*/, std::unique_ptr<MutexLock>& /*lock*/) { // TODO (yanqin) (void)thread; (void)rand_column_families; } void MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::TestCompactRange( ThreadState* thread, int64_t /*rand_key*/, const Slice& /*start_key*/, ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family) { // TODO (yanqin). // May use GetRangeHash() for validation before and after DB::CompactRange() // completes. (void)thread; (void)column_family; } Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::TestBackupRestore( ThreadState* thread, const std::vector<int>& rand_column_families, const std::vector<int64_t>& /*rand_keys*/) { // TODO (yanqin) (void)thread; (void)rand_column_families; return Status::OK(); } Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::TestCheckpoint( ThreadState* thread, const std::vector<int>& rand_column_families, const std::vector<int64_t>& /*rand_keys*/) { // TODO (yanqin) (void)thread; (void)rand_column_families; return Status::OK(); } #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::TestApproximateSize( ThreadState* thread, uint64_t iteration, const std::vector<int>& rand_column_families, const std::vector<int64_t>& /*rand_keys*/) { // TODO (yanqin) (void)thread; (void)iteration; (void)rand_column_families; return Status::OK(); } #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::TestCustomOperations( ThreadState* thread, const std::vector<int>& rand_column_families) { (void)rand_column_families; // Randomly choose from 0, 1, and 2. // TODO (yanqin) allow user to configure probability of each operation. uint32_t rand = thread->rand.Uniform(3); Status s; if (0 == rand) { // Update primary key. uint32_t old_a = 0; uint32_t pos = 0; std::tie(old_a, pos) = ChooseExistingA(thread); uint32_t new_a = GenerateNextA(thread); s = PrimaryKeyUpdateTxn(thread, old_a, pos, new_a); } else if (1 == rand) { // Update secondary key. uint32_t old_c = 0; uint32_t pos = 0; std::tie(old_c, pos) = ChooseExistingC(thread); uint32_t new_c = GenerateNextC(thread); s = SecondaryKeyUpdateTxn(thread, old_c, pos, new_c); } else if (2 == rand) { // Update primary index value. uint32_t a = 0; uint32_t pos = 0; std::tie(a, pos) = ChooseExistingA(thread); s = UpdatePrimaryIndexValueTxn(thread, a, /*b_delta=*/1); } else { // Should never reach here. assert(false); } return s; } Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::PrimaryKeyUpdateTxn(ThreadState* thread, uint32_t old_a, uint32_t old_a_pos, uint32_t new_a) { #ifdef ROCKSDB_LITE (void)thread; (void)old_a; (void)old_a_pos; (void)new_a; return Status::NotSupported(); #else std::string old_pk = Record::EncodePrimaryKey(old_a); std::string new_pk = Record::EncodePrimaryKey(new_a); Transaction* txn = nullptr; WriteOptions wopts; Status s = NewTxn(wopts, &txn); if (!s.ok()) { assert(!txn); thread->stats.AddErrors(1); return s; } assert(txn); txn->SetSnapshotOnNextOperation(/*notifier=*/nullptr); const Defer cleanup([new_a, &s, thread, txn, this]() { if (s.ok()) { // Two gets, one for existing pk, one for locking potential new pk. thread->stats.AddGets(/*ngets=*/2, /*nfounds=*/1); thread->stats.AddDeletes(1); thread->stats.AddBytesForWrites( /*nwrites=*/2, Record::kPrimaryIndexEntrySize + Record::kSecondaryIndexEntrySize); thread->stats.AddSingleDeletes(1); return; } if (s.IsNotFound()) { thread->stats.AddGets(/*ngets=*/1, /*nfounds=*/0); } else if (s.IsBusy()) { // ignore. } else { thread->stats.AddErrors(1); } auto& key_gen = key_gen_for_a_[thread->tid]; key_gen->UndoAllocation(new_a); RollbackTxn(txn).PermitUncheckedError(); }); ReadOptions ropts; ropts.rate_limiter_priority = FLAGS_rate_limit_user_ops ? Env::IO_USER : Env::IO_TOTAL; std::string value; s = txn->GetForUpdate(ropts, old_pk, &value); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } std::string empty_value; s = txn->GetForUpdate(ropts, new_pk, &empty_value); if (s.ok()) { assert(!empty_value.empty()); s = Status::Busy(); return s; } else if (!s.IsNotFound()) { return s; } auto result = Record::DecodePrimaryIndexValue(value); s = std::get<0>(result); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } uint32_t b = std::get<1>(result); uint32_t c = std::get<2>(result); ColumnFamilyHandle* cf = db_->DefaultColumnFamily(); s = txn->Delete(cf, old_pk, /*assume_tracked=*/true); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } s = txn->Put(cf, new_pk, value, /*assume_tracked=*/true); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } auto* wb = txn->GetWriteBatch(); assert(wb); std::string old_sk = Record::EncodeSecondaryKey(c, old_a); s = wb->SingleDelete(old_sk); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } Record record(new_a, b, c); std::string new_sk; std::string new_crc; std::tie(new_sk, new_crc) = record.EncodeSecondaryIndexEntry(); s = wb->Put(new_sk, new_crc); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } s = txn->Prepare(); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } s = txn->Commit(); auto& key_gen = key_gen_for_a_.at(thread->tid); if (s.ok()) { delete txn; key_gen->Replace(old_a, old_a_pos, new_a); } return s; #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE } Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::SecondaryKeyUpdateTxn(ThreadState* thread, uint32_t old_c, uint32_t old_c_pos, uint32_t new_c) { #ifdef ROCKSDB_LITE (void)thread; (void)old_c; (void)old_c_pos; (void)new_c; return Status::NotSupported(); #else Transaction* txn = nullptr; WriteOptions wopts; Status s = NewTxn(wopts, &txn); if (!s.ok()) { assert(!txn); thread->stats.AddErrors(1); return s; } assert(txn); Iterator* it = nullptr; long iterations = 0; const Defer cleanup([new_c, &s, thread, &it, txn, this, &iterations]() { delete it; if (s.ok()) { thread->stats.AddIterations(iterations); thread->stats.AddGets(/*ngets=*/1, /*nfounds=*/1); thread->stats.AddSingleDeletes(1); thread->stats.AddBytesForWrites( /*nwrites=*/2, Record::kPrimaryIndexEntrySize + Record::kSecondaryIndexEntrySize); return; } else if (s.IsBusy() || s.IsTimedOut() || s.IsTryAgain() || s.IsMergeInProgress()) { // ww-conflict detected, or // lock cannot be acquired, or // memtable history is not large enough for conflict checking, or // Merge operation cannot be resolved. // TODO (yanqin) add stats for other cases? } else if (s.IsNotFound()) { // ignore. } else { thread->stats.AddErrors(1); } auto& key_gen = key_gen_for_c_[thread->tid]; key_gen->UndoAllocation(new_c); RollbackTxn(txn).PermitUncheckedError(); }); // TODO (yanqin) try SetSnapshotOnNextOperation(). We currently need to take // a snapshot here because we will later verify that point lookup in the // primary index using GetForUpdate() returns the same value for 'c' as the // iterator. The iterator does not need a snapshot though, because it will be // assigned the current latest (published) sequence in the db, which will be // no smaller than the snapshot created here. The GetForUpdate will perform // ww conflict checking to ensure GetForUpdate() (using the snapshot) sees // the same data as this iterator. txn->SetSnapshot(); std::string old_sk_prefix = Record::EncodeSecondaryKey(old_c); std::string iter_ub_str = Record::EncodeSecondaryKey(old_c + 1); Slice iter_ub = iter_ub_str; ReadOptions ropts; ropts.snapshot = txn->GetSnapshot(); ropts.total_order_seek = true; ropts.iterate_upper_bound = &iter_ub; ropts.rate_limiter_priority = FLAGS_rate_limit_user_ops ? Env::IO_USER : Env::IO_TOTAL; it = txn->GetIterator(ropts); assert(it); it->Seek(old_sk_prefix); if (!it->Valid()) { s = Status::NotFound(); return s; } auto* wb = txn->GetWriteBatch(); assert(wb); do { ++iterations; Record record; s = record.DecodeSecondaryIndexEntry(it->key(), it->value()); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot decode secondary key: %s\n", s.ToString().c_str()); assert(false); break; } // At this point, record.b is not known yet, thus we need to access // primary index. std::string pk = Record::EncodePrimaryKey(record.a_value()); std::string value; ReadOptions read_opts; read_opts.rate_limiter_priority = FLAGS_rate_limit_user_ops ? Env::IO_USER : Env::IO_TOTAL; read_opts.snapshot = txn->GetSnapshot(); s = txn->GetForUpdate(read_opts, pk, &value); if (s.IsBusy() || s.IsTimedOut() || s.IsTryAgain() || s.IsMergeInProgress()) { // Write conflict, or cannot acquire lock, or memtable size is not large // enough, or merge cannot be resolved. break; } else if (s.IsNotFound()) { // We can also fail verification here. std::ostringstream oss; oss << "pk should exist: " << Slice(pk).ToString(true); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", oss.str().c_str()); assert(false); break; } if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s.ToString().c_str()); assert(false); break; } auto result = Record::DecodePrimaryIndexValue(value); s = std::get<0>(result); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot decode primary index value: %s\n", s.ToString().c_str()); assert(false); break; } uint32_t b = std::get<1>(result); uint32_t c = std::get<2>(result); if (c != old_c) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "c in primary index does not match secondary index: " << c << " != " << old_c; s = Status::Corruption(); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", oss.str().c_str()); assert(false); break; } Record new_rec(record.a_value(), b, new_c); std::string new_primary_index_value = new_rec.EncodePrimaryIndexValue(); ColumnFamilyHandle* cf = db_->DefaultColumnFamily(); s = txn->Put(cf, pk, new_primary_index_value, /*assume_tracked=*/true); if (!s.ok()) { break; } std::string old_sk = it->key().ToString(/*hex=*/false); std::string new_sk; std::string new_crc; std::tie(new_sk, new_crc) = new_rec.EncodeSecondaryIndexEntry(); s = wb->SingleDelete(old_sk); if (!s.ok()) { break; } s = wb->Put(new_sk, new_crc); if (!s.ok()) { break; } it->Next(); } while (it->Valid()); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } s = txn->Prepare(); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } s = txn->Commit(); if (s.ok()) { delete txn; auto& key_gen = key_gen_for_c_.at(thread->tid); key_gen->Replace(old_c, old_c_pos, new_c); } return s; #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE } Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::UpdatePrimaryIndexValueTxn(ThreadState* thread, uint32_t a, uint32_t b_delta) { #ifdef ROCKSDB_LITE (void)thread; (void)a; (void)b_delta; return Status::NotSupported(); #else std::string pk_str = Record::EncodePrimaryKey(a); Transaction* txn = nullptr; WriteOptions wopts; Status s = NewTxn(wopts, &txn); if (!s.ok()) { assert(!txn); thread->stats.AddErrors(1); return s; } assert(txn); const Defer cleanup([&s, thread, txn, this]() { if (s.ok()) { thread->stats.AddGets(/*ngets=*/1, /*nfounds=*/1); thread->stats.AddBytesForWrites( /*nwrites=*/1, /*nbytes=*/Record::kPrimaryIndexEntrySize); return; } if (s.IsNotFound()) { thread->stats.AddGets(/*ngets=*/1, /*nfounds=*/0); } else if (s.IsInvalidArgument()) { // ignored. } else if (s.IsBusy() || s.IsTimedOut() || s.IsTryAgain() || s.IsMergeInProgress()) { // ignored. } else { thread->stats.AddErrors(1); } RollbackTxn(txn).PermitUncheckedError(); }); ReadOptions ropts; ropts.rate_limiter_priority = FLAGS_rate_limit_user_ops ? Env::IO_USER : Env::IO_TOTAL; std::string value; s = txn->GetForUpdate(ropts, pk_str, &value); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } auto result = Record::DecodePrimaryIndexValue(value); if (!std::get<0>(result).ok()) { s = std::get<0>(result); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot decode primary index value: %s\n", s.ToString().c_str()); assert(false); return s; } uint32_t b = std::get<1>(result) + b_delta; uint32_t c = std::get<2>(result); Record record(a, b, c); std::string primary_index_value = record.EncodePrimaryIndexValue(); ColumnFamilyHandle* cf = db_->DefaultColumnFamily(); s = txn->Put(cf, pk_str, primary_index_value, /*assume_tracked=*/true); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } s = txn->Prepare(); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } s = txn->Commit(); if (s.ok()) { delete txn; } return s; #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE } Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::PointLookupTxn(ThreadState* thread, ReadOptions ropts, uint32_t a) { #ifdef ROCKSDB_LITE (void)thread; (void)ropts; (void)a; return Status::NotSupported(); #else std::string pk_str = Record::EncodePrimaryKey(a); // pk may or may not exist PinnableSlice value; Transaction* txn = nullptr; WriteOptions wopts; Status s = NewTxn(wopts, &txn); if (!s.ok()) { assert(!txn); thread->stats.AddErrors(1); return s; } assert(txn); const Defer cleanup([&s, thread, txn, this]() { if (s.ok()) { thread->stats.AddGets(/*ngets=*/1, /*nfounds=*/1); return; } else if (s.IsNotFound()) { thread->stats.AddGets(/*ngets=*/1, /*nfounds=*/0); } else { thread->stats.AddErrors(1); } RollbackTxn(txn).PermitUncheckedError(); }); txn->SetSnapshot(); ropts.snapshot = txn->GetSnapshot(); if (FLAGS_delay_snapshot_read_one_in > 0 && thread->rand.OneIn(FLAGS_delay_snapshot_read_one_in)) { uint64_t delay_ms = thread->rand.Uniform(100) + 1; db_->GetDBOptions().env->SleepForMicroseconds( static_cast<int>(delay_ms * 1000)); } s = txn->Get(ropts, db_->DefaultColumnFamily(), pk_str, &value); if (s.ok()) { s = txn->Commit(); } if (s.ok()) { delete txn; } return s; #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE } Status MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::RangeScanTxn(ThreadState* thread, ReadOptions ropts, uint32_t c) { #ifdef ROCKSDB_LITE (void)thread; (void)ropts; (void)c; return Status::NotSupported(); #else std::string sk = Record::EncodeSecondaryKey(c); Transaction* txn = nullptr; WriteOptions wopts; Status s = NewTxn(wopts, &txn); if (!s.ok()) { assert(!txn); thread->stats.AddErrors(1); return s; } assert(txn); const Defer cleanup([&s, thread, txn, this]() { if (s.ok()) { thread->stats.AddIterations(1); return; } thread->stats.AddErrors(1); RollbackTxn(txn).PermitUncheckedError(); }); txn->SetSnapshot(); ropts.snapshot = txn->GetSnapshot(); if (FLAGS_delay_snapshot_read_one_in > 0 && thread->rand.OneIn(FLAGS_delay_snapshot_read_one_in)) { uint64_t delay_ms = thread->rand.Uniform(100) + 1; db_->GetDBOptions().env->SleepForMicroseconds( static_cast<int>(delay_ms * 1000)); } std::unique_ptr<Iterator> iter(txn->GetIterator(ropts)); constexpr size_t total_nexts = 10; size_t nexts = 0; for (iter->Seek(sk); iter->Valid() && nexts < total_nexts && iter->status().ok(); iter->Next(), ++nexts) { } if (iter->status().ok()) { s = txn->Commit(); } else { s = iter->status(); } if (s.ok()) { delete txn; } return s; #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE } void MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::VerifyDb(ThreadState* thread) const { if (thread->shared->HasVerificationFailedYet()) { return; } const Snapshot* const snapshot = db_->GetSnapshot(); assert(snapshot); ManagedSnapshot snapshot_guard(db_, snapshot); std::ostringstream oss; oss << "[snap=" << snapshot->GetSequenceNumber() << ","; auto* dbimpl = static_cast_with_check<DBImpl>(db_->GetRootDB()); assert(dbimpl); oss << " last_published=" << dbimpl->GetLastPublishedSequence() << "] "; if (FLAGS_delay_snapshot_read_one_in > 0 && thread->rand.OneIn(FLAGS_delay_snapshot_read_one_in)) { uint64_t delay_ms = thread->rand.Uniform(100) + 1; db_->GetDBOptions().env->SleepForMicroseconds( static_cast<int>(delay_ms * 1000)); } // TODO (yanqin) with a probability, we can use either forward or backward // iterator in subsequent checks. We can also use more advanced features in // range scan. For now, let's just use simple forward iteration with // total_order_seek = true. // First, iterate primary index. size_t primary_index_entries_count = 0; { char buf[4]; EncodeFixed32(buf, Record::kPrimaryIndexId + 1); std::reverse(buf, buf + sizeof(buf)); std::string iter_ub_str(buf, sizeof(buf)); Slice iter_ub = iter_ub_str; // This `ReadOptions` is for validation purposes. Ignore // `FLAGS_rate_limit_user_ops` to avoid slowing any validation. ReadOptions ropts; ropts.snapshot = snapshot; ropts.total_order_seek = true; ropts.iterate_upper_bound = &iter_ub; std::unique_ptr<Iterator> it(db_->NewIterator(ropts)); for (it->SeekToFirst(); it->Valid(); it->Next()) { Record record; Status s = record.DecodePrimaryIndexEntry(it->key(), it->value()); if (!s.ok()) { oss << "Cannot decode primary index entry " << it->key().ToString(true) << "=>" << it->value().ToString(true); VerificationAbort(thread->shared, oss.str(), s); assert(false); return; } ++primary_index_entries_count; // Search secondary index. uint32_t a = record.a_value(); uint32_t c = record.c_value(); char sk_buf[12]; EncodeFixed32(sk_buf, Record::kSecondaryIndexId); std::reverse(sk_buf, sk_buf + sizeof(uint32_t)); EncodeFixed32(sk_buf + sizeof(uint32_t), c); std::reverse(sk_buf + sizeof(uint32_t), sk_buf + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)); EncodeFixed32(sk_buf + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t), a); std::reverse(sk_buf + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t), sk_buf + sizeof(sk_buf)); Slice sk(sk_buf, sizeof(sk_buf)); std::string value; s = db_->Get(ropts, sk, &value); if (!s.ok()) { oss << "Cannot find secondary index entry " << sk.ToString(true); VerificationAbort(thread->shared, oss.str(), s); assert(false); return; } } } // Second, iterate secondary index. size_t secondary_index_entries_count = 0; { char buf[4]; EncodeFixed32(buf, Record::kSecondaryIndexId); std::reverse(buf, buf + sizeof(buf)); const std::string start_key(buf, sizeof(buf)); // This `ReadOptions` is for validation purposes. Ignore // `FLAGS_rate_limit_user_ops` to avoid slowing any validation. ReadOptions ropts; ropts.snapshot = snapshot; ropts.total_order_seek = true; std::unique_ptr<Iterator> it(db_->NewIterator(ropts)); for (it->Seek(start_key); it->Valid(); it->Next()) { ++secondary_index_entries_count; Record record; Status s = record.DecodeSecondaryIndexEntry(it->key(), it->value()); if (!s.ok()) { oss << "Cannot decode secondary index entry"; VerificationAbort(thread->shared, oss.str(), s); assert(false); return; } // After decoding secondary index entry, we know a and c. Crc is verified // in decoding phase. // // Form a primary key and search in the primary index. std::string pk = Record::EncodePrimaryKey(record.a_value()); std::string value; s = db_->Get(ropts, pk, &value); if (!s.ok()) { oss << "Error searching pk " << Slice(pk).ToString(true) << ". " << s.ToString(); VerificationAbort(thread->shared, oss.str(), s); assert(false); return; } auto result = Record::DecodePrimaryIndexValue(value); s = std::get<0>(result); if (!s.ok()) { oss << "Error decoding primary index value " << Slice(value).ToString(true) << ". " << s.ToString(); VerificationAbort(thread->shared, oss.str(), s); assert(false); return; } uint32_t c_in_primary = std::get<2>(result); if (c_in_primary != record.c_value()) { oss << "Pk/sk mismatch. pk: (c=" << c_in_primary << "), sk: (c=" << record.c_value() << ")"; VerificationAbort(thread->shared, oss.str(), s); assert(false); return; } } } if (secondary_index_entries_count != primary_index_entries_count) { oss << "Pk/sk mismatch: primary index has " << primary_index_entries_count << " entries. Secondary index has " << secondary_index_entries_count << " entries."; VerificationAbort(thread->shared, oss.str(), Status::OK()); assert(false); return; } } std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::ChooseExistingA( ThreadState* thread) { uint32_t tid = thread->tid; auto& key_gen = key_gen_for_a_.at(tid); return key_gen->ChooseExisting(); } uint32_t MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::GenerateNextA(ThreadState* thread) { uint32_t tid = thread->tid; auto& key_gen = key_gen_for_a_.at(tid); return key_gen->Allocate(); } std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::ChooseExistingC( ThreadState* thread) { uint32_t tid = thread->tid; auto& key_gen = key_gen_for_c_.at(tid); return key_gen->ChooseExisting(); } uint32_t MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::GenerateNextC(ThreadState* thread) { uint32_t tid = thread->tid; auto& key_gen = key_gen_for_c_.at(tid); return key_gen->Allocate(); } std::string MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::KeySpaces::EncodeTo() const { std::string result; PutFixed32(&result, lb_a); PutFixed32(&result, ub_a); PutFixed32(&result, lb_c); PutFixed32(&result, ub_c); return result; } bool MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::KeySpaces::DecodeFrom(Slice data) { if (!GetFixed32(&data, &lb_a) || !GetFixed32(&data, &ub_a) || !GetFixed32(&data, &lb_c) || !GetFixed32(&data, &ub_c)) { return false; } return true; } void MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::PersistKeySpacesDesc( const std::string& key_spaces_path, uint32_t lb_a, uint32_t ub_a, uint32_t lb_c, uint32_t ub_c) { KeySpaces key_spaces(lb_a, ub_a, lb_c, ub_c); std::string key_spaces_rep = key_spaces.EncodeTo(); std::unique_ptr<WritableFile> wfile; Status s1 = Env::Default()->NewWritableFile(key_spaces_path, &wfile, EnvOptions()); assert(s1.ok()); assert(wfile); s1 = wfile->Append(key_spaces_rep); assert(s1.ok()); } MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::KeySpaces MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::ReadKeySpacesDesc( const std::string& key_spaces_path) { KeySpaces key_spaces; std::unique_ptr<SequentialFile> sfile; Status s1 = Env::Default()->NewSequentialFile(key_spaces_path, &sfile, EnvOptions()); assert(s1.ok()); assert(sfile); char buf[16]; Slice result; s1 = sfile->Read(sizeof(buf), &result, buf); assert(s1.ok()); if (!key_spaces.DecodeFrom(result)) { assert(false); } return key_spaces; } // Create an empty database if necessary and preload it with initial test data. // Key range [lb_a, ub_a), [lb_c, ub_c). The key ranges will be shared by // 'threads' threads. // PreloadDb() also sets up KeyGenerator objects for each sub key range // operated on by each thread. // Both [lb_a, ub_a) and [lb_c, ub_c) are partitioned. Each thread operates on // one sub range, using KeyGenerators to generate keys. // For example, we choose a from [0, 10000) and c from [0, 100). Number of // threads is 32, their tids range from 0 to 31. // Thread k chooses a from [312*k,312*(k+1)) and c from [3*k,3*(k+1)) if k<31. // Thread 31 chooses a from [9672, 10000) and c from [93, 100). // Within each subrange: a from [low1, high1), c from [low2, high2). // high1 - low1 > high2 - low2 // We reserve {high1 - 1} and {high2 - 1} as unallocated. // The records are <low1,low2>, <low1+1,low2+1>, ..., // <low1+k,low2+k%(high2-low2-1), <low1+k+1,low2+(k+1)%(high2-low2-1)>, ... void MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::PreloadDb(SharedState* shared, int threads, uint32_t lb_a, uint32_t ub_a, uint32_t lb_c, uint32_t ub_c) { #ifdef ROCKSDB_LITE (void)shared; (void)threads; (void)lb_a; (void)ub_a; (void)lb_c; (void)ub_c; #else key_gen_for_a_.resize(threads); key_gen_for_c_.resize(threads); assert(ub_a > lb_a && ub_a > lb_a + threads); assert(ub_c > lb_c && ub_c > lb_c + threads); PersistKeySpacesDesc(FLAGS_key_spaces_path, lb_a, ub_a, lb_c, ub_c); fprintf(stdout, "a from [%u, %u), c from [%u, %u)\n", static_cast<unsigned int>(lb_a), static_cast<unsigned int>(ub_a), static_cast<unsigned int>(lb_c), static_cast<unsigned int>(ub_c)); const uint32_t num_c = ub_c - lb_c; const uint32_t num_c_per_thread = num_c / threads; const uint32_t num_a = ub_a - lb_a; const uint32_t num_a_per_thread = num_a / threads; WriteOptions wopts; wopts.disableWAL = FLAGS_disable_wal; Random rnd(shared->GetSeed()); assert(txn_db_); std::vector<KeySet> existing_a_uniqs(threads); std::vector<KeySet> non_existing_a_uniqs(threads); std::vector<KeySet> existing_c_uniqs(threads); std::vector<KeySet> non_existing_c_uniqs(threads); for (uint32_t a = lb_a; a < ub_a; ++a) { uint32_t tid = (a - lb_a) / num_a_per_thread; if (tid >= static_cast<uint32_t>(threads)) { tid = threads - 1; } uint32_t a_base = lb_a + tid * num_a_per_thread; uint32_t a_hi = (tid < static_cast<uint32_t>(threads - 1)) ? (a_base + num_a_per_thread) : ub_a; uint32_t a_delta = a - a_base; if (a == a_hi - 1) { non_existing_a_uniqs[tid].insert(a); continue; } uint32_t c_base = lb_c + tid * num_c_per_thread; uint32_t c_hi = (tid < static_cast<uint32_t>(threads - 1)) ? (c_base + num_c_per_thread) : ub_c; uint32_t c_delta = a_delta % (c_hi - c_base - 1); uint32_t c = c_base + c_delta; uint32_t b = rnd.Next(); Record record(a, b, c); WriteBatch wb; const auto primary_index_entry = record.EncodePrimaryIndexEntry(); Status s = wb.Put(primary_index_entry.first, primary_index_entry.second); assert(s.ok()); const auto secondary_index_entry = record.EncodeSecondaryIndexEntry(); s = wb.Put(secondary_index_entry.first, secondary_index_entry.second); assert(s.ok()); s = txn_db_->Write(wopts, &wb); assert(s.ok()); // TODO (yanqin): make the following check optional, especially when data // size is large. Record tmp_rec; tmp_rec.SetB(record.b_value()); s = tmp_rec.DecodeSecondaryIndexEntry(secondary_index_entry.first, secondary_index_entry.second); assert(s.ok()); assert(tmp_rec == record); existing_a_uniqs[tid].insert(a); existing_c_uniqs[tid].insert(c); } for (int i = 0; i < threads; ++i) { uint32_t my_seed = i + shared->GetSeed(); auto& key_gen_for_a = key_gen_for_a_[i]; assert(!key_gen_for_a); uint32_t low = lb_a + i * num_a_per_thread; uint32_t high = (i < threads - 1) ? (low + num_a_per_thread) : ub_a; assert(existing_a_uniqs[i].size() == high - low - 1); assert(non_existing_a_uniqs[i].size() == 1); key_gen_for_a = std::make_unique<KeyGenerator>( my_seed, low, high, std::move(existing_a_uniqs[i]), std::move(non_existing_a_uniqs[i])); auto& key_gen_for_c = key_gen_for_c_[i]; assert(!key_gen_for_c); low = lb_c + i * num_c_per_thread; high = (i < threads - 1) ? (low + num_c_per_thread) : ub_c; non_existing_c_uniqs[i].insert(high - 1); assert(existing_c_uniqs[i].size() == high - low - 1); assert(non_existing_c_uniqs[i].size() == 1); key_gen_for_c = std::make_unique<KeyGenerator>( my_seed, low, high, std::move(existing_c_uniqs[i]), std::move(non_existing_c_uniqs[i])); } #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE } // Scan an existing, non-empty database. // Set up [lb_a, ub_a) and [lb_c, ub_c) as test key ranges. // Set up KeyGenerator objects for each sub key range operated on by each // thread. // Scan the entire database and for each subrange, populate the existing keys // and non-existing keys. We currently require the non-existing keys be // non-empty after initialization. void MultiOpsTxnsStressTest::ScanExistingDb(SharedState* shared, int threads) { key_gen_for_a_.resize(threads); key_gen_for_c_.resize(threads); KeySpaces key_spaces = ReadKeySpacesDesc(FLAGS_key_spaces_path); const uint32_t lb_a = key_spaces.lb_a; const uint32_t ub_a = key_spaces.ub_a; const uint32_t lb_c = key_spaces.lb_c; const uint32_t ub_c = key_spaces.ub_c; assert(lb_a < ub_a && lb_c < ub_c); fprintf(stdout, "a from [%u, %u), c from [%u, %u)\n", static_cast<unsigned int>(lb_a), static_cast<unsigned int>(ub_a), static_cast<unsigned int>(lb_c), static_cast<unsigned int>(ub_c)); assert(ub_a > lb_a && ub_a > lb_a + threads); assert(ub_c > lb_c && ub_c > lb_c + threads); const uint32_t num_c = ub_c - lb_c; const uint32_t num_c_per_thread = num_c / threads; const uint32_t num_a = ub_a - lb_a; const uint32_t num_a_per_thread = num_a / threads; assert(db_); ReadOptions ropts; std::vector<KeySet> existing_a_uniqs(threads); std::vector<KeySet> non_existing_a_uniqs(threads); std::vector<KeySet> existing_c_uniqs(threads); std::vector<KeySet> non_existing_c_uniqs(threads); { std::string pk_lb_str = Record::EncodePrimaryKey(0); std::string pk_ub_str = Record::EncodePrimaryKey(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()); Slice pk_lb = pk_lb_str; Slice pk_ub = pk_ub_str; ropts.iterate_lower_bound = &pk_lb; ropts.iterate_upper_bound = &pk_ub; ropts.total_order_seek = true; std::unique_ptr<Iterator> it(db_->NewIterator(ropts)); for (it->SeekToFirst(); it->Valid(); it->Next()) { Record record; Status s = record.DecodePrimaryIndexEntry(it->key(), it->value()); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot decode primary index entry: %s\n", s.ToString().c_str()); assert(false); } uint32_t a = record.a_value(); assert(a >= lb_a); assert(a < ub_a); uint32_t tid = (a - lb_a) / num_a_per_thread; if (tid >= static_cast<uint32_t>(threads)) { tid = threads - 1; } existing_a_uniqs[tid].insert(a); uint32_t c = record.c_value(); assert(c >= lb_c); assert(c < ub_c); tid = (c - lb_c) / num_c_per_thread; if (tid >= static_cast<uint32_t>(threads)) { tid = threads - 1; } auto& existing_c_uniq = existing_c_uniqs[tid]; existing_c_uniq.insert(c); } for (uint32_t a = lb_a; a < ub_a; ++a) { uint32_t tid = (a - lb_a) / num_a_per_thread; if (tid >= static_cast<uint32_t>(threads)) { tid = threads - 1; } if (0 == existing_a_uniqs[tid].count(a)) { non_existing_a_uniqs[tid].insert(a); } } for (uint32_t c = lb_c; c < ub_c; ++c) { uint32_t tid = (c - lb_c) / num_c_per_thread; if (tid >= static_cast<uint32_t>(threads)) { tid = threads - 1; } if (0 == existing_c_uniqs[tid].count(c)) { non_existing_c_uniqs[tid].insert(c); } } for (int i = 0; i < threads; ++i) { uint32_t my_seed = i + shared->GetSeed(); auto& key_gen_for_a = key_gen_for_a_[i]; assert(!key_gen_for_a); uint32_t low = lb_a + i * num_a_per_thread; uint32_t high = (i < threads - 1) ? (low + num_a_per_thread) : ub_a; // The following two assertions assume the test thread count and key // space remain the same across different runs. Will need to relax. assert(existing_a_uniqs[i].size() == high - low - 1); assert(non_existing_a_uniqs[i].size() == 1); key_gen_for_a = std::make_unique<KeyGenerator>( my_seed, low, high, std::move(existing_a_uniqs[i]), std::move(non_existing_a_uniqs[i])); auto& key_gen_for_c = key_gen_for_c_[i]; assert(!key_gen_for_c); low = lb_c + i * num_c_per_thread; high = (i < threads - 1) ? (low + num_c_per_thread) : ub_c; // The following two assertions assume the test thread count and key // space remain the same across different runs. Will need to relax. assert(existing_c_uniqs[i].size() == high - low - 1); assert(non_existing_c_uniqs[i].size() == 1); key_gen_for_c = std::make_unique<KeyGenerator>( my_seed, low, high, std::move(existing_c_uniqs[i]), std::move(non_existing_c_uniqs[i])); } } } StressTest* CreateMultiOpsTxnsStressTest() { return new MultiOpsTxnsStressTest(); } void CheckAndSetOptionsForMultiOpsTxnStressTest() { #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE if (FLAGS_test_batches_snapshots || FLAGS_test_cf_consistency) { fprintf(stderr, "-test_multi_ops_txns is not compatible with " "-test_bathces_snapshots and -test_cf_consistency\n"); exit(1); } if (!FLAGS_use_txn) { fprintf(stderr, "-use_txn must be true if -test_multi_ops_txns\n"); exit(1); } else if (FLAGS_test_secondary > 0) { fprintf( stderr, "secondary instance does not support replaying logs (MANIFEST + WAL) " "of TransactionDB with write-prepared/write-unprepared policy\n"); exit(1); } if (FLAGS_clear_column_family_one_in > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-test_multi_ops_txns is not compatible with clearing column " "families\n"); exit(1); } if (FLAGS_column_families > 1) { // TODO (yanqin) support separating primary index and secondary index in // different column families. fprintf(stderr, "-test_multi_ops_txns currently does not use more than one column " "family\n"); exit(1); } if (FLAGS_writepercent > 0 || FLAGS_delpercent > 0 || FLAGS_delrangepercent > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-test_multi_ops_txns requires that -writepercent, -delpercent and " "-delrangepercent be 0\n"); exit(1); } if (FLAGS_key_spaces_path.empty()) { fprintf(stderr, "Must specify a file to store ranges of A and C via " "-key_spaces_path\n"); exit(1); } #else fprintf(stderr, "-test_multi_ops_txns not supported in ROCKSDB_LITE mode\n"); exit(1); #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE } } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE #endif // GFLAGS