// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include "monitoring/histogram.h" #include "port/port.h" #include "rocksdb/env.h" #include "rocksdb/snapshot.h" #include "rocksdb/statistics.h" #include "util/gflags_compat.h" #include "util/random.h" DECLARE_bool(histogram); DECLARE_bool(progress_reports); namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE { // Database statistics static std::shared_ptr dbstats; static std::shared_ptr dbstats_secondaries; class Stats { private: uint64_t start_; uint64_t finish_; double seconds_; long done_; long gets_; long prefixes_; long writes_; long deletes_; size_t single_deletes_; long iterator_size_sums_; long founds_; long iterations_; long range_deletions_; long covered_by_range_deletions_; long errors_; long verified_errors_; long num_compact_files_succeed_; long num_compact_files_failed_; int next_report_; size_t bytes_; uint64_t last_op_finish_; HistogramImpl hist_; public: Stats() {} void Start() { next_report_ = 100; hist_.Clear(); done_ = 0; gets_ = 0; prefixes_ = 0; writes_ = 0; deletes_ = 0; single_deletes_ = 0; iterator_size_sums_ = 0; founds_ = 0; iterations_ = 0; range_deletions_ = 0; covered_by_range_deletions_ = 0; errors_ = 0; verified_errors_ = 0; bytes_ = 0; seconds_ = 0; num_compact_files_succeed_ = 0; num_compact_files_failed_ = 0; start_ = Env::Default()->NowMicros(); last_op_finish_ = start_; finish_ = start_; } void Merge(const Stats& other) { hist_.Merge(other.hist_); done_ += other.done_; gets_ += other.gets_; prefixes_ += other.prefixes_; writes_ += other.writes_; deletes_ += other.deletes_; single_deletes_ += other.single_deletes_; iterator_size_sums_ += other.iterator_size_sums_; founds_ += other.founds_; iterations_ += other.iterations_; range_deletions_ += other.range_deletions_; covered_by_range_deletions_ = other.covered_by_range_deletions_; errors_ += other.errors_; verified_errors_ += other.verified_errors_; bytes_ += other.bytes_; seconds_ += other.seconds_; num_compact_files_succeed_ += other.num_compact_files_succeed_; num_compact_files_failed_ += other.num_compact_files_failed_; if (other.start_ < start_) start_ = other.start_; if (other.finish_ > finish_) finish_ = other.finish_; } void Stop() { finish_ = Env::Default()->NowMicros(); seconds_ = (finish_ - start_) * 1e-6; } void FinishedSingleOp() { if (FLAGS_histogram) { auto now = Env::Default()->NowMicros(); auto micros = now - last_op_finish_; hist_.Add(micros); if (micros > 20000) { fprintf(stdout, "long op: %" PRIu64 " micros%30s\r", micros, ""); } last_op_finish_ = now; } done_++; if (FLAGS_progress_reports) { if (done_ >= next_report_) { if (next_report_ < 1000) next_report_ += 100; else if (next_report_ < 5000) next_report_ += 500; else if (next_report_ < 10000) next_report_ += 1000; else if (next_report_ < 50000) next_report_ += 5000; else if (next_report_ < 100000) next_report_ += 10000; else if (next_report_ < 500000) next_report_ += 50000; else next_report_ += 100000; fprintf(stdout, "... finished %ld ops%30s\r", done_, ""); } } } void AddBytesForWrites(long nwrites, size_t nbytes) { writes_ += nwrites; bytes_ += nbytes; } void AddGets(long ngets, long nfounds) { founds_ += nfounds; gets_ += ngets; } void AddPrefixes(long nprefixes, long count) { prefixes_ += nprefixes; iterator_size_sums_ += count; } void AddIterations(long n) { iterations_ += n; } void AddDeletes(long n) { deletes_ += n; } void AddSingleDeletes(size_t n) { single_deletes_ += n; } void AddRangeDeletions(long n) { range_deletions_ += n; } void AddCoveredByRangeDeletions(long n) { covered_by_range_deletions_ += n; } void AddErrors(long n) { errors_ += n; } void AddVerifiedErrors(long n) { verified_errors_ += n; } void AddNumCompactFilesSucceed(long n) { num_compact_files_succeed_ += n; } void AddNumCompactFilesFailed(long n) { num_compact_files_failed_ += n; } void Report(const char* name) { std::string extra; if (bytes_ < 1 || done_ < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "No writes or ops?\n"); return; } double elapsed = (finish_ - start_) * 1e-6; double bytes_mb = bytes_ / 1048576.0; double rate = bytes_mb / elapsed; double throughput = (double)done_ / elapsed; fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: ", name); fprintf(stdout, "%.3f micros/op %ld ops/sec\n", seconds_ * 1e6 / done_, (long)throughput); fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Wrote %.2f MB (%.2f MB/sec) (%ld%% of %ld ops)\n", "", bytes_mb, rate, (100 * writes_) / done_, done_); fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Wrote %ld times\n", "", writes_); fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Deleted %ld times\n", "", deletes_); fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Single deleted %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt " times\n", "", single_deletes_); fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: %ld read and %ld found the key\n", "", gets_, founds_); fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Prefix scanned %ld times\n", "", prefixes_); fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Iterator size sum is %ld\n", "", iterator_size_sums_); fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Iterated %ld times\n", "", iterations_); fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Deleted %ld key-ranges\n", "", range_deletions_); fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Range deletions covered %ld keys\n", "", covered_by_range_deletions_); fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Got errors %ld times\n", "", errors_); fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Got expected errors %ld times\n", "", verified_errors_); fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: %ld CompactFiles() succeed\n", "", num_compact_files_succeed_); fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: %ld CompactFiles() did not succeed\n", "", num_compact_files_failed_); if (FLAGS_histogram) { fprintf(stdout, "Microseconds per op:\n%s\n", hist_.ToString().c_str()); } fflush(stdout); } }; } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE