<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"
    <name>RocksDB JNI</name>
    <!-- Version will be automatically replaced -->
    <description>RocksDB fat jar that contains .so files for linux32 and linux64, and jnilib files
        for Mac OSX.
            <name>Apache License 2.0</name>


        <!-- Use custom maven folder layout -->
        <!-- Set folder for src root -->
        <!-- main resources, nothing shall be excluded -->
        <!-- Set folder for test root -->
        <!-- Bring libraries on classpath -->
                    <!-- Exclude all tests from classes -->
                        <!-- Exclude Sample -->
                        <!-- Exclude Benchmark -->
                        <!-- Exclude Tests -->
                            <!-- Include only tests in test-classes -->
                                <!-- Exclude everything but WriteBatchTest -->
                                <!-- Exclude WriteBatchTest -->
                                <!-- Exclude Benchmark -->
                                <!-- Exclude Utilities -->
                                <!-- Include Tests -->
                                String fileContents = new File("${project.basedir}/../include/rocksdb/version.h").getText('UTF-8')
                                matcher = (fileContents =~ /(?s).*ROCKSDB_MAJOR ([0-9]+).*?/)
                                String major_version = matcher.getAt(0).getAt(1)
                                matcher = (fileContents =~ /(?s).*ROCKSDB_MINOR ([0-9]+).*?/)
                                String minor_version = matcher.getAt(0).getAt(1)
                                matcher = (fileContents =~ /(?s).*ROCKSDB_PATCH ([0-9]+).*?/)
                                String patch_version = matcher.getAt(0).getAt(1)
                                String version = String.format('%s.%s.%s', major_version, minor_version, patch_version)
                                // Set version to be used in pom.properties
                                project.version = version
                                // Set version to be set as jar name
                                project.build.finalName = project.artifactId + "-" + version
