// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE #include <string> #include "db/db_impl/db_impl.h" #include "db/db_test_util.h" #include "rocksdb/options.h" #include "rocksdb/table.h" #include "test_util/testharness.h" namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE { class OptionsFileTest : public testing::Test { public: OptionsFileTest() : dbname_(test::PerThreadDBPath("options_file_test")) {} std::string dbname_; }; namespace { void UpdateOptionsFiles(DB* db, std::unordered_set<std::string>* filename_history, int* options_files_count) { std::vector<std::string> filenames; EXPECT_OK(db->GetEnv()->GetChildren(db->GetName(), &filenames)); uint64_t number; FileType type; *options_files_count = 0; for (auto filename : filenames) { if (ParseFileName(filename, &number, &type) && type == kOptionsFile) { filename_history->insert(filename); (*options_files_count)++; } } } // Verify whether the current Options Files are the latest ones. void VerifyOptionsFileName( DB* db, const std::unordered_set<std::string>& past_filenames) { std::vector<std::string> filenames; std::unordered_set<std::string> current_filenames; EXPECT_OK(db->GetEnv()->GetChildren(db->GetName(), &filenames)); uint64_t number; FileType type; for (auto filename : filenames) { if (ParseFileName(filename, &number, &type) && type == kOptionsFile) { current_filenames.insert(filename); } } for (auto past_filename : past_filenames) { if (current_filenames.find(past_filename) != current_filenames.end()) { continue; } for (auto filename : current_filenames) { ASSERT_GT(filename, past_filename); } } } } // namespace TEST_F(OptionsFileTest, NumberOfOptionsFiles) { const int kReopenCount = 20; Options opt; opt.create_if_missing = true; ASSERT_OK(DestroyDB(dbname_, opt)); std::unordered_set<std::string> filename_history; DB* db; for (int i = 0; i < kReopenCount; ++i) { ASSERT_OK(DB::Open(opt, dbname_, &db)); int num_options_files = 0; UpdateOptionsFiles(db, &filename_history, &num_options_files); ASSERT_GT(num_options_files, 0); ASSERT_LE(num_options_files, 2); // Make sure we always keep the latest option files. VerifyOptionsFileName(db, filename_history); delete db; } } TEST_F(OptionsFileTest, OptionsFileName) { const uint64_t kOptionsFileNum = 12345; uint64_t number; FileType type; auto options_file_name = OptionsFileName("", kOptionsFileNum); ASSERT_TRUE(ParseFileName(options_file_name, &number, &type, nullptr)); ASSERT_EQ(type, kOptionsFile); ASSERT_EQ(number, kOptionsFileNum); const uint64_t kTempOptionsFileNum = 54352; auto temp_options_file_name = TempOptionsFileName("", kTempOptionsFileNum); ASSERT_TRUE(ParseFileName(temp_options_file_name, &number, &type, nullptr)); ASSERT_NE(temp_options_file_name.find(kTempFileNameSuffix), std::string::npos); ASSERT_EQ(type, kTempFile); ASSERT_EQ(number, kTempOptionsFileNum); } } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE int main(int argc, char** argv) { #if !(defined NDEBUG) || !defined(OS_WIN) ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); #else return 0; #endif // !(defined NDEBUG) || !defined(OS_WIN) } #else #include <cstdio> int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) { printf("Skipped as Options file is not supported in RocksDBLite.\n"); return 0; } #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE