//  Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
//  This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
//  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
//  of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.

#include "utilities/blob_db/blob_db_impl.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>

#include "db/db_impl.h"
#include "db/write_batch_internal.h"
#include "monitoring/instrumented_mutex.h"
#include "rocksdb/convenience.h"
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "rocksdb/iterator.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/stackable_db.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/transaction.h"
#include "table/block.h"
#include "table/block_based_table_builder.h"
#include "table/block_builder.h"
#include "table/meta_blocks.h"
#include "util/crc32c.h"
#include "util/file_reader_writer.h"
#include "util/filename.h"
#include "util/random.h"
#include "util/timer_queue.h"
#include "utilities/transactions/optimistic_transaction_db_impl.h"
#include "utilities/transactions/optimistic_transaction_impl.h"

namespace {
int kBlockBasedTableVersionFormat = 2;

void extendTTL(rocksdb::blob_db::ttlrange_t* ttl_range, uint32_t ttl) {
  ttl_range->first = std::min(ttl_range->first, ttl);
  ttl_range->second = std::max(ttl_range->second, ttl);

void extendTimestamps(rocksdb::blob_db::tsrange_t* ts_range, uint64_t ts) {
  ts_range->first = std::min(ts_range->first, ts);
  ts_range->second = std::max(ts_range->second, ts);

void extendSN(rocksdb::blob_db::snrange_t* sn_range,
              rocksdb::SequenceNumber sn) {
  sn_range->first = std::min(sn_range->first, sn);
  sn_range->second = std::max(sn_range->second, sn);
}  // end namespace

namespace rocksdb {

namespace blob_db {

struct GCStats {
  uint64_t blob_count;
  uint64_t num_deletes;
  uint64_t deleted_size;
  uint64_t num_relocs;
  uint64_t succ_deletes_lsm;
  uint64_t succ_relocs;
  std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> newfile;
      : blob_count(0),
        succ_relocs(0) {}

// BlobHandle is a pointer to the blob that is stored in the LSM
class BlobHandle {
      : file_number_(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()),
        compression_(kNoCompression) {}

  uint64_t filenumber() const { return file_number_; }
  void set_filenumber(uint64_t fn) { file_number_ = fn; }

  // The offset of the block in the file.
  uint64_t offset() const { return offset_; }
  void set_offset(uint64_t _offset) { offset_ = _offset; }

  // The size of the stored block
  uint64_t size() const { return size_; }
  void set_size(uint64_t _size) { size_ = _size; }

  CompressionType compression() const { return compression_; }
  void set_compression(CompressionType t) { compression_ = t; }

  void EncodeTo(std::string* dst) const;
  Status DecodeFrom(Slice* input);

  void clear();

  uint64_t file_number_;
  uint64_t offset_;
  uint64_t size_;
  CompressionType compression_;

void BlobHandle::EncodeTo(std::string* dst) const {
  // Sanity check that all fields have been set
  assert(offset_ != std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());
  assert(size_ != std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());
  assert(file_number_ != std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());

  PutVarint64(dst, file_number_);
  PutVarint64(dst, offset_);
  PutVarint64(dst, size_);
  dst->push_back(static_cast<unsigned char>(compression_));

void BlobHandle::clear() {
  file_number_ = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
  offset_ = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
  size_ = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
  compression_ = kNoCompression;

Status BlobHandle::DecodeFrom(Slice* input) {
  if (GetVarint64(input, &file_number_) && GetVarint64(input, &offset_) &&
      GetVarint64(input, &size_)) {
    compression_ = static_cast<CompressionType>(input->data()[0]);
    return Status::OK();
  } else {
    return Status::Corruption("bad blob handle");

Random blob_rgen(static_cast<uint32_t>(time(nullptr)));

void BlobDBFlushBeginListener::OnFlushBegin(DB* db, const FlushJobInfo& info) {
  if (impl_) impl_->OnFlushBeginHandler(db, info);

WalFilter::WalProcessingOption BlobReconcileWalFilter::LogRecordFound(
    unsigned long long log_number, const std::string& log_file_name,
    const WriteBatch& batch, WriteBatch* new_batch, bool* batch_changed) {
  return WalFilter::WalProcessingOption::kContinueProcessing;

bool blobf_compare_ttl::operator()(const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& lhs,
                                   const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& rhs) const {
  if (lhs->ttl_range_.first < rhs->ttl_range_.first) return true;

  if (lhs->ttl_range_.first > rhs->ttl_range_.first) return false;

  return lhs->BlobFileNumber() > rhs->BlobFileNumber();

void EvictAllVersionsCompactionListener::InternalListener::OnCompaction(
    int level, const Slice& key,
    CompactionEventListener::CompactionListenerValueType value_type,
    const Slice& existing_value, const SequenceNumber& sn, bool is_new) {
  if (!is_new &&
      value_type ==
          CompactionEventListener::CompactionListenerValueType::kValue) {
    BlobHandle handle;
    Slice lsmval(existing_value);
    Status s = handle.DecodeFrom(&lsmval);
    if (s.ok()) {
      if (impl_->debug_level_ >= 3)
        Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, impl_->db_options_.info_log,
            "CALLBACK COMPACTED OUT KEY: %s SN: %d "
            "NEW: %d FN: %" PRIu64 " OFFSET: %" PRIu64 " SIZE: %" PRIu64,
            key.ToString().c_str(), sn, is_new, handle.filenumber(),
            handle.offset(), handle.size());

      impl_->override_vals_q_.enqueue({handle.filenumber(), key.size(),
                                       handle.offset(), handle.size(), sn});
  } else {
    if (impl_->debug_level_ >= 3)
      Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, impl_->db_options_.info_log,
          "CALLBACK NEW KEY: %s SN: %d NEW: %d", key.ToString().c_str(), sn,

Status BlobDB::DestroyBlobDB(const std::string& dbname, const Options& options,
                             const BlobDBOptions& bdb_options) {
  const ImmutableDBOptions soptions(SanitizeOptions(dbname, options));
  Env* env = soptions.env;

  Status result;
  std::string blobdir;
  blobdir = (bdb_options.path_relative) ? dbname + "/" + bdb_options.blob_dir
                                        : bdb_options.blob_dir;

  std::vector<std::string> filenames;
  Status status = env->GetChildren(blobdir, &filenames);

  for (const auto& f : filenames) {
    uint64_t number;
    FileType type;
    if (ParseFileName(f, &number, &type) && type == kBlobFile) {
      Status del = env->DeleteFile(blobdir + "/" + f);
      if (result.ok() && !del.ok()) {
        result = del;

  return result;

BlobDBImpl::BlobDBImpl(const std::string& dbname,
                       const BlobDBOptions& blob_db_options,
                       const DBOptions& db_options)
    : BlobDB(nullptr),
      debug_level_(0) {
  const BlobDBOptionsImpl* options_impl =
      dynamic_cast<const BlobDBOptionsImpl*>(&blob_db_options);
  if (options_impl) {
    bdb_options_ = *options_impl;
  blob_dir_ = (bdb_options_.path_relative)
                  ? dbname + "/" + bdb_options_.blob_dir
                  : bdb_options_.blob_dir;

  if (bdb_options_.default_ttl_extractor) {
    bdb_options_.extract_ttl_fn = &BlobDBImpl::ExtractTTLFromBlob;

Status BlobDBImpl::LinkToBaseDB(DB* db) {
  assert(db_ == nullptr);

  db_ = db;

  // the Base DB in-itself can be a stackable DB
  StackableDB* sdb = dynamic_cast<StackableDB*>(db_);
  if (sdb) {
    db_impl_ = dynamic_cast<DBImpl*>(sdb->GetBaseDB());
  } else {
    db_impl_ = dynamic_cast<DBImpl*>(db);

  myenv_ = db_->GetEnv();

  opt_db_.reset(new OptimisticTransactionDBImpl(db, false));

  Status s = myenv_->CreateDirIfMissing(blob_dir_);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::WARN_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Failed to create blob directory: %s status: '%s'", blob_dir_.c_str(),
  s = myenv_->NewDirectory(blob_dir_, &dir_ent_);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::WARN_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Failed to open blob directory: %s status: '%s'", blob_dir_.c_str(),

  return s;

BlobDBImpl::BlobDBImpl(DB* db, const BlobDBOptions& blob_db_options)
    : BlobDB(db),
      opt_db_(new OptimisticTransactionDBImpl(db, false)),
      total_blob_space_(0) {
  assert(db_impl_ != nullptr);
  const BlobDBOptionsImpl* options_impl =
      dynamic_cast<const BlobDBOptionsImpl*>(&blob_db_options);
  if (options_impl) {
    bdb_options_ = *options_impl;

  if (!bdb_options_.blob_dir.empty())
    blob_dir_ = (bdb_options_.path_relative)
                    ? db_->GetName() + "/" + bdb_options_.blob_dir
                    : bdb_options_.blob_dir;

  if (bdb_options_.default_ttl_extractor) {
    bdb_options_.extract_ttl_fn = &BlobDBImpl::ExtractTTLFromBlob;

BlobDBImpl::~BlobDBImpl() {
  // CancelAllBackgroundWork(db_, true);


Status BlobDBImpl::OpenPhase1() {
  assert(db_ == nullptr);
  if (blob_dir_.empty())
    return Status::NotSupported("No blob directory in options");

  std::unique_ptr<Directory> dir_ent;
  Status s = myenv_->NewDirectory(blob_dir_, &dir_ent);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::WARN_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Failed to open blob directory: %s status: '%s'", blob_dir_.c_str(),
    open_p1_done_ = true;
    return Status::OK();

  s = OpenAllFiles();
  open_p1_done_ = true;
  return s;

void BlobDBImpl::StartBackgroundTasks() {
  // store a call to a member function and object
      std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::ReclaimOpenFiles, this, std::placeholders::_1));
              std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::RunGC, this, std::placeholders::_1));
      std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::EvictDeletions, this, std::placeholders::_1));
      std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::EvictCompacted, this, std::placeholders::_1));
      std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::DeleteObsFiles, this, std::placeholders::_1));
              std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::SanityCheck, this, std::placeholders::_1));
              std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::WaStats, this, std::placeholders::_1));
              std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::FsyncFiles, this, std::placeholders::_1));
      std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::CheckSeqFiles, this, std::placeholders::_1));

void BlobDBImpl::Shutdown() { shutdown_.store(true); }

void BlobDBImpl::OnFlushBeginHandler(DB* db, const FlushJobInfo& info) {
  if (shutdown_.load()) return;

  // a callback that happens too soon needs to be ignored
  if (!db_) return;


Status BlobDBImpl::GetAllLogFiles(
    std::set<std::pair<uint64_t, std::string>>* file_nums) {
  std::vector<std::string> all_files;
  Status status = myenv_->GetChildren(blob_dir_, &all_files);
  if (!status.ok()) {
    return status;

  for (const auto& f : all_files) {
    uint64_t number;
    FileType type;
    bool psucc = ParseFileName(f, &number, &type);
    if (psucc && type == kBlobFile) {
      file_nums->insert(std::make_pair(number, f));
    } else {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::WARN_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Skipping file in blob directory %s parse: %d type: %d", f.c_str(),
          psucc, ((psucc) ? type : -1));

  return status;

Status BlobDBImpl::OpenAllFiles() {
  WriteLock wl(&mutex_);

  std::set<std::pair<uint64_t, std::string>> file_nums;
  Status status = GetAllLogFiles(&file_nums);

  if (!status.ok()) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Failed to collect files from blob dir: %s status: '%s'",
        blob_dir_.c_str(), status.ToString().c_str());
    return status;

  Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
      "BlobDir files path: %s count: %d min: %" PRIu64 " max: %" PRIu64,
      blob_dir_.c_str(), static_cast<int>(file_nums.size()),
      (file_nums.empty()) ? -1 : (file_nums.begin())->first,
      (file_nums.empty()) ? -1 : (file_nums.end())->first);

  if (!file_nums.empty())
    next_file_number_.store((file_nums.rbegin())->first + 1);

  for (auto f_iter : file_nums) {
    std::string bfpath = BlobFileName(blob_dir_, f_iter.first);
    uint64_t size_bytes;
    Status s1 = myenv_->GetFileSize(bfpath, &size_bytes);
    if (!s1.ok()) {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::WARN_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Unable to get size of %s. File skipped from open status: '%s'",
          bfpath.c_str(), s1.ToString().c_str());

    if (debug_level_ >= 1)
      Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Blob File open: %s size: %" PRIu64, bfpath.c_str(), size_bytes);

    std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> bfptr =
        std::make_shared<BlobFile>(this, blob_dir_, f_iter.first);

    // since this file already existed, we will try to reconcile
    // deleted count with LSM
    bfptr->gc_once_after_open_ = true;

    // read header
    std::shared_ptr<Reader> reader;
    reader = bfptr->OpenSequentialReader(myenv_, db_options_, env_options_);
    s1 = reader->ReadHeader(&bfptr->header_);
    if (!s1.ok()) {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Failure to read header for blob-file %s "
          "status: '%s' size: %" PRIu64,
          bfpath.c_str(), s1.ToString().c_str(), size_bytes);
    bfptr->header_valid_ = true;

    std::shared_ptr<RandomAccessFileReader> ra_reader =
        GetOrOpenRandomAccessReader(bfptr, myenv_, env_options_);

    BlobLogFooter bf;
    s1 = bfptr->ReadFooter(&bf);

    if (s1.ok()) {
      s1 = bfptr->SetFromFooterLocked(bf);
      if (!s1.ok()) {
        Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
            "Header Footer mismatch for blob-file %s "
            "status: '%s' size: %" PRIu64,
            bfpath.c_str(), s1.ToString().c_str(), size_bytes);
    } else {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "File found incomplete (w/o footer) %s", bfpath.c_str());

      // sequentially iterate over the file and read all the records
      ttlrange_t ttl_range(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(),
      tsrange_t ts_range(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(),
      snrange_t sn_range(std::numeric_limits<SequenceNumber>::max(),

      uint64_t blob_count = 0;
      BlobLogRecord record;
      Reader::ReadLevel shallow = Reader::kReadHdrKeyFooter;

      uint64_t record_start = reader->GetNextByte();
      // TODO(arahut) - when we detect corruption, we should truncate
      while (reader->ReadRecord(&record, shallow).ok()) {
        if (bfptr->HasTTL()) {
          extendTTL(&ttl_range, record.GetTTL());
        if (bfptr->HasTimestamp()) {
          extendTimestamps(&ts_range, record.GetTimeVal());
        extendSN(&sn_range, record.GetSN());
        record_start = reader->GetNextByte();

      if (record_start != bfptr->GetFileSize()) {
        Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
            "Blob file is corrupted or crashed during write %s"
            " good_size: %" PRIu64 " file_size: %" PRIu64,
            bfpath.c_str(), record_start, bfptr->GetFileSize());

      if (!blob_count) {
        Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
            "BlobCount = 0 in file %s", bfpath.c_str());


      if (bfptr->HasTimestamp()) bfptr->set_time_range(ts_range);

      Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Blob File: %s blob_count: %" PRIu64 " size_bytes: %" PRIu64
          " sn_range: (%d, %d) ts: %d ttl: %d",
          bfpath.c_str(), blob_count, size_bytes, sn_range.first,
          sn_range.second, bfptr->HasTimestamp(), bfptr->HasTTL());

      if (bfptr->HasTTL()) {
        ttl_range.second =
                     ttl_range.first + (uint32_t)bdb_options_.ttl_range_secs);

        std::time_t epoch_now = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(
        if (ttl_range.second < epoch_now) {
          Status fstatus = CreateWriterLocked(bfptr);
          if (fstatus.ok()) fstatus = bfptr->WriteFooterAndCloseLocked();
          if (!fstatus.ok()) {
            Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
                "Failed to close Blob File: %s status: '%s'. Skipped",
                bfpath.c_str(), fstatus.ToString().c_str());
          } else {
            Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
                "Blob File Closed: %s now: %d ttl_range: (%d, %d)",
                bfpath.c_str(), epoch_now, ttl_range.first, ttl_range.second);
        } else {

    blob_files_.insert(std::make_pair(f_iter.first, bfptr));

  return status;

void BlobDBImpl::CloseRandomAccessLocked(
    const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfile) {

std::shared_ptr<RandomAccessFileReader> BlobDBImpl::GetOrOpenRandomAccessReader(
    const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfile, Env* env,
    const EnvOptions& env_options) {
  bool fresh_open = false;
  auto rar = bfile->GetOrOpenRandomAccessReader(env, env_options, &fresh_open);
  if (fresh_open) open_file_count_++;
  return rar;

std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> BlobDBImpl::NewBlobFile(const std::string& reason) {
  uint64_t file_num = next_file_number_++;
  auto bfile = std::make_shared<BlobFile>(this, blob_dir_, file_num);
  Log(InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
      "New blob file created: %s reason='%s'", bfile->PathName().c_str(),
  return bfile;

Status BlobDBImpl::CreateWriterLocked(const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfile) {
  std::string fpath(bfile->PathName());
  std::unique_ptr<WritableFile> wfile;

  // We are having issue that we write duplicate blob to blob file and the bug
  // is related to writable file buffer. Force no buffer until we fix the bug.
  EnvOptions env_options = env_options_;
  env_options.writable_file_max_buffer_size = 0;

  Status s = myenv_->ReopenWritableFile(fpath, &wfile, env_options);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Failed to open blob file for write: %s status: '%s'"
        " exists: '%s'",
        fpath.c_str(), s.ToString().c_str(),
    return s;

  std::unique_ptr<WritableFileWriter> fwriter;
  fwriter.reset(new WritableFileWriter(std::move(wfile), env_options));

  uint64_t boffset = bfile->GetFileSize();
  if (debug_level_ >= 2 && boffset) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Open blob file: %s with offset: %d", fpath.c_str(), boffset);

  Writer::ElemType et = Writer::kEtNone;
  if (bfile->file_size_ == BlobLogHeader::kHeaderSize)
    et = Writer::kEtFileHdr;
  else if (bfile->file_size_ > BlobLogHeader::kHeaderSize)
    et = Writer::kEtFooter;
  else if (bfile->file_size_) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::WARN_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Open blob file: %s with wrong size: %d", fpath.c_str(), boffset);
    return Status::Corruption("Invalid blob file size");

  bfile->log_writer_ = std::make_shared<Writer>(
      std::move(fwriter), bfile->file_number_, bdb_options_.bytes_per_sync,
      db_options_.use_fsync, boffset);
  bfile->log_writer_->last_elem_type_ = et;

  return s;

std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> BlobDBImpl::FindBlobFileLocked(
    uint32_t expiration) const {
  if (open_blob_files_.empty()) return nullptr;

  std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> tmp = std::make_shared<BlobFile>();
  tmp->ttl_range_ = std::make_pair(expiration, 0);

  auto citr = open_blob_files_.equal_range(tmp);
  if (citr.first == open_blob_files_.end()) {
    assert(citr.second == open_blob_files_.end());

    std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> check = *(open_blob_files_.rbegin());
    return (check->ttl_range_.second < expiration) ? nullptr : check;

  if (citr.first != citr.second) return *(citr.first);

  auto finditr = citr.second;
  if (finditr != open_blob_files_.begin()) --finditr;

  bool b2 = (*finditr)->ttl_range_.second < expiration;
  bool b1 = (*finditr)->ttl_range_.first > expiration;

  return (b1 || b2) ? nullptr : (*finditr);

std::shared_ptr<Writer> BlobDBImpl::CheckOrCreateWriterLocked(
    const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfile) {
  std::shared_ptr<Writer> writer = bfile->GetWriter();
  if (writer) return writer;

  Status s = CreateWriterLocked(bfile);
  if (!s.ok()) return nullptr;

  writer = bfile->GetWriter();
  return writer;

void BlobDBImpl::UpdateWriteOptions(const WriteOptions& options) {
  if (!wo_set_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
    // DCLP
    WriteLock wl(&mutex_);
    if (!wo_set_.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
      wo_set_.store(true, std::memory_order_release);
      write_options_ = options;

std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> BlobDBImpl::SelectBlobFile() {
  uint32_t val = blob_rgen.Next();
    ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
    if (open_simple_files_.size() == bdb_options_.num_concurrent_simple_blobs)
      return open_simple_files_[val % bdb_options_.num_concurrent_simple_blobs];

  std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> bfile = NewBlobFile("SelectBlobFile");

  // file not visible, hence no lock
  std::shared_ptr<Writer> writer = CheckOrCreateWriterLocked(bfile);
  if (!writer) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Failed to get writer from blob file: %s", bfile->PathName().c_str());
    return nullptr;

  bfile->file_size_ = BlobLogHeader::kHeaderSize;
  bfile->header_.compression_ = bdb_options_.compression;
  bfile->header_valid_ = true;

  // CHECK again
  WriteLock wl(&mutex_);
  if (open_simple_files_.size() == bdb_options_.num_concurrent_simple_blobs) {
    return open_simple_files_[val % bdb_options_.num_concurrent_simple_blobs];

  Status s = writer->WriteHeader(bfile->header_);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Failed to write header to new blob file: %s"
        " status: '%s'",
        bfile->PathName().c_str(), s.ToString().c_str());
    return nullptr;

  blob_files_.insert(std::make_pair(bfile->BlobFileNumber(), bfile));
  return bfile;

std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> BlobDBImpl::SelectBlobFileTTL(uint32_t expiration) {
  uint64_t epoch_read = 0;
  std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> bfile;
    ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
    bfile = FindBlobFileLocked(expiration);
    epoch_read = epoch_of_.load();

  if (bfile) {
    return bfile;

  uint32_t exp_low =
      (expiration / bdb_options_.ttl_range_secs) * bdb_options_.ttl_range_secs;
  uint32_t exp_high = exp_low + bdb_options_.ttl_range_secs;
  ttlrange_t ttl_guess = std::make_pair(exp_low, exp_high);

  bfile = NewBlobFile("SelectBlobFileTTL");

  Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
      "New blob file TTL range: %s %d %d", bfile->PathName().c_str(), exp_low,

  // we don't need to take lock as no other thread is seeing bfile yet
  std::shared_ptr<Writer> writer = CheckOrCreateWriterLocked(bfile);
  if (!writer) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Failed to get writer from blob file with TTL: %s",
    return nullptr;

  bfile->header_.compression_ = bdb_options_.compression;
  bfile->header_valid_ = true;
  bfile->file_size_ = BlobLogHeader::kHeaderSize;

  // set the first value of the range, since that is
  // concrete at this time.  also necessary to add to open_blob_files_
  bfile->ttl_range_ = ttl_guess;

  WriteLock wl(&mutex_);
  // in case the epoch has shifted in the interim, then check
  // check condition again - should be rare.
  if (epoch_of_.load() != epoch_read) {
    auto bfile2 = FindBlobFileLocked(expiration);
    if (bfile2) return bfile2;

  Status s = writer->WriteHeader(bfile->header_);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Failed to write header to new blob file: %s"
        " status: '%s'",
        bfile->PathName().c_str(), s.ToString().c_str());
    return nullptr;

  blob_files_.insert(std::make_pair(bfile->BlobFileNumber(), bfile));

  return bfile;

bool BlobDBImpl::ExtractTTLFromBlob(const Slice& value, Slice* newval,
                                    int32_t* ttl_val) {
  *newval = value;
  *ttl_val = -1;
  if (value.size() <= BlobDB::kTTLSuffixLength) return false;

  int32_t ttl_tmp =
      DecodeFixed32(value.data() + value.size() - sizeof(int32_t));
  std::string ttl_exp(value.data() + value.size() - BlobDB::kTTLSuffixLength,
  if (ttl_exp != "ttl:") return false;

  *ttl_val = ttl_tmp;
  return true;

// A specific pattern is looked up at the end of the value part.
// ttl:TTLVAL . if this pattern is found, PutWithTTL is called, otherwise
// regular Put is called.
Status BlobDBImpl::Put(const WriteOptions& options,
                       ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
                       const Slice& value) {
  Slice newval;
  int32_t ttl_val;
  if (bdb_options_.extract_ttl_fn) {
    bdb_options_.extract_ttl_fn(value, &newval, &ttl_val);
    return PutWithTTL(options, column_family, key, newval, ttl_val);

  return PutWithTTL(options, column_family, key, value, -1);

Status BlobDBImpl::Delete(const WriteOptions& options,
                          ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key) {
  SequenceNumber lsn = db_impl_->GetLatestSequenceNumber();
  Status s = db_->Delete(options, column_family, key);

  // add deleted key to list of keys that have been deleted for book-keeping
  delete_keys_q_.enqueue({column_family, key.ToString(), lsn});
  return s;

Status BlobDBImpl::SingleDelete(const WriteOptions& wopts,
                                ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
                                const Slice& key) {
  SequenceNumber lsn = db_impl_->GetLatestSequenceNumber();
  Status s = db_->SingleDelete(wopts, column_family, key);

  delete_keys_q_.enqueue({column_family, key.ToString(), lsn});
  return s;

Status BlobDBImpl::Write(const WriteOptions& opts, WriteBatch* updates) {
  class Handler1 : public WriteBatch::Handler {
    explicit Handler1(BlobDBImpl* i) : impl(i), previous_put(false) {}

    BlobDBImpl* impl;
    WriteBatch updates_blob;
    Status batch_rewrite_status;
    std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> last_file;
    bool previous_put;

    virtual Status PutCF(uint32_t column_family_id, const Slice& key,
                         const Slice& value_unc) override {
      Slice newval;
      int32_t ttl_val = -1;
      if (impl->bdb_options_.extract_ttl_fn) {
        impl->bdb_options_.extract_ttl_fn(value_unc, &newval, &ttl_val);
      } else {
        newval = value_unc;

      int32_t expiration = -1;
      if (ttl_val != -1) {
        std::time_t cur_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(
        expiration = ttl_val + static_cast<int32_t>(cur_t);
      std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> bfile =
          (ttl_val != -1) ? impl->SelectBlobFileTTL(expiration)
                          : ((last_file) ? last_file : impl->SelectBlobFile());
      if (last_file && last_file != bfile) {
        batch_rewrite_status = Status::NotFound("too many blob files");
        return batch_rewrite_status;

      if (!bfile) {
        batch_rewrite_status = Status::NotFound("blob file not found");
        return batch_rewrite_status;

      Slice value = value_unc;
      std::string compression_output;
      if (impl->bdb_options_.compression != kNoCompression) {
        CompressionType ct = impl->bdb_options_.compression;
        CompressionOptions compression_opts;
        value = CompressBlock(value_unc, compression_opts, &ct,
                              kBlockBasedTableVersionFormat, Slice(),

      std::string headerbuf;
      Writer::ConstructBlobHeader(&headerbuf, key, value, expiration, -1);

      if (previous_put) {
        impl->AppendSN(last_file, -1);
        previous_put = false;

      last_file = bfile;

      std::string index_entry;
      Status st = impl->AppendBlob(bfile, headerbuf, key, value, &index_entry);

      if (expiration != -1)
        extendTTL(&(bfile->ttl_range_), (uint32_t)expiration);

      if (!st.ok()) {
        batch_rewrite_status = st;
      } else {
        previous_put = true;
        WriteBatchInternal::Put(&updates_blob, column_family_id, key,
      return Status::OK();

    virtual Status MergeCF(uint32_t column_family_id, const Slice& key,
                           const Slice& value) override {
      batch_rewrite_status =
          Status::NotSupported("Not supported operation in blob db.");
      return batch_rewrite_status;

    virtual Status DeleteCF(uint32_t column_family_id,
                            const Slice& key) override {
      WriteBatchInternal::Delete(&updates_blob, column_family_id, key);
      return Status::OK();

    virtual void LogData(const Slice& blob) override {


  Handler1 handler1(this);

  Status s;
  SequenceNumber lsn = db_impl_->GetLatestSequenceNumber();

  if (!handler1.batch_rewrite_status.ok()) {
    return handler1.batch_rewrite_status;
  } else {
    s = db_->Write(opts, &(handler1.updates_blob));

  if (!s.ok()) return s;

  if (handler1.previous_put) {
    // this is the sequence number of the write.
    SequenceNumber sn = WriteBatchInternal::Sequence(&handler1.updates_blob);
    AppendSN(handler1.last_file, sn);


  // add deleted key to list of keys that have been deleted for book-keeping
  class Handler2 : public WriteBatch::Handler {
    explicit Handler2(BlobDBImpl* i, const SequenceNumber& sn)
        : impl(i), lsn(sn) {}

    virtual Status DeleteCF(uint32_t column_family_id,
                            const Slice& key) override {
      ColumnFamilyHandle* cfh =

      impl->delete_keys_q_.enqueue({cfh, key.ToString(), lsn});
      return Status::OK();

    BlobDBImpl* impl;
    SequenceNumber lsn;

  // add deleted key to list of keys that have been deleted for book-keeping
  Handler2 handler2(this, lsn);

  return Status::OK();

Status BlobDBImpl::PutWithTTL(const WriteOptions& options,
                              ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
                              const Slice& key, const Slice& value,
                              int32_t ttl) {
  return PutUntil(
      options, column_family, key, value,
      (ttl != -1)
          ? ttl + static_cast<int32_t>(std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(
          : -1);

Status BlobDBImpl::PutUntil(const WriteOptions& options,
                            ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
                            const Slice& value_unc, int32_t expiration) {

  std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> bfile =
      (expiration != -1) ? SelectBlobFileTTL(expiration) : SelectBlobFile();

  if (!bfile) return Status::NotFound("Blob file not found");

  Slice value = value_unc;
  std::string compression_output;
  if (bdb_options_.compression != kNoCompression) {
    CompressionType ct = bdb_options_.compression;
    CompressionOptions compression_opts;
    value = CompressBlock(value_unc, compression_opts, &ct,
                          kBlockBasedTableVersionFormat, Slice(),

  std::string headerbuf;
  Writer::ConstructBlobHeader(&headerbuf, key, value, expiration, -1);

  // this is another more safer way to do it, where you keep the writeLock
  // for the entire write path. this will increase latency and reduce
  // throughput
  // WriteLock lockbfile_w(&bfile->mutex_);
  // std::shared_ptr<Writer> writer =
  // CheckOrCreateWriterLocked(bfile);

  if (debug_level_ >= 3)
    Log(InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        ">Adding KEY FILE: %s: KEY: %s VALSZ: %d", bfile->PathName().c_str(),
        key.ToString().c_str(), value.size());

  std::string index_entry;
  Status s = AppendBlob(bfile, headerbuf, key, value, &index_entry);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Failed to append blob to FILE: %s: KEY: %s VALSZ: %d"
        " status: '%s' blob_file: '%s'",
        bfile->PathName().c_str(), key.ToString().c_str(), value.size(),
        s.ToString().c_str(), bfile->DumpState().c_str());
    // Fallback just write to the LSM and get going
    WriteBatch batch;
    batch.Put(column_family, key, value);
    return db_->Write(options, &batch);

  WriteBatch batch;
  batch.Put(column_family, key, index_entry);

  // this goes to the base db and can be expensive
  s = db_->Write(options, &batch);

  // this is the sequence number of the write.
  SequenceNumber sn = WriteBatchInternal::Sequence(&batch);

  if (debug_level_ >= 3)
    Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "<Adding KEY FILE: %s: KEY: %s SN: %d", bfile->PathName().c_str(),
        key.ToString().c_str(), sn);

  s = AppendSN(bfile, sn);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Failed to append SN to FILE: %s: KEY: %s VALSZ: %d"
        " status: '%s' blob_file: '%s'",
        bfile->PathName().c_str(), key.ToString().c_str(), value.size(),
        s.ToString().c_str(), bfile->DumpState().c_str());

  if (expiration != -1) extendTTL(&(bfile->ttl_range_), (uint32_t)expiration);


  return s;

Status BlobDBImpl::AppendBlob(const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfile,
                              const std::string& headerbuf, const Slice& key,
                              const Slice& value, std::string* index_entry) {
  Status s;

  uint64_t blob_offset = 0;
  uint64_t key_offset = 0;
    WriteLock lockbfile_w(&bfile->mutex_);
    std::shared_ptr<Writer> writer = CheckOrCreateWriterLocked(bfile);
    if (!writer) return Status::IOError("Failed to create blob writer");

    // write the blob to the blob log.
    s = writer->EmitPhysicalRecord(headerbuf, key, value, &key_offset,

  if (!s.ok()) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Invalid status in AppendBlob: %s status: '%s'",
        bfile->PathName().c_str(), s.ToString().c_str());
    return s;

  // increment blob count
  auto size_put = BlobLogRecord::kHeaderSize + key.size() + value.size();

  bfile->file_size_ += size_put;
  last_period_write_ += size_put;
  total_blob_space_ += size_put;

  BlobHandle handle;

  if (debug_level_ >= 3)
    Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        ">Adding KEY FILE: %s: BC: %d OFFSET: %d SZ: %d",
        bfile->PathName().c_str(), bfile->blob_count_.load(), blob_offset,

  return s;

Status BlobDBImpl::AppendSN(const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfile,
                            const SequenceNumber& sn) {
  Status s;
    WriteLock lockbfile_w(&bfile->mutex_);
    std::shared_ptr<Writer> writer = CheckOrCreateWriterLocked(bfile);
    if (!writer) return Status::IOError("Failed to create blob writer");

    s = writer->AddRecordFooter(sn);
    if (!s.ok()) {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Invalid status in AppendSN: %s status: '%s'",
          bfile->PathName().c_str(), s.ToString().c_str());
      return s;

    if (sn != std::numeric_limits<SequenceNumber>::max())
      extendSN(&(bfile->sn_range_), sn);

  bfile->file_size_ += BlobLogRecord::kFooterSize;
  last_period_write_ += BlobLogRecord::kFooterSize;
  total_blob_space_ += BlobLogRecord::kFooterSize;
  return s;

std::vector<Status> BlobDBImpl::MultiGet(
    const ReadOptions& options,
    const std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*>& column_family,
    const std::vector<Slice>& keys, std::vector<std::string>* values) {
  std::vector<std::string> values_lsm;
  auto statuses = db_->MultiGet(options, column_family, keys, &values_lsm);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) {
    if (!statuses[i].ok()) continue;

    auto cfh = reinterpret_cast<ColumnFamilyHandleImpl*>(column_family[i]);
    auto cfd = cfh->cfd();

    Status s = CommonGet(cfd, keys[i], values_lsm[i], &((*values)[i]));
    statuses[i] = s;
  return statuses;

Status BlobDBImpl::CommonGet(const ColumnFamilyData* cfd, const Slice& key,
                             const std::string& index_entry,
                             std::string* value) {
  Slice index_entry_slice(index_entry);
  BlobHandle handle;
  Status s = handle.DecodeFrom(&index_entry_slice);
  if (!s.ok()) return s;

  // offset has to have certain min, as we will read CRC
  // later from the Blob Header, which needs to be also a
  // valid offset.
  if (handle.offset() <
      (BlobLogHeader::kHeaderSize + BlobLogRecord::kHeaderSize + key.size())) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Invalid blob handle file_number: %" PRIu64 " blob_offset: %" PRIu64
          " blob_size: %" PRIu64 " key: %s",
          handle.filenumber(), handle.offset(), handle.size(), key.data());
    return Status::NotFound("Blob Not Found, although found in LSM");

  std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> bfile;
    ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
    auto hitr = blob_files_.find(handle.filenumber());

    // file was deleted
    if (hitr == blob_files_.end()) {
      return Status::NotFound("Blob Not Found as blob file missing");

    bfile = hitr->second;

  if (bfile->Obsolete()) {
    return Status::NotFound(
        "Blob Not Found as blob file was garbage collected");

  // 0 - size
  if (!handle.size()) {
    return Status::OK();

  // takes locks when called
  std::shared_ptr<RandomAccessFileReader> reader =
      GetOrOpenRandomAccessReader(bfile, myenv_, env_options_);

  std::string* valueptr = value;
  std::string value_c;
  if (bdb_options_.compression != kNoCompression) {
    valueptr = &value_c;

  // allocate the buffer. This is safe in C++11
  char* buffer = &(*valueptr)[0];

  Slice blob_value;
  s = reader->Read(handle.offset(), handle.size(), &blob_value, buffer);
  if (!s.ok() || blob_value.size() != handle.size()) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Failed to read blob from file: %s blob_offset: %" PRIu64
          " blob_size: %" PRIu64 " read: %d key: %s status: '%s'",
          bfile->PathName().c_str(), handle.offset(), handle.size(),
          static_cast<int>(blob_value.size()), key.data(),
    return Status::NotFound("Blob Not Found as couldnt retrieve Blob");

  Slice crc_slice;
  uint32_t crc_exp;
  std::string crc_str;
  char* crc_buffer = &(crc_str[0]);
  s = reader->Read(handle.offset() - (key.size() + sizeof(uint32_t)),
                   sizeof(uint32_t), &crc_slice, crc_buffer);
  if (!s.ok() || !GetFixed32(&crc_slice, &crc_exp)) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Failed to fetch blob crc file: %s blob_offset: %" PRIu64
          " blob_size: %" PRIu64 " key: %s status: '%s'",
          bfile->PathName().c_str(), handle.offset(), handle.size(), key.data(),
    return Status::NotFound("Blob Not Found as couldnt retrieve CRC");

  uint32_t crc = crc32c::Extend(0, blob_value.data(), blob_value.size());
  crc = crc32c::Mask(crc);  // Adjust for storage
  if (crc != crc_exp) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Blob crc mismatch file: %s blob_offset: %" PRIu64
          " blob_size: %" PRIu64 " key: %s status: '%s'",
          bfile->PathName().c_str(), handle.offset(), handle.size(), key.data(),
    return Status::Corruption("Corruption. Blob CRC mismatch");

  if (bdb_options_.compression != kNoCompression) {
    BlockContents contents;
    s = UncompressBlockContentsForCompressionType(
        blob_value.data(), blob_value.size(), &contents,
        kBlockBasedTableVersionFormat, Slice(), bdb_options_.compression,
    *value = contents.data.ToString();

  return s;

Status BlobDBImpl::Get(const ReadOptions& options,
                       ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
                       std::string* value) {
  auto cfh = reinterpret_cast<ColumnFamilyHandleImpl*>(column_family);
  auto cfd = cfh->cfd();

  Status s;
  std::string index_entry;
  s = db_->Get(options, column_family, key, &index_entry);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    if (debug_level_ >= 3)
      Log(InfoLogLevel::WARN_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Get Failed on LSM KEY: %s status: '%s'", key.ToString().c_str(),
    return s;

  s = CommonGet(cfd, key, index_entry, value);
  return s;

Slice BlobDBIterator::value() const {
  Slice index_entry = iter_->value();

  auto cfh = reinterpret_cast<ColumnFamilyHandleImpl*>(cfh_);
  auto cfd = cfh->cfd();

  Status s = db_impl_->CommonGet(cfd, iter_->key(), index_entry.ToString(false),
  return Slice(vpart_);

std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::SanityCheck(bool aborted) {
  if (aborted) return std::make_pair(false, -1);

  Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log, "Starting Sanity Check");

  Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
      "Number of files %" PRIu64, blob_files_.size());

  Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
      "Number of open files %" PRIu64, open_blob_files_.size());

  for (auto bfile : open_blob_files_) {

  std::time_t epoch_now =

  for (auto bfile_pair : blob_files_) {
    auto bfile = bfile_pair.second;
    Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Blob File %s %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 " %d",
        bfile->PathName().c_str(), bfile->GetFileSize(), bfile->BlobCount(),
        bfile->deleted_count_, bfile->deleted_size_,
        (bfile->ttl_range_.second - epoch_now));

  // reschedule
  return std::make_pair(true, -1);

std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::CloseSeqWrite(
    std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> bfile, bool aborted) {
    WriteLock wl(&mutex_);

    // this prevents others from picking up this file

    auto findit =
        std::find(open_simple_files_.begin(), open_simple_files_.end(), bfile);
    if (findit != open_simple_files_.end()) open_simple_files_.erase(findit);

  if (!bfile->closed_.load()) {
    WriteLock lockbfile_w(&bfile->mutex_);

  return std::make_pair(false, -1);

void BlobDBImpl::CloseIf(const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfile) {
  // atomic read
  bool close = bfile->GetFileSize() > bdb_options_.blob_file_size;
  if (!close) return;

  if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Scheduling file for close %s fsize: %" PRIu64 " limit: %" PRIu64,
        bfile->PathName().c_str(), bfile->GetFileSize(),

    WriteLock wl(&mutex_);

    auto findit =
        std::find(open_simple_files_.begin(), open_simple_files_.end(), bfile);
    if (findit != open_simple_files_.end()) {
    } else {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::WARN_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "File not found while closing %s fsize: %" PRIu64
          " Multithreaded Writes?",
          bfile->PathName().c_str(), bfile->GetFileSize());

  tqueue_.add(0, std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::CloseSeqWrite, this, bfile,

bool BlobDBImpl::FileDeleteOk_SnapshotCheckLocked(
    const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfile) {

  SequenceNumber esn = bfile->GetSNRange().first;

  // this is not correct.
  // you want to check that there are no snapshots in the
  bool notok = db_impl_->HasActiveSnapshotLaterThanSN(esn);
  if (notok) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Could not delete file due to snapshot failure %s",
    return false;
  } else {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Will delete file due to snapshot success %s",
    return true;

bool BlobDBImpl::FindFileAndEvictABlob(uint64_t file_number, uint64_t key_size,
                                       uint64_t blob_offset,
                                       uint64_t blob_size) {
  std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> bfile;
    ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
    auto hitr = blob_files_.find(file_number);

    // file was deleted
    if (hitr == blob_files_.end()) {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Could not find file_number %" PRIu64, file_number);
      return false;

    bfile = hitr->second;

  WriteLock lockbfile_w(&bfile->mutex_);

  bfile->deleted_size_ += key_size + blob_size + BlobLogRecord::kHeaderSize +
  return true;

bool BlobDBImpl::MarkBlobDeleted(const Slice& key, const Slice& lsmValue) {
  Slice val(lsmValue);
  BlobHandle handle;
  Status s = handle.DecodeFrom(&val);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Could not parse lsm val in MarkBlobDeleted %s",
    return false;
  bool succ = FindFileAndEvictABlob(handle.filenumber(), key.size(),
                                    handle.offset(), handle.size());
  return succ;

std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::EvictCompacted(bool aborted) {
  if (aborted) return std::make_pair(false, -1);

  override_packet_t packet;
  while (override_vals_q_.dequeue(&packet)) {
    bool succ = FindFileAndEvictABlob(packet.file_number_, packet.key_size_,
                                      packet.blob_offset_, packet.blob_size_);

    if (!succ)
      Log(InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          packet.dsn_, packet.file_number_, packet.blob_offset_,

    if (debug_level_ >= 3)
      Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "EVICT COMPACTED SN: %d FN: %d OFFSET: %d SIZE: %d SUCC: %d",
          packet.dsn_, packet.file_number_, packet.blob_offset_,
          packet.blob_size_, succ);
  return std::make_pair(true, -1);

std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::EvictDeletions(bool aborted) {
  if (aborted) return std::make_pair(false, -1);

  ColumnFamilyHandle* last_cfh = nullptr;
  Options last_op;

  Arena arena;
  ScopedArenaIterator iter;

  // we will use same RangeDelAggregator for all cf's.
  // essentially we do not support Range Deletes now
  std::unique_ptr<RangeDelAggregator> range_del_agg;
  delete_packet_t dpacket;
  while (delete_keys_q_.dequeue(&dpacket)) {
    if (last_cfh != dpacket.cfh_) {
      if (!range_del_agg) {
        auto cfhi = reinterpret_cast<ColumnFamilyHandleImpl*>(dpacket.cfh_);
        auto cfd = cfhi->cfd();
        range_del_agg.reset(new RangeDelAggregator(cfd->internal_comparator(),

      // this can be expensive
      last_cfh = dpacket.cfh_;
      last_op = db_impl_->GetOptions(last_cfh);
      iter.set(db_impl_->NewInternalIterator(&arena, range_del_agg.get(),
      // this will not work for multiple CF's.

    Slice user_key(dpacket.key_);
    InternalKey target(user_key, dpacket.dsn_, kTypeValue);

    Slice eslice = target.Encode();

    if (!iter->status().ok()) {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Invalid iterator seek %s", dpacket.key_.c_str());

    const Comparator* bwc = BytewiseComparator();
    while (iter->Valid()) {
      if (!bwc->Equal(ExtractUserKey(iter->key()), ExtractUserKey(eslice)))

      ParsedInternalKey ikey(Slice(), 0, kTypeValue);
      if (!ParseInternalKey(iter->key(), &ikey)) {

      // once you hit a DELETE, assume the keys below have been
      // processed previously
      if (ikey.type == kTypeDeletion || ikey.type == kTypeSingleDeletion) break;

      Slice val = iter->value();
      MarkBlobDeleted(ikey.user_key, val);

  return std::make_pair(true, -1);

std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::CheckSeqFiles(bool aborted) {
  if (aborted) return std::make_pair(false, -1);

  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> process_files;
    std::time_t epoch_now =

    ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
    for (auto bfile : open_blob_files_) {
        ReadLock lockbfile_r(&bfile->mutex_);

        if (bfile->ttl_range_.second > epoch_now) continue;

  for (auto bfile : process_files) CloseSeqWrite(bfile, false);

  return std::make_pair(true, -1);

std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::FsyncFiles(bool aborted) {
  if (aborted) return std::make_pair(false, -1);

  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> process_files;
    ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
    for (auto fitr : open_blob_files_) {
      if (fitr->NeedsFsync(true, bdb_options_.bytes_per_sync))

    for (auto fitr : open_simple_files_) {
      if (fitr->NeedsFsync(true, bdb_options_.bytes_per_sync))

  for (auto fitr : process_files) {
    if (fitr->NeedsFsync(true, bdb_options_.bytes_per_sync)) fitr->Fsync();

  bool expected = true;
  if (dir_change_.compare_exchange_weak(expected, false)) dir_ent_->Fsync();

  return std::make_pair(true, -1);

std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::ReclaimOpenFiles(bool aborted) {
  if (aborted) return std::make_pair(false, -1);

  if (open_file_count_.load() < bdb_options_.open_files_trigger)
    return std::make_pair(true, -1);

  // in the future, we should sort by last_access_
  // instead of closing every file
  ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
  for (auto const& ent : blob_files_) {
    auto bfile = ent.second;
    if (bfile->last_access_.load() == -1) continue;

    WriteLock lockbfile_w(&bfile->mutex_);

  return std::make_pair(true, -1);

std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::WaStats(bool aborted) {
  if (aborted) return std::make_pair(false, -1);

  WriteLock wl(&mutex_);

  if (all_periods_write_.size() < bdb_options_.wa_num_stats_periods) {
    total_periods_write_ -= (*all_periods_write_.begin());
    total_periods_ampl_ = (*all_periods_ampl_.begin());


  uint64_t val1 = last_period_write_.load();
  uint64_t val2 = last_period_ampl_.load();


  last_period_write_ = 0;
  last_period_ampl_ = 0;

  total_periods_write_ += val1;
  total_periods_ampl_ += val2;

  return std::make_pair(true, -1);

// iterate over the blobs sequentially and check if the blob sequence number
// is the latest. If it is the latest, preserve it, otherwise delete it
// if it is TTL based, and the TTL has expired, then
// we can blow the entity if the key is still the latest or the Key is not
// found
// WHAT HAPPENS IF THE KEY HAS BEEN OVERRIDEN. Then we can drop the blob
// without doing anything if the earliest snapshot is not
// referring to that sequence number, i.e. it is later than the sequence number
// of the new key
// if it is not TTL based, then we can blow the key if the key has been
// DELETED in the LSM
Status BlobDBImpl::GCFileAndUpdateLSM(const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfptr,
                                      GCStats* gcstats) {
  std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
  std::time_t tt = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now);

  std::shared_ptr<Reader> reader =
      bfptr->OpenSequentialReader(myenv_, db_options_, env_options_);
  if (!reader) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "File sequential reader could not be opened",
    return Status::IOError("failed to create sequential reader");

  BlobLogHeader header;
  Status s = reader->ReadHeader(&header);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Failure to read header for blob-file %s", bfptr->PathName().c_str());
    return s;

  bool first_gc = bfptr->gc_once_after_open_;

  ColumnFamilyHandle* cfh = bfptr->GetColumnFamily(db_);
  auto cfhi = reinterpret_cast<ColumnFamilyHandleImpl*>(cfh);
  auto cfd = cfhi->cfd();
  bool has_ttl = header.HasTTL();

  // this reads the key but skips the blob
  Reader::ReadLevel shallow = Reader::kReadHdrKeyFooter;


  bool no_relocation_ttl = (has_ttl && tt > bfptr->GetTTLRange().second);

  bool no_relocation_lsmdel = false;
    ReadLock lockbfile_r(&bfptr->mutex_);
    no_relocation_lsmdel = (bfptr->GetFileSize() ==
                            (BlobLogHeader::kHeaderSize + bfptr->deleted_size_ +

  bool no_relocation = no_relocation_ttl || no_relocation_lsmdel;
  if (!no_relocation) {
    // read the blob because you have to write it back to new file
    shallow = Reader::kReadHdrKeyBlobFooter;

  BlobLogRecord record;
  std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> newfile;
  std::shared_ptr<Writer> new_writer;

  while (reader->ReadRecord(&record, shallow).ok()) {

    bool del_this = false;
    // this particular TTL has expired
    if (no_relocation_ttl || (has_ttl && tt > record.GetTTL())) {
      del_this = true;
    } else {
      SequenceNumber seq = kMaxSequenceNumber;
      bool found_record_for_key = false;
      SuperVersion* sv = db_impl_->GetAndRefSuperVersion(cfd);
      if (sv == nullptr) {
        Status result =
            Status::InvalidArgument("Could not access column family 0");
        return result;
      Status s1 = db_impl_->GetLatestSequenceForKey(
          sv, record.Key(), false, &seq, &found_record_for_key);
      if (s1.IsNotFound() || (!found_record_for_key || seq != record.GetSN())) {
        del_this = true;
      db_impl_->ReturnAndCleanupSuperVersion(cfd, sv);

    if (del_this) {
      gcstats->deleted_size += record.GetBlobSize();
      if (first_gc) continue;

      Transaction* txn = static_cast<OptimisticTransactionDB*>(opt_db_.get())
      txn->Delete(cfh, record.Key());
      Status s1 = txn->Commit();
      // chances that this DELETE will fail is low. If it fails, it would be
      // because
      // a new version of the key came in at this time, which will override
      // the current version being iterated on.
      if (s1.IsBusy()) {
        Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
            "Optimistic transaction failed delete: %s bn: %" PRIu32,
            bfptr->PathName().c_str(), gcstats->blob_count);
      } else {
        Log(InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
            "Successfully added delete back into LSM: %s bn: %" PRIu32,
            bfptr->PathName().c_str(), gcstats->blob_count);

        // assume that failures happen due to new writes.
      delete txn;
    } else if (first_gc) {

    if (!newfile) {
      // new file
      std::string reason("GC of ");
      reason += bfptr->PathName();
      newfile = NewBlobFile(reason);
      gcstats->newfile = newfile;

      new_writer = CheckOrCreateWriterLocked(newfile);
      newfile->header_ = std::move(header);
      // Can't use header beyond this point
      newfile->header_valid_ = true;
      newfile->file_size_ = BlobLogHeader::kHeaderSize;
      s = new_writer->WriteHeader(newfile->header_);

      if (!s.ok()) {
        Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
            "File: %s - header writing failed", newfile->PathName().c_str());
        return s;

      WriteLock wl(&mutex_);

      blob_files_.insert(std::make_pair(newfile->BlobFileNumber(), newfile));

    std::string index_entry;

    uint64_t blob_offset = 0;
    uint64_t key_offset = 0;
    // write the blob to the blob log.
    s = new_writer->AddRecord(record.Key(), record.Blob(), &key_offset,
                              &blob_offset, record.GetTTL());

    BlobHandle handle;

    newfile->file_size_ += BlobLogRecord::kHeaderSize + record.Key().size() +
                           record.Blob().size() + BlobLogRecord::kFooterSize;

    Transaction* txn = static_cast<OptimisticTransactionDB*>(opt_db_.get())
    txn->Put(cfh, record.Key(), index_entry);
    Status s1 = txn->Commit();
    // chances that this Put will fail is low. If it fails, it would be because
    // a new version of the key came in at this time, which will override
    // the current version being iterated on.
    if (s1.IsBusy()) {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Optimistic transaction failed: %s put bn: %" PRIu32,
          bfptr->PathName().c_str(), gcstats->blob_count);
    } else {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Successfully added put back into LSM: %s bn: %" PRIu32,
          bfptr->PathName().c_str(), gcstats->blob_count);
    delete txn;

  if (gcstats->newfile) total_blob_space_ += newfile->file_size_;

  Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
      "File: %s Num deletes %" PRIu32 " Num relocs: %" PRIu32
      " Succ Deletes: %" PRIu32 " Succ relocs: %" PRIu32,
      bfptr->PathName().c_str(), gcstats->num_deletes, gcstats->num_relocs,
      gcstats->succ_deletes_lsm, gcstats->succ_relocs);

  return s;

// Ideally we should hold the lock during the entire function,
// but under the asusmption that this is only called when a
// file is Immutable, we can reduce the critical section
bool BlobDBImpl::ShouldGCFile(std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> bfile, std::time_t tt,
                              uint64_t last_id, std::string* reason) {
  if (bfile->HasTTL()) {
    ttlrange_t ttl_range = bfile->GetTTLRange();
    if (tt > ttl_range.second) {
      *reason = "entire file ttl expired";
      return true;

    if (!bfile->file_size_.load()) {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "Invalid file size = 0 %s", bfile->PathName().c_str());
      *reason = "file is empty";
      return false;

    if (bfile->gc_once_after_open_.load()) {
      return true;

    if (bdb_options_.ttl_range_secs <
        bdb_options_.partial_expiration_gc_range_secs) {
      *reason = "has ttl but partial expiration not turned on";
      return false;

    ReadLock lockbfile_r(&bfile->mutex_);
    bool ret = ((bfile->deleted_size_ * 100.0 / bfile->file_size_.load()) >
    if (ret) {
      *reason = "deleted blobs beyond threshold";
    } else {
      *reason = "deleted blobs below threshold";
    return ret;

  // when crash happens, we lose the in-memory account of deleted blobs.
  // we are therefore forced to do one GC to make sure delete accounting
  // is OK
  if (bfile->gc_once_after_open_.load()) {
    return true;

  ReadLock lockbfile_r(&bfile->mutex_);

  if ((bfile->deleted_size_ * 100.0 / bfile->file_size_.load()) >
      bdb_options_.partial_expiration_pct) {
    *reason = "deleted simple blobs beyond threshold";
    return true;

  // if we haven't reached limits of disk space, don't DELETE
  if (total_blob_space_.load() < bdb_options_.blob_dir_size) {
    *reason = "disk space not exceeded";
    return false;

  bool ret = bfile->BlobFileNumber() == last_id;
  if (ret) {
    *reason = "eligible last simple blob file";
  } else {
    *reason = "not eligible since not last simple blob file";
  return ret;

std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::DeleteObsFiles(bool aborted) {
  if (aborted) return std::make_pair(false, -1);

    ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
    if (obsolete_files_.empty()) return std::make_pair(true, -1);

  std::list<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> tobsolete;
    WriteLock wl(&mutex_);

  bool file_deleted = false;
  for (auto iter = tobsolete.begin(); iter != tobsolete.end();) {
    auto bfile = *iter;
      ReadLock lockbfile_r(&bfile->mutex_);
      if (!FileDeleteOk_SnapshotCheckLocked(bfile)) {

    Status s = myenv_->DeleteFile(bfile->PathName());
    if (!s.ok()) {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "File failed to be deleted as obsolete %s",

    file_deleted = true;
    total_blob_space_ -= bfile->file_size_;
    Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "File deleted as obsolete from blob dir %s", bfile->PathName().c_str());

    iter = tobsolete.erase(iter);

  // directory change. Fsync
  if (file_deleted) dir_ent_->Fsync();

  // put files back into obsolete if for some reason, delete failed
  if (!tobsolete.empty()) {
    WriteLock wl(&mutex_);
    for (auto bfile : tobsolete) obsolete_files_.push_front(bfile);

  return std::make_pair(!aborted, -1);

bool BlobDBImpl::CallbackEvictsImpl(std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> bfile) {
  std::shared_ptr<Reader> reader =
      bfile->OpenSequentialReader(myenv_, db_options_, env_options_);
  if (!reader) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "File sequential reader could not be opened for evict callback: %s",
    return false;

  ReadLock lockbfile_r(&bfile->mutex_);

  BlobLogHeader header;
  Status s = reader->ReadHeader(&header);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Failure to read header for blob-file during evict callback %s",
    return false;

  ColumnFamilyHandle* cfh = bfile->GetColumnFamily(db_);
  BlobLogRecord record;
  Reader::ReadLevel full = Reader::kReadHdrKeyBlobFooter;
  while (reader->ReadRecord(&record, full).ok()) {
    bdb_options_.gc_evict_cb_fn(cfh, record.Key(), record.Blob());

  return true;

std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::RemoveTimerQ(TimerQueue* tq,
                                                  bool aborted) {
  WriteLock wl(&mutex_);
  for (auto itr = cb_threads_.begin(); itr != cb_threads_.end(); ++itr) {
    if ((*itr).get() != tq) continue;

  return std::make_pair(false, -1);

std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::CallbackEvicts(
    TimerQueue* tq, std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> bfile, bool aborted) {
  if (aborted) return std::make_pair(false, -1);
  bool succ = CallbackEvictsImpl(bfile);
  if (succ) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Eviction callbacks completed %s", bfile->PathName().c_str());

  WriteLock wl(&mutex_);
  if (tq) {
    // all of the callbacks have been processed
    tqueue_.add(0, std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::RemoveTimerQ, this, tq,
  return std::make_pair(false, -1);

void BlobDBImpl::CopyBlobFiles(
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>>* bfiles_copy, uint64_t* last_id) {
  ReadLock rl(&mutex_);

  // take a copy
  for (auto const& ent : blob_files_) {

    // A. has ttl is immutable, once set, hence no locks required
    // B. blob files are sorted based on number(i.e. index of creation )
    //    so we will return the last blob file
    if (!ent.second->HasTTL()) *last_id = ent.second->BlobFileNumber();

void BlobDBImpl::FilterSubsetOfFiles(
    const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>>& blob_files,
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>>* to_process, uint64_t epoch,
    uint64_t last_id, size_t files_to_collect) {
  // 100.0 / 15.0 = 7
  uint64_t next_epoch_increment = static_cast<uint64_t>(
      std::ceil(100 / static_cast<double>(bdb_options_.gc_file_pct)));
  std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
  std::time_t tt = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now);

  size_t files_processed = 0;
  for (auto bfile : blob_files) {
    if (files_processed >= files_to_collect) break;
    // if this is the first time processing the file
    // i.e. gc_epoch == -1, process it.
    // else process the file if its processing epoch matches
    // the current epoch. Typically the #of epochs should be
    // around 5-10
    if (bfile->gc_epoch_ != -1 && (uint64_t)bfile->gc_epoch_ != epoch) {

    // reset the epoch
    bfile->gc_epoch_ = epoch + next_epoch_increment;

    // file has already been GC'd or is still open for append,
    // then it should not be GC'd
    if (bfile->Obsolete() || !bfile->Immutable()) continue;

    std::string reason;
    bool shouldgc = ShouldGCFile(bfile, tt, last_id, &reason);
    if (!shouldgc) {
      Log(InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
          "File has been skipped for GC ttl %s %d %d reason='%s'",
          bfile->PathName().c_str(), tt, bfile->GetTTLRange().second,

    Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "File has been chosen for GC ttl %s %d %d reason='%s'",
        bfile->PathName().c_str(), tt, bfile->GetTTLRange().second,

std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::RunGC(bool aborted) {
  if (aborted) return std::make_pair(false, -1);


  // collect the ID of the last regular file, in case we need to GC it.
  uint64_t last_id = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();

  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> blob_files;
  CopyBlobFiles(&blob_files, &last_id);

  if (!blob_files.size()) return std::make_pair(true, -1);

  // 15% of files are collected each call to space out the IO and CPU
  // consumption.
  size_t files_to_collect =
      (bdb_options_.gc_file_pct * blob_files.size()) / 100;

  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> to_process;
  FilterSubsetOfFiles(blob_files, &to_process, current_epoch_, last_id,

  // in this collect the set of files, which became obsolete
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> obsoletes;
  for (auto bfile : to_process) {
    GCStats gcstats;
    Status s = GCFileAndUpdateLSM(bfile, &gcstats);
    if (!s.ok()) continue;

    if (bfile->gc_once_after_open_.load()) {
      WriteLock lockbfile_w(&bfile->mutex_);

      bfile->deleted_size_ = gcstats.deleted_size;
      bfile->deleted_count_ = gcstats.num_deletes;
      bfile->gc_once_after_open_ = false;
    } else {

  if (!obsoletes.empty()) {
    bool evict_cb = (!!bdb_options_.gc_evict_cb_fn);
    std::shared_ptr<TimerQueue> tq;
    if (evict_cb) tq = std::make_shared<TimerQueue>();

    // if evict callback is present, first schedule the callback thread
    WriteLock wl(&mutex_);
    for (auto bfile : obsoletes) {
      bool last_file = (bfile == obsoletes.back());
      // remove from global list so writers

      if (!evict_cb) {
      } else {
        tq->add(0, std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::CallbackEvicts, this,
                             (last_file) ? tq.get() : nullptr, bfile,
    if (evict_cb) cb_threads_.emplace_back(tq);

  // reschedule
  return std::make_pair(true, -1);

Iterator* BlobDBImpl::NewIterator(const ReadOptions& opts,
                                  ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family) {
  return new BlobDBIterator(db_->NewIterator(opts, column_family),
                            column_family, this);

}  // namespace blob_db
}  // namespace rocksdb
#endif  // ROCKSDB_LITE