// Copyright (c) 2009- Facebook // Distributed under the Thrift Software License // // See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at: // http://developers.facebook.com/thrift/ #ifndef _THRIFT_TRANSPORT_THDFSFILETRANSPORT_H_ #define _THRIFT_TRANSPORT_THDFSFILETRANSPORT_H_ #include "thrift/lib/cpp/transport/TTransport.h" #include "thrift/lib/cpp/transport/TVirtualTransport.h" #include "HDFS.h" #include <string> #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace transport { /** * Dead-simple wrapper around libhdfs. * THDFSFileTransport only takes care of read/write, * and leaves allocation/release to HDFS and HDFSFile. * @author Li Zhang <lzhang@facebook.com> */ class THDFSFileTransport : public TVirtualTransport<THDFSFileTransport> { public: THDFSFileTransport(boost::shared_ptr<HDFSFile> hdfsFile) : hdfsFile_(hdfsFile) { } ~THDFSFileTransport() { } bool isOpen() { return hdfsFile_->isOpen(); } void open(); void close(); uint32_t read(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len); void write(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len); protected: boost::shared_ptr<HDFSFile> hdfsFile_; }; }}} // apache::thrift::transport #endif // _THRIFT_TRANSPORT_THDFSFILETRANSPORT_H_