//  Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
//  This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
//  COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
//  (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
// Endian-neutral encoding:
// * Fixed-length numbers are encoded with least-significant byte first
// * In addition we support variable length "varint" encoding
// * Strings are encoded prefixed by their length in varint format

#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>

#include "rocksdb/write_batch.h"
#include "port/port.h"

// Some processors does not allow unaligned access to memory
#if defined(__sparc)

namespace rocksdb {

// The maximum length of a varint in bytes for 64-bit.
const unsigned int kMaxVarint64Length = 10;

// Standard Put... routines append to a string
extern void PutFixed16(std::string* dst, uint16_t value);
extern void PutFixed32(std::string* dst, uint32_t value);
extern void PutFixed64(std::string* dst, uint64_t value);
extern void PutVarint32(std::string* dst, uint32_t value);
extern void PutVarint32Varint32(std::string* dst, uint32_t value1,
                                uint32_t value2);
extern void PutVarint32Varint32Varint32(std::string* dst, uint32_t value1,
                                        uint32_t value2, uint32_t value3);
extern void PutVarint64(std::string* dst, uint64_t value);
extern void PutVarint64Varint64(std::string* dst, uint64_t value1,
                                uint64_t value2);
extern void PutVarint32Varint64(std::string* dst, uint32_t value1,
                                uint64_t value2);
extern void PutVarint32Varint32Varint64(std::string* dst, uint32_t value1,
                                        uint32_t value2, uint64_t value3);
extern void PutLengthPrefixedSlice(std::string* dst, const Slice& value);
extern void PutLengthPrefixedSliceParts(std::string* dst,
                                        const SliceParts& slice_parts);
extern void PutLengthPrefixedSlicePartsWithPadding(
    std::string* dst, const SliceParts& slice_parts, size_t pad_sz);

// Standard Get... routines parse a value from the beginning of a Slice
// and advance the slice past the parsed value.
extern bool GetFixed64(Slice* input, uint64_t* value);
extern bool GetFixed32(Slice* input, uint32_t* value);
extern bool GetFixed16(Slice* input, uint16_t* value);
extern bool GetVarint32(Slice* input, uint32_t* value);
extern bool GetVarint64(Slice* input, uint64_t* value);
extern bool GetVarsignedint64(Slice* input, int64_t* value);
extern bool GetLengthPrefixedSlice(Slice* input, Slice* result);
// This function assumes data is well-formed.
extern Slice GetLengthPrefixedSlice(const char* data);

extern Slice GetSliceUntil(Slice* slice, char delimiter);

// Borrowed from
// https://github.com/facebook/fbthrift/blob/449a5f77f9f9bae72c9eb5e78093247eef185c04/thrift/lib/cpp/util/VarintUtils-inl.h#L202-L208
constexpr inline uint64_t i64ToZigzag(const int64_t l) {
  return (static_cast<uint64_t>(l) << 1) ^ static_cast<uint64_t>(l >> 63);
inline int64_t zigzagToI64(uint64_t n) {
  return (n >> 1) ^ -static_cast<int64_t>(n & 1);

// Pointer-based variants of GetVarint...  These either store a value
// in *v and return a pointer just past the parsed value, or return
// nullptr on error.  These routines only look at bytes in the range
// [p..limit-1]
extern const char* GetVarint32Ptr(const char* p,const char* limit, uint32_t* v);
extern const char* GetVarint64Ptr(const char* p,const char* limit, uint64_t* v);
inline const char* GetVarsignedint64Ptr(const char* p, const char* limit,
                                        int64_t* value) {
  uint64_t u = 0;
  const char* ret = GetVarint64Ptr(p, limit, &u);
  *value = zigzagToI64(u);
  return ret;

// Returns the length of the varint32 or varint64 encoding of "v"
extern int VarintLength(uint64_t v);

// Lower-level versions of Put... that write directly into a character buffer
// REQUIRES: dst has enough space for the value being written
extern void EncodeFixed16(char* dst, uint16_t value);
extern void EncodeFixed32(char* dst, uint32_t value);
extern void EncodeFixed64(char* dst, uint64_t value);

// Lower-level versions of Put... that write directly into a character buffer
// and return a pointer just past the last byte written.
// REQUIRES: dst has enough space for the value being written
extern char* EncodeVarint32(char* dst, uint32_t value);
extern char* EncodeVarint64(char* dst, uint64_t value);

// Lower-level versions of Get... that read directly from a character buffer
// without any bounds checking.

inline uint16_t DecodeFixed16(const char* ptr) {
  if (port::kLittleEndian) {
    // Load the raw bytes
    uint16_t result;
    memcpy(&result, ptr, sizeof(result));  // gcc optimizes this to a plain load
    return result;
  } else {
    return ((static_cast<uint16_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(ptr[0]))) |
            (static_cast<uint16_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(ptr[1])) << 8));

inline uint32_t DecodeFixed32(const char* ptr) {
  if (port::kLittleEndian) {
    // Load the raw bytes
    uint32_t result;
    memcpy(&result, ptr, sizeof(result));  // gcc optimizes this to a plain load
    return result;
  } else {
    return ((static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(ptr[0])))
        | (static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(ptr[1])) << 8)
        | (static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(ptr[2])) << 16)
        | (static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(ptr[3])) << 24));

inline uint64_t DecodeFixed64(const char* ptr) {
  if (port::kLittleEndian) {
    // Load the raw bytes
    uint64_t result;
    memcpy(&result, ptr, sizeof(result));  // gcc optimizes this to a plain load
    return result;
  } else {
    uint64_t lo = DecodeFixed32(ptr);
    uint64_t hi = DecodeFixed32(ptr + 4);
    return (hi << 32) | lo;

// Internal routine for use by fallback path of GetVarint32Ptr
extern const char* GetVarint32PtrFallback(const char* p,
                                          const char* limit,
                                          uint32_t* value);
inline const char* GetVarint32Ptr(const char* p,
                                  const char* limit,
                                  uint32_t* value) {
  if (p < limit) {
    uint32_t result = *(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(p));
    if ((result & 128) == 0) {
      *value = result;
      return p + 1;
  return GetVarint32PtrFallback(p, limit, value);

// -- Implementation of the functions declared above
inline void EncodeFixed16(char* buf, uint16_t value) {
  if (port::kLittleEndian) {
    memcpy(buf, &value, sizeof(value));
  } else {
    buf[0] = value & 0xff;
    buf[1] = (value >> 8) & 0xff;

inline void EncodeFixed32(char* buf, uint32_t value) {
  if (port::kLittleEndian) {
    memcpy(buf, &value, sizeof(value));
  } else {
    buf[0] = value & 0xff;
    buf[1] = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
    buf[2] = (value >> 16) & 0xff;
    buf[3] = (value >> 24) & 0xff;

inline void EncodeFixed64(char* buf, uint64_t value) {
  if (port::kLittleEndian) {
    memcpy(buf, &value, sizeof(value));
  } else {
    buf[0] = value & 0xff;
    buf[1] = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
    buf[2] = (value >> 16) & 0xff;
    buf[3] = (value >> 24) & 0xff;
    buf[4] = (value >> 32) & 0xff;
    buf[5] = (value >> 40) & 0xff;
    buf[6] = (value >> 48) & 0xff;
    buf[7] = (value >> 56) & 0xff;

// Pull the last 8 bits and cast it to a character
inline void PutFixed16(std::string* dst, uint16_t value) {
  if (port::kLittleEndian) {
    dst->append(const_cast<const char*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value)),
  } else {
    char buf[sizeof(value)];
    EncodeFixed16(buf, value);
    dst->append(buf, sizeof(buf));

inline void PutFixed32(std::string* dst, uint32_t value) {
  if (port::kLittleEndian) {
    dst->append(const_cast<const char*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value)),
  } else {
    char buf[sizeof(value)];
    EncodeFixed32(buf, value);
    dst->append(buf, sizeof(buf));

inline void PutFixed64(std::string* dst, uint64_t value) {
  if (port::kLittleEndian) {
    dst->append(const_cast<const char*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value)),
  } else {
    char buf[sizeof(value)];
    EncodeFixed64(buf, value);
    dst->append(buf, sizeof(buf));

inline void PutVarint32(std::string* dst, uint32_t v) {
  char buf[5];
  char* ptr = EncodeVarint32(buf, v);
  dst->append(buf, static_cast<size_t>(ptr - buf));

inline void PutVarint32Varint32(std::string* dst, uint32_t v1, uint32_t v2) {
  char buf[10];
  char* ptr = EncodeVarint32(buf, v1);
  ptr = EncodeVarint32(ptr, v2);
  dst->append(buf, static_cast<size_t>(ptr - buf));

inline void PutVarint32Varint32Varint32(std::string* dst, uint32_t v1,
                                        uint32_t v2, uint32_t v3) {
  char buf[15];
  char* ptr = EncodeVarint32(buf, v1);
  ptr = EncodeVarint32(ptr, v2);
  ptr = EncodeVarint32(ptr, v3);
  dst->append(buf, static_cast<size_t>(ptr - buf));

inline char* EncodeVarint64(char* dst, uint64_t v) {
  static const unsigned int B = 128;
  unsigned char* ptr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(dst);
  while (v >= B) {
    *(ptr++) = (v & (B - 1)) | B;
    v >>= 7;
  *(ptr++) = static_cast<unsigned char>(v);
  return reinterpret_cast<char*>(ptr);

inline void PutVarint64(std::string* dst, uint64_t v) {
  char buf[kMaxVarint64Length];
  char* ptr = EncodeVarint64(buf, v);
  dst->append(buf, static_cast<size_t>(ptr - buf));

inline void PutVarsignedint64(std::string* dst, int64_t v) {
  char buf[kMaxVarint64Length];
  // Using Zigzag format to convert signed to unsigned
  char* ptr = EncodeVarint64(buf, i64ToZigzag(v));
  dst->append(buf, static_cast<size_t>(ptr - buf));

inline void PutVarint64Varint64(std::string* dst, uint64_t v1, uint64_t v2) {
  char buf[20];
  char* ptr = EncodeVarint64(buf, v1);
  ptr = EncodeVarint64(ptr, v2);
  dst->append(buf, static_cast<size_t>(ptr - buf));

inline void PutVarint32Varint64(std::string* dst, uint32_t v1, uint64_t v2) {
  char buf[15];
  char* ptr = EncodeVarint32(buf, v1);
  ptr = EncodeVarint64(ptr, v2);
  dst->append(buf, static_cast<size_t>(ptr - buf));

inline void PutVarint32Varint32Varint64(std::string* dst, uint32_t v1,
                                        uint32_t v2, uint64_t v3) {
  char buf[20];
  char* ptr = EncodeVarint32(buf, v1);
  ptr = EncodeVarint32(ptr, v2);
  ptr = EncodeVarint64(ptr, v3);
  dst->append(buf, static_cast<size_t>(ptr - buf));

inline void PutLengthPrefixedSlice(std::string* dst, const Slice& value) {
  PutVarint32(dst, static_cast<uint32_t>(value.size()));
  dst->append(value.data(), value.size());

inline void PutLengthPrefixedSliceParts(std::string* dst, size_t total_bytes,
                                        const SliceParts& slice_parts) {
  for (int i = 0; i < slice_parts.num_parts; ++i) {
    total_bytes += slice_parts.parts[i].size();
  PutVarint32(dst, static_cast<uint32_t>(total_bytes));
  for (int i = 0; i < slice_parts.num_parts; ++i) {
    dst->append(slice_parts.parts[i].data(), slice_parts.parts[i].size());

inline void PutLengthPrefixedSliceParts(std::string* dst,
                                        const SliceParts& slice_parts) {
  PutLengthPrefixedSliceParts(dst, /*total_bytes=*/0, slice_parts);

inline void PutLengthPrefixedSlicePartsWithPadding(
    std::string* dst, const SliceParts& slice_parts, size_t pad_sz) {
  PutLengthPrefixedSliceParts(dst, /*total_bytes=*/pad_sz, slice_parts);
  dst->append(pad_sz, '\0');

inline int VarintLength(uint64_t v) {
  int len = 1;
  while (v >= 128) {
    v >>= 7;
  return len;

inline bool GetFixed64(Slice* input, uint64_t* value) {
  if (input->size() < sizeof(uint64_t)) {
    return false;
  *value = DecodeFixed64(input->data());
  return true;

inline bool GetFixed32(Slice* input, uint32_t* value) {
  if (input->size() < sizeof(uint32_t)) {
    return false;
  *value = DecodeFixed32(input->data());
  return true;

inline bool GetFixed16(Slice* input, uint16_t* value) {
  if (input->size() < sizeof(uint16_t)) {
    return false;
  *value = DecodeFixed16(input->data());
  return true;

inline bool GetVarint32(Slice* input, uint32_t* value) {
  const char* p = input->data();
  const char* limit = p + input->size();
  const char* q = GetVarint32Ptr(p, limit, value);
  if (q == nullptr) {
    return false;
  } else {
    *input = Slice(q, static_cast<size_t>(limit - q));
    return true;

inline bool GetVarint64(Slice* input, uint64_t* value) {
  const char* p = input->data();
  const char* limit = p + input->size();
  const char* q = GetVarint64Ptr(p, limit, value);
  if (q == nullptr) {
    return false;
  } else {
    *input = Slice(q, static_cast<size_t>(limit - q));
    return true;

inline bool GetVarsignedint64(Slice* input, int64_t* value) {
  const char* p = input->data();
  const char* limit = p + input->size();
  const char* q = GetVarsignedint64Ptr(p, limit, value);
  if (q == nullptr) {
    return false;
  } else {
    *input = Slice(q, static_cast<size_t>(limit - q));
    return true;

// Provide an interface for platform independent endianness transformation
inline uint64_t EndianTransform(uint64_t input, size_t size) {
  char* pos = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&input);
  uint64_t ret_val = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    ret_val |= (static_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(pos[i]))
                << ((size - i - 1) << 3));
  return ret_val;

inline bool GetLengthPrefixedSlice(Slice* input, Slice* result) {
  uint32_t len = 0;
  if (GetVarint32(input, &len) && input->size() >= len) {
    *result = Slice(input->data(), len);
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

inline Slice GetLengthPrefixedSlice(const char* data) {
  uint32_t len = 0;
  // +5: we assume "data" is not corrupted
  // unsigned char is 7 bits, uint32_t is 32 bits, need 5 unsigned char
  auto p = GetVarint32Ptr(data, data + 5 /* limit */, &len);
  return Slice(p, len);

inline Slice GetSliceUntil(Slice* slice, char delimiter) {
  uint32_t len = 0;
  for (len = 0; len < slice->size() && slice->data()[len] != delimiter; ++len) {
    // nothing

  Slice ret(slice->data(), len);
  slice->remove_prefix(len + ((len < slice->size()) ? 1 : 0));
  return ret;

template<class T>
#if defined(__clang__)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
inline void PutUnaligned(T *memory, const T &value) {
  char *nonAlignedMemory = reinterpret_cast<char*>(memory);
  memcpy(nonAlignedMemory, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&value), sizeof(T));
  *memory = value;

template<class T>
#if defined(__clang__)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
inline void GetUnaligned(const T *memory, T *value) {
  char *nonAlignedMemory = reinterpret_cast<char*>(value);
  memcpy(nonAlignedMemory, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(memory), sizeof(T));
  *value = *memory;

}  // namespace rocksdb