// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). #include #include "rocksdb/filter_policy.h" #include "table/block_based/block_based_table_reader.h" #include "table/block_based/partitioned_filter_block.h" #include "table/block_based/filter_policy_internal.h" #include "index_builder.h" #include "logging/logging.h" #include "test_util/testharness.h" #include "test_util/testutil.h" #include "util/coding.h" #include "util/hash.h" namespace rocksdb { std::map blooms; class MockedBlockBasedTable : public BlockBasedTable { public: MockedBlockBasedTable(Rep* rep, PartitionedIndexBuilder* pib) : BlockBasedTable(rep, /*block_cache_tracer=*/nullptr) { // Initialize what Open normally does as much as necessary for the test rep->index_key_includes_seq = pib->seperator_is_key_plus_seq(); rep->index_value_is_full = !pib->get_use_value_delta_encoding(); } }; class MyPartitionedFilterBlockReader : public PartitionedFilterBlockReader { public: MyPartitionedFilterBlockReader(BlockBasedTable* t, CachableEntry&& filter_block) : PartitionedFilterBlockReader(t, std::move(filter_block)) { for (const auto& pair : blooms) { const uint64_t offset = pair.first; const std::string& bloom = pair.second; assert(t); assert(t->get_rep()); CachableEntry block( new ParsedFullFilterBlock( t->get_rep()->table_options.filter_policy.get(), BlockContents(Slice(bloom))), nullptr /* cache */, nullptr /* cache_handle */, true /* own_value */); filter_map_[offset] = std::move(block); } } }; class PartitionedFilterBlockTest : public testing::Test, virtual public ::testing::WithParamInterface { public: Options options_; ImmutableCFOptions ioptions_; EnvOptions env_options_; BlockBasedTableOptions table_options_; InternalKeyComparator icomp_; std::unique_ptr table_; std::shared_ptr cache_; int bits_per_key_; PartitionedFilterBlockTest() : ioptions_(options_), env_options_(options_), icomp_(options_.comparator), bits_per_key_(10) { table_options_.filter_policy.reset( NewBloomFilterPolicy(bits_per_key_, false)); table_options_.format_version = GetParam(); table_options_.index_block_restart_interval = 3; } ~PartitionedFilterBlockTest() override {} const std::string keys[4] = {"afoo", "bar", "box", "hello"}; const std::string missing_keys[2] = {"missing", "other"}; uint64_t MaxIndexSize() { int num_keys = sizeof(keys) / sizeof(*keys); uint64_t max_key_size = 0; for (int i = 1; i < num_keys; i++) { max_key_size = std::max(max_key_size, static_cast(keys[i].size())); } uint64_t max_index_size = num_keys * (max_key_size + 8 /*handle*/); return max_index_size; } uint64_t MaxFilterSize() { int num_keys = sizeof(keys) / sizeof(*keys); // General, rough over-approximation return num_keys * bits_per_key_ + (CACHE_LINE_SIZE * 8 + /*metadata*/ 5); } uint64_t last_offset = 10; BlockHandle Write(const Slice& slice) { BlockHandle bh(last_offset + 1, slice.size()); blooms[bh.offset()] = slice.ToString(); last_offset += bh.size(); return bh; } PartitionedIndexBuilder* NewIndexBuilder() { const bool kValueDeltaEncoded = true; return PartitionedIndexBuilder::CreateIndexBuilder( &icomp_, !kValueDeltaEncoded, table_options_); } PartitionedFilterBlockBuilder* NewBuilder( PartitionedIndexBuilder* const p_index_builder, const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor = nullptr) { assert(table_options_.block_size_deviation <= 100); auto partition_size = static_cast( ((table_options_.metadata_block_size * (100 - table_options_.block_size_deviation)) + 99) / 100); partition_size = std::max(partition_size, static_cast(1)); const bool kValueDeltaEncoded = true; return new PartitionedFilterBlockBuilder( prefix_extractor, table_options_.whole_key_filtering, BloomFilterPolicy::GetBuilderFromContext( FilterBuildingContext(table_options_)), table_options_.index_block_restart_interval, !kValueDeltaEncoded, p_index_builder, partition_size); } PartitionedFilterBlockReader* NewReader( PartitionedFilterBlockBuilder* builder, PartitionedIndexBuilder* pib) { BlockHandle bh; Status status; Slice slice; do { slice = builder->Finish(bh, &status); bh = Write(slice); } while (status.IsIncomplete()); constexpr bool skip_filters = false; constexpr int level = 0; constexpr bool immortal_table = false; table_.reset(new MockedBlockBasedTable( new BlockBasedTable::Rep(ioptions_, env_options_, table_options_, icomp_, skip_filters, level, immortal_table), pib)); BlockContents contents(slice); CachableEntry block( new Block(std::move(contents), kDisableGlobalSequenceNumber, 0 /* read_amp_bytes_per_bit */, nullptr), nullptr /* cache */, nullptr /* cache_handle */, true /* own_value */); auto reader = new MyPartitionedFilterBlockReader(table_.get(), std::move(block)); return reader; } void VerifyReader(PartitionedFilterBlockBuilder* builder, PartitionedIndexBuilder* pib, bool empty = false, const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor = nullptr) { std::unique_ptr reader( NewReader(builder, pib)); // Querying added keys const bool no_io = true; for (auto key : keys) { auto ikey = InternalKey(key, 0, ValueType::kTypeValue); const Slice ikey_slice = Slice(*ikey.rep()); ASSERT_TRUE(reader->KeyMayMatch(key, prefix_extractor, kNotValid, !no_io, &ikey_slice, /*get_context=*/nullptr, /*lookup_context=*/nullptr)); } { // querying a key twice auto ikey = InternalKey(keys[0], 0, ValueType::kTypeValue); const Slice ikey_slice = Slice(*ikey.rep()); ASSERT_TRUE(reader->KeyMayMatch( keys[0], prefix_extractor, kNotValid, !no_io, &ikey_slice, /*get_context=*/nullptr, /*lookup_context=*/nullptr)); } // querying missing keys for (auto key : missing_keys) { auto ikey = InternalKey(key, 0, ValueType::kTypeValue); const Slice ikey_slice = Slice(*ikey.rep()); if (empty) { ASSERT_TRUE(reader->KeyMayMatch( key, prefix_extractor, kNotValid, !no_io, &ikey_slice, /*get_context=*/nullptr, /*lookup_context=*/nullptr)); } else { // assuming a good hash function ASSERT_FALSE(reader->KeyMayMatch( key, prefix_extractor, kNotValid, !no_io, &ikey_slice, /*get_context=*/nullptr, /*lookup_context=*/nullptr)); } } } int TestBlockPerKey() { std::unique_ptr pib(NewIndexBuilder()); std::unique_ptr builder( NewBuilder(pib.get())); int i = 0; builder->Add(keys[i]); CutABlock(pib.get(), keys[i], keys[i + 1]); i++; builder->Add(keys[i]); CutABlock(pib.get(), keys[i], keys[i + 1]); i++; builder->Add(keys[i]); builder->Add(keys[i]); CutABlock(pib.get(), keys[i], keys[i + 1]); i++; builder->Add(keys[i]); CutABlock(pib.get(), keys[i]); VerifyReader(builder.get(), pib.get()); return CountNumOfIndexPartitions(pib.get()); } void TestBlockPerTwoKeys(const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor = nullptr) { std::unique_ptr pib(NewIndexBuilder()); std::unique_ptr builder( NewBuilder(pib.get(), prefix_extractor)); int i = 0; builder->Add(keys[i]); i++; builder->Add(keys[i]); CutABlock(pib.get(), keys[i], keys[i + 1]); i++; builder->Add(keys[i]); builder->Add(keys[i]); i++; builder->Add(keys[i]); CutABlock(pib.get(), keys[i]); VerifyReader(builder.get(), pib.get(), prefix_extractor); } void TestBlockPerAllKeys() { std::unique_ptr pib(NewIndexBuilder()); std::unique_ptr builder( NewBuilder(pib.get())); int i = 0; builder->Add(keys[i]); i++; builder->Add(keys[i]); i++; builder->Add(keys[i]); builder->Add(keys[i]); i++; builder->Add(keys[i]); CutABlock(pib.get(), keys[i]); VerifyReader(builder.get(), pib.get()); } void CutABlock(PartitionedIndexBuilder* builder, const std::string& user_key) { // Assuming a block is cut, add an entry to the index std::string key = std::string(*InternalKey(user_key, 0, ValueType::kTypeValue).rep()); BlockHandle dont_care_block_handle(1, 1); builder->AddIndexEntry(&key, nullptr, dont_care_block_handle); } void CutABlock(PartitionedIndexBuilder* builder, const std::string& user_key, const std::string& next_user_key) { // Assuming a block is cut, add an entry to the index std::string key = std::string(*InternalKey(user_key, 0, ValueType::kTypeValue).rep()); std::string next_key = std::string( *InternalKey(next_user_key, 0, ValueType::kTypeValue).rep()); BlockHandle dont_care_block_handle(1, 1); Slice slice = Slice(next_key.data(), next_key.size()); builder->AddIndexEntry(&key, &slice, dont_care_block_handle); } int CountNumOfIndexPartitions(PartitionedIndexBuilder* builder) { IndexBuilder::IndexBlocks dont_care_ib; BlockHandle dont_care_bh(10, 10); Status s; int cnt = 0; do { s = builder->Finish(&dont_care_ib, dont_care_bh); cnt++; } while (s.IsIncomplete()); return cnt - 1; // 1 is 2nd level index } }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FormatDef, PartitionedFilterBlockTest, testing::Values(test::kDefaultFormatVersion)); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FormatLatest, PartitionedFilterBlockTest, testing::Values(test::kLatestFormatVersion)); TEST_P(PartitionedFilterBlockTest, EmptyBuilder) { std::unique_ptr pib(NewIndexBuilder()); std::unique_ptr builder(NewBuilder(pib.get())); const bool empty = true; VerifyReader(builder.get(), pib.get(), empty); } TEST_P(PartitionedFilterBlockTest, OneBlock) { uint64_t max_index_size = MaxIndexSize(); for (uint64_t i = 1; i < max_index_size + 1; i++) { table_options_.metadata_block_size = i; TestBlockPerAllKeys(); } } TEST_P(PartitionedFilterBlockTest, TwoBlocksPerKey) { uint64_t max_index_size = MaxIndexSize(); for (uint64_t i = 1; i < max_index_size + 1; i++) { table_options_.metadata_block_size = i; TestBlockPerTwoKeys(); } } // This reproduces the bug that a prefix is the same among multiple consecutive // blocks but the bug would add it only to the first block. TEST_P(PartitionedFilterBlockTest, SamePrefixInMultipleBlocks) { // some small number to cause partition cuts table_options_.metadata_block_size = 1; std::unique_ptr prefix_extractor (rocksdb::NewFixedPrefixTransform(1)); std::unique_ptr pib(NewIndexBuilder()); std::unique_ptr builder( NewBuilder(pib.get(), prefix_extractor.get())); const std::string pkeys[3] = {"p-key10", "p-key20", "p-key30"}; builder->Add(pkeys[0]); CutABlock(pib.get(), pkeys[0], pkeys[1]); builder->Add(pkeys[1]); CutABlock(pib.get(), pkeys[1], pkeys[2]); builder->Add(pkeys[2]); CutABlock(pib.get(), pkeys[2]); std::unique_ptr reader( NewReader(builder.get(), pib.get())); for (auto key : pkeys) { auto ikey = InternalKey(key, 0, ValueType::kTypeValue); const Slice ikey_slice = Slice(*ikey.rep()); ASSERT_TRUE(reader->PrefixMayMatch( prefix_extractor->Transform(key), prefix_extractor.get(), kNotValid, /*no_io=*/false, &ikey_slice, /*get_context=*/nullptr, /*lookup_context=*/nullptr)); } // Non-existent keys but with the same prefix const std::string pnonkeys[4] = {"p-key9", "p-key11", "p-key21", "p-key31"}; for (auto key : pnonkeys) { auto ikey = InternalKey(key, 0, ValueType::kTypeValue); const Slice ikey_slice = Slice(*ikey.rep()); ASSERT_TRUE(reader->PrefixMayMatch( prefix_extractor->Transform(key), prefix_extractor.get(), kNotValid, /*no_io=*/false, &ikey_slice, /*get_context=*/nullptr, /*lookup_context=*/nullptr)); } } // This reproduces the bug in format_version=3 that the seeking the prefix will // lead us to the partition before the one that has filter for the prefix. TEST_P(PartitionedFilterBlockTest, PrefixInWrongPartitionBug) { // some small number to cause partition cuts table_options_.metadata_block_size = 1; std::unique_ptr prefix_extractor( rocksdb::NewFixedPrefixTransform(2)); std::unique_ptr pib(NewIndexBuilder()); std::unique_ptr builder( NewBuilder(pib.get(), prefix_extractor.get())); // In the bug, searching for prefix "p3" on an index with format version 3, // will give the key "p3" and the partition of the keys that are <= p3, i.e., // p2-keys, where the filter for prefix "p3" does not exist. const std::string pkeys[] = {"p1-key1", "p2-key2", "p3-key3", "p4-key3", "p5-key3"}; builder->Add(pkeys[0]); CutABlock(pib.get(), pkeys[0], pkeys[1]); builder->Add(pkeys[1]); CutABlock(pib.get(), pkeys[1], pkeys[2]); builder->Add(pkeys[2]); CutABlock(pib.get(), pkeys[2], pkeys[3]); builder->Add(pkeys[3]); CutABlock(pib.get(), pkeys[3], pkeys[4]); builder->Add(pkeys[4]); CutABlock(pib.get(), pkeys[4]); std::unique_ptr reader( NewReader(builder.get(), pib.get())); for (auto key : pkeys) { auto prefix = prefix_extractor->Transform(key); auto ikey = InternalKey(prefix, 0, ValueType::kTypeValue); const Slice ikey_slice = Slice(*ikey.rep()); ASSERT_TRUE(reader->PrefixMayMatch( prefix, prefix_extractor.get(), kNotValid, /*no_io=*/false, &ikey_slice, /*get_context=*/nullptr, /*lookup_context=*/nullptr)); } } TEST_P(PartitionedFilterBlockTest, OneBlockPerKey) { uint64_t max_index_size = MaxIndexSize(); for (uint64_t i = 1; i < max_index_size + 1; i++) { table_options_.metadata_block_size = i; TestBlockPerKey(); } } TEST_P(PartitionedFilterBlockTest, PartitionCount) { int num_keys = sizeof(keys) / sizeof(*keys); table_options_.metadata_block_size = std::max(MaxIndexSize(), MaxFilterSize()); int partitions = TestBlockPerKey(); ASSERT_EQ(partitions, 1); // A low number ensures cutting a block after each key table_options_.metadata_block_size = 1; partitions = TestBlockPerKey(); ASSERT_EQ(partitions, num_keys - 1 /* last two keys make one flush */); } } // namespace rocksdb int main(int argc, char** argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }