#! /usr/bin/env python
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import random
import getopt
import logging
import tempfile
import subprocess
import shutil

# This python script runs db_stress multiple times. Some runs with
# kill_random_test that causes rocksdb to crash at various points in code.

def main(argv):
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hd:t:k:o:b:")
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print str(getopt.GetoptError)
        print "db_crashtest2.py -d <duration_test> -t <#threads> " \
              "-k <kills with prob 1/k> -o <ops_per_thread> "\
              "-b <write_buffer_size>\n"

    # default values, will be overridden by cmdline args
    kill_random_test = 97  # kill with probability 1/97 by default
    duration = 10000  # total time for this script to test db_stress
    threads = 32
    ops_per_thread = 200000
    write_buf_size = 4 * 1024 * 1024

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
            print "db_crashtest2.py -d <duration_test> -t <#threads> " \
                  "-k <kills with prob 1/k> -o <ops_per_thread> " \
                  "-b <write_buffer_size>\n"
        elif opt == "-d":
            duration = int(arg)
        elif opt == "-t":
            threads = int(arg)
        elif opt == "-k":
            kill_random_test = int(arg)
        elif opt == "-o":
            ops_per_thread = int(arg)
        elif opt == "-b":
            write_buf_size = int(arg)
            print "unrecognized option " + str(opt) + "\n"
            print "db_crashtest2.py -d <duration_test> -t <#threads> " \
                  "-k <kills with prob 1/k> -o <ops_per_thread> " \
                  "-b <write_buffer_size>\n"

    exit_time = time.time() + duration

    print "Running whitebox-crash-test with \ntotal-duration=" + str(duration) \
          + "\nthreads=" + str(threads) + "\nops_per_thread=" \
          + str(ops_per_thread) + "\nwrite_buffer_size=" \
          + str(write_buf_size) + "\n"

    total_check_mode = 3
    check_mode = 0

    while time.time() < exit_time:
        killoption = ""
        if check_mode == 0:
            # run with kill_random_test
            killoption = " --kill_random_test=" + str(kill_random_test)
            # use large ops per thread since we will kill it anyway
            additional_opts = "--ops_per_thread=" + \
                              str(100 * ops_per_thread) + killoption
        elif check_mode == 1:
            # normal run with universal compaction mode
            additional_opts = "--ops_per_thread=" + str(ops_per_thread) + \
                              " --compaction_style=1"
            # nomral run
            additional_opts = "--ops_per_thread=" + str(ops_per_thread)

        dbname = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='rocksdb_crashtest_')
        cmd = re.sub('\s+', ' ', """
            """ % (random.randint(0, 1),
                   random.randint(0, 1),
                   random.randint(0, 1),
                   random.randint(0, 1),

        print "Running:" + cmd + "\n"

        popen = subprocess.Popen([cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
        stdoutdata, stderrdata = popen.communicate()
        retncode = popen.returncode
        msg = ("check_mode={0}, kill option={1}, exitcode={2}\n".format(
               check_mode, killoption, retncode))
        print msg
        print stdoutdata

        expected = False
        if (killoption == '') and (retncode == 0):
            # we expect zero retncode if no kill option
            expected = True
        elif killoption != '' and retncode < 0:
            # we expect negative retncode if kill option was given
            expected = True

        if not expected:
            print "TEST FAILED. See kill option and exit code above!!!\n"

        stdoutdata = stdoutdata.lower()
        errorcount = (stdoutdata.count('error') -
                      stdoutdata.count('got errors 0 times'))
        print "#times error occurred in output is " + str(errorcount) + "\n"

        if (errorcount > 0):
            print "TEST FAILED. Output has 'error'!!!\n"
        if (stdoutdata.find('fail') >= 0):
            print "TEST FAILED. Output has 'fail'!!!\n"
        # we need to clean up after ourselves -- only do this on test success
        shutil.rmtree(dbname, True)

        check_mode = (check_mode + 1) % total_check_mode

        time.sleep(1)  # time to stabilize after a kill

if __name__ == "__main__":