#!/usr/local/bin/thrift --gen cpp

namespace java Tleveldb
namespace cpp Tleveldb 
namespace rb Tleveldb
namespace py Tleveldb
namespace perl Tleveldb

// Types
typedef binary Text
typedef binary Bytes

// A basic object needed for storing keys and values
struct Slice {
  1:Text data;
  2:i32  size

// Different compression types supported
enum CompressionType {
  kNoCompression     = 0x0,
  kSnappyCompression = 0x1

// Error codes
enum Code {
    kOk = 0,
    kNotFound = 1,
    kCorruption = 2,
    kNotSupported = 3,
    kInvalidArgument = 4,
    kIOError = 5,
    kEnd = 6

// A range object
struct Range {
  1:Slice start;          // Included in the range
  2:Slice limit          // Not included in the range

// Options to creating a database
struct DBOptions {
  1:bool create_if_missing;
  2:bool error_if_exists;
  3:i32 write_buffer_size;
  4:i32 max_open_files;
  5:i32 block_size;
  6:i32 block_restart_interval;
  7:CompressionType compression,
  8:i32 num_levels,
  9:i32 level0_file_num_compaction_trigger,
  10:i32 level0_slowdown_writes_trigger,
  11:i32 level0_stop_writes_trigger,
  12:i32 target_file_size_base,
  13:i32 target_file_size_multiplier,
  14:i32 max_bytes_for_level_base,
  15:i32 max_bytes_for_level_multiplier,
  16:i32 max_grandparent_overlap_factor,
  17:bool disableDataSync

// Options for writing
struct WriteOptions {
  1:bool sync,
  2:bool disableWAL

struct Snapshot {
  1:i64 snapshotid     // server generated

// Options for reading. If you do not have a
// snapshot, set snapshot.snapshotid = 0
struct ReadOptions {
  1:bool verify_checksums;
  2:bool fill_cache,
  3:Snapshot snapshot

// Represents a database object
struct DBHandle {
  1:Text dbname        //name of the database

struct Iterator {
  1:i64 iteratorid     // server generated

// flags for the iterator
enum IteratorType {
    seekToFirst = 0,
    seekToLast = 1,
    seekToKey = 2 

struct kv {
  1:Slice key;
  2:Slice value

// Return a single value from the Get call
struct ResultItem {
  1:Code status;
  2:Slice value

// Return a key,value from a Scan call
struct ResultPair {
  1:Code status;
  2:kv   keyvalue

// Snapshot result
struct ResultSnapshot {
  1:Code status;
  2:Snapshot   snapshot

// Iterator result
struct ResultIterator {
  1:Code status;
  2:Iterator   iterator

exception LeveldbException {
  1:Text message,
  2:Code errorCode

// The Database service
service DB {
  // opens the database. The database name cannot have "/"
  // in its name.
  DBHandle Open(1:Text dbname, 2:DBOptions dboptions)
    throws (1:LeveldbException se),

  // closes the database
  Code Close(1:DBHandle dbhandle, 2:Text dbname),

  // puts a key in the database
  Code Put(1:DBHandle dbhandle, 2:kv keyvalue, 3:WriteOptions options),
  // deletes a key from the database
  Code Delete(1:DBHandle dbhandle, 2:Slice key, 3:WriteOptions options),

  // writes batch of keys into the database
  Code Write(1:DBHandle dbhandle, 2:list<kv> batch, 3:WriteOptions options),

  // fetch a key from the DB. 
  // ResultItem.status == kNotFound means key is non existant
  // ResultItem.status == kOk means key is found
  ResultItem Get(1:DBHandle dbhandle, 2:Slice inputkey, 
                 3:ReadOptions options),

  // start iteration over a set of keys. If iteratorType.seekToFirst
  // is set, then position the iterator at the first key in the source.
  // If iteratorType.seekToLast is set, then position at the last key in the
  // source. If iteratorType.seekToKey is set, then position at the first 
  // key in the source that is at or past target.
  // If any two of iteratorType.seekToFirst & iteratorType.seekToLast
  // and iteratorType.seekToKey are set, then error.
  // If either iteratorType.seekToFirst or iteratorType.seekToLast is set,
  // then target is not used.
  ResultIterator NewIterator(1:DBHandle dbhandle, 2:ReadOptions options,
                             3:IteratorType iteratorType,
                             4:Slice target),

  // Release resources associated with an iterator allocated previously
  // via a call to NewIterator. The call to this method may be skipped
  // if the iterator had already traversed all the keys in the specified
  // range. If the application wants to terminate a scan before processing
  // all the resulting keys, then it is essential to invoke this method.
  Code DeleteIterator(1:DBHandle dbhandle, 2:Iterator iterator),

  // Return the previous/next from this iteration
  ResultPair GetNext(1:DBHandle dbhandle, 2:Iterator iterator),
  ResultPair GetPrev(1:DBHandle dbhandle, 2:Iterator iterator),

  // Create snapshot.
  ResultSnapshot GetSnapshot(1:DBHandle dbhandle),

  // Release snapshots
  Code     ReleaseSnapshot(1:DBHandle dbhandle, 2:Snapshot snapshot),

  // compact a range of keys
  // begin.size == 0 to start at a range earlier than the first existing key
  // end.size == 0 to end at a range later than the last existing key
  Code CompactRange(1:DBHandle dbhandle, 2:Slice start, 3:Slice endhere),

// ******************  FACEBOOK specific stuff ********************

// An IOError exception from an assoc operation
exception IOError {
  1:string message

// Visibility state for assoc
enum AssocVisibility
  VISIBLE = 0, // live object, include in lookups and count
  DELETED = 1, // exclude from lookup queries and count, ok to
               // delete permanently from persistent store 
  UNUSED1 = 2,  // not used
  HIDDEN = 3,  // exclude from lookup queries and count
  UNUSED2 = 4, // not used
  HARD_DELETE = 4 // deleted by calling expunge, will be swept
                  // as soon as possible

 * Holds the assoc get result of a id2
struct TaoAssocGetResult {
  /** id2 of assoc */
  1:i64 id2,

  /** id1 type of assoc */
  2:i64 id1Type,

  /** id2 type of assoc */
  3:i64 id2Type,

  /** time stamp of the assoc */
  4:i64 time,

  /** version of the data blob */
  5:i64 dataVersion,

  /** serialized data of the asoc */
  6:Text data,

// Service
service AssocService {

   * TAO Assoc Put operation.
   * Note that currently the argument visibility has no effect.
   * @if update_count is true, then return the updated count for this assoc
   * @if update_count is false, then return 0
   * @return negative number if failure
  i64 taoAssocPut(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** type assoc */
    2:i64 assocType,

    /** id1 of assoc */
    3:i64 id1,

    /** id2 of assoc */
    4:i64 id2,

    /** id1Type of assoc */
    5:i64 id1Type,

    /** id2Type of assoc */
    6:i64 id2Type,

    /** timestamp of assoc */
    7:i64 timestamp,

    /** visibility */
    8:AssocVisibility visibility,

    /** whether to keep the count or not */
    9:bool update_count,

    /** version of the data blob */
    10:i64 dataVersion,

    /** serialized data of assoc */
    11:Text data,

    /** wormhole comment */
    12:Text wormhole_comment
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

  * TAO Assoc Delete operation.
  * @return the updated count for this assoc
  i64 taoAssocDelete(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** type assoc */
    2:i64 assocType,

    /** id1 of assoc */
    3:i64 id1,

    /** id2 of assoc */
    4:i64 id2,

    /** visibility flag for this delete */
    5:AssocVisibility visibility,

    /** whether to keep the count or not */
    6:bool update_count,

    /** wormhole comment */
    7:Text wormhole_comment
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * TAO Assoc RangeGet operation.
   * Obtain assocs in bewteen start_time and end_time in reverse time order.
   * The range check is inclusive: start_time >= time && time >= end_time.
   * And yes, start_time >= end_time because this range scan is a backward
   * scan in time, starting with most recent time and scanning backwards
   * for the most recent n assocs.
  list<TaoAssocGetResult> taoAssocRangeGet(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** type of assoc */
    2:i64 assocType,

    /** id1 of assoc */
    3:i64 id1,

    /** maximum timestamp of assocs to retrieve */
    4:i64 start_time,

    /** minimum timestamp of assocs to retrieve */
    5:i64 end_time,

    /** number of assocs to skip from start */
    6:i64 offset,

    /** max number of assocs (columns) returned */
    7:i64 limit
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * TAO Assoc Get operation.
  list<TaoAssocGetResult> taoAssocGet(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** type of assoc */
    2:i64 assocType,

    /** id1 of assoc */
    3:i64 id1,

    /** list of id2 need to be fetch */
    4:list<i64> id2s
  ) throws (1:IOError io)

   * TAO Assoc Count Get operation.
   * Returns the number of assocs for given id1 and assoc type
  i64 taoAssocCount(
    /** name of table */
    1:Text tableName,

    /** type of assoc */
    2:i64 assocType,

    /** id1 of assoc */
    3:i64 id1,

  ) throws (1:IOError io)