// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE #include "utilities/transactions/transaction_test.h" #include "utilities/transactions/write_unprepared_txn.h" #include "utilities/transactions/write_unprepared_txn_db.h" namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE { class WriteUnpreparedTransactionTestBase : public TransactionTestBase { public: WriteUnpreparedTransactionTestBase(bool use_stackable_db, bool two_write_queue, TxnDBWritePolicy write_policy) : TransactionTestBase(use_stackable_db, two_write_queue, write_policy, kOrderedWrite) {} }; class WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest : public WriteUnpreparedTransactionTestBase, virtual public ::testing::WithParamInterface< std::tuple> { public: WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest() : WriteUnpreparedTransactionTestBase(std::get<0>(GetParam()), std::get<1>(GetParam()), std::get<2>(GetParam())){} }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest, WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest, ::testing::Values(std::make_tuple(false, false, WRITE_UNPREPARED), std::make_tuple(false, true, WRITE_UNPREPARED))); enum StressAction { NO_SNAPSHOT, RO_SNAPSHOT, REFRESH_SNAPSHOT }; class WriteUnpreparedStressTest : public WriteUnpreparedTransactionTestBase, virtual public ::testing::WithParamInterface< std::tuple> { public: WriteUnpreparedStressTest() : WriteUnpreparedTransactionTestBase(false, std::get<0>(GetParam()), WRITE_UNPREPARED), action_(std::get<1>(GetParam())) {} StressAction action_; }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( WriteUnpreparedStressTest, WriteUnpreparedStressTest, ::testing::Values(std::make_tuple(false, NO_SNAPSHOT), std::make_tuple(false, RO_SNAPSHOT), std::make_tuple(false, REFRESH_SNAPSHOT), std::make_tuple(true, NO_SNAPSHOT), std::make_tuple(true, RO_SNAPSHOT), std::make_tuple(true, REFRESH_SNAPSHOT))); TEST_P(WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest, ReadYourOwnWrite) { // The following tests checks whether reading your own write for // a transaction works for write unprepared, when there are uncommitted // values written into DB. auto verify_state = [](Iterator* iter, const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { ASSERT_TRUE(iter->Valid()); ASSERT_OK(iter->status()); ASSERT_EQ(key, iter->key().ToString()); ASSERT_EQ(value, iter->value().ToString()); }; // Test always reseeking vs never reseeking. for (uint64_t max_skip : {0, std::numeric_limits::max()}) { options.max_sequential_skip_in_iterations = max_skip; options.disable_auto_compactions = true; ReOpen(); TransactionOptions txn_options; WriteOptions woptions; ReadOptions roptions; ASSERT_OK(db->Put(woptions, "a", "")); ASSERT_OK(db->Put(woptions, "b", "")); Transaction* txn = db->BeginTransaction(woptions, txn_options); WriteUnpreparedTxn* wup_txn = dynamic_cast(txn); txn->SetSnapshot(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { std::string stored_value = "v" + ToString(i); ASSERT_OK(txn->Put("a", stored_value)); ASSERT_OK(txn->Put("b", stored_value)); wup_txn->FlushWriteBatchToDB(false); // Test Get() std::string value; ASSERT_OK(txn->Get(roptions, "a", &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, stored_value); ASSERT_OK(txn->Get(roptions, "b", &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, stored_value); // Test Next() auto iter = txn->GetIterator(roptions); iter->Seek("a"); verify_state(iter, "a", stored_value); iter->Next(); verify_state(iter, "b", stored_value); iter->SeekToFirst(); verify_state(iter, "a", stored_value); iter->Next(); verify_state(iter, "b", stored_value); delete iter; // Test Prev() iter = txn->GetIterator(roptions); iter->SeekForPrev("b"); verify_state(iter, "b", stored_value); iter->Prev(); verify_state(iter, "a", stored_value); iter->SeekToLast(); verify_state(iter, "b", stored_value); iter->Prev(); verify_state(iter, "a", stored_value); delete iter; } delete txn; } } #ifndef ROCKSDB_VALGRIND_RUN TEST_P(WriteUnpreparedStressTest, ReadYourOwnWriteStress) { // This is a stress test where different threads are writing random keys, and // then before committing or aborting the transaction, it validates to see // that it can read the keys it wrote, and the keys it did not write respect // the snapshot. To avoid row lock contention (and simply stressing the // locking system), each thread is mostly only writing to its own set of keys. const uint32_t kNumIter = 1000; const uint32_t kNumThreads = 10; const uint32_t kNumKeys = 5; std::default_random_engine rand(static_cast( std::hash()(std::this_thread::get_id()))); // Test with // 1. no snapshots set // 2. snapshot set on ReadOptions // 3. snapshot set, and refreshing after every write. StressAction a = action_; WriteOptions write_options; txn_db_options.transaction_lock_timeout = -1; options.disable_auto_compactions = true; ReOpen(); std::vector keys; for (uint32_t k = 0; k < kNumKeys * kNumThreads; k++) { keys.push_back("k" + ToString(k)); } std::shuffle(keys.begin(), keys.end(), rand); // This counter will act as a "sequence number" to help us validate // visibility logic with snapshots. If we had direct access to the seqno of // snapshots and key/values, then we should directly compare those instead. std::atomic counter(0); std::function stress_thread = [&](int id) { size_t tid = std::hash()(std::this_thread::get_id()); Random64 rnd(static_cast(tid)); Transaction* txn; TransactionOptions txn_options; // batch_size of 1 causes writes to DB for every marker. txn_options.write_batch_flush_threshold = 1; ReadOptions read_options; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumIter; i++) { std::set owned_keys(keys.begin() + id * kNumKeys, keys.begin() + (id + 1) * kNumKeys); // Add unowned keys to make the workload more interesting, but this // increases row lock contention, so just do it sometimes. if (rnd.OneIn(2)) { owned_keys.insert(keys[rnd.Uniform(kNumKeys * kNumThreads)]); } txn = db->BeginTransaction(write_options, txn_options); txn->SetName(ToString(id)); txn->SetSnapshot(); if (a >= RO_SNAPSHOT) { read_options.snapshot = txn->GetSnapshot(); ASSERT_TRUE(read_options.snapshot != nullptr); } uint64_t buf[2]; buf[0] = id; // When scanning through the database, make sure that all unprepared // keys have value >= snapshot and all other keys have value < snapshot. int64_t snapshot_num = counter.fetch_add(1); Status s; for (const auto& key : owned_keys) { buf[1] = counter.fetch_add(1); s = txn->Put(key, Slice((const char*)buf, sizeof(buf))); if (!s.ok()) { break; } if (a == REFRESH_SNAPSHOT) { txn->SetSnapshot(); read_options.snapshot = txn->GetSnapshot(); snapshot_num = counter.fetch_add(1); } } // Failure is possible due to snapshot validation. In this case, // rollback and move onto next iteration. if (!s.ok()) { ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsBusy()); ASSERT_OK(txn->Rollback()); delete txn; continue; } auto verify_key = [&owned_keys, &a, &id, &snapshot_num]( const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { if (owned_keys.count(key) > 0) { ASSERT_EQ(value.size(), 16); // Since this key is part of owned_keys, then this key must be // unprepared by this transaction identified by 'id' ASSERT_EQ(((int64_t*)value.c_str())[0], id); if (a == REFRESH_SNAPSHOT) { // If refresh snapshot is true, then the snapshot is refreshed // after every Put(), meaning that the current snapshot in // snapshot_num must be greater than the "seqno" of any keys // written by the current transaction. ASSERT_LT(((int64_t*)value.c_str())[1], snapshot_num); } else { // If refresh snapshot is not on, then the snapshot was taken at // the beginning of the transaction, meaning all writes must come // after snapshot_num ASSERT_GT(((int64_t*)value.c_str())[1], snapshot_num); } } else if (a >= RO_SNAPSHOT) { // If this is not an unprepared key, just assert that the key // "seqno" is smaller than the snapshot seqno. ASSERT_EQ(value.size(), 16); ASSERT_LT(((int64_t*)value.c_str())[1], snapshot_num); } }; // Validate Get()/Next()/Prev(). Do only one of them to save time, and // reduce lock contention. switch (rnd.Uniform(3)) { case 0: // Validate Get() { for (const auto& key : keys) { std::string value; s = txn->Get(read_options, Slice(key), &value); if (!s.ok()) { ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()); ASSERT_EQ(owned_keys.count(key), 0); } else { verify_key(key, value); } } break; } case 1: // Validate Next() { Iterator* iter = txn->GetIterator(read_options); for (iter->SeekToFirst(); iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) { verify_key(iter->key().ToString(), iter->value().ToString()); } delete iter; break; } case 2: // Validate Prev() { Iterator* iter = txn->GetIterator(read_options); for (iter->SeekToLast(); iter->Valid(); iter->Prev()) { verify_key(iter->key().ToString(), iter->value().ToString()); } delete iter; break; } default: ASSERT_TRUE(false); } if (rnd.OneIn(2)) { ASSERT_OK(txn->Commit()); } else { ASSERT_OK(txn->Rollback()); } delete txn; } }; std::vector threads; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumThreads; i++) { threads.emplace_back(stress_thread, i); } for (auto& t : threads) { t.join(); } } #endif // ROCKSDB_VALGRIND_RUN // This tests how write unprepared behaves during recovery when the DB crashes // after a transaction has either been unprepared or prepared, and tests if // the changes are correctly applied for prepared transactions if we decide to // rollback/commit. TEST_P(WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest, RecoveryTest) { WriteOptions write_options; write_options.disableWAL = false; TransactionOptions txn_options; std::vector prepared_trans; WriteUnpreparedTxnDB* wup_db; options.disable_auto_compactions = true; enum Action { UNPREPARED, ROLLBACK, COMMIT }; // batch_size of 1 causes writes to DB for every marker. for (size_t batch_size : {1, 1000000}) { txn_options.write_batch_flush_threshold = batch_size; for (bool empty : {true, false}) { for (Action a : {UNPREPARED, ROLLBACK, COMMIT}) { for (int num_batches = 1; num_batches < 10; num_batches++) { // Reset database. prepared_trans.clear(); ReOpen(); wup_db = dynamic_cast(db); if (!empty) { for (int i = 0; i < num_batches; i++) { ASSERT_OK(db->Put(WriteOptions(), "k" + ToString(i), "before value" + ToString(i))); } } // Write num_batches unprepared batches. Transaction* txn = db->BeginTransaction(write_options, txn_options); WriteUnpreparedTxn* wup_txn = dynamic_cast(txn); txn->SetName("xid"); for (int i = 0; i < num_batches; i++) { ASSERT_OK(txn->Put("k" + ToString(i), "value" + ToString(i))); if (txn_options.write_batch_flush_threshold == 1) { // WriteUnprepared will check write_batch_flush_threshold and // possibly flush before appending to the write batch. No flush // will happen at the first write because the batch is still // empty, so after k puts, there should be k-1 flushed batches. ASSERT_EQ(wup_txn->GetUnpreparedSequenceNumbers().size(), i); } else { ASSERT_EQ(wup_txn->GetUnpreparedSequenceNumbers().size(), 0); } } if (a == UNPREPARED) { // This is done to prevent the destructor from rolling back the // transaction for us, since we want to pretend we crashed and // test that recovery does the rollback. wup_txn->unprep_seqs_.clear(); } else { txn->Prepare(); } delete txn; // Crash and run recovery code paths. wup_db->db_impl_->FlushWAL(true); wup_db->TEST_Crash(); ReOpenNoDelete(); assert(db != nullptr); db->GetAllPreparedTransactions(&prepared_trans); ASSERT_EQ(prepared_trans.size(), a == UNPREPARED ? 0 : 1); if (a == ROLLBACK) { ASSERT_OK(prepared_trans[0]->Rollback()); delete prepared_trans[0]; } else if (a == COMMIT) { ASSERT_OK(prepared_trans[0]->Commit()); delete prepared_trans[0]; } Iterator* iter = db->NewIterator(ReadOptions()); iter->SeekToFirst(); // Check that DB has before values. if (!empty || a == COMMIT) { for (int i = 0; i < num_batches; i++) { ASSERT_TRUE(iter->Valid()); ASSERT_EQ(iter->key().ToString(), "k" + ToString(i)); if (a == COMMIT) { ASSERT_EQ(iter->value().ToString(), "value" + ToString(i)); } else { ASSERT_EQ(iter->value().ToString(), "before value" + ToString(i)); } iter->Next(); } } ASSERT_FALSE(iter->Valid()); delete iter; } } } } } // Basic test to see that unprepared batch gets written to DB when batch size // is exceeded. It also does some basic checks to see if commit/rollback works // as expected for write unprepared. TEST_P(WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest, UnpreparedBatch) { WriteOptions write_options; TransactionOptions txn_options; const int kNumKeys = 10; // batch_size of 1 causes writes to DB for every marker. for (size_t batch_size : {1, 1000000}) { txn_options.write_batch_flush_threshold = batch_size; for (bool prepare : {false, true}) { for (bool commit : {false, true}) { ReOpen(); Transaction* txn = db->BeginTransaction(write_options, txn_options); WriteUnpreparedTxn* wup_txn = dynamic_cast(txn); txn->SetName("xid"); for (int i = 0; i < kNumKeys; i++) { txn->Put("k" + ToString(i), "v" + ToString(i)); if (txn_options.write_batch_flush_threshold == 1) { // WriteUnprepared will check write_batch_flush_threshold and // possibly flush before appending to the write batch. No flush will // happen at the first write because the batch is still empty, so // after k puts, there should be k-1 flushed batches. ASSERT_EQ(wup_txn->GetUnpreparedSequenceNumbers().size(), i); } else { ASSERT_EQ(wup_txn->GetUnpreparedSequenceNumbers().size(), 0); } } if (prepare) { ASSERT_OK(txn->Prepare()); } Iterator* iter = db->NewIterator(ReadOptions()); iter->SeekToFirst(); assert(!iter->Valid()); ASSERT_FALSE(iter->Valid()); delete iter; if (commit) { ASSERT_OK(txn->Commit()); } else { ASSERT_OK(txn->Rollback()); } delete txn; iter = db->NewIterator(ReadOptions()); iter->SeekToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < (commit ? kNumKeys : 0); i++) { ASSERT_TRUE(iter->Valid()); ASSERT_EQ(iter->key().ToString(), "k" + ToString(i)); ASSERT_EQ(iter->value().ToString(), "v" + ToString(i)); iter->Next(); } ASSERT_FALSE(iter->Valid()); delete iter; } } } } // Test whether logs containing unprepared/prepared batches are kept even // after memtable finishes flushing, and whether they are removed when // transaction commits/aborts. // // TODO(lth): Merge with TransactionTest/TwoPhaseLogRollingTest tests. TEST_P(WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest, MarkLogWithPrepSection) { WriteOptions write_options; TransactionOptions txn_options; // batch_size of 1 causes writes to DB for every marker. txn_options.write_batch_flush_threshold = 1; const int kNumKeys = 10; WriteOptions wopts; wopts.sync = true; for (bool prepare : {false, true}) { for (bool commit : {false, true}) { ReOpen(); auto wup_db = dynamic_cast(db); auto db_impl = wup_db->db_impl_; Transaction* txn1 = db->BeginTransaction(write_options, txn_options); ASSERT_OK(txn1->SetName("xid1")); Transaction* txn2 = db->BeginTransaction(write_options, txn_options); ASSERT_OK(txn2->SetName("xid2")); // Spread this transaction across multiple log files. for (int i = 0; i < kNumKeys; i++) { ASSERT_OK(txn1->Put("k1" + ToString(i), "v" + ToString(i))); if (i >= kNumKeys / 2) { ASSERT_OK(txn2->Put("k2" + ToString(i), "v" + ToString(i))); } if (i > 0) { db_impl->TEST_SwitchWAL(); } } ASSERT_GT(txn1->GetLogNumber(), 0); ASSERT_GT(txn2->GetLogNumber(), 0); ASSERT_EQ(db_impl->TEST_FindMinLogContainingOutstandingPrep(), txn1->GetLogNumber()); ASSERT_GT(db_impl->TEST_LogfileNumber(), txn1->GetLogNumber()); if (prepare) { ASSERT_OK(txn1->Prepare()); ASSERT_OK(txn2->Prepare()); } ASSERT_GE(db_impl->TEST_LogfileNumber(), txn1->GetLogNumber()); ASSERT_GE(db_impl->TEST_LogfileNumber(), txn2->GetLogNumber()); ASSERT_EQ(db_impl->TEST_FindMinLogContainingOutstandingPrep(), txn1->GetLogNumber()); if (commit) { ASSERT_OK(txn1->Commit()); } else { ASSERT_OK(txn1->Rollback()); } ASSERT_EQ(db_impl->TEST_FindMinLogContainingOutstandingPrep(), txn2->GetLogNumber()); if (commit) { ASSERT_OK(txn2->Commit()); } else { ASSERT_OK(txn2->Rollback()); } ASSERT_EQ(db_impl->TEST_FindMinLogContainingOutstandingPrep(), 0); delete txn1; delete txn2; } } } TEST_P(WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest, NoSnapshotWrite) { WriteOptions woptions; TransactionOptions txn_options; txn_options.write_batch_flush_threshold = 1; Transaction* txn = db->BeginTransaction(woptions, txn_options); // Do some writes with no snapshot ASSERT_OK(txn->Put("a", "a")); ASSERT_OK(txn->Put("b", "b")); ASSERT_OK(txn->Put("c", "c")); // Test that it is still possible to create iterators after writes with no // snapshot, if iterator snapshot is fresh enough. ReadOptions roptions; auto iter = txn->GetIterator(roptions); int keys = 0; for (iter->SeekToLast(); iter->Valid(); iter->Prev(), keys++) { ASSERT_OK(iter->status()); ASSERT_EQ(iter->key().ToString(), iter->value().ToString()); } ASSERT_EQ(keys, 3); delete iter; delete txn; } // Test whether write to a transaction while iterating is supported. TEST_P(WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest, IterateAndWrite) { WriteOptions woptions; TransactionOptions txn_options; txn_options.write_batch_flush_threshold = 1; enum Action { DO_DELETE, DO_UPDATE }; for (Action a : {DO_DELETE, DO_UPDATE}) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ASSERT_OK(db->Put(woptions, ToString(i), ToString(i))); } Transaction* txn = db->BeginTransaction(woptions, txn_options); // write_batch_ now contains 1 key. ASSERT_OK(txn->Put("9", "a")); ReadOptions roptions; auto iter = txn->GetIterator(roptions); for (iter->SeekToFirst(); iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) { ASSERT_OK(iter->status()); if (iter->key() == "9") { ASSERT_EQ(iter->value().ToString(), "a"); } else { ASSERT_EQ(iter->key().ToString(), iter->value().ToString()); } if (a == DO_DELETE) { ASSERT_OK(txn->Delete(iter->key())); } else { ASSERT_OK(txn->Put(iter->key(), "b")); } } delete iter; ASSERT_OK(txn->Commit()); iter = db->NewIterator(roptions); if (a == DO_DELETE) { // Check that db is empty. iter->SeekToFirst(); ASSERT_FALSE(iter->Valid()); } else { int keys = 0; // Check that all values are updated to b. for (iter->SeekToFirst(); iter->Valid(); iter->Next(), keys++) { ASSERT_OK(iter->status()); ASSERT_EQ(iter->value().ToString(), "b"); } ASSERT_EQ(keys, 100); } delete iter; delete txn; } } TEST_P(WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest, SavePoint) { WriteOptions woptions; TransactionOptions txn_options; txn_options.write_batch_flush_threshold = 1; Transaction* txn = db->BeginTransaction(woptions, txn_options); txn->SetSavePoint(); ASSERT_OK(txn->Put("a", "a")); ASSERT_OK(txn->Put("b", "b")); ASSERT_OK(txn->Commit()); ReadOptions roptions; std::string value; ASSERT_OK(txn->Get(roptions, "a", &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, "a"); ASSERT_OK(txn->Get(roptions, "b", &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, "b"); delete txn; } TEST_P(WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest, UntrackedKeys) { WriteOptions woptions; TransactionOptions txn_options; txn_options.write_batch_flush_threshold = 1; Transaction* txn = db->BeginTransaction(woptions, txn_options); auto wb = txn->GetWriteBatch()->GetWriteBatch(); ASSERT_OK(txn->Put("a", "a")); ASSERT_OK(wb->Put("a_untrack", "a_untrack")); txn->SetSavePoint(); ASSERT_OK(txn->Put("b", "b")); ASSERT_OK(txn->Put("b_untrack", "b_untrack")); ReadOptions roptions; std::string value; ASSERT_OK(txn->Get(roptions, "a", &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, "a"); ASSERT_OK(txn->Get(roptions, "a_untrack", &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, "a_untrack"); ASSERT_OK(txn->Get(roptions, "b", &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, "b"); ASSERT_OK(txn->Get(roptions, "b_untrack", &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, "b_untrack"); // b and b_untrack should be rolled back. ASSERT_OK(txn->RollbackToSavePoint()); ASSERT_OK(txn->Get(roptions, "a", &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, "a"); ASSERT_OK(txn->Get(roptions, "a_untrack", &value)); ASSERT_EQ(value, "a_untrack"); auto s = txn->Get(roptions, "b", &value); ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()); s = txn->Get(roptions, "b_untrack", &value); ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()); // Everything should be rolled back. ASSERT_OK(txn->Rollback()); s = txn->Get(roptions, "a", &value); ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()); s = txn->Get(roptions, "a_untrack", &value); ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()); s = txn->Get(roptions, "b", &value); ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()); s = txn->Get(roptions, "b_untrack", &value); ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()); delete txn; } } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE int main(int argc, char** argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); } #else #include int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) { fprintf(stderr, "SKIPPED as Transactions are not supported in ROCKSDB_LITE\n"); return 0; } #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE