// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). #include #include #include "db/db_test_util.h" #include "db/forward_iterator.h" #include "port/stack_trace.h" #include "rocksdb/merge_operator.h" #include "utilities/merge_operators.h" #include "utilities/merge_operators/string_append/stringappend2.h" namespace rocksdb { class TestReadCallback : public ReadCallback { public: TestReadCallback(SnapshotChecker* snapshot_checker, SequenceNumber snapshot_seq) : snapshot_checker_(snapshot_checker), snapshot_seq_(snapshot_seq) {} bool IsVisible(SequenceNumber seq) override { return snapshot_checker_->CheckInSnapshot(seq, snapshot_seq_) == SnapshotCheckerResult::kInSnapshot; } private: SnapshotChecker* snapshot_checker_; SequenceNumber snapshot_seq_; }; // Test merge operator functionality. class DBMergeOperatorTest : public DBTestBase { public: DBMergeOperatorTest() : DBTestBase("/db_merge_operator_test") {} std::string GetWithReadCallback(SnapshotChecker* snapshot_checker, const Slice& key, const Snapshot* snapshot = nullptr) { SequenceNumber seq = snapshot == nullptr ? db_->GetLatestSequenceNumber() : snapshot->GetSequenceNumber(); TestReadCallback read_callback(snapshot_checker, seq); ReadOptions read_opt; read_opt.snapshot = snapshot; PinnableSlice value; Status s = dbfull()->GetImpl(read_opt, db_->DefaultColumnFamily(), key, &value, nullptr /*value_found*/, &read_callback); if (!s.ok()) { return s.ToString(); } return value.ToString(); } }; TEST_F(DBMergeOperatorTest, LimitMergeOperands) { class LimitedStringAppendMergeOp : public StringAppendTESTOperator { public: LimitedStringAppendMergeOp(int limit, char delim) : StringAppendTESTOperator(delim), limit_(limit) {} const char* Name() const override { return "DBMergeOperatorTest::LimitedStringAppendMergeOp"; } bool ShouldMerge(const std::vector& operands) const override { if (operands.size() > 0 && limit_ > 0 && operands.size() >= limit_) { return true; } return false; } private: size_t limit_ = 0; }; Options options; options.create_if_missing = true; // Use only the latest two merge operands. options.merge_operator = std::make_shared(2, ','); options.env = env_; Reopen(options); // All K1 values are in memtable. ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "a")); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "b")); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "c")); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "d")); std::string value; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Get(ReadOptions(), "k1", &value).ok()); // Make sure that only the latest two merge operands are used. If this was // not the case the value would be "a,b,c,d". ASSERT_EQ(value, "c,d"); // All K2 values are flushed to L0 into a single file. ASSERT_OK(Merge("k2", "a")); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k2", "b")); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k2", "c")); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k2", "d")); ASSERT_OK(Flush()); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Get(ReadOptions(), "k2", &value).ok()); ASSERT_EQ(value, "c,d"); // All K3 values are flushed and are in different files. ASSERT_OK(Merge("k3", "ab")); ASSERT_OK(Flush()); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k3", "bc")); ASSERT_OK(Flush()); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k3", "cd")); ASSERT_OK(Flush()); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k3", "de")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Get(ReadOptions(), "k3", &value).ok()); ASSERT_EQ(value, "cd,de"); // All K4 values are in different levels ASSERT_OK(Merge("k4", "ab")); ASSERT_OK(Flush()); MoveFilesToLevel(4); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k4", "bc")); ASSERT_OK(Flush()); MoveFilesToLevel(3); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k4", "cd")); ASSERT_OK(Flush()); MoveFilesToLevel(1); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k4", "de")); ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Get(ReadOptions(), "k4", &value).ok()); ASSERT_EQ(value, "cd,de"); } TEST_F(DBMergeOperatorTest, MergeErrorOnRead) { Options options; options.create_if_missing = true; options.merge_operator.reset(new TestPutOperator()); options.env = env_; Reopen(options); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "v1")); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "corrupted")); std::string value; ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Get(ReadOptions(), "k1", &value).IsCorruption()); VerifyDBInternal({{"k1", "corrupted"}, {"k1", "v1"}}); } TEST_F(DBMergeOperatorTest, MergeErrorOnWrite) { Options options; options.create_if_missing = true; options.merge_operator.reset(new TestPutOperator()); options.max_successive_merges = 3; options.env = env_; Reopen(options); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "v1")); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "v2")); // Will trigger a merge when hitting max_successive_merges and the merge // will fail. The delta will be inserted nevertheless. ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "corrupted")); // Data should stay unmerged after the error. VerifyDBInternal({{"k1", "corrupted"}, {"k1", "v2"}, {"k1", "v1"}}); } TEST_F(DBMergeOperatorTest, MergeErrorOnIteration) { Options options; options.create_if_missing = true; options.merge_operator.reset(new TestPutOperator()); options.env = env_; DestroyAndReopen(options); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "v1")); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "corrupted")); ASSERT_OK(Put("k2", "v2")); auto* iter = db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions()); iter->Seek("k1"); ASSERT_FALSE(iter->Valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(iter->status().IsCorruption()); delete iter; iter = db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions()); iter->Seek("k2"); ASSERT_TRUE(iter->Valid()); ASSERT_OK(iter->status()); iter->Prev(); ASSERT_FALSE(iter->Valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(iter->status().IsCorruption()); delete iter; VerifyDBInternal({{"k1", "corrupted"}, {"k1", "v1"}, {"k2", "v2"}}); DestroyAndReopen(options); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k1", "v1")); ASSERT_OK(Put("k2", "v2")); ASSERT_OK(Merge("k2", "corrupted")); iter = db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions()); iter->Seek("k1"); ASSERT_TRUE(iter->Valid()); ASSERT_OK(iter->status()); iter->Next(); ASSERT_FALSE(iter->Valid()); ASSERT_TRUE(iter->status().IsCorruption()); delete iter; VerifyDBInternal({{"k1", "v1"}, {"k2", "corrupted"}, {"k2", "v2"}}); } class MergeOperatorPinningTest : public DBMergeOperatorTest, public testing::WithParamInterface { public: MergeOperatorPinningTest() { disable_block_cache_ = GetParam(); } bool disable_block_cache_; }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(MergeOperatorPinningTest, MergeOperatorPinningTest, ::testing::Bool()); #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE TEST_P(MergeOperatorPinningTest, OperandsMultiBlocks) { Options options = CurrentOptions(); BlockBasedTableOptions table_options; table_options.block_size = 1; // every block will contain one entry table_options.no_block_cache = disable_block_cache_; options.table_factory.reset(NewBlockBasedTableFactory(table_options)); options.merge_operator = MergeOperators::CreateStringAppendTESTOperator(); options.level0_slowdown_writes_trigger = (1 << 30); options.level0_stop_writes_trigger = (1 << 30); options.disable_auto_compactions = true; DestroyAndReopen(options); const int kKeysPerFile = 10; const int kOperandsPerKeyPerFile = 7; const int kOperandSize = 100; // Filse to write in L0 before compacting to lower level const int kFilesPerLevel = 3; Random rnd(301); std::map true_data; int batch_num = 1; int lvl_to_fill = 4; int key_id = 0; while (true) { for (int j = 0; j < kKeysPerFile; j++) { std::string key = Key(key_id % 35); key_id++; for (int k = 0; k < kOperandsPerKeyPerFile; k++) { std::string val = RandomString(&rnd, kOperandSize); ASSERT_OK(db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), key, val)); if (true_data[key].size() == 0) { true_data[key] = val; } else { true_data[key] += "," + val; } } } if (lvl_to_fill == -1) { // Keep last batch in memtable and stop break; } ASSERT_OK(Flush()); if (batch_num % kFilesPerLevel == 0) { if (lvl_to_fill != 0) { MoveFilesToLevel(lvl_to_fill); } lvl_to_fill--; } batch_num++; } // 3 L0 files // 1 L1 file // 3 L2 files // 1 L3 file // 3 L4 Files ASSERT_EQ(FilesPerLevel(), "3,1,3,1,3"); VerifyDBFromMap(true_data); } TEST_P(MergeOperatorPinningTest, Randomized) { do { Options options = CurrentOptions(); options.merge_operator = MergeOperators::CreateMaxOperator(); BlockBasedTableOptions table_options; table_options.no_block_cache = disable_block_cache_; options.table_factory.reset(NewBlockBasedTableFactory(table_options)); DestroyAndReopen(options); Random rnd(301); std::map true_data; const int kTotalMerges = 5000; // Every key gets ~10 operands const int kKeyRange = kTotalMerges / 10; const int kOperandSize = 20; const int kNumPutBefore = kKeyRange / 10; // 10% value const int kNumPutAfter = kKeyRange / 10; // 10% overwrite const int kNumDelete = kKeyRange / 10; // 10% delete // kNumPutBefore keys will have base values for (int i = 0; i < kNumPutBefore; i++) { std::string key = Key(rnd.Next() % kKeyRange); std::string value = RandomString(&rnd, kOperandSize); ASSERT_OK(db_->Put(WriteOptions(), key, value)); true_data[key] = value; } // Do kTotalMerges merges for (int i = 0; i < kTotalMerges; i++) { std::string key = Key(rnd.Next() % kKeyRange); std::string value = RandomString(&rnd, kOperandSize); ASSERT_OK(db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), key, value)); if (true_data[key] < value) { true_data[key] = value; } } // Overwrite random kNumPutAfter keys for (int i = 0; i < kNumPutAfter; i++) { std::string key = Key(rnd.Next() % kKeyRange); std::string value = RandomString(&rnd, kOperandSize); ASSERT_OK(db_->Put(WriteOptions(), key, value)); true_data[key] = value; } // Delete random kNumDelete keys for (int i = 0; i < kNumDelete; i++) { std::string key = Key(rnd.Next() % kKeyRange); ASSERT_OK(db_->Delete(WriteOptions(), key)); true_data.erase(key); } VerifyDBFromMap(true_data); } while (ChangeOptions(kSkipMergePut)); } class MergeOperatorHook : public MergeOperator { public: explicit MergeOperatorHook(std::shared_ptr _merge_op) : merge_op_(_merge_op) {} virtual bool FullMergeV2(const MergeOperationInput& merge_in, MergeOperationOutput* merge_out) const override { before_merge_(); bool res = merge_op_->FullMergeV2(merge_in, merge_out); after_merge_(); return res; } virtual const char* Name() const override { return merge_op_->Name(); } std::shared_ptr merge_op_; std::function before_merge_ = []() {}; std::function after_merge_ = []() {}; }; TEST_P(MergeOperatorPinningTest, EvictCacheBeforeMerge) { Options options = CurrentOptions(); auto merge_hook = std::make_shared(MergeOperators::CreateMaxOperator()); options.merge_operator = merge_hook; options.disable_auto_compactions = true; options.level0_slowdown_writes_trigger = (1 << 30); options.level0_stop_writes_trigger = (1 << 30); options.max_open_files = 20; BlockBasedTableOptions bbto; bbto.no_block_cache = disable_block_cache_; if (bbto.no_block_cache == false) { bbto.block_cache = NewLRUCache(64 * 1024 * 1024); } else { bbto.block_cache = nullptr; } options.table_factory.reset(NewBlockBasedTableFactory(bbto)); DestroyAndReopen(options); const int kNumOperands = 30; const int kNumKeys = 1000; const int kOperandSize = 100; Random rnd(301); // 1000 keys every key have 30 operands, every operand is in a different file std::map true_data; for (int i = 0; i < kNumOperands; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < kNumKeys; j++) { std::string k = Key(j); std::string v = RandomString(&rnd, kOperandSize); ASSERT_OK(db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), k, v)); true_data[k] = std::max(true_data[k], v); } ASSERT_OK(Flush()); } std::vector file_numbers = ListTableFiles(env_, dbname_); ASSERT_EQ(file_numbers.size(), kNumOperands); int merge_cnt = 0; // Code executed before merge operation merge_hook->before_merge_ = [&]() { // Evict all tables from cache before every merge operation for (uint64_t num : file_numbers) { TableCache::Evict(dbfull()->TEST_table_cache(), num); } // Decrease cache capacity to force all unrefed blocks to be evicted if (bbto.block_cache) { bbto.block_cache->SetCapacity(1); } merge_cnt++; }; // Code executed after merge operation merge_hook->after_merge_ = [&]() { // Increase capacity again after doing the merge if (bbto.block_cache) { bbto.block_cache->SetCapacity(64 * 1024 * 1024); } }; size_t total_reads; VerifyDBFromMap(true_data, &total_reads); ASSERT_EQ(merge_cnt, total_reads); db_->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr); VerifyDBFromMap(true_data, &total_reads); } TEST_P(MergeOperatorPinningTest, TailingIterator) { Options options = CurrentOptions(); options.merge_operator = MergeOperators::CreateMaxOperator(); BlockBasedTableOptions bbto; bbto.no_block_cache = disable_block_cache_; options.table_factory.reset(NewBlockBasedTableFactory(bbto)); DestroyAndReopen(options); const int kNumOperands = 100; const int kNumWrites = 100000; std::function writer_func = [&]() { int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kNumWrites; i++) { db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), Key(k), Key(k)); if (i && i % kNumOperands == 0) { k++; } if (i && i % 127 == 0) { ASSERT_OK(Flush()); } if (i && i % 317 == 0) { ASSERT_OK(db_->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr)); } } }; std::function reader_func = [&]() { ReadOptions ro; ro.tailing = true; Iterator* iter = db_->NewIterator(ro); iter->SeekToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < (kNumWrites / kNumOperands); i++) { while (!iter->Valid()) { // wait for the key to be written env_->SleepForMicroseconds(100); iter->Seek(Key(i)); } ASSERT_EQ(iter->key(), Key(i)); ASSERT_EQ(iter->value(), Key(i)); iter->Next(); } delete iter; }; rocksdb::port::Thread writer_thread(writer_func); rocksdb::port::Thread reader_thread(reader_func); writer_thread.join(); reader_thread.join(); } TEST_F(DBMergeOperatorTest, TailingIteratorMemtableUnrefedBySomeoneElse) { Options options = CurrentOptions(); options.merge_operator = MergeOperators::CreateStringAppendOperator(); DestroyAndReopen(options); // Overview of the test: // * There are two merge operands for the same key: one in an sst file, // another in a memtable. // * Seek a tailing iterator to this key. // * As part of the seek, the iterator will: // (a) first visit the operand in the memtable and tell ForwardIterator // to pin this operand, then // (b) move on to the operand in the sst file, then pass both operands // to merge operator. // * The memtable may get flushed and unreferenced by another thread between // (a) and (b). The test simulates it by flushing the memtable inside a // SyncPoint callback located between (a) and (b). // * In this case it's ForwardIterator's responsibility to keep the memtable // pinned until (b) is complete. There used to be a bug causing // ForwardIterator to not pin it in some circumstances. This test // reproduces it. db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), "key", "sst"); db_->Flush(FlushOptions()); // Switch to SuperVersion A db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), "key", "memtable"); // Pin SuperVersion A std::unique_ptr someone_else(db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions())); bool pushed_first_operand = false; bool stepped_to_next_operand = false; rocksdb::SyncPoint::GetInstance()->SetCallBack( "DBIter::MergeValuesNewToOld:PushedFirstOperand", [&](void*) { EXPECT_FALSE(pushed_first_operand); pushed_first_operand = true; db_->Flush(FlushOptions()); // Switch to SuperVersion B }); rocksdb::SyncPoint::GetInstance()->SetCallBack( "DBIter::MergeValuesNewToOld:SteppedToNextOperand", [&](void*) { EXPECT_FALSE(stepped_to_next_operand); stepped_to_next_operand = true; someone_else.reset(); // Unpin SuperVersion A }); rocksdb::SyncPoint::GetInstance()->EnableProcessing(); ReadOptions ro; ro.tailing = true; std::unique_ptr iter(db_->NewIterator(ro)); iter->Seek("key"); ASSERT_TRUE(iter->status().ok()); ASSERT_TRUE(iter->Valid()); EXPECT_EQ(std::string("sst,memtable"), iter->value().ToString()); EXPECT_TRUE(pushed_first_operand); EXPECT_TRUE(stepped_to_next_operand); } #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE TEST_F(DBMergeOperatorTest, SnapshotCheckerAndReadCallback) { Options options = CurrentOptions(); options.merge_operator = MergeOperators::CreateStringAppendOperator(); DestroyAndReopen(options); class TestSnapshotChecker : public SnapshotChecker { public: SnapshotCheckerResult CheckInSnapshot( SequenceNumber seq, SequenceNumber snapshot_seq) const override { return IsInSnapshot(seq, snapshot_seq) ? SnapshotCheckerResult::kInSnapshot : SnapshotCheckerResult::kNotInSnapshot; } bool IsInSnapshot(SequenceNumber seq, SequenceNumber snapshot_seq) const { switch (snapshot_seq) { case 0: return seq == 0; case 1: return seq <= 1; case 2: // seq = 2 not visible to snapshot with seq = 2 return seq <= 1; case 3: return seq <= 3; case 4: // seq = 4 not visible to snpahost with seq = 4 return seq <= 3; default: // seq >=4 is uncommitted return seq <= 4; }; } }; TestSnapshotChecker* snapshot_checker = new TestSnapshotChecker(); dbfull()->SetSnapshotChecker(snapshot_checker); std::string value; ASSERT_OK(Merge("foo", "v1")); ASSERT_EQ(1, db_->GetLatestSequenceNumber()); ASSERT_EQ("v1", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo")); ASSERT_OK(Merge("foo", "v2")); ASSERT_EQ(2, db_->GetLatestSequenceNumber()); // v2 is not visible to latest snapshot, which has seq = 2. ASSERT_EQ("v1", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo")); // Take a snapshot with seq = 2. const Snapshot* snapshot1 = db_->GetSnapshot(); ASSERT_EQ(2, snapshot1->GetSequenceNumber()); // v2 is not visible to snapshot1, which has seq = 2 ASSERT_EQ("v1", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo", snapshot1)); // Verify flush doesn't alter the result. ASSERT_OK(Flush()); ASSERT_EQ("v1", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo", snapshot1)); ASSERT_EQ("v1", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo")); ASSERT_OK(Merge("foo", "v3")); ASSERT_EQ(3, db_->GetLatestSequenceNumber()); ASSERT_EQ("v1,v2,v3", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo")); ASSERT_OK(Merge("foo", "v4")); ASSERT_EQ(4, db_->GetLatestSequenceNumber()); // v4 is not visible to latest snapshot, which has seq = 4. ASSERT_EQ("v1,v2,v3", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo")); const Snapshot* snapshot2 = db_->GetSnapshot(); ASSERT_EQ(4, snapshot2->GetSequenceNumber()); // v4 is not visible to snapshot2, which has seq = 4. ASSERT_EQ("v1,v2,v3", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo", snapshot2)); // Verify flush doesn't alter the result. ASSERT_OK(Flush()); ASSERT_EQ("v1", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo", snapshot1)); ASSERT_EQ("v1,v2,v3", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo", snapshot2)); ASSERT_EQ("v1,v2,v3", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo")); ASSERT_OK(Merge("foo", "v5")); ASSERT_EQ(5, db_->GetLatestSequenceNumber()); // v5 is uncommitted ASSERT_EQ("v1,v2,v3,v4", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo")); // full manual compaction. ASSERT_OK(db_->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr)); // Verify compaction doesn't alter the result. ASSERT_EQ("v1", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo", snapshot1)); ASSERT_EQ("v1,v2,v3", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo", snapshot2)); ASSERT_EQ("v1,v2,v3,v4", GetWithReadCallback(snapshot_checker, "foo")); db_->ReleaseSnapshot(snapshot1); db_->ReleaseSnapshot(snapshot2); } } // namespace rocksdb int main(int argc, char** argv) { rocksdb::port::InstallStackTraceHandler(); ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }