//  Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
//  This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
//  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
//  of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.

// Syncpoint prevents us building and running tests in release

#if !defined(NDEBUG) || !defined(OS_WIN)

#ifndef OS_WIN
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include "db/db_impl.h"
#include "port/stack_trace.h"
#include "rocksdb/db.h"
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/checkpoint.h"
#include "util/sync_point.h"
#include "util/testharness.h"
#include "util/xfunc.h"

namespace rocksdb {
class DBTest : public testing::Test {
  // Sequence of option configurations to try
  enum OptionConfig {
    kDefault = 0,
  int option_config_;

  std::string dbname_;
  std::string alternative_wal_dir_;
  Env* env_;
  DB* db_;
  Options last_options_;
  std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*> handles_;

  DBTest() : env_(Env::Default()) {
    env_->SetBackgroundThreads(1, Env::LOW);
    env_->SetBackgroundThreads(1, Env::HIGH);
    dbname_ = test::TmpDir(env_) + "/db_test";
    alternative_wal_dir_ = dbname_ + "/wal";
    auto options = CurrentOptions();
    auto delete_options = options;
    delete_options.wal_dir = alternative_wal_dir_;
    EXPECT_OK(DestroyDB(dbname_, delete_options));
    // Destroy it for not alternative WAL dir is used.
    EXPECT_OK(DestroyDB(dbname_, options));
    db_ = nullptr;

  ~DBTest() {
    Options options;
    options.db_paths.emplace_back(dbname_, 0);
    options.db_paths.emplace_back(dbname_ + "_2", 0);
    options.db_paths.emplace_back(dbname_ + "_3", 0);
    options.db_paths.emplace_back(dbname_ + "_4", 0);
    EXPECT_OK(DestroyDB(dbname_, options));

  // Return the current option configuration.
  Options CurrentOptions() {
    Options options;
    options.env = env_;
    options.create_if_missing = true;
    return options;

  void CreateColumnFamilies(const std::vector<std::string>& cfs,
                            const Options& options) {
    ColumnFamilyOptions cf_opts(options);
    size_t cfi = handles_.size();
    handles_.resize(cfi + cfs.size());
    for (auto cf : cfs) {
      ASSERT_OK(db_->CreateColumnFamily(cf_opts, cf, &handles_[cfi++]));

  void CreateAndReopenWithCF(const std::vector<std::string>& cfs,
                             const Options& options) {
    CreateColumnFamilies(cfs, options);
    std::vector<std::string> cfs_plus_default = cfs;
    cfs_plus_default.insert(cfs_plus_default.begin(), kDefaultColumnFamilyName);
    ReopenWithColumnFamilies(cfs_plus_default, options);

  void ReopenWithColumnFamilies(const std::vector<std::string>& cfs,
                                const std::vector<Options>& options) {
    ASSERT_OK(TryReopenWithColumnFamilies(cfs, options));

  void ReopenWithColumnFamilies(const std::vector<std::string>& cfs,
                                const Options& options) {
    ASSERT_OK(TryReopenWithColumnFamilies(cfs, options));

  Status TryReopenWithColumnFamilies(
      const std::vector<std::string>& cfs,
      const std::vector<Options>& options) {
    EXPECT_EQ(cfs.size(), options.size());
    std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor> column_families;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < cfs.size(); ++i) {
      column_families.push_back(ColumnFamilyDescriptor(cfs[i], options[i]));
    DBOptions db_opts = DBOptions(options[0]);
    return DB::Open(db_opts, dbname_, column_families, &handles_, &db_);

  Status TryReopenWithColumnFamilies(const std::vector<std::string>& cfs,
                                     const Options& options) {
    std::vector<Options> v_opts(cfs.size(), options);
    return TryReopenWithColumnFamilies(cfs, v_opts);

  void Reopen(const Options& options) {

  void Close() {
    for (auto h : handles_) {
      delete h;
    delete db_;
    db_ = nullptr;

  void DestroyAndReopen(const Options& options) {
    // Destroy using last options

  void Destroy(const Options& options) {
    ASSERT_OK(DestroyDB(dbname_, options));

  Status ReadOnlyReopen(const Options& options) {
    return DB::OpenForReadOnly(options, dbname_, &db_);

  Status TryReopen(const Options& options) {
    last_options_ = options;
    return DB::Open(options, dbname_, &db_);

  Status Flush(int cf = 0) {
    if (cf == 0) {
      return db_->Flush(FlushOptions());
    } else {
      return db_->Flush(FlushOptions(), handles_[cf]);

  Status Put(const Slice& k, const Slice& v, WriteOptions wo = WriteOptions()) {
    return db_->Put(wo, k, v);

  Status Put(int cf, const Slice& k, const Slice& v,
             WriteOptions wo = WriteOptions()) {
    return db_->Put(wo, handles_[cf], k, v);

  Status Delete(const std::string& k) {
    return db_->Delete(WriteOptions(), k);

  Status Delete(int cf, const std::string& k) {
    return db_->Delete(WriteOptions(), handles_[cf], k);

  std::string Get(const std::string& k, const Snapshot* snapshot = nullptr) {
    ReadOptions options;
    options.verify_checksums = true;
    options.snapshot = snapshot;
    std::string result;
    Status s = db_->Get(options, k, &result);
    if (s.IsNotFound()) {
      result = "NOT_FOUND";
    } else if (!s.ok()) {
      result = s.ToString();
    return result;

  std::string Get(int cf, const std::string& k,
                  const Snapshot* snapshot = nullptr) {
    ReadOptions options;
    options.verify_checksums = true;
    options.snapshot = snapshot;
    std::string result;
    Status s = db_->Get(options, handles_[cf], k, &result);
    if (s.IsNotFound()) {
      result = "NOT_FOUND";
    } else if (!s.ok()) {
      result = s.ToString();
    return result;

TEST_F(DBTest, GetSnapshotLink) {
    Options options;
    const std::string snapshot_name = test::TmpDir(env_) + "/snapshot";
    DB* snapshotDB;
    ReadOptions roptions;
    std::string result;
    Checkpoint* checkpoint;

    options = CurrentOptions();
    delete db_;
    db_ = nullptr;
    ASSERT_OK(DestroyDB(dbname_, options));
    ASSERT_OK(DestroyDB(snapshot_name, options));

    // Create a database
    Status s;
    options.create_if_missing = true;
    ASSERT_OK(DB::Open(options, dbname_, &db_));
    std::string key = std::string("foo");
    ASSERT_OK(Put(key, "v1"));
    // Take a snapshot
    ASSERT_OK(Checkpoint::Create(db_, &checkpoint));
    ASSERT_OK(Put(key, "v2"));
    ASSERT_EQ("v2", Get(key));
    ASSERT_EQ("v2", Get(key));
    // Open snapshot and verify contents while DB is running
    options.create_if_missing = false;
    ASSERT_OK(DB::Open(options, snapshot_name, &snapshotDB));
    ASSERT_OK(snapshotDB->Get(roptions, key, &result));
    ASSERT_EQ("v1", result);
    delete snapshotDB;
    snapshotDB = nullptr;
    delete db_;
    db_ = nullptr;

    // Destroy original DB
    ASSERT_OK(DestroyDB(dbname_, options));

    // Open snapshot and verify contents
    options.create_if_missing = false;
    dbname_ = snapshot_name;
    ASSERT_OK(DB::Open(options, dbname_, &db_));
    ASSERT_EQ("v1", Get(key));
    delete db_;
    db_ = nullptr;
    ASSERT_OK(DestroyDB(dbname_, options));
    delete checkpoint;

    // Restore DB name
    dbname_ = test::TmpDir(env_) + "/db_test";

TEST_F(DBTest, CheckpointCF) {
  Options options = CurrentOptions();
  CreateAndReopenWithCF({"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"}, options);


  ASSERT_OK(Put(0, "Default", "Default"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "one", "one"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(2, "two", "two"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(3, "three", "three"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(4, "four", "four"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(5, "five", "five"));

  const std::string snapshot_name = test::TmpDir(env_) + "/snapshot";
  DB* snapshotDB;
  ReadOptions roptions;
  std::string result;
  std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*> cphandles;

  ASSERT_OK(DestroyDB(snapshot_name, options));

  Status s;
  // Take a snapshot
  std::thread t([&]() {
    Checkpoint* checkpoint;
    ASSERT_OK(Checkpoint::Create(db_, &checkpoint));
    delete checkpoint;
  ASSERT_OK(Put(0, "Default", "Default1"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "one", "eleven"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(2, "two", "twelve"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(3, "three", "thirteen"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(4, "four", "fourteen"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(5, "five", "fifteen"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "one", "twentyone"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(2, "two", "twentytwo"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(3, "three", "twentythree"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(4, "four", "twentyfour"));
  ASSERT_OK(Put(5, "five", "twentyfive"));

  // Open snapshot and verify contents while DB is running
  options.create_if_missing = false;
  std::vector<std::string> cfs;
  cfs=  {kDefaultColumnFamilyName, "one", "two", "three", "four", "five"};
  std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor> column_families;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < cfs.size(); ++i) {
      column_families.push_back(ColumnFamilyDescriptor(cfs[i], options));
  ASSERT_OK(DB::Open(options, snapshot_name,
        column_families, &cphandles, &snapshotDB));
  ASSERT_OK(snapshotDB->Get(roptions, cphandles[0], "Default", &result));
  ASSERT_EQ("Default1", result);
  ASSERT_OK(snapshotDB->Get(roptions, cphandles[1], "one", &result));
  ASSERT_EQ("eleven", result);
  ASSERT_OK(snapshotDB->Get(roptions, cphandles[2], "two", &result));
  for (auto h : cphandles) {
      delete h;
  delete snapshotDB;
  snapshotDB = nullptr;
  ASSERT_OK(DestroyDB(snapshot_name, options));

}  // namespace rocksdb


int main(int argc, char** argv) {
#if !defined(NDEBUG) || !defined(OS_WIN)
  ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
  return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
  return 0;

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  fprintf(stderr, "SKIPPED as Checkpoint is not supported in ROCKSDB_LITE\n");
  return 0;

#endif  // !ROCKSDB_LITE