// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
// This file implements the "bridge" between Java and C++ and enables
// calling c++ rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex methods from Java side.

#include "include/org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator.h"
#include "include/org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex.h"
#include "rocksdb/comparator.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/write_batch_with_index.h"
#include "rocksjni/portal.h"

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    newWriteBatchWithIndex
 * Signature: ()J
jlong Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_newWriteBatchWithIndex__(
    JNIEnv* env, jclass jcls) {
  rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex* wbwi = new rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex();
  return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(wbwi);

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    newWriteBatchWithIndex
 * Signature: (Z)J
jlong Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_newWriteBatchWithIndex__Z(
    JNIEnv* env, jclass jcls, jboolean joverwrite_key) {
  rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex* wbwi =
      new rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex(rocksdb::BytewiseComparator(), 0,
  return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(wbwi);

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    newWriteBatchWithIndex
 * Signature: (JIZ)J
jlong Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_newWriteBatchWithIndex__JIZ(
    JNIEnv* env, jclass jcls, jlong jfallback_index_comparator_handle,
    jint jreserved_bytes, jboolean joverwrite_key) {
  rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex* wbwi =
      new rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex(
      static_cast<size_t>(jreserved_bytes), static_cast<bool>(joverwrite_key));
  return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(wbwi);

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    count0
 * Signature: (J)I
jint Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_count0(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong jwbwi_handle) {
  auto* wbwi = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex*>(jwbwi_handle);
  assert(wbwi != nullptr);

  return static_cast<jint>(wbwi->GetWriteBatch()->Count());

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    put
 * Signature: (J[BI[BI)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_put__J_3BI_3BI(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong jwbwi_handle, jbyteArray jkey,
    jint jkey_len, jbyteArray jentry_value, jint jentry_value_len) {
  auto* wbwi = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex*>(jwbwi_handle);
  assert(wbwi != nullptr);
  auto put = [&wbwi] (rocksdb::Slice key, rocksdb::Slice value) {
    wbwi->Put(key, value);
  rocksdb::JniUtil::kv_op(put, env, jobj, jkey, jkey_len, jentry_value,

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    put
 * Signature: (J[BI[BIJ)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_put__J_3BI_3BIJ(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong jwbwi_handle, jbyteArray jkey,
    jint jkey_len, jbyteArray jentry_value, jint jentry_value_len,
    jlong jcf_handle) {
  auto* wbwi = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex*>(jwbwi_handle);
  assert(wbwi != nullptr);
  auto* cf_handle = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyHandle*>(jcf_handle);
  assert(cf_handle != nullptr);
  auto put = [&wbwi, &cf_handle] (rocksdb::Slice key, rocksdb::Slice value) {
    wbwi->Put(cf_handle, key, value);
  rocksdb::JniUtil::kv_op(put, env, jobj, jkey, jkey_len, jentry_value,

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    merge
 * Signature: (J[BI[BI)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_merge__J_3BI_3BI(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong jwbwi_handle, jbyteArray jkey,
    jint jkey_len, jbyteArray jentry_value, jint jentry_value_len) {
  auto* wbwi = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex*>(jwbwi_handle);
  assert(wbwi != nullptr);
  auto merge = [&wbwi] (rocksdb::Slice key, rocksdb::Slice value) {
    wbwi->Merge(key, value);
  rocksdb::JniUtil::kv_op(merge, env, jobj, jkey, jkey_len, jentry_value,

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    merge
 * Signature: (J[BI[BIJ)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_merge__J_3BI_3BIJ(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong jwbwi_handle, jbyteArray jkey,
    jint jkey_len, jbyteArray jentry_value, jint jentry_value_len,
    jlong jcf_handle) {
  auto* wbwi = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex*>(jwbwi_handle);
  assert(wbwi != nullptr);
  auto* cf_handle = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyHandle*>(jcf_handle);
  assert(cf_handle != nullptr);
  auto merge = [&wbwi, &cf_handle] (rocksdb::Slice key, rocksdb::Slice value) {
    wbwi->Merge(cf_handle, key, value);
  rocksdb::JniUtil::kv_op(merge, env, jobj, jkey, jkey_len, jentry_value,

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    remove
 * Signature: (J[BI)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_remove__J_3BI(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong jwbwi_handle, jbyteArray jkey,
    jint jkey_len) {
  auto* wbwi = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex*>(jwbwi_handle);
  assert(wbwi != nullptr);
  auto remove = [&wbwi] (rocksdb::Slice key) {
  rocksdb::JniUtil::k_op(remove, env, jobj, jkey, jkey_len);

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    remove
 * Signature: (J[BIJ)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_remove__J_3BIJ(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong jwbwi_handle, jbyteArray jkey,
    jint jkey_len, jlong jcf_handle) {
  auto* wbwi = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex*>(jwbwi_handle);
  assert(wbwi != nullptr);
  auto* cf_handle = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyHandle*>(jcf_handle);
  assert(cf_handle != nullptr);
  auto remove = [&wbwi, &cf_handle] (rocksdb::Slice key) {
    wbwi->Delete(cf_handle, key);
  rocksdb::JniUtil::k_op(remove, env, jobj, jkey, jkey_len);

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    putLogData
 * Signature: (J[BI)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_putLogData(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong jwbwi_handle, jbyteArray jblob,
    jint jblob_len) {
  auto* wbwi = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex*>(jwbwi_handle);
  assert(wbwi != nullptr);
  auto putLogData = [&wbwi] (rocksdb::Slice blob) {
  rocksdb::JniUtil::k_op(putLogData, env, jobj, jblob, jblob_len);

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    clear
 * Signature: (J)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_clear0(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong jwbwi_handle) {
  auto* wbwi = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex*>(jwbwi_handle);
  assert(wbwi != nullptr);


 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    iterator0
 * Signature: (J)J
jlong Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_iterator0(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong jwbwi_handle) {
  auto* wbwi = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex*>(jwbwi_handle);
  rocksdb::WBWIIterator* wbwi_iterator = wbwi->NewIterator();
  return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(wbwi_iterator);

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    iterator1
 * Signature: (JJ)J
jlong Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_iterator1(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong jwbwi_handle, jlong jcf_handle) {
  auto* wbwi = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex*>(jwbwi_handle);
  auto* cf_handle = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyHandle*>(jcf_handle);
  rocksdb::WBWIIterator* wbwi_iterator = wbwi->NewIterator(cf_handle);
  return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(wbwi_iterator);

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    iteratorWithBase
 * Signature: (JJJ)J
jlong Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_iteratorWithBase(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong jwbwi_handle, jlong jcf_handle,
    jlong jbi_handle) {
  auto* wbwi = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex*>(jwbwi_handle);
  auto* cf_handle = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyHandle*>(jcf_handle);
  auto* base_iterator = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::Iterator*>(jbi_handle);
  auto* iterator = wbwi->NewIteratorWithBase(cf_handle, base_iterator);
  return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(iterator);

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex
 * Method:    disposeInternal
 * Signature: (J)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WriteBatchWithIndex_disposeInternal(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong handle) {
  auto* wbwi = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex*>(handle);
  delete wbwi;

/* WBWIRocksIterator below */

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator
 * Method:    disposeInternal
 * Signature: (J)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator_disposeInternal(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong handle) {
  auto* it = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WBWIIterator*>(handle);
  delete it;

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator
 * Method:    isValid0
 * Signature: (J)Z
jboolean Java_org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator_isValid0(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong handle) {
  return reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WBWIIterator*>(handle)->Valid();

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator
 * Method:    seekToFirst0
 * Signature: (J)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator_seekToFirst0(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong handle) {

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator
 * Method:    seekToLast0
 * Signature: (J)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator_seekToLast0(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong handle) {

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator
 * Method:    next0
 * Signature: (J)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator_next0(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong handle) {

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator
 * Method:    prev0
 * Signature: (J)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator_prev0(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong handle) {

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator
 * Method:    seek0
 * Signature: (J[BI)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator_seek0(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong handle, jbyteArray jtarget,
    jint jtarget_len) {
  auto* it = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WBWIIterator*>(handle);
  jbyte* target = env->GetByteArrayElements(jtarget, 0);
  rocksdb::Slice target_slice(
      reinterpret_cast<char*>(target), jtarget_len);


  env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jtarget, target, JNI_ABORT);

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator
 * Method:    status0
 * Signature: (J)V
void Java_org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator_status0(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong handle) {
  auto* it = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WBWIIterator*>(handle);
  rocksdb::Status s = it->status();

  if (s.ok()) {

  rocksdb::RocksDBExceptionJni::ThrowNew(env, s);

 * Class:     org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator
 * Method:    entry1
 * Signature: (J)[J
jlongArray Java_org_rocksdb_WBWIRocksIterator_entry1(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, jlong handle) {
  auto* it = reinterpret_cast<rocksdb::WBWIIterator*>(handle);
  const rocksdb::WriteEntry& we = it->Entry();

  jlong results[3];

  //set the type of the write entry
  switch (we.type) {
    case rocksdb::kPutRecord:
      results[0] = 0x1;

    case rocksdb::kMergeRecord:
      results[0] = 0x2;

    case rocksdb::kDeleteRecord:
      results[0] = 0x4;

    case rocksdb::kLogDataRecord:
      results[0] = 0x8;

      results[0] = 0x0;

  //TODO(AR) do we leak buf and value_buf?

  //set the pointer to the key slice
  char* buf = new char[we.key.size()];
  memcpy(buf, we.key.data(), we.key.size());
  auto* key_slice = new rocksdb::Slice(buf, we.key.size());
  results[1] = reinterpret_cast<jlong>(key_slice);

  //set the pointer to the value slice
  if (we.type == rocksdb::kDeleteRecord || we.type == rocksdb::kLogDataRecord) {
    // set native handle of value slice to null if no value available
    results[2] = 0;
  } else {
    char* value_buf = new char[we.value.size()];
    memcpy(value_buf, we.value.data(), we.value.size());
    auto* value_slice = new rocksdb::Slice(value_buf, we.value.size());
    results[2] = reinterpret_cast<jlong>(value_slice);

  jlongArray jresults = env->NewLongArray(3);
  env->SetLongArrayRegion(jresults, 0, 3, results);
  return jresults;