# Edit definitions below to specify paths to include files and libraries of all 3rd party libraries # # Edit these lines to set defaults for use of external libraries # set(USE_GFLAGS_DEFAULT 0) # GFLAGS is disabled by default, enable with -DGFLAGS=1 cmake command line agrument set(USE_SNAPPY_DEFAULT 0) # SNAPPY is disabled by default, enable with -DSNAPPY=1 cmake command line agrument set(USE_LZ4_DEFAULT 0) # LZ4 is disabled by default, enable with -DLZ4=1 cmake command line agrument set(USE_ZLIB_DEFAULT 0) # ZLIB is disabled by default, enable with -DZLIB=1 cmake command line agrument set(USE_JEMALLOC_DEFAULT 0) # JEMALLOC is disabled by default, enable with -DJEMALLOC=1 cmake command line agrument # # This example assumes all the libraries locate in directories under THIRDPARTY_HOME environment variable # Set environment variable THIRDPARTY_HOME to point to your third party libraries home (Unix style dir separators) # or change the paths below to reflect where the libraries actually reside # set (THIRDPARTY_LIBS "") # Initialization, don't touch # # Edit these 4 lines to define paths to GFLAGS # set(GFLAGS_HOME $ENV{THIRDPARTY_HOME}/Gflags.Library) set(GFLAGS_INCLUDE ${GFLAGS_HOME}/inc/include) set(GFLAGS_LIB_DEBUG ${GFLAGS_HOME}/bin/debug/amd64/gflags.lib) set(GFLAGS_LIB_RELEASE ${GFLAGS_HOME}/bin/retail/amd64/gflags.lib) # ================================================== GFLAGS ================================================== # # Don't touch these lines # if (DEFINED GFLAGS) set(USE_GFLAGS ${GFLAGS}) else () set(USE_GFLAGS ${USE_GFLAGS_DEFAULT}) endif () if (${USE_GFLAGS} EQUAL 1) message("GFLAGS library is enabled") set(GFLAGS_CXX_FLAGS -DGFLAGS=gflags) set(GFLAGS_LIBS debug ${GFLAGS_LIB_DEBUG} optimized ${GFLAGS_LIB_RELEASE}) add_definitions(${GFLAGS_CXX_FLAGS}) include_directories(${GFLAGS_INCLUDE}) set (THIRDPARTY_LIBS ${THIRDPARTY_LIBS} ${GFLAGS_LIBS}) else () message("GFLAGS library is disabled") endif () # ================================================== SNAPPY ================================================== # # Edit these 4 lines to define paths to Snappy # set(SNAPPY_HOME $ENV{THIRDPARTY_HOME}/Snappy.Library) set(SNAPPY_INCLUDE ${SNAPPY_HOME}/inc/inc) set(SNAPPY_LIB_DEBUG ${SNAPPY_HOME}/bin/debug/amd64/snappy.lib) set(SNAPPY_LIB_RELEASE ${SNAPPY_HOME}/bin/retail/amd64/snappy.lib) # # Don't touch these lines # if (DEFINED SNAPPY) set(USE_SNAPPY ${SNAPPY}) else () set(USE_SNAPPY ${USE_SNAPPY_DEFAULT}) endif () if (${USE_SNAPPY} EQUAL 1) message("SNAPPY library is enabled") set(SNAPPY_CXX_FLAGS -DSNAPPY) set(SNAPPY_LIBS debug ${SNAPPY_LIB_DEBUG} optimized ${SNAPPY_LIB_RELEASE}) add_definitions(${SNAPPY_CXX_FLAGS}) include_directories(${SNAPPY_INCLUDE}) set (THIRDPARTY_LIBS ${THIRDPARTY_LIBS} ${SNAPPY_LIBS}) else () message("SNAPPY library is disabled") endif () # ================================================== LZ4 ================================================== # # Edit these 4 lines to define paths to LZ4 # set(LZ4_HOME $ENV{THIRDPARTY_HOME}/LZ4.Library) set(LZ4_INCLUDE ${LZ4_HOME}/inc/include) set(LZ4_LIB_DEBUG ${LZ4_HOME}/bin/debug/amd64/lz4.lib) set(LZ4_LIB_RELEASE ${LZ4_HOME}/bin/retail/amd64/lz4.lib) # # Don't touch these lines # if (DEFINED LZ4) set(USE_LZ4 ${LZ4}) else () set(USE_LZ4 ${USE_LZ4_DEFAULT}) endif () if (${USE_LZ4} EQUAL 1) message("LZ4 library is enabled") set(LZ4_CXX_FLAGS -DLZ4) set(LZ4_LIBS debug ${LZ4_LIB_DEBUG} optimized ${LZ4_LIB_RELEASE}) add_definitions(${LZ4_CXX_FLAGS}) include_directories(${LZ4_INCLUDE}) set (THIRDPARTY_LIBS ${THIRDPARTY_LIBS} ${LZ4_LIBS}) else () message("LZ4 library is disabled") endif () # ================================================== ZLIB ================================================== # # Edit these 4 lines to define paths to ZLIB # set(ZLIB_HOME $ENV{THIRDPARTY_HOME}/ZLIB.Library) set(ZLIB_INCLUDE ${ZLIB_HOME}/inc/include) set(ZLIB_LIB_DEBUG ${ZLIB_HOME}/bin/debug/amd64/zlib.lib) set(ZLIB_LIB_RELEASE ${ZLIB_HOME}/bin/retail/amd64/zlib.lib) # # Don't touch these lines # if (DEFINED ZLIB) set(USE_ZLIB ${ZLIB}) else () set(USE_ZLIB ${USE_ZLIB_DEFAULT}) endif () if (${USE_ZLIB} EQUAL 1) message("ZLIB library is enabled") set(ZLIB_CXX_FLAGS -DZLIB) set(ZLIB_LIBS debug ${ZLIB_LIB_DEBUG} optimized ${ZLIB_LIB_RELEASE}) add_definitions(${ZLIB_CXX_FLAGS}) include_directories(${ZLIB_INCLUDE}) set (THIRDPARTY_LIBS ${THIRDPARTY_LIBS} ${ZLIB_LIBS}) else () message("ZLIB library is disabled") endif () # # Edit these 4 lines to define paths to Jemalloc # set(JEMALLOC_HOME $ENV{THIRDPARTY_HOME}/Jemalloc.Library) set(JEMALLOC_INCLUDE ${JEMALLOC_HOME}/inc/include) set(JEMALLOC_LIB_DEBUG ${JEMALLOC_HOME}/bin/debug/amd64/jemalloc.lib) set(JEMALLOC_LIB_RELEASE ${JEMALLOC_HOME}/bin/retail/amd64/jemalloc.lib) # ================================================== JEMALLOC ================================================== # # Don't touch these lines # if (DEFINED JEMALLOC) set(USE_JEMALLOC ${JEMALLOC}) else () set(USE_JEMALLOC ${USE_JEMALLOC_DEFAULT}) endif () if (${USE_JEMALLOC} EQUAL 1) message("JEMALLOC library is enabled") set(JEMALLOC_CXX_FLAGS -DJEMALLOC) set(JEMALLOC_LIBS debug ${JEMALLOC_LIB_DEBUG} optimized ${JEMALLOC_LIB_RELEASE}) add_definitions(${JEMALLOC_CXX_FLAGS}) include_directories(${JEMALLOC_INCLUDE}) set (THIRDPARTY_LIBS ${THIRDPARTY_LIBS} ${JEMALLOC_LIBS}) set (ARTIFACT_SUFFIX "_je") else () set (ARTIFACT_SUFFIX "") message("JEMALLOC library is disabled") endif ()