// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE #ifdef GFLAGS #include "tools/block_cache_trace_analyzer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "monitoring/histogram.h" #include "util/gflags_compat.h" #include "util/string_util.h" using GFLAGS_NAMESPACE::ParseCommandLineFlags; DEFINE_string(block_cache_trace_path, "", "The trace file path."); DEFINE_string( block_cache_sim_config_path, "", "The config file path. One cache configuration per line. The format of a " "cache configuration is " "cache_name,num_shard_bits,cache_capacity_1,...,cache_capacity_N. " "cache_name is lru or lru_priority. cache_capacity can be xK, xM or xG " "where x is a positive number."); DEFINE_int32(block_cache_trace_downsample_ratio, 1, "The trace collected accesses on one in every " "block_cache_trace_downsample_ratio blocks. We scale " "down the simulated cache size by this ratio."); DEFINE_bool(print_block_size_stats, false, "Print block size distribution and the distribution break down by " "block type and column family."); DEFINE_bool(print_access_count_stats, false, "Print access count distribution and the distribution break down " "by block type and column family."); DEFINE_bool(print_data_block_access_count_stats, false, "Print data block accesses by user Get and Multi-Get."); DEFINE_int32(cache_sim_warmup_seconds, 0, "The number of seconds to warmup simulated caches. The hit/miss " "counters are reset after the warmup completes."); DEFINE_string( block_cache_analysis_result_dir, "", "The directory that saves block cache analysis results. It contains 1) a " "mrc file that saves the computed miss ratios for simulated caches. Its " "format is " "cache_name,num_shard_bits,capacity,miss_ratio,total_accesses. 2) Several " "\"label_access_timeline\" files that contain number of accesses per " "second grouped by the label. File format: " "time,label_1_access_per_second,label_2_access_per_second,...,label_N_" "access_per_second where N is the number of unique labels found in the " "trace. 3) Several \"label_reuse_distance\" and \"label_reuse_interval\" " "csv files that contain the reuse distance/interval grouped by label. File " "format: bucket,label_1,label_2,...,label_N. The first N buckets are " "absolute values. The second N buckets are percentage values."); DEFINE_string( timeline_labels, "", "Group the number of accesses per block per second using these labels. " "Possible labels are a combination of the following: cf (column family), " "sst, level, bt (block type), caller, block. For example, label \"cf_bt\" " "means the number of acccess per second is grouped by unique pairs of " "\"cf_bt\". A label \"all\" contains the aggregated number of accesses per " "second across all possible labels."); DEFINE_string(reuse_distance_labels, "", "Group the reuse distance of a block using these labels. Reuse " "distance is defined as the cumulated size of unique blocks read " "between two consecutive accesses on the same block."); DEFINE_string( reuse_distance_buckets, "", "Group blocks by their reuse distances given these buckets. For " "example, if 'reuse_distance_buckets' is '1K,1M,1G', we will " "create four buckets. The first three buckets contain the number of " "blocks with reuse distance less than 1KB, between 1K and 1M, between 1M " "and 1G, respectively. The last bucket contains the number of blocks with " "reuse distance larger than 1G. "); DEFINE_string( reuse_interval_labels, "", "Group the reuse interval of a block using these labels. Reuse " "interval is defined as the time between two consecutive accesses " "on the same block."); DEFINE_string( reuse_interval_buckets, "", "Group blocks by their reuse interval given these buckets. For " "example, if 'reuse_distance_buckets' is '1,10,100', we will " "create four buckets. The first three buckets contain the number of " "blocks with reuse interval less than 1 second, between 1 second and 10 " "seconds, between 10 seconds and 100 seconds, respectively. The last " "bucket contains the number of blocks with reuse interval longer than 100 " "seconds."); namespace rocksdb { namespace { const std::string kMissRatioCurveFileName = "mrc"; const std::string kGroupbyBlock = "block"; const std::string kGroupbyColumnFamily = "cf"; const std::string kGroupbySSTFile = "sst"; const std::string kGroupbyBlockType = "bt"; const std::string kGroupbyCaller = "caller"; const std::string kGroupbyLevel = "level"; const std::string kGroupbyAll = "all"; const std::set kGroupbyLabels{ kGroupbyBlock, kGroupbyColumnFamily, kGroupbySSTFile, kGroupbyLevel, kGroupbyBlockType, kGroupbyCaller, kGroupbyAll}; std::string block_type_to_string(TraceType type) { switch (type) { case kBlockTraceFilterBlock: return "Filter"; case kBlockTraceDataBlock: return "Data"; case kBlockTraceIndexBlock: return "Index"; case kBlockTraceRangeDeletionBlock: return "RangeDeletion"; case kBlockTraceUncompressionDictBlock: return "UncompressionDict"; default: break; } // This cannot happen. return "InvalidType"; } std::string caller_to_string(TableReaderCaller caller) { switch (caller) { case kUserGet: return "Get"; case kUserMultiGet: return "MultiGet"; case kUserIterator: return "Iterator"; case kUserApproximateSize: return "ApproximateSize"; case kUserVerifyChecksum: return "VerifyChecksum"; case kSSTDumpTool: return "SSTDumpTool"; case kExternalSSTIngestion: return "ExternalSSTIngestion"; case kRepair: return "Repair"; case kPrefetch: return "Prefetch"; case kCompaction: return "Compaction"; case kCompactionRefill: return "CompactionRefill"; case kFlush: return "Flush"; case kSSTFileReader: return "SSTFileReader"; case kUncategorized: return "Uncategorized"; default: break; } // This cannot happen. return "InvalidCaller"; } const char kBreakLine[] = "***************************************************************\n"; void print_break_lines(uint32_t num_break_lines) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_break_lines; i++) { fprintf(stdout, kBreakLine); } } double percent(uint64_t numerator, uint64_t denomenator) { if (denomenator == 0) { return -1; } return static_cast(numerator * 100.0 / denomenator); } } // namespace void BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::WriteMissRatioCurves() const { if (!cache_simulator_) { return; } if (output_dir_.empty()) { return; } const std::string output_miss_ratio_curve_path = output_dir_ + "/" + kMissRatioCurveFileName; std::ofstream out(output_miss_ratio_curve_path); if (!out.is_open()) { return; } // Write header. const std::string header = "cache_name,num_shard_bits,capacity,miss_ratio,total_accesses"; out << header << std::endl; for (auto const& config_caches : cache_simulator_->sim_caches()) { const CacheConfiguration& config = config_caches.first; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < config.cache_capacities.size(); i++) { double miss_ratio = config_caches.second[i]->miss_ratio(); // Write the body. out << config.cache_name; out << ","; out << config.num_shard_bits; out << ","; out << config.cache_capacities[i]; out << ","; out << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << miss_ratio; out << ","; out << config_caches.second[i]->total_accesses(); out << std::endl; } } out.close(); } std::set BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::ParseLabelStr( const std::string& label_str) const { std::stringstream ss(label_str); std::set labels; // label_str is in the form of "label1_label2_label3", e.g., cf_bt. while (ss.good()) { std::string label_name; getline(ss, label_name, '_'); if (kGroupbyLabels.find(label_name) == kGroupbyLabels.end()) { // Unknown label name. fprintf(stderr, "Unknown label name %s, label string %s\n", label_name.c_str(), label_str.c_str()); return {}; } labels.insert(label_name); } return labels; } std::string BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::BuildLabel( const std::set& labels, const std::string& cf_name, uint64_t fd, uint32_t level, TraceType type, TableReaderCaller caller, const std::string& block_key) const { std::map label_value_map; label_value_map[kGroupbyAll] = kGroupbyAll; label_value_map[kGroupbyLevel] = std::to_string(level); label_value_map[kGroupbyCaller] = caller_to_string(caller); label_value_map[kGroupbySSTFile] = std::to_string(fd); label_value_map[kGroupbyBlockType] = block_type_to_string(type); label_value_map[kGroupbyColumnFamily] = cf_name; label_value_map[kGroupbyBlock] = block_key; // Concatenate the label values. std::string label; for (auto const& l : labels) { label += label_value_map[l]; label += "-"; } if (!label.empty()) { label.pop_back(); } return label; } void BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::WriteAccessTimeline( const std::string& label_str) const { std::set labels = ParseLabelStr(label_str); uint64_t start_time = port::kMaxUint64; uint64_t end_time = 0; std::map> label_access_timeline; for (auto const& cf_aggregates : cf_aggregates_map_) { // Stats per column family. const std::string& cf_name = cf_aggregates.first; for (auto const& file_aggregates : cf_aggregates.second.fd_aggregates_map) { // Stats per SST file. const uint64_t fd = file_aggregates.first; const uint32_t level = file_aggregates.second.level; for (auto const& block_type_aggregates : file_aggregates.second.block_type_aggregates_map) { // Stats per block type. const TraceType type = block_type_aggregates.first; for (auto const& block_access_info : block_type_aggregates.second.block_access_info_map) { // Stats per block. for (auto const& timeline : block_access_info.second.caller_num_accesses_timeline) { const TableReaderCaller caller = timeline.first; const std::string& block_key = block_access_info.first; const std::string label = BuildLabel(labels, cf_name, fd, level, type, caller, block_key); for (auto const& naccess : timeline.second) { const uint64_t timestamp = naccess.first; const uint64_t num = naccess.second; label_access_timeline[label][timestamp] += num; start_time = std::min(start_time, timestamp); end_time = std::max(end_time, timestamp); } } } } } } // We have label_access_timeline now. Write them into a file. const std::string output_path = output_dir_ + "/" + label_str + "_access_timeline"; std::ofstream out(output_path); if (!out.is_open()) { return; } std::string header("time"); for (auto const& label : label_access_timeline) { header += ","; header += label.first; } out << header << std::endl; std::string row; for (uint64_t now = start_time; now <= end_time; now++) { row = std::to_string(now); for (auto const& label : label_access_timeline) { auto it = label.second.find(now); row += ","; if (it != label.second.end()) { row += std::to_string(it->second); } else { row += "0"; } } out << row << std::endl; } out.close(); } void BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::WriteReuseDistance( const std::string& label_str, const std::set& distance_buckets) const { std::set labels = ParseLabelStr(label_str); std::map> label_distance_num_reuses; uint64_t total_num_reuses = 0; for (auto const& cf_aggregates : cf_aggregates_map_) { // Stats per column family. const std::string& cf_name = cf_aggregates.first; for (auto const& file_aggregates : cf_aggregates.second.fd_aggregates_map) { // Stats per SST file. const uint64_t fd = file_aggregates.first; const uint32_t level = file_aggregates.second.level; for (auto const& block_type_aggregates : file_aggregates.second.block_type_aggregates_map) { // Stats per block type. const TraceType type = block_type_aggregates.first; for (auto const& block_access_info : block_type_aggregates.second.block_access_info_map) { // Stats per block. const std::string& block_key = block_access_info.first; const std::string label = BuildLabel( labels, cf_name, fd, level, type, TableReaderCaller::kMaxBlockCacheLookupCaller, block_key); if (label_distance_num_reuses.find(label) == label_distance_num_reuses.end()) { // The first time we encounter this label. for (auto const& distance_bucket : distance_buckets) { label_distance_num_reuses[label][distance_bucket] = 0; } } for (auto const& reuse_distance : block_access_info.second.reuse_distance_count) { label_distance_num_reuses[label] .upper_bound(reuse_distance.first) ->second += reuse_distance.second; total_num_reuses += reuse_distance.second; } } } } } // We have label_naccesses and label_distance_num_reuses now. Write them into // a file. const std::string output_path = output_dir_ + "/" + label_str + "_reuse_distance"; std::ofstream out(output_path); if (!out.is_open()) { return; } std::string header("bucket"); for (auto const& label_it : label_distance_num_reuses) { header += ","; header += label_it.first; } out << header << std::endl; // Absolute values. for (auto const& bucket : distance_buckets) { std::string row(std::to_string(bucket)); for (auto const& label_it : label_distance_num_reuses) { auto const& it = label_it.second.find(bucket); assert(it != label_it.second.end()); row += ","; row += std::to_string(it->second); } out << row << std::endl; } // Percentage values. for (auto const& bucket : distance_buckets) { std::string row(std::to_string(bucket)); for (auto const& label_it : label_distance_num_reuses) { auto const& it = label_it.second.find(bucket); assert(it != label_it.second.end()); row += ","; row += std::to_string(percent(it->second, total_num_reuses)); } out << row << std::endl; } out.close(); } void BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::UpdateReuseIntervalStats( const std::string& label, const std::set& time_buckets, const std::map timeline, std::map>* label_time_num_reuses, uint64_t* total_num_reuses) const { assert(label_time_num_reuses); assert(total_num_reuses); if (label_time_num_reuses->find(label) == label_time_num_reuses->end()) { // The first time we encounter this label. for (auto const& time_bucket : time_buckets) { (*label_time_num_reuses)[label][time_bucket] = 0; } } auto it = timeline.begin(); const uint64_t prev_timestamp = it->first; const uint64_t prev_num = it->second; it++; // Reused within one second. if (prev_num > 1) { (*label_time_num_reuses)[label].upper_bound(1)->second += prev_num - 1; *total_num_reuses += prev_num - 1; } while (it != timeline.end()) { const uint64_t timestamp = it->first; const uint64_t num = it->second; const uint64_t reuse_interval = timestamp - prev_timestamp; (*label_time_num_reuses)[label].upper_bound(reuse_interval)->second += num; *total_num_reuses += num; } } void BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::WriteReuseInterval( const std::string& label_str, const std::set& time_buckets) const { std::set labels = ParseLabelStr(label_str); std::map> label_time_num_reuses; uint64_t total_num_reuses = 0; for (auto const& cf_aggregates : cf_aggregates_map_) { // Stats per column family. const std::string& cf_name = cf_aggregates.first; for (auto const& file_aggregates : cf_aggregates.second.fd_aggregates_map) { // Stats per SST file. const uint64_t fd = file_aggregates.first; const uint32_t level = file_aggregates.second.level; for (auto const& block_type_aggregates : file_aggregates.second.block_type_aggregates_map) { // Stats per block type. const TraceType type = block_type_aggregates.first; for (auto const& block_access_info : block_type_aggregates.second.block_access_info_map) { // Stats per block. const std::string& block_key = block_access_info.first; if (labels.find(kGroupbyCaller) != labels.end()) { for (auto const& timeline : block_access_info.second.caller_num_accesses_timeline) { const TableReaderCaller caller = timeline.first; const std::string label = BuildLabel(labels, cf_name, fd, level, type, caller, block_key); UpdateReuseIntervalStats(label, time_buckets, timeline.second, &label_time_num_reuses, &total_num_reuses); } continue; } // Does not group by caller so we need to flatten the access timeline. const std::string label = BuildLabel( labels, cf_name, fd, level, type, TableReaderCaller::kMaxBlockCacheLookupCaller, block_key); std::map timeline; for (auto const& caller_timeline : block_access_info.second.caller_num_accesses_timeline) { for (auto const& time_naccess : caller_timeline.second) { timeline[time_naccess.first] += time_naccess.second; } } UpdateReuseIntervalStats(label, time_buckets, timeline, &label_time_num_reuses, &total_num_reuses); } } } } // We have label_naccesses and label_interval_num_reuses now. Write them into // a file. const std::string output_path = output_dir_ + "/" + label_str + "_reuse_interval"; std::ofstream out(output_path); if (!out.is_open()) { return; } std::string header("bucket"); for (auto const& label_it : label_time_num_reuses) { header += ","; header += label_it.first; } out << header << std::endl; // Absolute values. for (auto const& bucket : time_buckets) { std::string row(std::to_string(bucket)); for (auto const& label_it : label_time_num_reuses) { auto const& it = label_it.second.find(bucket); assert(it != label_it.second.end()); row += ","; row += std::to_string(it->second); } out << row << std::endl; } // Percentage values. for (auto const& bucket : time_buckets) { std::string row(std::to_string(bucket)); for (auto const& label_it : label_time_num_reuses) { auto const& it = label_it.second.find(bucket); assert(it != label_it.second.end()); row += ","; row += std::to_string(percent(it->second, total_num_reuses)); } out << row << std::endl; } out.close(); } BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer( const std::string& trace_file_path, const std::string& output_dir, std::unique_ptr&& cache_simulator) : env_(rocksdb::Env::Default()), trace_file_path_(trace_file_path), output_dir_(output_dir), cache_simulator_(std::move(cache_simulator)) {} void BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::ComputeReuseDistance( BlockAccessInfo* info) const { assert(info); if (info->num_accesses == 0) { return; } uint64_t reuse_distance = 0; for (auto const& block_key : info->unique_blocks_since_last_access) { auto const& it = block_info_map_.find(block_key); // This block must exist. assert(it != block_info_map_.end()); reuse_distance += it->second->block_size; } info->reuse_distance_count[reuse_distance] += 1; // We clear this hash set since this is the second access on this block. info->unique_blocks_since_last_access.clear(); } void BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::RecordAccess( const BlockCacheTraceRecord& access) { ColumnFamilyAccessInfoAggregate& cf_aggr = cf_aggregates_map_[access.cf_name]; SSTFileAccessInfoAggregate& file_aggr = cf_aggr.fd_aggregates_map[access.sst_fd_number]; file_aggr.level = access.level; BlockTypeAccessInfoAggregate& block_type_aggr = file_aggr.block_type_aggregates_map[access.block_type]; BlockAccessInfo& block_access_info = block_type_aggr.block_access_info_map[access.block_key]; ComputeReuseDistance(&block_access_info); block_access_info.AddAccess(access); block_info_map_[access.block_key] = &block_access_info; // Add this block to all existing blocks. for (auto& cf_aggregates : cf_aggregates_map_) { for (auto& file_aggregates : cf_aggregates.second.fd_aggregates_map) { for (auto& block_type_aggregates : file_aggregates.second.block_type_aggregates_map) { for (auto& existing_block : block_type_aggregates.second.block_access_info_map) { existing_block.second.unique_blocks_since_last_access.insert( access.block_key); } } } } } Status BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::Analyze() { std::unique_ptr trace_reader; Status s = NewFileTraceReader(env_, EnvOptions(), trace_file_path_, &trace_reader); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } BlockCacheTraceReader reader(std::move(trace_reader)); s = reader.ReadHeader(&header_); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } while (s.ok()) { BlockCacheTraceRecord access; s = reader.ReadAccess(&access); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } RecordAccess(access); if (cache_simulator_) { cache_simulator_->Access(access); } } return Status::OK(); } void BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::PrintBlockSizeStats() const { HistogramStat bs_stats; std::map bt_stats_map; std::map> cf_bt_stats_map; for (auto const& cf_aggregates : cf_aggregates_map_) { // Stats per column family. const std::string& cf_name = cf_aggregates.first; for (auto const& file_aggregates : cf_aggregates.second.fd_aggregates_map) { // Stats per SST file. for (auto const& block_type_aggregates : file_aggregates.second.block_type_aggregates_map) { // Stats per block type. const TraceType type = block_type_aggregates.first; for (auto const& block_access_info : block_type_aggregates.second.block_access_info_map) { // Stats per block. bs_stats.Add(block_access_info.second.block_size); bt_stats_map[type].Add(block_access_info.second.block_size); cf_bt_stats_map[cf_name][type].Add( block_access_info.second.block_size); } } } } fprintf(stdout, "Block size stats: \n%s", bs_stats.ToString().c_str()); for (auto const& bt_stats : bt_stats_map) { print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/1); fprintf(stdout, "Block size stats for block type %s: \n%s", block_type_to_string(bt_stats.first).c_str(), bt_stats.second.ToString().c_str()); } for (auto const& cf_bt_stats : cf_bt_stats_map) { const std::string& cf_name = cf_bt_stats.first; for (auto const& bt_stats : cf_bt_stats.second) { print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/1); fprintf(stdout, "Block size stats for column family %s and block type %s: \n%s", cf_name.c_str(), block_type_to_string(bt_stats.first).c_str(), bt_stats.second.ToString().c_str()); } } } void BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::PrintAccessCountStats() const { HistogramStat access_stats; std::map bt_stats_map; std::map> cf_bt_stats_map; for (auto const& cf_aggregates : cf_aggregates_map_) { // Stats per column family. const std::string& cf_name = cf_aggregates.first; for (auto const& file_aggregates : cf_aggregates.second.fd_aggregates_map) { // Stats per SST file. for (auto const& block_type_aggregates : file_aggregates.second.block_type_aggregates_map) { // Stats per block type. const TraceType type = block_type_aggregates.first; for (auto const& block_access_info : block_type_aggregates.second.block_access_info_map) { // Stats per block. access_stats.Add(block_access_info.second.num_accesses); bt_stats_map[type].Add(block_access_info.second.num_accesses); cf_bt_stats_map[cf_name][type].Add( block_access_info.second.num_accesses); } } } } fprintf(stdout, "Block access count stats: The number of accesses per block.\n%s", access_stats.ToString().c_str()); for (auto const& bt_stats : bt_stats_map) { print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/1); fprintf(stdout, "Break down by block type %s: \n%s", block_type_to_string(bt_stats.first).c_str(), bt_stats.second.ToString().c_str()); } for (auto const& cf_bt_stats : cf_bt_stats_map) { const std::string& cf_name = cf_bt_stats.first; for (auto const& bt_stats : cf_bt_stats.second) { print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/1); fprintf(stdout, "Break down by column family %s and block type " "%s: \n%s", cf_name.c_str(), block_type_to_string(bt_stats.first).c_str(), bt_stats.second.ToString().c_str()); } } } void BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::PrintDataBlockAccessStats() const { HistogramStat existing_keys_stats; std::map cf_existing_keys_stats_map; HistogramStat non_existing_keys_stats; std::map cf_non_existing_keys_stats_map; HistogramStat block_access_stats; std::map cf_block_access_info; HistogramStat percent_referenced_bytes; std::map cf_percent_referenced_bytes; // Total number of accesses in a data block / number of keys in a data block. HistogramStat avg_naccesses_per_key_in_a_data_block; std::map cf_avg_naccesses_per_key_in_a_data_block; // The standard deviation on the number of accesses of a key in a data block. HistogramStat stdev_naccesses_per_key_in_a_data_block; std::map cf_stdev_naccesses_per_key_in_a_data_block; for (auto const& cf_aggregates : cf_aggregates_map_) { // Stats per column family. const std::string& cf_name = cf_aggregates.first; for (auto const& file_aggregates : cf_aggregates.second.fd_aggregates_map) { // Stats per SST file. for (auto const& block_type_aggregates : file_aggregates.second.block_type_aggregates_map) { // Stats per block type. for (auto const& block_access_info : block_type_aggregates.second.block_access_info_map) { // Stats per block. if (block_access_info.second.num_keys == 0) { continue; } // Use four decimal points. uint64_t percent_referenced_for_existing_keys = (uint64_t)( ((double)block_access_info.second.key_num_access_map.size() / (double)block_access_info.second.num_keys) * 10000.0); uint64_t percent_referenced_for_non_existing_keys = (uint64_t)(((double)block_access_info.second .non_exist_key_num_access_map.size() / (double)block_access_info.second.num_keys) * 10000.0); uint64_t percent_accesses_for_existing_keys = (uint64_t)( ((double) block_access_info.second.num_referenced_key_exist_in_block / (double)block_access_info.second.num_accesses) * 10000.0); HistogramStat hist_naccess_per_key; for (auto const& key_access : block_access_info.second.key_num_access_map) { hist_naccess_per_key.Add(key_access.second); } uint64_t avg_accesses = hist_naccess_per_key.Average(); uint64_t stdev_accesses = hist_naccess_per_key.StandardDeviation(); avg_naccesses_per_key_in_a_data_block.Add(avg_accesses); cf_avg_naccesses_per_key_in_a_data_block[cf_name].Add(avg_accesses); stdev_naccesses_per_key_in_a_data_block.Add(stdev_accesses); cf_stdev_naccesses_per_key_in_a_data_block[cf_name].Add( stdev_accesses); existing_keys_stats.Add(percent_referenced_for_existing_keys); cf_existing_keys_stats_map[cf_name].Add( percent_referenced_for_existing_keys); non_existing_keys_stats.Add(percent_referenced_for_non_existing_keys); cf_non_existing_keys_stats_map[cf_name].Add( percent_referenced_for_non_existing_keys); block_access_stats.Add(percent_accesses_for_existing_keys); cf_block_access_info[cf_name].Add(percent_accesses_for_existing_keys); } } } } fprintf(stdout, "Histogram on the number of referenced keys existing in a block over " "the total number of keys in a block: \n%s", existing_keys_stats.ToString().c_str()); for (auto const& cf_stats : cf_existing_keys_stats_map) { print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/1); fprintf(stdout, "Break down by column family %s: \n%s", cf_stats.first.c_str(), cf_stats.second.ToString().c_str()); } print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/1); fprintf( stdout, "Histogram on the number of referenced keys DO NOT exist in a block over " "the total number of keys in a block: \n%s", non_existing_keys_stats.ToString().c_str()); for (auto const& cf_stats : cf_non_existing_keys_stats_map) { print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/1); fprintf(stdout, "Break down by column family %s: \n%s", cf_stats.first.c_str(), cf_stats.second.ToString().c_str()); } print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/1); fprintf(stdout, "Histogram on the number of accesses on keys exist in a block over " "the total number of accesses in a block: \n%s", block_access_stats.ToString().c_str()); for (auto const& cf_stats : cf_block_access_info) { print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/1); fprintf(stdout, "Break down by column family %s: \n%s", cf_stats.first.c_str(), cf_stats.second.ToString().c_str()); } print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/1); fprintf( stdout, "Histogram on the average number of accesses per key in a block: \n%s", avg_naccesses_per_key_in_a_data_block.ToString().c_str()); for (auto const& cf_stats : cf_avg_naccesses_per_key_in_a_data_block) { fprintf(stdout, "Break down by column family %s: \n%s", cf_stats.first.c_str(), cf_stats.second.ToString().c_str()); } print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/1); fprintf(stdout, "Histogram on the standard deviation of the number of accesses per " "key in a block: \n%s", stdev_naccesses_per_key_in_a_data_block.ToString().c_str()); for (auto const& cf_stats : cf_stdev_naccesses_per_key_in_a_data_block) { fprintf(stdout, "Break down by column family %s: \n%s", cf_stats.first.c_str(), cf_stats.second.ToString().c_str()); } } void BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer::PrintStatsSummary() const { uint64_t total_num_files = 0; uint64_t total_num_blocks = 0; uint64_t total_num_accesses = 0; std::map bt_num_blocks_map; std::map caller_num_access_map; std::map> caller_bt_num_access_map; std::map> caller_level_num_access_map; for (auto const& cf_aggregates : cf_aggregates_map_) { // Stats per column family. const std::string& cf_name = cf_aggregates.first; uint64_t cf_num_files = 0; uint64_t cf_num_blocks = 0; std::map cf_bt_blocks; uint64_t cf_num_accesses = 0; std::map cf_caller_num_accesses_map; std::map> cf_caller_level_num_accesses_map; std::map> cf_caller_file_num_accesses_map; std::map> cf_caller_bt_num_accesses_map; total_num_files += cf_aggregates.second.fd_aggregates_map.size(); for (auto const& file_aggregates : cf_aggregates.second.fd_aggregates_map) { // Stats per SST file. const uint64_t fd = file_aggregates.first; const uint32_t level = file_aggregates.second.level; cf_num_files++; for (auto const& block_type_aggregates : file_aggregates.second.block_type_aggregates_map) { // Stats per block type. const TraceType type = block_type_aggregates.first; cf_bt_blocks[type] += block_type_aggregates.second.block_access_info_map.size(); total_num_blocks += block_type_aggregates.second.block_access_info_map.size(); bt_num_blocks_map[type] += block_type_aggregates.second.block_access_info_map.size(); for (auto const& block_access_info : block_type_aggregates.second.block_access_info_map) { // Stats per block. cf_num_blocks++; for (auto const& stats : block_access_info.second.caller_num_access_map) { // Stats per caller. const TableReaderCaller caller = stats.first; const uint64_t num_accesses = stats.second; // Overall stats. total_num_accesses += num_accesses; caller_num_access_map[caller] += num_accesses; caller_bt_num_access_map[caller][type] += num_accesses; caller_level_num_access_map[caller][level] += num_accesses; // Column Family stats. cf_num_accesses += num_accesses; cf_caller_num_accesses_map[caller] += num_accesses; cf_caller_level_num_accesses_map[caller][level] += num_accesses; cf_caller_file_num_accesses_map[caller][fd] += num_accesses; cf_caller_bt_num_accesses_map[caller][type] += num_accesses; } } } } // Print stats. print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/3); fprintf(stdout, "Statistics for column family %s:\n", cf_name.c_str()); fprintf(stdout, " Number of files:%" PRIu64 " Number of blocks: %" PRIu64 " Number of accesses: %" PRIu64 "\n", cf_num_files, cf_num_blocks, cf_num_accesses); for (auto block_type : cf_bt_blocks) { fprintf(stdout, "Number of %s blocks: %" PRIu64 " Percent: %.2f\n", block_type_to_string(block_type.first).c_str(), block_type.second, percent(block_type.second, cf_num_blocks)); } for (auto caller : cf_caller_num_accesses_map) { const uint64_t naccesses = caller.second; print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/1); fprintf(stdout, "Caller %s: Number of accesses %" PRIu64 " Percent: %.2f\n", caller_to_string(caller.first).c_str(), naccesses, percent(naccesses, cf_num_accesses)); fprintf(stdout, "Caller %s: Number of accesses per level break down\n", caller_to_string(caller.first).c_str()); for (auto naccess_level : cf_caller_level_num_accesses_map[caller.first]) { fprintf(stdout, "\t Level %" PRIu64 ": Number of accesses: %" PRIu64 " Percent: %.2f\n", naccess_level.first, naccess_level.second, percent(naccess_level.second, naccesses)); } fprintf(stdout, "Caller %s: Number of accesses per file break down\n", caller_to_string(caller.first).c_str()); for (auto naccess_file : cf_caller_file_num_accesses_map[caller.first]) { fprintf(stdout, "\t File %" PRIu64 ": Number of accesses: %" PRIu64 " Percent: %.2f\n", naccess_file.first, naccess_file.second, percent(naccess_file.second, naccesses)); } fprintf(stdout, "Caller %s: Number of accesses per block type break down\n", caller_to_string(caller.first).c_str()); for (auto naccess_type : cf_caller_bt_num_accesses_map[caller.first]) { fprintf(stdout, "\t Block Type %s: Number of accesses: %" PRIu64 " Percent: %.2f\n", block_type_to_string(naccess_type.first).c_str(), naccess_type.second, percent(naccess_type.second, naccesses)); } } } print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/3); fprintf(stdout, "Overall statistics:\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Number of files: %" PRIu64 " Number of blocks: %" PRIu64 " Number of accesses: %" PRIu64 "\n", total_num_files, total_num_blocks, total_num_accesses); for (auto block_type : bt_num_blocks_map) { fprintf(stdout, "Number of %s blocks: %" PRIu64 " Percent: %.2f\n", block_type_to_string(block_type.first).c_str(), block_type.second, percent(block_type.second, total_num_blocks)); } for (auto caller : caller_num_access_map) { print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/1); uint64_t naccesses = caller.second; fprintf(stdout, "Caller %s: Number of accesses %" PRIu64 " Percent: %.2f\n", caller_to_string(caller.first).c_str(), naccesses, percent(naccesses, total_num_accesses)); fprintf(stdout, "Caller %s: Number of accesses per level break down\n", caller_to_string(caller.first).c_str()); for (auto naccess_level : caller_level_num_access_map[caller.first]) { fprintf(stdout, "\t Level %d: Number of accesses: %" PRIu64 " Percent: %.2f\n", naccess_level.first, naccess_level.second, percent(naccess_level.second, naccesses)); } fprintf(stdout, "Caller %s: Number of accesses per block type break down\n", caller_to_string(caller.first).c_str()); for (auto naccess_type : caller_bt_num_access_map[caller.first]) { fprintf(stdout, "\t Block Type %s: Number of accesses: %" PRIu64 " Percent: %.2f\n", block_type_to_string(naccess_type.first).c_str(), naccess_type.second, percent(naccess_type.second, naccesses)); } } } std::vector parse_cache_config_file( const std::string& config_path) { std::ifstream file(config_path); if (!file.is_open()) { return {}; } std::vector configs; std::string line; while (getline(file, line)) { CacheConfiguration cache_config; std::stringstream ss(line); std::vector config_strs; while (ss.good()) { std::string substr; getline(ss, substr, ','); config_strs.push_back(substr); } // Sanity checks. if (config_strs.size() < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid cache simulator configuration %s\n", line.c_str()); exit(1); } if (config_strs[0] != "lru") { fprintf(stderr, "We only support LRU cache %s\n", line.c_str()); exit(1); } cache_config.cache_name = config_strs[0]; cache_config.num_shard_bits = ParseUint32(config_strs[1]); for (uint32_t i = 2; i < config_strs.size(); i++) { uint64_t capacity = ParseUint64(config_strs[i]); if (capacity == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid cache capacity %s, %s\n", config_strs[i].c_str(), line.c_str()); exit(1); } cache_config.cache_capacities.push_back(capacity); } configs.push_back(cache_config); } file.close(); return configs; } std::set parse_buckets(const std::string& bucket_str) { std::set buckets; std::stringstream ss(bucket_str); while (ss.good()) { std::string bucket; getline(ss, bucket, ','); buckets.insert(ParseUint64(bucket)); } buckets.insert(port::kMaxUint64); return buckets; } int block_cache_trace_analyzer_tool(int argc, char** argv) { ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); if (FLAGS_block_cache_trace_path.empty()) { fprintf(stderr, "block cache trace path is empty\n"); exit(1); } uint64_t warmup_seconds = FLAGS_cache_sim_warmup_seconds > 0 ? FLAGS_cache_sim_warmup_seconds : 0; uint32_t downsample_ratio = FLAGS_block_cache_trace_downsample_ratio > 0 ? FLAGS_block_cache_trace_downsample_ratio : 0; std::vector cache_configs = parse_cache_config_file(FLAGS_block_cache_sim_config_path); std::unique_ptr cache_simulator; if (!cache_configs.empty()) { cache_simulator.reset(new BlockCacheTraceSimulator( warmup_seconds, downsample_ratio, cache_configs)); Status s = cache_simulator->InitializeCaches(); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initialize cache simulators %s\n", s.ToString().c_str()); exit(1); } } BlockCacheTraceAnalyzer analyzer(FLAGS_block_cache_trace_path, FLAGS_block_cache_analysis_result_dir, std::move(cache_simulator)); Status s = analyzer.Analyze(); if (!s.IsIncomplete()) { // Read all traces. fprintf(stderr, "Cannot process the trace %s\n", s.ToString().c_str()); exit(1); } analyzer.PrintStatsSummary(); if (FLAGS_print_access_count_stats) { print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/3); analyzer.PrintAccessCountStats(); } if (FLAGS_print_block_size_stats) { print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/3); analyzer.PrintBlockSizeStats(); } if (FLAGS_print_data_block_access_count_stats) { print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/3); analyzer.PrintDataBlockAccessStats(); } print_break_lines(/*num_break_lines=*/3); analyzer.WriteMissRatioCurves(); if (!FLAGS_timeline_labels.empty()) { std::stringstream ss(FLAGS_timeline_labels); while (ss.good()) { std::string label; getline(ss, label, ','); analyzer.WriteAccessTimeline(label); } } if (!FLAGS_reuse_distance_labels.empty() && !FLAGS_reuse_distance_buckets.empty()) { std::set buckets = parse_buckets(FLAGS_reuse_distance_buckets); std::stringstream ss(FLAGS_reuse_distance_labels); while (ss.good()) { std::string label; getline(ss, label, ','); analyzer.WriteReuseDistance(label, buckets); } } if (!FLAGS_reuse_interval_labels.empty() && !FLAGS_reuse_interval_buckets.empty()) { std::set buckets = parse_buckets(FLAGS_reuse_interval_buckets); std::stringstream ss(FLAGS_reuse_interval_labels); while (ss.good()) { std::string label; getline(ss, label, ','); analyzer.WriteReuseInterval(label, buckets); } } return 0; } } // namespace rocksdb #endif // GFLAGS #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE