#!/bin/bash # The RocksDB regression test script. # REQUIREMENT: must be able to run make db_bench in the current directory # # This script will do the following things in order: # # 1. check out the specified rocksdb commit. # 2. build db_bench using the specified commit # 3. setup test directory $TEST_PATH. If not specified, then the test directory # will be "/tmp/rocksdb/regression_test" # 4. run set of benchmarks on the specified host # (can be either locally or remotely) # 5. generate report in the $RESULT_PATH. If RESULT_PATH is not specified, # RESULT_PATH will be set to $TEST_PATH/current_time # # = Examples = # * Run the regression test using rocksdb commit abcdef that outputs results # and temp files in "/my/output/dir" #r # TEST_PATH=/my/output/dir COMMIT_ID=abcdef ./tools/regression_test.sh # # * Run the regression test on a remost host under "/my/output/dir" directory # and stores the result locally in "/my/benchmark/results" using commit # abcdef and with the rocksdb options specified in /my/path/to/OPTIONS-012345 # with 1000000000 keys in each benchmark in the regression test where each # key and value are 100 and 900 bytes respectively: # # REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST=yhchiang@my.remote.host \ # TEST_PATH=/my/output/dir \ # RESULT_PATH=/my/benchmark/results \ # COMMIT_ID=abcdef \ # OPTIONS_FILE=/my/path/to/OPTIONS-012345 \ # NUM_KEYS=1000000000 \ # KEY_SIZE=100 \ # VALUE_SIZE=900 \ # ./tools/regression_test.sh # # = Regression test environmental parameters = # DEBUG: If true, then the script will not checkout master and build db_bench # if db_bench already exists # Default: 0 # TEST_MODE: If 1, run fillseqdeterminstic and benchmarks both # if 0, only run fillseqdeterministc # if 2, only run benchmarks # Default: 1 # TEST_PATH: the root directory of the regression test. # Default: "/tmp/rocksdb/regression_test" # RESULT_PATH: the directory where the regression results will be generated. # Default: "$TEST_PATH/current_time" # REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST: If set, then test will run on the specified host under # TEST_PATH directory and outputs test results locally in RESULT_PATH # The REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST should follow the format user-id@host.name # DB_PATH: the path where the rocksdb database will be created during the # regression test. Default: $TEST_PATH/db # WAL_PATH: the path where the rocksdb WAL will be outputed. # Default: $TEST_PATH/wal # OPTIONS_FILE: If specified, then the regression test will use the specified # file to initialize the RocksDB options in its benchmarks. Note that # this feature only work for commits after 88acd93 or rocksdb version # later than 4.9. # DELETE_TEST_PATH: If true, then the test directory will be deleted # after the script ends. # Default: 0 # # = db_bench parameters = # NUM_THREADS: The number of concurrent foreground threads that will issue # database operations in the benchmark. Default: 16. # NUM_KEYS: The key range that will be used in the entire regression test. # Default: 1G. # NUM_OPS: The number of operations (reads, writes, or deletes) that will # be issued in EACH thread. # Default: $NUM_KEYS / $NUM_THREADS # KEY_SIZE: The size of each key in bytes in db_bench. Default: 100. # VALUE_SIZE: The size of each value in bytes in db_bench. Default: 900. # CACHE_SIZE: The size of RocksDB block cache used in db_bench. Default: 1G # STATISTICS: If 1, then statistics is on in db_bench. Default: 0. # COMPRESSION_RATIO: The compression ratio of the key generated in db_bench. # Default: 0.5. # HISTOGRAM: If 1, then the histogram feature on performance feature is on. # STATS_PER_INTERVAL: If 1, then the statistics will be reported for every # STATS_INTERVAL_SECONDS seconds. Default 1. # STATS_INTERVAL_SECONDS: If STATS_PER_INTERVAL is set to 1, then statistics # will be reported for every STATS_INTERVAL_SECONDS. Default 60. # MAX_BACKGROUND_FLUSHES: The maxinum number of concurrent flushes in # db_bench. Default: 4. # MAX_BACKGROUND_COMPACTIONS: The maximum number of concurrent compactions # in db_bench. Default: 16. # SEEK_NEXTS: Controls how many Next() will be called after seek. # Default: 10. # SEED: random seed that controls the randomness of the benchmark. # Default: $( date +%s ) #============================================================================== # CONSTANT #============================================================================== TITLE_FORMAT="%40s,%25s,%30s,%7s,%9s,%8s," TITLE_FORMAT+="%10s,%13s,%14s,%11s,%12s," TITLE_FORMAT+="%7s,%11s," TITLE_FORMAT+="%9s,%10s,%10s,%10s,%10s,%10s,%5s" TITLE_FORMAT+="\n" DATA_FORMAT="%40s,%25s,%30s,%7s,%9s,%8s," DATA_FORMAT+="%10s,%13.0f,%14s,%11s,%12s," DATA_FORMAT+="%7s,%11s," DATA_FORMAT+="%9.0f,%10.0f,%10.0f,%10.0f,%10.0f,%10.0f,%5.0f" DATA_FORMAT+="\n" MAIN_PATTERN="$1""[[:blank:]]+:.*[[:blank:]]+([0-9\.]+)[[:blank:]]+ops/sec" PERC_PATTERN="Percentiles: P50: ([0-9\.]+) P75: ([0-9\.]+) " PERC_PATTERN+="P99: ([0-9\.]+) P99.9: ([0-9\.]+) P99.99: ([0-9\.]+)" #============================================================================== function main { commit=${1:-"origin/master"} test_root_dir=${TEST_PATH:-"/tmp/rocksdb/regression_test"} init_arguments $test_root_dir if [ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]; then checkout_rocksdb $commit build_db_bench_and_ldb elif [[ ! -f db_bench ]] || [[ ! -f ldb ]]; then build_db_bench_and_ldb fi setup_test_directory if [ $TEST_MODE -le 1 ]; then tmp=$DB_PATH DB_PATH=$ORIGIN_PATH test_remote "test -d $DB_PATH" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] || [[ $(run_remote 'echo $(( $(date +"%s") - $(stat -c "%Y" '"$DB_PATH"') ))') -gt "604800" ]]; then run_remote "rm -rf $DB_PATH" echo "Building DB..." run_db_bench "fillseqdeterministic" $NUM_KEYS 1 0 fi DB_PATH=$tmp fi if [ $TEST_MODE -ge 1 ]; then build_checkpoint run_db_bench "readrandom" run_db_bench "readwhilewriting" run_db_bench "deleterandom" $((NUM_KEYS / 10 / $NUM_THREADS)) run_db_bench "seekrandom" run_db_bench "seekrandomwhilewriting" fi cleanup_test_directory $test_root_dir echo "" echo "Benchmark completed! Results are available in $RESULT_PATH" } ############################################################################ function init_arguments { K=1024 M=$((1024 * K)) G=$((1024 * M)) current_time=$(date +"%F-%H:%M:%S") RESULT_PATH=${RESULT_PATH:-"$1/results/$current_time"} COMMIT_ID=`git log | head -n1 | cut -c 8-` SUMMARY_FILE="$RESULT_PATH/SUMMARY.csv" DB_PATH=${3:-"$1/db"} ORIGIN_PATH=${ORIGIN_PATH:-"$(dirname $(dirname $DB_PATH))/db"} WAL_PATH=${4:-""} if [ -z "$REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST" ]; then DB_BENCH_DIR=${5:-"."} else DB_BENCH_DIR=${5:-"$1/db_bench"} fi DEBUG=${DEBUG:-0} TEST_MODE=${TEST_MODE:-1} SCP=${SCP:-"scp"} SSH=${SSH:-"ssh"} NUM_THREADS=${NUM_THREADS:-16} NUM_KEYS=${NUM_KEYS:-$((1 * G))} # key range NUM_OPS=${NUM_OPS:-$(($NUM_KEYS / $NUM_THREADS))} KEY_SIZE=${KEY_SIZE:-100} VALUE_SIZE=${VALUE_SIZE:-900} CACHE_SIZE=${CACHE_SIZE:-$((1 * G))} STATISTICS=${STATISTICS:-0} COMPRESSION_RATIO=${COMPRESSION_RATIO:-0.5} HISTOGRAM=${HISTOGRAM:-1} NUM_MULTI_DB=${NUM_MULTI_DB:-1} STATS_PER_INTERVAL=${STATS_PER_INTERVAL:-1} STATS_INTERVAL_SECONDS=${STATS_INTERVAL_SECONDS:-600} MAX_BACKGROUND_FLUSHES=${MAX_BACKGROUND_FLUSHES:-4} MAX_BACKGROUND_COMPACTIONS=${MAX_BACKGROUND_COMPACTIONS:-16} DELETE_TEST_PATH=${DELETE_TEST_PATH:-0} SEEK_NEXTS=${SEEK_NEXTS:-10} SEED=${SEED:-$( date +%s )} } # $1 --- benchmark name # $2 --- number of operations. Default: $NUM_KEYS # $3 --- number of threads. Default $NUM_THREADS # $4 --- use_existing_db. Default: 1 function run_db_bench { # this will terminate all currently-running db_bench find_db_bench_cmd="ps aux | grep db_bench | grep -v grep | grep -v aux | awk '{print \$2}'" USE_EXISTING_DB=${4:-1} ops=${2:-$NUM_OPS} threads=${3:-$NUM_THREADS} echo "" echo "=======================================================================" echo "Benchmark $1" echo "=======================================================================" echo "" db_bench_error=0 options_file_arg=$(setup_options_file) echo "$options_file_arg" db_bench_cmd="$DB_BENCH_DIR/db_bench \ --benchmarks=$1 --db=$DB_PATH --wal_dir=$WAL_PATH \ --use_existing_db=$USE_EXISTING_DB \ --disable_auto_compactions \ --threads=$threads \ --num=$NUM_KEYS \ --reads=$ops \ --writes=$ops \ --deletes=$ops \ --key_size=$KEY_SIZE \ --value_size=$VALUE_SIZE \ --cache_size=$CACHE_SIZE \ --statistics=$STATISTICS \ $options_file_arg \ --compression_ratio=$COMPRESSION_RATIO \ --histogram=$HISTOGRAM \ --seek_nexts=$SEEK_NEXTS \ --stats_per_interval=$STATS_PER_INTERVAL \ --stats_interval_seconds=$STATS_INTERVAL_SECONDS \ --max_background_flushes=$MAX_BACKGROUND_FLUSHES \ --num_multi_db=$NUM_MULTI_DB \ --max_background_compactions=$MAX_BACKGROUND_COMPACTIONS \ --seed=$SEED 2>&1" ps_cmd="ps aux" if ! [ -z "$REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST" ]; then echo "Running benchmark remotely on $REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST" db_bench_cmd="$SSH $REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST $db_bench_cmd" ps_cmd="$SSH $REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST $ps_cmd" fi ## make sure no db_bench is running # The following statement is necessary make sure "eval $ps_cmd" will success. # Otherwise, if we simply check whether "$(eval $ps_cmd | grep db_bench)" is # successful or not, then it will always be false since grep will return # non-zero status when there's no matching output. ps_output="$(eval $ps_cmd)" exit_on_error $? "$ps_cmd" # perform the actual command to check whether db_bench is running grep_output="$(eval $ps_cmd | grep db_bench | grep -v grep)" if [ "$grep_output" != "" ]; then echo "Stopped regression_test.sh as there're still db_bench processes running:" echo $grep_output exit 2 fi ## run the db_bench cmd="($db_bench_cmd || db_bench_error=1) | tee -a $RESULT_PATH/$1" exit_on_error $? echo $cmd eval $cmd exit_on_error $db_bench_error update_report "$1" "$RESULT_PATH/$1" $ops $threads } function build_checkpoint { cmd_prefix="" if ! [ -z "$REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST" ]; then cmd_prefix="$SSH $REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST " fi dirs=$($cmd_prefix find $ORIGIN_PATH -type d -links 2) for dir in $dirs; do db_index=$(basename $dir) echo "Building checkpoint: $ORIGIN_PATH/$db_index -> $DB_PATH/$db_index ..." $cmd_prefix $DB_BENCH_DIR/ldb checkpoint --checkpoint_dir=$DB_PATH/$db_index \ --db=$ORIGIN_PATH/$db_index 2>&1 done } function multiply { echo "$1 * $2" | bc } # $1 --- name of the benchmark # $2 --- the filename of the output log of db_bench function update_report { main_result=`cat $2 | grep $1` exit_on_error $? perc_statement=`cat $2 | grep Percentile` exit_on_error $? # Obtain micros / op [[ $main_result =~ $MAIN_PATTERN ]] ops_per_s=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} # Obtain percentile information [[ $perc_statement =~ $PERC_PATTERN ]] perc[0]=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} # p50 perc[1]=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} # p75 perc[2]=${BASH_REMATCH[3]} # p99 perc[3]=${BASH_REMATCH[4]} # p99.9 perc[4]=${BASH_REMATCH[5]} # p99.99 (printf "$DATA_FORMAT" \ $COMMIT_ID $1 $REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST $NUM_MULTI_DB $NUM_KEYS $KEY_SIZE $VALUE_SIZE \ $(multiply $COMPRESSION_RATIO 100) \ $3 $4 $CACHE_SIZE \ $MAX_BACKGROUND_FLUSHES $MAX_BACKGROUND_COMPACTIONS \ $ops_per_s \ $(multiply ${perc[0]} 1000) \ $(multiply ${perc[1]} 1000) \ $(multiply ${perc[2]} 1000) \ $(multiply ${perc[3]} 1000) \ $(multiply ${perc[4]} 1000) \ $DEBUG \ >> $SUMMARY_FILE) exit_on_error $? } function exit_on_error { if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then echo "" echo "ERROR: Benchmark did not complete successfully." if ! [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "Failure command: $2" fi echo "Partial results are output to $RESULT_PATH" echo "ERROR" >> $SUMMARY_FILE exit $1 fi } function checkout_rocksdb { echo "Checking out commit $1 ..." git fetch --all exit_on_error $? git checkout $1 exit_on_error $? } function build_db_bench_and_ldb { echo "Building db_bench & ldb ..." make clean exit_on_error $? DEBUG_LEVEL=0 make db_bench ldb -j32 exit_on_error $? } function run_remote { test_remote "$1" exit_on_error $? "$1" } function test_remote { if ! [ -z "$REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST" ]; then cmd="$SSH $REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST $1" else cmd="$1" fi eval "$cmd" } function run_local { eval "$1" exit_on_error $? } function setup_options_file { if ! [ -z "$OPTIONS_FILE" ]; then if ! [ -z "$REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST" ]; then options_file="$DB_BENCH_DIR/OPTIONS_FILE" run_local "$SCP $OPTIONS_FILE $REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST:$options_file" else options_file="$OPTIONS_FILE" fi echo "--options_file=$options_file" fi echo "" } function setup_test_directory { echo "Deleting old regression test directories and creating new ones" run_remote "rm -rf $DB_PATH" run_remote "rm -rf $DB_BENCH_DIR" run_local "rm -rf $RESULT_PATH" if ! [ -z "$WAL_PATH" ]; then run_remote "rm -rf $WAL_PATH" run_remote "mkdir -p $WAL_PATH" fi run_remote "mkdir -p $DB_PATH" run_remote "mkdir -p $DB_BENCH_DIR" run_remote "ls -l $DB_BENCH_DIR" if ! [ -z "$REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST" ]; then run_local "$SCP ./db_bench $REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST:$DB_BENCH_DIR/db_bench" run_local "$SCP ./ldb $REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST:$DB_BENCH_DIR/ldb" fi run_local "mkdir -p $RESULT_PATH" (printf $TITLE_FORMAT \ "commit id" "benchmark" "user@host" "num-dbs" "key-range" "key-size" \ "value-size" "compress-rate" "ops-per-thread" "num-threads" "cache-size" \ "flushes" "compactions" \ "ops-per-s" "p50" "p75" "p99" "p99.9" "p99.99" "debug" \ >> $SUMMARY_FILE) exit_on_error $? } function cleanup_test_directory { if [ $DELETE_TEST_PATH -ne 0 ]; then echo "Clear old regression test directories and creating new ones" run_remote "rm -rf $DB_PATH" run_remote "rm -rf $WAL_PATH" if ! [ -z "$REMOTE_USER_AT_HOST" ]; then run_remote "rm -rf $DB_BENCH_DIR" fi run_remote "rm -rf $1" else echo "------------ DEBUG MODE ------------" echo "DB PATH: $DB_PATH" echo "WAL PATH: $WAL_PATH" fi } ############################################################################ main $@