// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the // LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant // of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. #include #include "rocksdb/db.h" #include "rocksdb/table.h" #include "db/db_impl.h" #include "table/block_based_table_factory.h" #include "util/histogram.h" #include "util/testharness.h" #include "util/testutil.h" namespace rocksdb { // Make a key that i determines the first 4 characters and j determines the // last 4 characters. static std::string MakeKey(int i, int j) { char buf[100]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%04d__key___%04d ", i, j); return std::string(buf); } static bool DummySaveValue(void* arg, const Slice& ikey, const Slice& v, bool didIO) { return false; } // A very simple benchmark that. // Create a table with roughly numKey1 * numKey2 keys, // where there are numKey1 prefixes of the key, each has numKey2 number of // distinguished key, differing in the suffix part. // If if_query_empty_keys = false, query the existing keys numKey1 * numKey2 // times randomly. // If if_query_empty_keys = true, query numKey1 * numKey2 random empty keys. // Print out the total time. // // If for_terator=true, instead of just query one key each time, it queries // a range sharing the same prefix. void TableReaderBenchmark(Options& opts, EnvOptions& env_options, ReadOptions& read_options, TableFactory* tf, int num_keys1, int num_keys2, int num_iter, bool if_query_empty_keys, bool for_iterator) { std::string file_name = test::TmpDir() + "/rocksdb_table_reader_benchmark"; ReadOptions ro; unique_ptr file; Env* env = Env::Default(); env->NewWritableFile(file_name, &file, env_options); TableBuilder* tb = tf->GetTableBuilder(opts, file.get(), CompressionType::kNoCompression); // Populate slightly more than 1M keys for (int i = 0; i < num_keys1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < num_keys2; j++) { std::string key = MakeKey(i * 2, j); tb->Add(key, key); } } tb->Finish(); file->Close(); unique_ptr table_reader; unique_ptr raf; Status s = env->NewRandomAccessFile(file_name, &raf, env_options); uint64_t file_size; env->GetFileSize(file_name, &file_size); s = tf->GetTableReader(opts, env_options, std::move(raf), file_size, &table_reader); Random rnd(301); HistogramImpl hist; void* arg = nullptr; for (int it = 0; it < num_iter; it++) { for (int i = 0; i < num_keys1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < num_keys2; j++) { int r1 = rnd.Uniform(num_keys1) * 2; int r2 = rnd.Uniform(num_keys2); if (!for_iterator) { if (if_query_empty_keys) { r1++; r2 = num_keys2 * 2 - r2; } // Query one existing key; std::string key = MakeKey(r1, r2); uint64_t start_micros = env->NowMicros(); s = table_reader->Get(ro, key, arg, DummySaveValue, nullptr); hist.Add(env->NowMicros() - start_micros); } else { int r2_len = rnd.Uniform(num_keys2) + 1; if (r2_len + r2 > num_keys2) { r2_len = num_keys2 - r2; } std::string start_key = MakeKey(r1, r2); std::string end_key = MakeKey(r1, r2 + r2_len); uint64_t first_part_time = 0; uint64_t start_micros = env->NowMicros(); Iterator* iter = table_reader->NewIterator(read_options); int count = 0; for(iter->Seek(start_key); iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) { // verify key; first_part_time = env->NowMicros() - start_micros; assert(Slice(MakeKey(r1, r2 + count)) == iter->key()); start_micros = env->NowMicros(); if (++count >= r2_len) { break; } } if (count != r2_len) { fprintf( stderr, "Iterator cannot iterate expected number of entries. " "Expected %d but got %d\n", r2_len, count); assert(false); } delete iter; hist.Add(first_part_time + env->NowMicros() - start_micros); } } } } fprintf( stderr, "===================================================" "====================================================\n" "InMemoryTableSimpleBenchmark: %20s num_key1: %5d " "num_key2: %5d %10s\n" "===================================================" "====================================================" "\nHistogram (unit: nanoseconds): \n%s", tf->Name(), num_keys1, num_keys2, for_iterator? "iterator" : (if_query_empty_keys ? "empty" : "non_empty"), hist.ToString().c_str()); env->DeleteFile(file_name); } } // namespace rocksdb DEFINE_bool(query_empty, false, "query non-existing keys instead of existing " "ones."); DEFINE_int32(num_keys1, 4096, "number of distinguish prefix of keys"); DEFINE_int32(num_keys2, 512, "number of distinguish keys for each prefix"); DEFINE_int32(iter, 3, "query non-existing keys instead of existing ones"); DEFINE_bool(iterator, false, "For test iterator"); int main(int argc, char** argv) { google::SetUsageMessage(std::string("\nUSAGE:\n") + std::string(argv[0]) + " [OPTIONS]..."); google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); rocksdb::TableFactory* tf; rocksdb::Options options; rocksdb::ReadOptions ro; rocksdb::EnvOptions env_options; tf = new rocksdb::BlockBasedTableFactory(); TableReaderBenchmark(options, env_options, ro, tf, FLAGS_num_keys1, FLAGS_num_keys2, FLAGS_iter, FLAGS_query_empty, FLAGS_iterator); delete tf; return 0; }