// This file contains the interface that must be implemented by any collection
// to be used as the backing store for a MemTable. Such a collection must
// satisfy the following properties:
//  (1) It does not store duplicate items.
//  (2) It uses MemTableRep::KeyComparator to compare items for iteration and
//     equality.
//  (3) It can be accessed concurrently by multiple readers and can support
//     during reads. However, it needn't support multiple concurrent writes.
//  (4) Items are never deleted.
// The liberal use of assertions is encouraged to enforce (1).
// The factory will be passed an Arena object when a new MemTableRep is
// requested. The API for this object is in leveldb/arena.h.
// Users can implement their own memtable representations. We include four
// types built in:
//  - SkipListRep: This is the default; it is backed by a skip list.
//  - TransformRep: This is backed by an std::unordered_map<Slice,
// std::set>. On construction, they are given a SliceTransform object. This
// object is applied to the user key of stored items which indexes into the
// unordered map to yield a set containing all records that share the same user
// key under the transform function.
//  - UnsortedRep: A subclass of TransformRep where the transform function is
// the identity function. Optimized for point lookups.
//  - PrefixHashRep: A subclass of TransformRep where the transform function is
// a fixed-size prefix extractor. If you use PrefixHashRepFactory, the transform
// must be identical to options.prefix_extractor, otherwise it will be discarded
// and the default will be used. It is optimized for ranged scans over a
// prefix.
//  - VectorRep: This is backed by an unordered std::vector. On iteration, the
// vector is sorted. It is intelligent about sorting; once the MarkReadOnly()
// has been called, the vector will only be sorted once. It is optimized for
// random-write-heavy workloads.
// The last four implementations are designed for situations in which
// iteration over the entire collection is rare since doing so requires all the
// keys to be copied into a sorted data structure.


#include <memory>
#include "rocksdb/arena.h"
#include "rocksdb/slice.h"
#include "rocksdb/slice_transform.h"

namespace leveldb {

class MemTableRep {
  // KeyComparator provides a means to compare keys, which are internal keys
  // concatenated with values.
  class KeyComparator {
    // Compare a and b. Return a negative value if a is less than b, 0 if they
    // are equal, and a positive value if a is greater than b
    virtual int operator()(const char* a, const char* b) const = 0;

    virtual ~KeyComparator() { }

  // Insert key into the collection. (The caller will pack key and value into a
  // single buffer and pass that in as the parameter to Insert)
  // REQUIRES: nothing that compares equal to key is currently in the
  // collection.
  virtual void Insert(const char* key) = 0;

  // Returns true iff an entry that compares equal to key is in the collection.
  virtual bool Contains(const char* key) const = 0;

  // Notify this table rep that it will no longer be added to. By default, does
  // nothing.
  virtual void MarkReadOnly() { }

  // Report an approximation of how much memory has been used other than memory
  // that was allocated through the arena.
  virtual size_t ApproximateMemoryUsage() = 0;

  virtual ~MemTableRep() { }

  // Iteration over the contents of a skip collection
  class Iterator {
    // Initialize an iterator over the specified collection.
    // The returned iterator is not valid.
    // explicit Iterator(const MemTableRep* collection);
    virtual ~Iterator() { };

    // Returns true iff the iterator is positioned at a valid node.
    virtual bool Valid() const = 0;

    // Returns the key at the current position.
    // REQUIRES: Valid()
    virtual const char* key() const = 0;

    // Advances to the next position.
    // REQUIRES: Valid()
    virtual void Next() = 0;

    // Advances to the previous position.
    // REQUIRES: Valid()
    virtual void Prev() = 0;

    // Advance to the first entry with a key >= target
    virtual void Seek(const char* target) = 0;

    // Position at the first entry in collection.
    // Final state of iterator is Valid() iff collection is not empty.
    virtual void SeekToFirst() = 0;

    // Position at the last entry in collection.
    // Final state of iterator is Valid() iff collection is not empty.
    virtual void SeekToLast() = 0;

  // Return an iterator over the keys in this representation.
  virtual std::shared_ptr<Iterator> GetIterator() = 0;

  // Return an iterator over at least the keys with the specified user key. The
  // iterator may also allow access to other keys, but doesn't have to. Default:
  // GetIterator().
  virtual std::shared_ptr<Iterator> GetIterator(const Slice& user_key) {
    return GetIterator();

  // Return an iterator over at least the keys with the specified prefix. The
  // iterator may also allow access to other keys, but doesn't have to. Default:
  // GetIterator().
  virtual std::shared_ptr<Iterator> GetPrefixIterator(const Slice& prefix) {
    return GetIterator();

  // When *key is an internal key concatenated with the value, returns the
  // user key.
  virtual Slice UserKey(const char* key) const;

// This is the base class for all factories that are used by RocksDB to create
// new MemTableRep objects
class MemTableRepFactory {
  virtual ~MemTableRepFactory() { };
  virtual std::shared_ptr<MemTableRep> CreateMemTableRep(
    MemTableRep::KeyComparator&, Arena*) = 0;
  virtual const char* Name() const = 0;

// This creates MemTableReps that are backed by an std::vector. On iteration,
// the vector is sorted. This is useful for workloads where iteration is very
// rare and writes are generally not issued after reads begin.
// Parameters:
//   count: Passed to the constructor of the underlying std::vector of each
//     VectorRep. On initialization, the underlying array will be at least count
//     bytes reserved for usage.
class VectorRepFactory : public MemTableRepFactory {
  const size_t count_;
  explicit VectorRepFactory(size_t count = 0) : count_(count) { }
  virtual std::shared_ptr<MemTableRep> CreateMemTableRep(
    MemTableRep::KeyComparator&, Arena*) override;
  virtual const char* Name() const override {
    return "VectorRepFactory";

// This uses a skip list to store keys. It is the default.
class SkipListFactory : public MemTableRepFactory {
  virtual std::shared_ptr<MemTableRep> CreateMemTableRep(
    MemTableRep::KeyComparator&, Arena*) override;
  virtual const char* Name() const override {
    return "SkipListFactory";

// TransformReps are backed by an unordered map of buffers to buckets. When
// looking up a key, the user key is extracted and a user-supplied transform
// function (see leveldb/slice_transform.h) is applied to get the key into the
// unordered map. This allows the user to bin user keys based on arbitrary
// criteria. Two example implementations are UnsortedRepFactory and
// PrefixHashRepFactory.
// Iteration over the entire collection is implemented by dumping all the keys
// into an std::set. Thus, these data structures are best used when iteration
// over the entire collection is rare.
// Parameters:
//   transform: The SliceTransform to bucket user keys on. TransformRepFactory
//     owns the pointer.
//   bucket_count: Passed to the constructor of the underlying
//     std::unordered_map of each TransformRep. On initialization, the
//     underlying array will be at least bucket_count size.
//   num_locks: Number of read-write locks to have for the rep. Each bucket is
//     hashed onto a read-write lock which controls access to that lock. More
//     locks means finer-grained concurrency but more memory overhead.
class TransformRepFactory : public MemTableRepFactory {
  explicit TransformRepFactory(const SliceTransform* transform,
    size_t bucket_count, size_t num_locks = 1000)
    : transform_(transform),
      num_locks_(num_locks) { }

  virtual ~TransformRepFactory() { delete transform_; }

  virtual std::shared_ptr<MemTableRep> CreateMemTableRep(
    MemTableRep::KeyComparator&, Arena*) override;

  virtual const char* Name() const override {
    return "TransformRepFactory";

  const SliceTransform* GetTransform() { return transform_; }

  const SliceTransform* transform_;
  const size_t bucket_count_;
  const size_t num_locks_;

// UnsortedReps bin user keys based on an identity function transform -- that
// is, transform(key) = key. This optimizes for point look-ups.
// Parameters: See TransformRepFactory.
class UnsortedRepFactory : public TransformRepFactory {
  explicit UnsortedRepFactory(size_t bucket_count = 0, size_t num_locks = 1000)
    : TransformRepFactory(NewNoopTransform(),
                          num_locks) { }
  virtual const char* Name() const override {
    return "UnsortedRepFactory";

// PrefixHashReps bin user keys based on a fixed-size prefix. This optimizes for
// short ranged scans over a given prefix.
// Parameters: See TransformRepFactory.
class PrefixHashRepFactory : public TransformRepFactory {
  explicit PrefixHashRepFactory(const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor,
    size_t bucket_count = 0, size_t num_locks = 1000)
    : TransformRepFactory(prefix_extractor, bucket_count, num_locks)
    { }

  virtual std::shared_ptr<MemTableRep> CreateMemTableRep(
    MemTableRep::KeyComparator&, Arena*) override;

  virtual const char* Name() const override {
    return "PrefixHashRepFactory";
