TMP_DIR="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/rocksdb-sanity-test" if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then echo "usage: ./ [new_commit] [old_commit]" echo "Missing either [new_commit] or [old_commit], perform sanity check with the latest and 10th latest commits." recent_commits=`git log | grep -e "^commit [a-z0-9]\+$"| head -n10 | sed -e 's/commit //g'` commit_new=`echo "$recent_commits" | head -n1` commit_old=`echo "$recent_commits" | tail -n1` echo "the most recent commits are:" echo "$recent_commits" else commit_new=$1 commit_old=$2 fi if [ ! -d $TMP_DIR ]; then mkdir $TMP_DIR fi dir_new="${TMP_DIR}/${commit_new}" dir_old="${TMP_DIR}/${commit_old}" function makestuff() { echo "make clean" make clean > /dev/null echo "make db_sanity_test -j32" make db_sanity_test -j32 > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "[ERROR] Failed to perform 'make db_sanity_test'" exit 1 fi } rm -r -f $dir_new rm -r -f $dir_old echo "Running db sanity check with commits $commit_new and $commit_old." echo "=============================================================" echo "Making build $commit_new" git checkout $commit_new if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "[ERROR] Can't checkout $commit_new" exit 1 fi makestuff mv db_sanity_test new_db_sanity_test echo "Creating db based on the new commit --- $commit_new" ./new_db_sanity_test $dir_new create cp ./tools/ $dir_new cp ./tools/ $dir_new echo "=============================================================" echo "Making build $commit_old" git checkout $commit_old if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "[ERROR] Can't checkout $commit_old" exit 1 fi cp -f $dir_new/ ./tools/. cp -f $dir_new/ ./tools/. makestuff mv db_sanity_test old_db_sanity_test echo "Creating db based on the old commit --- $commit_old" ./old_db_sanity_test $dir_old create echo "=============================================================" echo "[Backward Compatibility Check]" echo "Verifying old db $dir_old using the new commit --- $commit_new" ./new_db_sanity_test $dir_old verify if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "[ERROR] Backward Compatibility Check fails:" echo " Verification of $dir_old using commit $commit_new failed." exit 2 fi echo "=============================================================" echo "[Forward Compatibility Check]" echo "Verifying new db $dir_new using the old commit --- $commit_old" ./old_db_sanity_test $dir_new verify if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "[ERROR] Forward Compatibility Check fails:" echo " $dir_new using commit $commit_old failed." exit 2 fi rm old_db_sanity_test rm new_db_sanity_test rm -rf $dir_new rm -rf $dir_old echo "Auto sanity test passed!"