// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). #include "trace_replay/trace_replay.h" #include <chrono> #include <sstream> #include <thread> #include "db/db_impl/db_impl.h" #include "rocksdb/slice.h" #include "rocksdb/write_batch.h" #include "util/coding.h" #include "util/string_util.h" #include "util/threadpool_imp.h" namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE { const std::string kTraceMagic = "feedcafedeadbeef"; namespace { void EncodeCFAndKey(std::string* dst, uint32_t cf_id, const Slice& key) { PutFixed32(dst, cf_id); PutLengthPrefixedSlice(dst, key); } void DecodeCFAndKey(std::string& buffer, uint32_t* cf_id, Slice* key) { Slice buf(buffer); GetFixed32(&buf, cf_id); GetLengthPrefixedSlice(&buf, key); } } // namespace void TracerHelper::EncodeTrace(const Trace& trace, std::string* encoded_trace) { assert(encoded_trace); PutFixed64(encoded_trace, trace.ts); encoded_trace->push_back(trace.type); PutFixed32(encoded_trace, static_cast<uint32_t>(trace.payload.size())); encoded_trace->append(trace.payload); } Status TracerHelper::DecodeTrace(const std::string& encoded_trace, Trace* trace) { assert(trace != nullptr); Slice enc_slice = Slice(encoded_trace); if (!GetFixed64(&enc_slice, &trace->ts)) { return Status::Incomplete("Decode trace string failed"); } if (enc_slice.size() < kTraceTypeSize + kTracePayloadLengthSize) { return Status::Incomplete("Decode trace string failed"); } trace->type = static_cast<TraceType>(enc_slice[0]); enc_slice.remove_prefix(kTraceTypeSize + kTracePayloadLengthSize); trace->payload = enc_slice.ToString(); return Status::OK(); } Tracer::Tracer(Env* env, const TraceOptions& trace_options, std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter>&& trace_writer) : env_(env), trace_options_(trace_options), trace_writer_(std::move(trace_writer)), trace_request_count_ (0) { WriteHeader(); } Tracer::~Tracer() { trace_writer_.reset(); } Status Tracer::Write(WriteBatch* write_batch) { TraceType trace_type = kTraceWrite; if (ShouldSkipTrace(trace_type)) { return Status::OK(); } Trace trace; trace.ts = env_->NowMicros(); trace.type = trace_type; trace.payload = write_batch->Data(); return WriteTrace(trace); } Status Tracer::Get(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key) { TraceType trace_type = kTraceGet; if (ShouldSkipTrace(trace_type)) { return Status::OK(); } Trace trace; trace.ts = env_->NowMicros(); trace.type = trace_type; EncodeCFAndKey(&trace.payload, column_family->GetID(), key); return WriteTrace(trace); } Status Tracer::IteratorSeek(const uint32_t& cf_id, const Slice& key) { TraceType trace_type = kTraceIteratorSeek; if (ShouldSkipTrace(trace_type)) { return Status::OK(); } Trace trace; trace.ts = env_->NowMicros(); trace.type = trace_type; EncodeCFAndKey(&trace.payload, cf_id, key); return WriteTrace(trace); } Status Tracer::IteratorSeekForPrev(const uint32_t& cf_id, const Slice& key) { TraceType trace_type = kTraceIteratorSeekForPrev; if (ShouldSkipTrace(trace_type)) { return Status::OK(); } Trace trace; trace.ts = env_->NowMicros(); trace.type = trace_type; EncodeCFAndKey(&trace.payload, cf_id, key); return WriteTrace(trace); } bool Tracer::ShouldSkipTrace(const TraceType& trace_type) { if (IsTraceFileOverMax()) { return true; } if ((trace_options_.filter & kTraceFilterGet && trace_type == kTraceGet) || (trace_options_.filter & kTraceFilterWrite && trace_type == kTraceWrite)) { return true; } ++trace_request_count_; if (trace_request_count_ < trace_options_.sampling_frequency) { return true; } trace_request_count_ = 0; return false; } bool Tracer::IsTraceFileOverMax() { uint64_t trace_file_size = trace_writer_->GetFileSize(); return (trace_file_size > trace_options_.max_trace_file_size); } Status Tracer::WriteHeader() { std::ostringstream s; s << kTraceMagic << "\t" << "Trace Version: 0.1\t" << "RocksDB Version: " << kMajorVersion << "." << kMinorVersion << "\t" << "Format: Timestamp OpType Payload\n"; std::string header(s.str()); Trace trace; trace.ts = env_->NowMicros(); trace.type = kTraceBegin; trace.payload = header; return WriteTrace(trace); } Status Tracer::WriteFooter() { Trace trace; trace.ts = env_->NowMicros(); trace.type = kTraceEnd; trace.payload = ""; return WriteTrace(trace); } Status Tracer::WriteTrace(const Trace& trace) { std::string encoded_trace; TracerHelper::EncodeTrace(trace, &encoded_trace); return trace_writer_->Write(Slice(encoded_trace)); } Status Tracer::Close() { return WriteFooter(); } Replayer::Replayer(DB* db, const std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*>& handles, std::unique_ptr<TraceReader>&& reader) : trace_reader_(std::move(reader)) { assert(db != nullptr); db_ = static_cast<DBImpl*>(db->GetRootDB()); env_ = Env::Default(); for (ColumnFamilyHandle* cfh : handles) { cf_map_[cfh->GetID()] = cfh; } fast_forward_ = 1; } Replayer::~Replayer() { trace_reader_.reset(); } Status Replayer::SetFastForward(uint32_t fast_forward) { Status s; if (fast_forward < 1) { s = Status::InvalidArgument("Wrong fast forward speed!"); } else { fast_forward_ = fast_forward; s = Status::OK(); } return s; } Status Replayer::Replay() { Status s; Trace header; s = ReadHeader(&header); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } std::chrono::system_clock::time_point replay_epoch = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); WriteOptions woptions; ReadOptions roptions; Trace trace; uint64_t ops = 0; Iterator* single_iter = nullptr; while (s.ok()) { trace.reset(); s = ReadTrace(&trace); if (!s.ok()) { break; } std::this_thread::sleep_until( replay_epoch + std::chrono::microseconds((trace.ts - header.ts) / fast_forward_)); if (trace.type == kTraceWrite) { WriteBatch batch(trace.payload); db_->Write(woptions, &batch); ops++; } else if (trace.type == kTraceGet) { uint32_t cf_id = 0; Slice key; DecodeCFAndKey(trace.payload, &cf_id, &key); if (cf_id > 0 && cf_map_.find(cf_id) == cf_map_.end()) { return Status::Corruption("Invalid Column Family ID."); } std::string value; if (cf_id == 0) { db_->Get(roptions, key, &value); } else { db_->Get(roptions, cf_map_[cf_id], key, &value); } ops++; } else if (trace.type == kTraceIteratorSeek) { uint32_t cf_id = 0; Slice key; DecodeCFAndKey(trace.payload, &cf_id, &key); if (cf_id > 0 && cf_map_.find(cf_id) == cf_map_.end()) { return Status::Corruption("Invalid Column Family ID."); } if (cf_id == 0) { single_iter = db_->NewIterator(roptions); } else { single_iter = db_->NewIterator(roptions, cf_map_[cf_id]); } single_iter->Seek(key); ops++; delete single_iter; } else if (trace.type == kTraceIteratorSeekForPrev) { // Currently, only support to call the Seek() uint32_t cf_id = 0; Slice key; DecodeCFAndKey(trace.payload, &cf_id, &key); if (cf_id > 0 && cf_map_.find(cf_id) == cf_map_.end()) { return Status::Corruption("Invalid Column Family ID."); } if (cf_id == 0) { single_iter = db_->NewIterator(roptions); } else { single_iter = db_->NewIterator(roptions, cf_map_[cf_id]); } single_iter->SeekForPrev(key); ops++; delete single_iter; } else if (trace.type == kTraceEnd) { // Do nothing for now. // TODO: Add some validations later. break; } } if (s.IsIncomplete()) { // Reaching eof returns Incomplete status at the moment. // Could happen when killing a process without calling EndTrace() API. // TODO: Add better error handling. return Status::OK(); } return s; } // The trace can be replayed with multithread by configurnge the number of // threads in the thread pool. Trace records are read from the trace file // sequentially and the corresponding queries are scheduled in the task // queue based on the timestamp. Currently, we support Write_batch (Put, // Delete, SingleDelete, DeleteRange), Get, Iterator (Seek and SeekForPrev). Status Replayer::MultiThreadReplay(uint32_t threads_num) { Status s; Trace header; s = ReadHeader(&header); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } ThreadPoolImpl thread_pool; thread_pool.SetHostEnv(env_); if (threads_num > 1) { thread_pool.SetBackgroundThreads(static_cast<int>(threads_num)); } else { thread_pool.SetBackgroundThreads(1); } std::chrono::system_clock::time_point replay_epoch = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); WriteOptions woptions; ReadOptions roptions; uint64_t ops = 0; while (s.ok()) { std::unique_ptr<ReplayerWorkerArg> ra(new ReplayerWorkerArg); ra->db = db_; s = ReadTrace(&(ra->trace_entry)); if (!s.ok()) { break; } ra->woptions = woptions; ra->roptions = roptions; std::this_thread::sleep_until( replay_epoch + std::chrono::microseconds( (ra->trace_entry.ts - header.ts) / fast_forward_)); if (ra->trace_entry.type == kTraceWrite) { thread_pool.Schedule(&Replayer::BGWorkWriteBatch, ra.release(), nullptr, nullptr); ops++; } else if (ra->trace_entry.type == kTraceGet) { thread_pool.Schedule(&Replayer::BGWorkGet, ra.release(), nullptr, nullptr); ops++; } else if (ra->trace_entry.type == kTraceIteratorSeek) { thread_pool.Schedule(&Replayer::BGWorkIterSeek, ra.release(), nullptr, nullptr); ops++; } else if (ra->trace_entry.type == kTraceIteratorSeekForPrev) { thread_pool.Schedule(&Replayer::BGWorkIterSeekForPrev, ra.release(), nullptr, nullptr); ops++; } else if (ra->trace_entry.type == kTraceEnd) { // Do nothing for now. // TODO: Add some validations later. break; } else { // Other trace entry types that are not implemented for replay. // To finish the replay, we continue the process. continue; } } if (s.IsIncomplete()) { // Reaching eof returns Incomplete status at the moment. // Could happen when killing a process without calling EndTrace() API. // TODO: Add better error handling. s = Status::OK(); } thread_pool.JoinAllThreads(); return s; } Status Replayer::ReadHeader(Trace* header) { assert(header != nullptr); Status s = ReadTrace(header); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } if (header->type != kTraceBegin) { return Status::Corruption("Corrupted trace file. Incorrect header."); } if (header->payload.substr(0, kTraceMagic.length()) != kTraceMagic) { return Status::Corruption("Corrupted trace file. Incorrect magic."); } return s; } Status Replayer::ReadFooter(Trace* footer) { assert(footer != nullptr); Status s = ReadTrace(footer); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } if (footer->type != kTraceEnd) { return Status::Corruption("Corrupted trace file. Incorrect footer."); } // TODO: Add more validations later return s; } Status Replayer::ReadTrace(Trace* trace) { assert(trace != nullptr); std::string encoded_trace; Status s = trace_reader_->Read(&encoded_trace); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } return TracerHelper::DecodeTrace(encoded_trace, trace); } void Replayer::BGWorkGet(void* arg) { std::unique_ptr<ReplayerWorkerArg> ra( reinterpret_cast<ReplayerWorkerArg*>(arg)); auto cf_map = static_cast<std::unordered_map<uint32_t, ColumnFamilyHandle*>*>( ra->cf_map); uint32_t cf_id = 0; Slice key; DecodeCFAndKey(ra->trace_entry.payload, &cf_id, &key); if (cf_id > 0 && cf_map->find(cf_id) == cf_map->end()) { return; } std::string value; if (cf_id == 0) { ra->db->Get(ra->roptions, key, &value); } else { ra->db->Get(ra->roptions, (*cf_map)[cf_id], key, &value); } return; } void Replayer::BGWorkWriteBatch(void* arg) { std::unique_ptr<ReplayerWorkerArg> ra( reinterpret_cast<ReplayerWorkerArg*>(arg)); WriteBatch batch(ra->trace_entry.payload); ra->db->Write(ra->woptions, &batch); return; } void Replayer::BGWorkIterSeek(void* arg) { std::unique_ptr<ReplayerWorkerArg> ra( reinterpret_cast<ReplayerWorkerArg*>(arg)); auto cf_map = static_cast<std::unordered_map<uint32_t, ColumnFamilyHandle*>*>( ra->cf_map); uint32_t cf_id = 0; Slice key; DecodeCFAndKey(ra->trace_entry.payload, &cf_id, &key); if (cf_id > 0 && cf_map->find(cf_id) == cf_map->end()) { return; } std::string value; Iterator* single_iter = nullptr; if (cf_id == 0) { single_iter = ra->db->NewIterator(ra->roptions); } else { single_iter = ra->db->NewIterator(ra->roptions, (*cf_map)[cf_id]); } single_iter->Seek(key); delete single_iter; return; } void Replayer::BGWorkIterSeekForPrev(void* arg) { std::unique_ptr<ReplayerWorkerArg> ra( reinterpret_cast<ReplayerWorkerArg*>(arg)); auto cf_map = static_cast<std::unordered_map<uint32_t, ColumnFamilyHandle*>*>( ra->cf_map); uint32_t cf_id = 0; Slice key; DecodeCFAndKey(ra->trace_entry.payload, &cf_id, &key); if (cf_id > 0 && cf_map->find(cf_id) == cf_map->end()) { return; } std::string value; Iterator* single_iter = nullptr; if (cf_id == 0) { single_iter = ra->db->NewIterator(ra->roptions); } else { single_iter = ra->db->NewIterator(ra->roptions, (*cf_map)[cf_id]); } single_iter->SeekForPrev(key); delete single_iter; return; } } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE