// Copyright (c) 2021-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). #ifdef GFLAGS #include "db_stress_tool/expected_state.h" #include "db_stress_tool/db_stress_shared_state.h" namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE { ExpectedState::ExpectedState(size_t max_key, size_t num_column_families) : max_key_(max_key), num_column_families_(num_column_families), values_(nullptr) {} void ExpectedState::ClearColumnFamily(int cf) { std::fill(&Value(cf, 0 /* key */), &Value(cf + 1, 0 /* key */), SharedState::DELETION_SENTINEL); } void ExpectedState::Put(int cf, int64_t key, uint32_t value_base, bool pending) { if (!pending) { // prevent expected-value update from reordering before Write std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_release); } Value(cf, key).store(pending ? SharedState::UNKNOWN_SENTINEL : value_base, std::memory_order_relaxed); if (pending) { // prevent Write from reordering before expected-value update std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_release); } } uint32_t ExpectedState::Get(int cf, int64_t key) const { return Value(cf, key); } bool ExpectedState::Delete(int cf, int64_t key, bool pending) { if (Value(cf, key) == SharedState::DELETION_SENTINEL) { return false; } Put(cf, key, SharedState::DELETION_SENTINEL, pending); return true; } bool ExpectedState::SingleDelete(int cf, int64_t key, bool pending) { return Delete(cf, key, pending); } int ExpectedState::DeleteRange(int cf, int64_t begin_key, int64_t end_key, bool pending) { int covered = 0; for (int64_t key = begin_key; key < end_key; ++key) { if (Delete(cf, key, pending)) { ++covered; } } return covered; } bool ExpectedState::Exists(int cf, int64_t key) { // UNKNOWN_SENTINEL counts as exists. That assures a key for which overwrite // is disallowed can't be accidentally added a second time, in which case // SingleDelete wouldn't be able to properly delete the key. It does allow // the case where a SingleDelete might be added which covers nothing, but // that's not a correctness issue. uint32_t expected_value = Value(cf, key).load(); return expected_value != SharedState::DELETION_SENTINEL; } void ExpectedState::Reset() { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_column_families_; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < max_key_; ++j) { Delete(static_cast<int>(i), j, false /* pending */); } } } FileExpectedState::FileExpectedState(std::string expected_state_file_path, size_t max_key, size_t num_column_families) : ExpectedState(max_key, num_column_families), expected_state_file_path_(expected_state_file_path) {} Status FileExpectedState::Open(bool create) { size_t expected_values_size = GetValuesLen(); Env* default_env = Env::Default(); Status status; if (create) { std::unique_ptr<WritableFile> wfile; const EnvOptions soptions; status = default_env->NewWritableFile(expected_state_file_path_, &wfile, soptions); if (status.ok()) { std::string buf(expected_values_size, '\0'); status = wfile->Append(buf); } } if (status.ok()) { status = default_env->NewMemoryMappedFileBuffer( expected_state_file_path_, &expected_state_mmap_buffer_); } if (status.ok()) { assert(expected_state_mmap_buffer_->GetLen() == expected_values_size); values_ = static_cast<std::atomic<uint32_t>*>( expected_state_mmap_buffer_->GetBase()); assert(values_ != nullptr); if (create) { Reset(); } } else { assert(values_ == nullptr); } return status; } AnonExpectedState::AnonExpectedState(size_t max_key, size_t num_column_families) : ExpectedState(max_key, num_column_families) {} #ifndef NDEBUG Status AnonExpectedState::Open(bool create) { #else Status AnonExpectedState::Open(bool /* create */) { #endif // AnonExpectedState only supports being freshly created. assert(create); values_allocation_.reset( new std::atomic<uint32_t>[GetValuesLen() / sizeof(std::atomic<uint32_t>)]); values_ = &values_allocation_[0]; Reset(); return Status::OK(); } ExpectedStateManager::ExpectedStateManager(size_t max_key, size_t num_column_families) : max_key_(max_key), num_column_families_(num_column_families), latest_(nullptr) {} ExpectedStateManager::~ExpectedStateManager() {} const std::string FileExpectedStateManager::kLatestFilename = "LATEST.state"; FileExpectedStateManager::FileExpectedStateManager( size_t max_key, size_t num_column_families, std::string expected_state_dir_path) : ExpectedStateManager(max_key, num_column_families), expected_state_dir_path_(std::move(expected_state_dir_path)) { assert(!expected_state_dir_path_.empty()); } Status FileExpectedStateManager::Open() { Status s = Clean(); std::string expected_state_file_path = GetPathForFilename(kLatestFilename); bool found = false; if (s.ok()) { Status exists_status = Env::Default()->FileExists(expected_state_file_path); if (exists_status.ok()) { found = true; } else if (exists_status.IsNotFound()) { found = false; } else { s = exists_status; } } if (!found) { // Initialize the file in a temp path and then rename it. That way, in case // this process is killed during setup, `Clean()` will take care of removing // the incomplete expected values file. std::string temp_expected_state_file_path = GetTempPathForFilename(kLatestFilename); FileExpectedState temp_expected_state(temp_expected_state_file_path, max_key_, num_column_families_); if (s.ok()) { s = temp_expected_state.Open(true /* create */); } if (s.ok()) { s = Env::Default()->RenameFile(temp_expected_state_file_path, expected_state_file_path); } } if (s.ok()) { latest_.reset(new FileExpectedState(std::move(expected_state_file_path), max_key_, num_column_families_)); s = latest_->Open(false /* create */); } return s; } Status FileExpectedStateManager::Clean() { // An incomplete `Open()` could have left behind an invalid temporary file. std::string temp_path = GetTempPathForFilename(kLatestFilename); Status s = Env::Default()->FileExists(temp_path); if (s.ok()) { s = Env::Default()->DeleteFile(temp_path); } else if (s.IsNotFound()) { s = Status::OK(); } return s; } std::string FileExpectedStateManager::GetTempPathForFilename( const std::string& filename) { static const std::string kTempFilenamePrefix = "."; static const std::string kTempFilenameSuffix = ".tmp"; assert(!expected_state_dir_path_.empty()); std::string expected_state_dir_path_slash = expected_state_dir_path_.back() == '/' ? expected_state_dir_path_ : expected_state_dir_path_ + "/"; return expected_state_dir_path_slash + kTempFilenamePrefix + filename + kTempFilenameSuffix; } std::string FileExpectedStateManager::GetPathForFilename( const std::string& filename) { assert(!expected_state_dir_path_.empty()); std::string expected_state_dir_path_slash = expected_state_dir_path_.back() == '/' ? expected_state_dir_path_ : expected_state_dir_path_ + "/"; return expected_state_dir_path_slash + filename; } AnonExpectedStateManager::AnonExpectedStateManager(size_t max_key, size_t num_column_families) : ExpectedStateManager(max_key, num_column_families) {} Status AnonExpectedStateManager::Open() { latest_.reset(new AnonExpectedState(max_key_, num_column_families_)); return latest_->Open(true /* create */); } } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE #endif // GFLAGS