#! /usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. set -e if [ ! -d unreleased_history ]; then echo "Can't find unreleased_history/ directory" exit 1 fi GIT_PATHS="unreleased_history/ HISTORY.md" if [ ! "$DRY_RUN" ]; then # Check for uncommitted changes UNCOMMITTED="$(git diff -- $GIT_PATHS)" if [ "$UNCOMMITTED" ]; then echo 'Uncommitted changes to files to be modified. Please commit first to' echo 'ensure a clean revert path. You can always `git commit -a --amend`' echo 'to add more changes to your commit.' exit 2 fi fi # Add first part of existing HISTORY file to new version awk '{ print } /NOTE/ { exit(0) }' < HISTORY.md > HISTORY.new # And a blank line separator echo >> HISTORY.new # Add new version header awk '/#define ROCKSDB_MAJOR/ { major = $3 } /#define ROCKSDB_MINOR/ { minor = $3 } /#define ROCKSDB_PATCH/ { patch = $3 } END { printf "## " major "." minor "." patch }' < include/rocksdb/version.h >> HISTORY.new echo " (`date +%x`)" >> HISTORY.new function process_file () { # use awk to correct # * extra or missing newlines # * leading or trailing whitespace # * missing '* ' on first line awk '/./ { gsub(/^[ \t]+/, ""); gsub(/[ \t]+$/, ""); if (notfirstline || $1 == "*") print; else print "* " $0; notfirstline=1; }' < $1 >> HISTORY.new echo git rm $1 if [ ! "$DRY_RUN" ]; then git rm $1 fi } PROCESSED_DIRECTORIES="" function process_dir () { PROCESSED_DIRECTORIES="$PROCESSED_DIRECTORIES $1" # ls will sort the files, including the permanent header file FILES="$(ls unreleased_history/$1/)" if [ "$FILES" ]; then echo "### $2" >> HISTORY.new for FILE in $FILES; do process_file "unreleased_history/$1/$FILE" done echo >> HISTORY.new echo "Saved entries from $1" else echo "Nothing new in $1" fi } # Process dirs and files process_dir new_features "New Features" process_dir public_api_changes "Public API Changes" process_dir behavior_changes "Behavior Changes" process_dir bug_fixes "Bug Fixes" process_dir performance_improvements "Performance Improvements" # Check for unexpected files or dirs at top level. process_dir/process_file # will deal with contents of these directories EXPECTED_REGEX="[^/]*[.]sh|README[.]txt|$(echo $PROCESSED_DIRECTORIES | tr ' ' '|')" platform=`uname` if [ $platform = 'Darwin' ]; then UNEXPECTED="$(find -E unreleased_history -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -regex "[^/]*/($EXPECTED_REGEX)")" else UNEXPECTED="$(find unreleased_history/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -regextype egrep -not -regex "[^/]*/($EXPECTED_REGEX)")" fi if [ "$UNEXPECTED" ]; then echo "Unexpected files I don't know how to process:" echo "$UNEXPECTED" rm HISTORY.new exit 3 fi # Add rest of existing HISTORY file to new version (collapsing newlines) awk '/./ { if (note) pr=1 } /NOTE/ { note=1 } { if (pr) print }' < HISTORY.md >> HISTORY.new if [ "$DRY_RUN" ]; then echo '===========================================' diff -U3 HISTORY.md HISTORY.new || true rm HISTORY.new else mv HISTORY.new HISTORY.md echo "Done. Revert command: git checkout HEAD -- $GIT_PATHS" fi