// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). #include "rocksdb/utilities/object_registry.h" #include <ctype.h> #include "logging/logging.h" #include "port/lang.h" #include "rocksdb/customizable.h" #include "rocksdb/env.h" #include "util/string_util.h" namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE { namespace { bool MatchesInteger(const std::string &target, size_t start, size_t pos) { // If it is numeric, everything up to the match must be a number int digits = 0; if (target[start] == '-') { start++; // Allow negative numbers } while (start < pos) { if (!isdigit(target[start++])) { return false; } else { digits++; } } return (digits > 0); } bool MatchesDecimal(const std::string &target, size_t start, size_t pos) { int digits = 0; if (target[start] == '-') { start++; // Allow negative numbers } for (bool point = false; start < pos; start++) { if (target[start] == '.') { if (point) { return false; } else { point = true; } } else if (!isdigit(target[start])) { return false; } else { digits++; } } return (digits > 0); } } // namespace size_t ObjectLibrary::PatternEntry::MatchSeparatorAt( size_t start, Quantifier mode, const std::string &target, size_t tlen, const std::string &separator) const { size_t slen = separator.size(); // See if there is enough space. If so, find the separator if (tlen < start + slen) { return std::string::npos; // not enough space left } else if (mode == kMatchExact) { // Exact mode means the next thing we are looking for is the separator if (target.compare(start, slen, separator) != 0) { return std::string::npos; } else { return start + slen; // Found the separator, return where we found it } } else { auto pos = start + 1; if (!separator.empty()) { pos = target.find(separator, pos); } if (pos == std::string::npos) { return pos; } else if (mode == kMatchInteger) { if (!MatchesInteger(target, start, pos)) { return std::string::npos; } } else if (mode == kMatchDecimal) { if (!MatchesDecimal(target, start, pos)) { return std::string::npos; } } return pos + slen; } } bool ObjectLibrary::PatternEntry::MatchesTarget(const std::string &name, size_t nlen, const std::string &target, size_t tlen) const { if (separators_.empty()) { assert(optional_); // If there are no separators, it must be only a name return nlen == tlen && name == target; } else if (nlen == tlen) { // The lengths are the same return optional_ && name == target; } else if (tlen < nlen + slength_) { // The target is not long enough return false; } else if (target.compare(0, nlen, name) != 0) { return false; // Target does not start with name } else { // Loop through all of the separators one at a time matching them. // Note that we first match the separator and then its quantifiers. // Since we expect the separator first, we start with an exact match // Subsequent matches will use the quantifier of the previous separator size_t start = nlen; auto mode = kMatchExact; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < separators_.size(); ++idx) { const auto &separator = separators_[idx]; start = MatchSeparatorAt(start, mode, target, tlen, separator.first); if (start == std::string::npos) { return false; } else { mode = separator.second; } } // We have matched all of the separators. Now check that what is left // unmatched in the target is acceptable. if (mode == kMatchExact) { return (start == tlen); } else if (start > tlen || (start == tlen && mode != kMatchZeroOrMore)) { return false; } else if (mode == kMatchInteger) { return MatchesInteger(target, start, tlen); } else if (mode == kMatchDecimal) { return MatchesDecimal(target, start, tlen); } } return true; } bool ObjectLibrary::PatternEntry::Matches(const std::string &target) const { auto tlen = target.size(); if (MatchesTarget(name_, nlength_, target, tlen)) { return true; } else if (!names_.empty()) { for (const auto &alt : names_) { if (MatchesTarget(alt, alt.size(), target, tlen)) { return true; } } } return false; } size_t ObjectLibrary::GetFactoryCount(size_t *types) const { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mu_); *types = factories_.size(); size_t factories = 0; for (const auto &e : factories_) { factories += e.second.size(); } return factories; } size_t ObjectLibrary::GetFactoryCount(const std::string &type) const { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mu_); auto iter = factories_.find(type); if (iter != factories_.end()) { return iter->second.size(); } else { return 0; } } void ObjectLibrary::GetFactoryNames(const std::string &type, std::vector<std::string> *names) const { assert(names); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mu_); auto iter = factories_.find(type); if (iter != factories_.end()) { for (const auto &f : iter->second) { names->push_back(f->Name()); } } } void ObjectLibrary::GetFactoryTypes( std::unordered_set<std::string> *types) const { assert(types); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mu_); for (const auto &iter : factories_) { types->insert(iter.first); } } void ObjectLibrary::Dump(Logger *logger) const { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mu_); if (logger != nullptr && !factories_.empty()) { ROCKS_LOG_HEADER(logger, " Registered Library: %s\n", id_.c_str()); for (const auto &iter : factories_) { ROCKS_LOG_HEADER(logger, " Registered factories for type[%s] ", iter.first.c_str()); bool printed_one = false; for (const auto &e : iter.second) { ROCKS_LOG_HEADER(logger, "%c %s", (printed_one) ? ',' : ':', e->Name()); printed_one = true; } } } } // Returns the Default singleton instance of the ObjectLibrary // This instance will contain most of the "standard" registered objects std::shared_ptr<ObjectLibrary> &ObjectLibrary::Default() { // Use avoid destruction here so the default ObjectLibrary will not be // statically destroyed and long-lived. STATIC_AVOID_DESTRUCTION(std::shared_ptr<ObjectLibrary>, instance) (std::make_shared<ObjectLibrary>("default")); return instance; } ObjectRegistry::ObjectRegistry(const std::shared_ptr<ObjectLibrary> &library) { libraries_.push_back(library); for (const auto &b : builtins_) { RegisterPlugin(b.first, b.second); } } std::shared_ptr<ObjectRegistry> ObjectRegistry::Default() { // Use avoid destruction here so the default ObjectRegistry will not be // statically destroyed and long-lived. STATIC_AVOID_DESTRUCTION(std::shared_ptr<ObjectRegistry>, instance) (std::make_shared<ObjectRegistry>(ObjectLibrary::Default())); return instance; } std::shared_ptr<ObjectRegistry> ObjectRegistry::NewInstance() { return std::make_shared<ObjectRegistry>(Default()); } std::shared_ptr<ObjectRegistry> ObjectRegistry::NewInstance( const std::shared_ptr<ObjectRegistry> &parent) { return std::make_shared<ObjectRegistry>(parent); } Status ObjectRegistry::SetManagedObject( const std::string &type, const std::string &id, const std::shared_ptr<Customizable> &object) { std::string object_key = ToManagedObjectKey(type, id); std::shared_ptr<Customizable> curr; if (parent_ != nullptr) { curr = parent_->GetManagedObject(type, id); } if (curr == nullptr) { // We did not find the object in any parent. Update in the current std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(objects_mutex_); auto iter = managed_objects_.find(object_key); if (iter != managed_objects_.end()) { // The object exists curr = iter->second.lock(); if (curr != nullptr && curr != object) { return Status::InvalidArgument("Object already exists: ", object_key); } else { iter->second = object; } } else { // The object does not exist. Add it managed_objects_[object_key] = object; } } else if (curr != object) { return Status::InvalidArgument("Object already exists: ", object_key); } return Status::OK(); } std::shared_ptr<Customizable> ObjectRegistry::GetManagedObject( const std::string &type, const std::string &id) const { { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(objects_mutex_); auto iter = managed_objects_.find(ToManagedObjectKey(type, id)); if (iter != managed_objects_.end()) { return iter->second.lock(); } } if (parent_ != nullptr) { return parent_->GetManagedObject(type, id); } else { return nullptr; } } Status ObjectRegistry::ListManagedObjects( const std::string &type, const std::string &name, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Customizable>> *results) const { { std::string key = ToManagedObjectKey(type, name); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(objects_mutex_); for (auto iter = managed_objects_.lower_bound(key); iter != managed_objects_.end() && StartsWith(iter->first, key); ++iter) { auto shared = iter->second.lock(); if (shared != nullptr) { if (name.empty() || shared->IsInstanceOf(name)) { results->emplace_back(shared); } } } } if (parent_ != nullptr) { return parent_->ListManagedObjects(type, name, results); } else { return Status::OK(); } } // Returns the number of registered types for this registry. // If specified (not-null), types is updated to include the names of the // registered types. size_t ObjectRegistry::GetFactoryCount(const std::string &type) const { size_t count = 0; if (parent_ != nullptr) { count = parent_->GetFactoryCount(type); } std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(library_mutex_); for (const auto &library : libraries_) { count += library->GetFactoryCount(type); } return count; } void ObjectRegistry::GetFactoryNames(const std::string &type, std::vector<std::string> *names) const { assert(names); names->clear(); if (parent_ != nullptr) { parent_->GetFactoryNames(type, names); } std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(library_mutex_); for (const auto &library : libraries_) { library->GetFactoryNames(type, names); } } void ObjectRegistry::GetFactoryTypes( std::unordered_set<std::string> *types) const { assert(types); if (parent_ != nullptr) { parent_->GetFactoryTypes(types); } std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(library_mutex_); for (const auto &library : libraries_) { library->GetFactoryTypes(types); } } void ObjectRegistry::Dump(Logger *logger) const { if (logger != nullptr) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(library_mutex_); if (!plugins_.empty()) { ROCKS_LOG_HEADER(logger, " Registered Plugins:"); bool printed_one = false; for (const auto &plugin : plugins_) { ROCKS_LOG_HEADER(logger, "%s%s", (printed_one) ? ", " : " ", plugin.c_str()); printed_one = true; } ROCKS_LOG_HEADER(logger, "\n"); } for (auto iter = libraries_.crbegin(); iter != libraries_.crend(); ++iter) { iter->get()->Dump(logger); } } if (parent_ != nullptr) { parent_->Dump(logger); } } int ObjectRegistry::RegisterPlugin(const std::string &name, const RegistrarFunc &func) { if (!name.empty() && func != nullptr) { plugins_.push_back(name); return AddLibrary(name)->Register(func, name); } else { return -1; } } } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE