 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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#include <cstdlib>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <cassert>

namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace async {

 * A helper class to allow a TDelayedDestruction object to be instantiated on
 * the stack.
 * This class derives from an existing TDelayedDestruction type and makes the
 * destructor public again.  This allows objects of this type to be declared on
 * the stack or directly inside another class.  Normally TDelayedDestruction
 * objects must be dynamically allocated on the heap.
 * However, the trade-off is that you lose some of the protections provided by
 * TDelayedDestruction::destroy().  TDelayedDestruction::destroy() will
 * automatically delay destruction of the object until it is safe to do so.
 * If you use TUndelayedDestruction, you become responsible for ensuring that
 * you only destroy the object where it is safe to do so.  Attempting to
 * destroy a TUndelayedDestruction object while it has a non-zero destructor
 * guard count will abort the program.
template<typename TDD>
class TUndelayedDestruction : public TDD {
  // We want to expose all constructors provided by the parent class.
  // C++11 adds constructor inheritance to support this.  Unfortunately gcc
  // does not implement constructor inheritance yet, so we have to fake it with
  // variadic templates.
  using TDD::TDD;
  // We unfortunately can't simulate constructor inheritance as well as I'd
  // like.
  // Ideally we would use std::enable_if<> and std::is_constructible<> to
  // provide only constructor methods that are valid for our parent class.
  // Unfortunately std::is_constructible<> doesn't work for types that aren't
  // destructible.  In gcc-4.6 it results in a compiler error.  In the latest
  // gcc code it looks like it has been fixed to return false.  (The language
  // in the standard seems to indicate that returning false is the correct
  // behavior for non-destructible types, which is unfortunate.)
  template<typename ...Args>
  explicit TUndelayedDestruction(Args&& ...args)
    : TDD(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}

   * Public destructor.
   * The caller is responsible for ensuring that the object is only destroyed
   * where it is safe to do so.  (i.e., when the destructor guard count is 0).
   * The exact conditions for meeting this may be dependant upon your class
   * semantics.  Typically you are only guaranteed that it is safe to destroy
   * the object directly from the event loop (e.g., directly from a
   * TEventBase::LoopCallback), or when the event loop is stopped.
  virtual ~TUndelayedDestruction() {
    // Crash if the caller is destroying us with outstanding destructor guards.
    if (this->getDestructorGuardCount() != 0) {
    // Invoke destroy.  This is necessary since our base class may have
    // implemented custom behavior in destroy().

   * Override our parent's destroy() method to make it protected.
   * Callers should use the normal destructor instead of destroy
  virtual void destroy() {

  virtual void destroyNow(bool delayed) {
    // Do nothing.  This will always be invoked from the call to destroy inside
    // our destructor.
    // prevent unused variable warnings when asserts are compiled out.

  // Forbidden copy constructor and assignment operator
  TUndelayedDestruction(TUndelayedDestruction const &) = delete;
  TUndelayedDestruction& operator=(TUndelayedDestruction const &) = delete;

}}} // apache::thrift::async