dist: xenial language: cpp os: - linux - osx arch: - amd64 - arm64 - ppc64le compiler: - clang - gcc osx_image: xcode9.4 cache: - ccache addons: apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - libgflags-dev - libbz2-dev - liblz4-dev - libsnappy-dev - liblzma-dev # xv - libzstd-dev - zlib1g-dev homebrew: update: true packages: - ccache - gflags - lz4 - snappy - xz - zstd env: - TEST_GROUP=platform_dependent # 16-18 minutes - TEST_GROUP=1 # 33-35 minutes - TEST_GROUP=2 # 18-20 minutes - TEST_GROUP=3 # 20-22 minutes - TEST_GROUP=4 # 12-14 minutes # Run java tests - JOB_NAME=java_test # 4-11 minutes # Build ROCKSDB_LITE - JOB_NAME=lite_build # 3-4 minutes # Build examples - JOB_NAME=examples # 5-7 minutes - JOB_NAME=cmake # 3-5 minutes - JOB_NAME=cmake-gcc8 # 3-5 minutes - JOB_NAME=cmake-gcc9 # 3-5 minutes - JOB_NAME=cmake-gcc9-c++20 # 3-5 minutes - JOB_NAME=cmake-mingw # 3 minutes - JOB_NAME=make-gcc4.8 - JOB_NAME=status_checked matrix: exclude: - os: osx env: JOB_NAME=cmake-gcc8 - os: osx env: JOB_NAME=cmake-gcc9 - os: osx env: JOB_NAME=cmake-gcc9-c++20 - os: osx env: JOB_NAME=cmake-mingw - os: osx env: JOB_NAME=make-gcc4.8 - os: osx arch: ppc64le - os: osx compiler: gcc - os : linux arch: arm64 env: JOB_NAME=cmake-mingw - os : linux arch: arm64 env: JOB_NAME=make-gcc4.8 - os: linux arch: ppc64le env: JOB_NAME=cmake-mingw - os: linux arch: ppc64le env: JOB_NAME=make-gcc4.8 - os: linux compiler: clang # Exclude all but most unique cmake variants for pull requests, but build all in branches - if: type = pull_request os : linux arch: amd64 env: JOB_NAME=cmake - if: type = pull_request os : linux arch: amd64 env: JOB_NAME=cmake-gcc8 - if: type = pull_request os : linux arch: amd64 env: JOB_NAME=cmake-gcc9 # Exclude most osx, arm64 and ppc64le tests for pull requests, but build in branches # Temporarily disable ppc64le unit tests in PRs until Travis gets its act together (#6653) - if: type = pull_request os: linux arch: ppc64le env: TEST_GROUP=platform_dependent # NB: the cmake build is a partial java test - if: type = pull_request os: osx env: TEST_GROUP=1 - if: type = pull_request os : linux arch: arm64 env: TEST_GROUP=1 - if: type = pull_request os: linux arch: ppc64le env: TEST_GROUP=1 - if: type = pull_request os: osx env: TEST_GROUP=2 - if: type = pull_request os : linux arch: arm64 env: TEST_GROUP=2 - if: type = pull_request os: linux arch: ppc64le env: TEST_GROUP=2 - if: type = pull_request os: osx env: TEST_GROUP=3 - if: type = pull_request os : linux arch: arm64 env: TEST_GROUP=3 - if: type = pull_request os: linux arch: ppc64le env: TEST_GROUP=3 - if: type = pull_request os: osx env: TEST_GROUP=4 - if: type = pull_request os : linux arch: arm64 env: TEST_GROUP=4 - if: type = pull_request os: linux arch: ppc64le env: TEST_GROUP=4 - if: type = pull_request AND commit_message !~ /java/ os : osx env: JOB_NAME=java_test - if: type = pull_request AND commit_message !~ /java/ os : linux arch: arm64 env: JOB_NAME=java_test - if: type = pull_request AND commit_message !~ /java/ os: linux arch: ppc64le env: JOB_NAME=java_test - if: type = pull_request os : osx env: JOB_NAME=lite_build - if: type = pull_request os : linux arch: arm64 env: JOB_NAME=lite_build - if: type = pull_request os: linux arch: ppc64le env: JOB_NAME=lite_build - if: type = pull_request os : osx env: JOB_NAME=examples - if: type = pull_request os : linux arch: arm64 env: JOB_NAME=examples - if: type = pull_request os: linux arch: ppc64le env: JOB_NAME=examples - if: type = pull_request os : linux arch: arm64 env: JOB_NAME=cmake-gcc8 - if: type = pull_request os: linux arch: ppc64le env: JOB_NAME=cmake-gcc8 - if: type = pull_request os : linux arch: arm64 env: JOB_NAME=cmake-gcc9 - if: type = pull_request os: linux arch: ppc64le env: JOB_NAME=cmake-gcc9 - if: type = pull_request os : linux arch: arm64 env: JOB_NAME=cmake-gcc9-c++20 - if: type = pull_request os: linux arch: ppc64le env: JOB_NAME=cmake-gcc9-c++20 - if: type = pull_request os : osx env: JOB_NAME=status_checked - if: type = pull_request os : linux arch: arm64 env: JOB_NAME=status_checked - if: type = pull_request os: linux arch: ppc64le env: JOB_NAME=status_checked install: - if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == osx ]; then PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/ccache/libexec; fi - if [ "${JOB_NAME}" == cmake-gcc8 ]; then sudo apt-get install -y g++-8; CC=gcc-8 && CXX=g++-8; fi - if [ "${JOB_NAME}" == cmake-gcc9 ] || [ "${JOB_NAME}" == cmake-gcc9-c++20 ]; then sudo apt-get install -y g++-9; CC=gcc-9 && CXX=g++-9; fi - if [ "${JOB_NAME}" == cmake-mingw ]; then sudo apt-get install -y mingw-w64 ; fi - if [ "${JOB_NAME}" == make-gcc4.8 ]; then sudo apt-get install -y g++-4.8 ; CC=gcc-4.8 && CXX=g++-4.8; fi - if [[ "${JOB_NAME}" == cmake* ]] && [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == linux ]; then sudo snap install cmake --beta --classic; export PATH=/snap/bin:$PATH; fi - | if [[ "${JOB_NAME}" == java_test || "${JOB_NAME}" == cmake* ]]; then # Ensure JDK 8 if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == osx ]; then brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk brew cask install adoptopenjdk8 export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home) else sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk export PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-$(dpkg --print-architecture)/bin:$PATH export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-$(dpkg --print-architecture) fi echo "JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}" which java && java -version which javac && javac -version fi before_script: # Increase the maximum number of open file descriptors, since some tests use # more FDs than the default limit. - ulimit -n 8192 script: - date; ${CXX} --version - if [ `command -v ccache` ]; then ccache -C; fi - case $TEST_GROUP in platform_dependent) OPT=-DTRAVIS V=1 ROCKSDBTESTS_END=db_block_cache_test make -j4 all_but_some_tests check_some ;; 1) OPT=-DTRAVIS V=1 ROCKSDBTESTS_START=db_block_cache_test ROCKSDBTESTS_END=db_iter_test make -j4 check_some ;; 2) OPT="-DTRAVIS -DROCKSDB_NAMESPACE=alternative_rocksdb_ns" V=1 make -j4 tools && OPT="-DTRAVIS -DROCKSDB_NAMESPACE=alternative_rocksdb_ns" V=1 ROCKSDBTESTS_START=db_iter_test ROCKSDBTESTS_END=options_file_test make -j4 check_some ;; 3) OPT=-DTRAVIS V=1 ROCKSDBTESTS_START=options_file_test ROCKSDBTESTS_END=write_prepared_transaction_test make -j4 check_some ;; 4) OPT=-DTRAVIS V=1 ROCKSDBTESTS_START=write_prepared_transaction_test make -j4 check_some ;; esac - case $JOB_NAME in java_test) OPT=-DTRAVIS V=1 make rocksdbjava jtest ;; lite_build) OPT='-DTRAVIS -DROCKSDB_LITE' V=1 make -j4 all ;; examples) OPT=-DTRAVIS V=1 make -j4 static_lib && cd examples && make -j4 ;; cmake-mingw) sudo update-alternatives --set x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++-posix; mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DJNI=1 -DWITH_GFLAGS=OFF .. -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Windows && make -j4 rocksdb rocksdbjni ;; cmake*) case $JOB_NAME in *-c++20) OPT=-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=20 ;; esac mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DWITH_TESTS=0 -DWITH_GFLAGS=0 -DWITH_BENCHMARK_TOOLS=0 -DWITH_TOOLS=0 -DWITH_CORE_TOOLS=1 .. && make -j4 && cd .. && rm -rf build && mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DJNI=1 .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release $OPT && make -j4 rocksdb rocksdbjni ;; make-gcc4.8) OPT=-DTRAVIS V=1 SKIP_LINK=1 make -j4 all && [ "Linking broken because libgflags compiled with newer ABI" ] ;; status_checked) OPT=-DTRAVIS V=1 ASSERT_STATUS_CHECKED=1 make -j4 check_some ;; esac notifications: email: - leveldb@fb.com