#!/usr/bin/env bash # REQUIRE: db_bench binary exists in the current directory # # This should be used with the LevelDB fork listed here to use additional test options. # For more details on the changes see the blog post listed below. # https://github.com/mdcallag/leveldb-1 # http://smalldatum.blogspot.com/2015/04/comparing-leveldb-and-rocksdb-take-2.html if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo -n "./benchmark.sh [fillseq/overwrite/readrandom/readwhilewriting]" exit 0 fi # size constants K=1024 M=$((1024 * K)) G=$((1024 * M)) if [ -z $DB_DIR ]; then echo "DB_DIR is not defined" exit 0 fi output_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR:-/tmp/} if [ ! -d $output_dir ]; then mkdir -p $output_dir fi # all multithreaded tests run with sync=1 unless # $DB_BENCH_NO_SYNC is defined syncval="1" if [ ! -z $DB_BENCH_NO_SYNC ]; then echo "Turning sync off for all multithreaded tests" syncval="0"; fi num_threads=${NUM_THREADS:-16} # Only for *whilewriting, *whilemerging writes_per_second=${WRITES_PER_SECOND:-$((10 * K))} cache_size=${CACHE_SIZE:-$((1 * G))} num_keys=${NUM_KEYS:-$((1 * G))} key_size=20 value_size=${VALUE_SIZE:-400} block_size=${BLOCK_SIZE:-4096} const_params=" --db=$DB_DIR \ \ --num=$num_keys \ --value_size=$value_size \ --cache_size=$cache_size \ --compression_ratio=0.5 \ \ --write_buffer_size=$((2 * M)) \ \ --histogram=1 \ \ --bloom_bits=10 \ --open_files=$((20 * K))" params_w="$const_params " function summarize_result { test_out=$1 test_name=$2 bench_name=$3 nthr=$4 usecs_op=$( grep ^${bench_name} $test_out | awk '{ printf "%.1f", $3 }' ) mb_sec=$( grep ^${bench_name} $test_out | awk '{ printf "%.1f", $5 }' ) ops=$( grep "^Count:" $test_out | awk '{ print $2 }' ) ops_sec=$( echo "scale=0; (1000000.0 * $nthr) / $usecs_op" | bc ) avg=$( grep "^Count:" $test_out | awk '{ printf "%.1f", $4 }' ) p50=$( grep "^Min:" $test_out | awk '{ printf "%.1f", $4 }' ) echo -e "$ops_sec\t$mb_sec\t$usecs_op\t$avg\t$p50\t$test_name" \ >> $output_dir/report.txt } function run_fillseq { # This runs with a vector memtable and the WAL disabled to load faster. It is still crash safe and the # client can discover where to restart a load after a crash. I think this is a good way to load. echo "Loading $num_keys keys sequentially" cmd="./db_bench --benchmarks=fillseq \ --use_existing_db=0 \ --sync=0 \ $params_w \ --threads=1 \ --seed=$( date +%s ) \ 2>&1 | tee -a $output_dir/benchmark_fillseq.v${value_size}.log" echo $cmd | tee $output_dir/benchmark_fillseq.v${value_size}.log eval $cmd summarize_result $output_dir/benchmark_fillseq.v${value_size}.log fillseq.v${value_size} fillseq 1 } function run_change { operation=$1 echo "Do $num_keys random $operation" out_name="benchmark_${operation}.t${num_threads}.s${syncval}.log" cmd="./db_bench --benchmarks=$operation \ --use_existing_db=1 \ --sync=$syncval \ $params_w \ --threads=$num_threads \ --seed=$( date +%s ) \ 2>&1 | tee -a $output_dir/${out_name}" echo $cmd | tee $output_dir/${out_name} eval $cmd summarize_result $output_dir/${out_name} ${operation}.t${num_threads}.s${syncval} $operation $num_threads } function run_readrandom { echo "Reading $num_keys random keys" out_name="benchmark_readrandom.t${num_threads}.log" cmd="./db_bench --benchmarks=readrandom \ --use_existing_db=1 \ $params_w \ --threads=$num_threads \ --seed=$( date +%s ) \ 2>&1 | tee -a $output_dir/${out_name}" echo $cmd | tee $output_dir/${out_name} eval $cmd summarize_result $output_dir/${out_name} readrandom.t${num_threads} readrandom $num_threads } function run_readwhile { operation=$1 echo "Reading $num_keys random keys while $operation" out_name="benchmark_readwhile${operation}.t${num_threads}.log" cmd="./db_bench --benchmarks=readwhile${operation} \ --use_existing_db=1 \ --sync=$syncval \ $params_w \ --threads=$num_threads \ --writes_per_second=$writes_per_second \ --seed=$( date +%s ) \ 2>&1 | tee -a $output_dir/${out_name}" echo $cmd | tee $output_dir/${out_name} eval $cmd summarize_result $output_dir/${out_name} readwhile${operation}.t${num_threads} readwhile${operation} $num_threads } function now() { echo `date +"%s"` } report="$output_dir/report.txt" schedule="$output_dir/schedule.txt" echo "===== Benchmark =====" # Run!!! IFS=',' read -a jobs <<< $1 for job in ${jobs[@]}; do if [ $job != debug ]; then echo "Start $job at `date`" | tee -a $schedule fi start=$(now) if [ $job = fillseq ]; then run_fillseq elif [ $job = overwrite ]; then run_change overwrite elif [ $job = readrandom ]; then run_readrandom elif [ $job = readwhilewriting ]; then run_readwhile writing elif [ $job = debug ]; then num_keys=1000; # debug echo "Setting num_keys to $num_keys" else echo "unknown job $job" exit fi end=$(now) if [ $job != debug ]; then echo "Complete $job in $((end-start)) seconds" | tee -a $schedule fi echo -e "ops/sec\tmb/sec\tusec/op\tavg\tp50\tTest" tail -1 $output_dir/report.txt done