#include #include #include #include "/usr/include/valgrind/callgrind.h" #include "rocksdb/db.h" #include "rocksdb/perf_context.h" #include "util/histogram.h" #include "util/stop_watch.h" #include "util/testharness.h" bool FLAGS_random_key = false; bool FLAGS_use_set_based_memetable = false; int FLAGS_total_keys = 100; int FLAGS_write_buffer_size = 1000000000; int FLAGS_max_write_buffer_number = 8; int FLAGS_min_write_buffer_number_to_merge = 7; // Path to the database on file system const std::string kDbName = rocksdb::test::TmpDir() + "/perf_context_test"; void SeekToFirst(rocksdb::Iterator* iter) { // std::cout << "Press a key to continue:"; // std::string s; // std::cin >> s; iter->SeekToFirst(); // std::cout << "Press a key to continue:"; // std::string s2; // std::cin >> s2; } namespace rocksdb { std::shared_ptr OpenDb() { DB* db; Options options; options.create_if_missing = true; options.write_buffer_size = FLAGS_write_buffer_size; options.max_write_buffer_number = FLAGS_max_write_buffer_number; options.min_write_buffer_number_to_merge = FLAGS_min_write_buffer_number_to_merge; if (FLAGS_use_set_based_memetable) { auto prefix_extractor = rocksdb::NewFixedPrefixTransform(0); options.memtable_factory = std::make_shared(prefix_extractor); } Status s = DB::Open(options, kDbName, &db); ASSERT_OK(s); return std::shared_ptr(db); } class PerfContextTest { }; TEST(PerfContextTest, SeekIntoDeletion) { DestroyDB(kDbName, Options()); auto db = OpenDb(); WriteOptions write_options; ReadOptions read_options; for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_total_keys; ++i) { std::string key = "k" + std::to_string(i); std::string value = "v" + std::to_string(i); db->Put(write_options, key, value); } for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_total_keys -1 ; ++i) { std::string key = "k" + std::to_string(i); db->Delete(write_options, key); } HistogramImpl hist_get; HistogramImpl hist_get_time; for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_total_keys - 1; ++i) { std::string key = "k" + std::to_string(i); std::string value; perf_context.Reset(); StopWatchNano timer(Env::Default(), true); auto status = db->Get(read_options, key, &value); auto elapsed_nanos = timer.ElapsedNanos(); ASSERT_TRUE(status.IsNotFound()); hist_get.Add(perf_context.user_key_comparison_count); hist_get_time.Add(elapsed_nanos); } std::cout << "Get uesr key comparison: \n" << hist_get.ToString() << "Get time: \n" << hist_get_time.ToString(); HistogramImpl hist_seek_to_first; std::unique_ptr iter(db->NewIterator(read_options)); perf_context.Reset(); StopWatchNano timer(Env::Default(), true); //CALLGRIND_ZERO_STATS; SeekToFirst(iter.get()); //iter->SeekToFirst(); //CALLGRIND_DUMP_STATS; hist_seek_to_first.Add(perf_context.user_key_comparison_count); auto elapsed_nanos = timer.ElapsedNanos(); std::cout << "SeekToFirst uesr key comparison: \n" << hist_seek_to_first.ToString() << "ikey skipped: " << perf_context.internal_key_skipped_count << "\n" << "idelete skipped: " << perf_context.internal_delete_skipped_count << "\n" << "elapsed: " << elapsed_nanos << "\n"; HistogramImpl hist_seek; for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_total_keys; ++i) { std::unique_ptr iter(db->NewIterator(read_options)); std::string key = "k" + std::to_string(i); perf_context.Reset(); StopWatchNano timer(Env::Default(), true); iter->Seek(key); auto elapsed_nanos = timer.ElapsedNanos(); hist_seek.Add(perf_context.user_key_comparison_count); std::cout << "seek cmp: " << perf_context.user_key_comparison_count << " ikey skipped " << perf_context.internal_key_skipped_count << " idelete skipped " << perf_context.internal_delete_skipped_count << " elapsed: " << elapsed_nanos << "ns\n"; perf_context.Reset(); ASSERT_TRUE(iter->Valid()); StopWatchNano timer2(Env::Default(), true); iter->Next(); auto elapsed_nanos2 = timer2.ElapsedNanos(); std::cout << "next cmp: " << perf_context.user_key_comparison_count << "elapsed: " << elapsed_nanos2 << "ns\n"; } std::cout << "Seek uesr key comparison: \n" << hist_seek.ToString(); } TEST(PerfContextTest, StopWatchNanoOverhead) { // profile the timer cost by itself! const int kTotalIterations = 1000000; std::vector timings(kTotalIterations); StopWatchNano timer(Env::Default(), true); for (auto& timing : timings) { timing = timer.ElapsedNanos(true /* reset */); } HistogramImpl histogram; for (const auto timing : timings) { histogram.Add(timing); } std::cout << histogram.ToString(); } TEST(PerfContextTest, StopWatchOverhead) { // profile the timer cost by itself! const int kTotalIterations = 1000000; std::vector timings(kTotalIterations); StopWatch timer(Env::Default()); for (auto& timing : timings) { timing = timer.ElapsedMicros(); } HistogramImpl histogram; uint64_t prev_timing = 0; for (const auto timing : timings) { histogram.Add(timing - prev_timing); prev_timing = timing; } std::cout << histogram.ToString(); } void ProfileKeyComparison() { DestroyDB(kDbName, Options()); // Start this test with a fresh DB auto db = OpenDb(); WriteOptions write_options; ReadOptions read_options; HistogramImpl hist_put; HistogramImpl hist_get; std::cout << "Inserting " << FLAGS_total_keys << " key/value pairs\n...\n"; std::vector keys; for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_total_keys; ++i) { keys.push_back(i); } if (FLAGS_random_key) { std::random_shuffle(keys.begin(), keys.end()); } for (const int i : keys) { std::string key = "k" + std::to_string(i); std::string value = "v" + std::to_string(i); perf_context.Reset(); db->Put(write_options, key, value); hist_put.Add(perf_context.user_key_comparison_count); perf_context.Reset(); db->Get(read_options, key, &value); hist_get.Add(perf_context.user_key_comparison_count); } std::cout << "Put uesr key comparison: \n" << hist_put.ToString() << "Get uesr key comparison: \n" << hist_get.ToString(); } TEST(PerfContextTest, KeyComparisonCount) { SetPerfLevel(kEnableCount); ProfileKeyComparison(); SetPerfLevel(kDisable); ProfileKeyComparison(); SetPerfLevel(kEnableTime); ProfileKeyComparison(); } // make perf_context_test // export LEVELDB_TESTS=PerfContextTest.SeekKeyComparison // For one memtable: // ./perf_context_test --write_buffer_size=500000 --total_keys=10000 // For two memtables: // ./perf_context_test --write_buffer_size=250000 --total_keys=10000 // Specify --random_key=1 to shuffle the key before insertion // Results show that, for sequential insertion, worst-case Seek Key comparison // is close to the total number of keys (linear), when there is only one // memtable. When there are two memtables, even the avg Seek Key comparison // starts to become linear to the input size. TEST(PerfContextTest, SeekKeyComparison) { DestroyDB(kDbName, Options()); auto db = OpenDb(); WriteOptions write_options; ReadOptions read_options; std::cout << "Inserting " << FLAGS_total_keys << " key/value pairs\n...\n"; std::vector keys; for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_total_keys; ++i) { keys.push_back(i); } if (FLAGS_random_key) { std::random_shuffle(keys.begin(), keys.end()); } for (const int i : keys) { std::string key = "k" + std::to_string(i); std::string value = "v" + std::to_string(i); db->Put(write_options, key, value); } HistogramImpl hist_seek; HistogramImpl hist_next; for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_total_keys; ++i) { std::string key = "k" + std::to_string(i); std::string value = "v" + std::to_string(i); std::unique_ptr iter(db->NewIterator(read_options)); perf_context.Reset(); iter->Seek(key); ASSERT_TRUE(iter->Valid()); ASSERT_EQ(iter->value().ToString(), value); hist_seek.Add(perf_context.user_key_comparison_count); } std::unique_ptr iter(db->NewIterator(read_options)); for (iter->SeekToFirst(); iter->Valid();) { perf_context.Reset(); iter->Next(); hist_next.Add(perf_context.user_key_comparison_count); } std::cout << "Seek:\n" << hist_seek.ToString() << "Next:\n" << hist_next.ToString(); } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { int n; char junk; if (sscanf(argv[i], "--write_buffer_size=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) { FLAGS_write_buffer_size = n; } if (sscanf(argv[i], "--total_keys=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) { FLAGS_total_keys = n; } if (sscanf(argv[i], "--random_key=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1 && (n == 0 || n == 1)) { FLAGS_random_key = n; } if (sscanf(argv[i], "--use_set_based_memetable=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1 && (n == 0 || n == 1)) { FLAGS_use_set_based_memetable = n; } } std::cout << kDbName << "\n"; rocksdb::test::RunAllTests(); return 0; }