// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the // LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant // of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. // // Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors. #include "db/db_iter.h" #include #include #include #include "db/filename.h" #include "db/dbformat.h" #include "rocksdb/env.h" #include "rocksdb/options.h" #include "rocksdb/iterator.h" #include "rocksdb/merge_operator.h" #include "port/port.h" #include "util/arena.h" #include "util/logging.h" #include "util/mutexlock.h" #include "util/perf_context_imp.h" namespace rocksdb { #if 0 static void DumpInternalIter(Iterator* iter) { for (iter->SeekToFirst(); iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) { ParsedInternalKey k; if (!ParseInternalKey(iter->key(), &k)) { fprintf(stderr, "Corrupt '%s'\n", EscapeString(iter->key()).c_str()); } else { fprintf(stderr, "@ '%s'\n", k.DebugString().c_str()); } } } #endif // Memtables and sstables that make the DB representation contain // (userkey,seq,type) => uservalue entries. DBIter // combines multiple entries for the same userkey found in the DB // representation into a single entry while accounting for sequence // numbers, deletion markers, overwrites, etc. class DBIter: public Iterator { public: // The following is grossly complicated. TODO: clean it up // Which direction is the iterator currently moving? // (1) When moving forward, the internal iterator is positioned at // the exact entry that yields this->key(), this->value() // (2) When moving backwards, the internal iterator is positioned // just before all entries whose user key == this->key(). enum Direction { kForward, kReverse }; DBIter(Env* env, const Options& options, const Comparator* cmp, Iterator* iter, SequenceNumber s, bool arena_mode) : arena_mode_(arena_mode), env_(env), logger_(options.info_log.get()), user_comparator_(cmp), user_merge_operator_(options.merge_operator.get()), iter_(iter), sequence_(s), direction_(kForward), valid_(false), current_entry_is_merged_(false), statistics_(options.statistics.get()) { RecordTick(statistics_, NO_ITERATORS); max_skip_ = options.max_sequential_skip_in_iterations; } virtual ~DBIter() { RecordTick(statistics_, NO_ITERATORS, -1); if (!arena_mode_) { delete iter_; } else { iter_->~Iterator(); } } virtual void SetIter(Iterator* iter) { assert(iter_ == nullptr); iter_ = iter; } virtual bool Valid() const { return valid_; } virtual Slice key() const { assert(valid_); return saved_key_.GetKey(); } virtual Slice value() const { assert(valid_); return (direction_ == kForward && !current_entry_is_merged_) ? iter_->value() : saved_value_; } virtual Status status() const { if (status_.ok()) { return iter_->status(); } else { return status_; } } virtual void Next(); virtual void Prev(); virtual void Seek(const Slice& target); virtual void SeekToFirst(); virtual void SeekToLast(); private: void PrevInternal(); void FindParseableKey(ParsedInternalKey* ikey, Direction direction); bool FindValueForCurrentKey(); bool FindValueForCurrentKeyUsingSeek(); void FindPrevUserKey(); void FindNextUserKey(); inline void FindNextUserEntry(bool skipping); void FindNextUserEntryInternal(bool skipping); bool ParseKey(ParsedInternalKey* key); void MergeValuesNewToOld(); inline void ClearSavedValue() { if (saved_value_.capacity() > 1048576) { std::string empty; swap(empty, saved_value_); } else { saved_value_.clear(); } } bool arena_mode_; Env* const env_; Logger* logger_; const Comparator* const user_comparator_; const MergeOperator* const user_merge_operator_; Iterator* iter_; SequenceNumber const sequence_; Status status_; IterKey saved_key_; std::string saved_value_; Direction direction_; bool valid_; bool current_entry_is_merged_; Statistics* statistics_; uint64_t max_skip_; // No copying allowed DBIter(const DBIter&); void operator=(const DBIter&); }; inline bool DBIter::ParseKey(ParsedInternalKey* ikey) { if (!ParseInternalKey(iter_->key(), ikey)) { status_ = Status::Corruption("corrupted internal key in DBIter"); Log(logger_, "corrupted internal key in DBIter: %s", iter_->key().ToString(true).c_str()); return false; } else { return true; } } void DBIter::Next() { assert(valid_); if (direction_ == kReverse) { FindNextUserKey(); direction_ = kForward; if (!iter_->Valid()) { iter_->SeekToFirst(); } } // If the current value is merged, we might already hit end of iter_ if (!iter_->Valid()) { valid_ = false; return; } FindNextUserEntry(true /* skipping the current user key */); } // PRE: saved_key_ has the current user key if skipping // POST: saved_key_ should have the next user key if valid_, // if the current entry is a result of merge // current_entry_is_merged_ => true // saved_value_ => the merged value // // NOTE: In between, saved_key_ can point to a user key that has // a delete marker inline void DBIter::FindNextUserEntry(bool skipping) { PERF_TIMER_AUTO(find_next_user_entry_time); FindNextUserEntryInternal(skipping); PERF_TIMER_STOP(find_next_user_entry_time); } // Actual implementation of DBIter::FindNextUserEntry() void DBIter::FindNextUserEntryInternal(bool skipping) { // Loop until we hit an acceptable entry to yield assert(iter_->Valid()); assert(direction_ == kForward); current_entry_is_merged_ = false; uint64_t num_skipped = 0; do { ParsedInternalKey ikey; if (ParseKey(&ikey) && ikey.sequence <= sequence_) { if (skipping && user_comparator_->Compare(ikey.user_key, saved_key_.GetKey()) <= 0) { num_skipped++; // skip this entry PERF_COUNTER_ADD(internal_key_skipped_count, 1); } else { skipping = false; switch (ikey.type) { case kTypeDeletion: // Arrange to skip all upcoming entries for this key since // they are hidden by this deletion. saved_key_.SetKey(ikey.user_key); skipping = true; num_skipped = 0; PERF_COUNTER_ADD(internal_delete_skipped_count, 1); break; case kTypeValue: valid_ = true; saved_key_.SetKey(ikey.user_key); return; case kTypeMerge: // By now, we are sure the current ikey is going to yield a value saved_key_.SetKey(ikey.user_key); current_entry_is_merged_ = true; valid_ = true; MergeValuesNewToOld(); // Go to a different state machine return; default: assert(false); break; } } } // If we have sequentially iterated via numerous keys and still not // found the next user-key, then it is better to seek so that we can // avoid too many key comparisons. We seek to the last occurence of // our current key by looking for sequence number 0. if (skipping && num_skipped > max_skip_) { num_skipped = 0; std::string last_key; AppendInternalKey(&last_key, ParsedInternalKey(saved_key_.GetKey(), 0, kValueTypeForSeek)); iter_->Seek(last_key); RecordTick(statistics_, NUMBER_OF_RESEEKS_IN_ITERATION); } else { iter_->Next(); } } while (iter_->Valid()); valid_ = false; } // Merge values of the same user key starting from the current iter_ position // Scan from the newer entries to older entries. // PRE: iter_->key() points to the first merge type entry // saved_key_ stores the user key // POST: saved_value_ has the merged value for the user key // iter_ points to the next entry (or invalid) void DBIter::MergeValuesNewToOld() { if (!user_merge_operator_) { Log(logger_, "Options::merge_operator is null."); throw std::logic_error("DBIter::MergeValuesNewToOld() with" " Options::merge_operator null"); } // Start the merge process by pushing the first operand std::deque operands; operands.push_front(iter_->value().ToString()); std::string merge_result; // Temporary string to hold merge result later ParsedInternalKey ikey; for (iter_->Next(); iter_->Valid(); iter_->Next()) { if (!ParseKey(&ikey)) { // skip corrupted key continue; } if (user_comparator_->Compare(ikey.user_key, saved_key_.GetKey()) != 0) { // hit the next user key, stop right here break; } if (kTypeDeletion == ikey.type) { // hit a delete with the same user key, stop right here // iter_ is positioned after delete iter_->Next(); break; } if (kTypeValue == ikey.type) { // hit a put, merge the put value with operands and store the // final result in saved_value_. We are done! // ignore corruption if there is any. const Slice value = iter_->value(); user_merge_operator_->FullMerge(ikey.user_key, &value, operands, &saved_value_, logger_); // iter_ is positioned after put iter_->Next(); return; } if (kTypeMerge == ikey.type) { // hit a merge, add the value as an operand and run associative merge. // when complete, add result to operands and continue. const Slice& value = iter_->value(); operands.push_front(value.ToString()); } } // we either exhausted all internal keys under this user key, or hit // a deletion marker. // feed null as the existing value to the merge operator, such that // client can differentiate this scenario and do things accordingly. user_merge_operator_->FullMerge(saved_key_.GetKey(), nullptr, operands, &saved_value_, logger_); } void DBIter::Prev() { assert(valid_); if (direction_ == kForward) { FindPrevUserKey(); direction_ = kReverse; } PrevInternal(); } void DBIter::PrevInternal() { if (!iter_->Valid()) { valid_ = false; return; } ParsedInternalKey ikey; while (iter_->Valid()) { saved_key_.SetKey(ExtractUserKey(iter_->key())); if (FindValueForCurrentKey()) { valid_ = true; if (!iter_->Valid()) { return; } FindParseableKey(&ikey, kReverse); if (user_comparator_->Compare(ikey.user_key, saved_key_.GetKey()) == 0) { FindPrevUserKey(); } return; } if (!iter_->Valid()) { break; } FindParseableKey(&ikey, kReverse); if (user_comparator_->Compare(ikey.user_key, saved_key_.GetKey()) == 0) { FindPrevUserKey(); } } // We haven't found any key - iterator is not valid assert(!iter_->Valid()); valid_ = false; } // This function checks, if the entry with biggest sequence_number <= sequence_ // is non kTypeDeletion. If it's not, we save value in saved_value_ bool DBIter::FindValueForCurrentKey() { assert(iter_->Valid()); // Contains operands for merge operator. std::deque operands; // last entry before merge (could be kTypeDeletion or kTypeValue) ValueType last_not_merge_type = kTypeDeletion; ValueType last_key_entry_type = kTypeDeletion; ParsedInternalKey ikey; FindParseableKey(&ikey, kReverse); size_t num_skipped = 0; while (iter_->Valid() && ikey.sequence <= sequence_ && (user_comparator_->Compare(ikey.user_key, saved_key_.GetKey()) == 0)) { // We iterate too much: let's use Seek() to avoid too much key comparisons if (num_skipped >= max_skip_) { return FindValueForCurrentKeyUsingSeek(); } last_key_entry_type = ikey.type; switch (last_key_entry_type) { case kTypeValue: operands.clear(); saved_value_ = iter_->value().ToString(); last_not_merge_type = kTypeValue; break; case kTypeDeletion: operands.clear(); last_not_merge_type = kTypeDeletion; break; case kTypeMerge: assert(user_merge_operator_ != nullptr); operands.push_back(iter_->value().ToString()); break; default: assert(false); } assert(user_comparator_->Compare(ikey.user_key, saved_key_.GetKey()) == 0); iter_->Prev(); ++num_skipped; FindParseableKey(&ikey, kReverse); } switch (last_key_entry_type) { case kTypeDeletion: valid_ = false; return false; case kTypeMerge: if (last_not_merge_type == kTypeDeletion) { user_merge_operator_->FullMerge(saved_key_.GetKey(), nullptr, operands, &saved_value_, logger_); } else { assert(last_not_merge_type == kTypeValue); std::string last_put_value = saved_value_; Slice temp_slice(last_put_value); user_merge_operator_->FullMerge(saved_key_.GetKey(), &temp_slice, operands, &saved_value_, logger_); } break; case kTypeValue: // do nothing - we've already has value in saved_value_ break; default: assert(false); break; } valid_ = true; return true; } // This function is used in FindValueForCurrentKey. // We use Seek() function instead of Prev() to find necessary value bool DBIter::FindValueForCurrentKeyUsingSeek() { std::string last_key; AppendInternalKey(&last_key, ParsedInternalKey(saved_key_.GetKey(), sequence_, kValueTypeForSeek)); iter_->Seek(last_key); RecordTick(statistics_, NUMBER_OF_RESEEKS_IN_ITERATION); // assume there is at least one parseable key for this user key ParsedInternalKey ikey; FindParseableKey(&ikey, kForward); if (ikey.type == kTypeValue || ikey.type == kTypeDeletion) { if (ikey.type == kTypeValue) { saved_value_ = iter_->value().ToString(); valid_ = true; return true; } valid_ = false; return false; } // kTypeMerge. We need to collect all kTypeMerge values and save them // in operands std::deque operands; while (iter_->Valid() && (user_comparator_->Compare(ikey.user_key, saved_key_.GetKey()) == 0) && ikey.type == kTypeMerge) { operands.push_front(iter_->value().ToString()); iter_->Next(); FindParseableKey(&ikey, kForward); } if (!iter_->Valid() || (user_comparator_->Compare(ikey.user_key, saved_key_.GetKey()) != 0) || ikey.type == kTypeDeletion) { user_merge_operator_->FullMerge(saved_key_.GetKey(), nullptr, operands, &saved_value_, logger_); // Make iter_ valid and point to saved_key_ if (!iter_->Valid() || (user_comparator_->Compare(ikey.user_key, saved_key_.GetKey()) != 0)) { iter_->Seek(last_key); RecordTick(statistics_, NUMBER_OF_RESEEKS_IN_ITERATION); } valid_ = true; return true; } const Slice& value = iter_->value(); user_merge_operator_->FullMerge(saved_key_.GetKey(), &value, operands, &saved_value_, logger_); valid_ = true; return true; } // Used in Next to change directions // Go to next user key // Don't use Seek(), // because next user key will be very close void DBIter::FindNextUserKey() { if (!iter_->Valid()) { return; } ParsedInternalKey ikey; FindParseableKey(&ikey, kForward); while (iter_->Valid() && user_comparator_->Compare(ikey.user_key, saved_key_.GetKey()) != 0) { iter_->Next(); FindParseableKey(&ikey, kForward); } } // Go to previous user_key void DBIter::FindPrevUserKey() { if (!iter_->Valid()) { return; } size_t num_skipped = 0; ParsedInternalKey ikey; FindParseableKey(&ikey, kReverse); while (iter_->Valid() && user_comparator_->Compare(ikey.user_key, saved_key_.GetKey()) == 0) { if (num_skipped >= max_skip_) { num_skipped = 0; IterKey last_key; last_key.SetInternalKey(ParsedInternalKey( saved_key_.GetKey(), kMaxSequenceNumber, kValueTypeForSeek)); iter_->Seek(last_key.GetKey()); RecordTick(statistics_, NUMBER_OF_RESEEKS_IN_ITERATION); } iter_->Prev(); ++num_skipped; FindParseableKey(&ikey, kReverse); } } // Skip all unparseable keys void DBIter::FindParseableKey(ParsedInternalKey* ikey, Direction direction) { while (iter_->Valid() && !ParseKey(ikey)) { if (direction == kReverse) { iter_->Prev(); } else { iter_->Next(); } } } void DBIter::Seek(const Slice& target) { saved_key_.Clear(); // now savved_key is used to store internal key. saved_key_.SetInternalKey(target, sequence_); PERF_TIMER_AUTO(seek_internal_seek_time); iter_->Seek(saved_key_.GetKey()); PERF_TIMER_STOP(seek_internal_seek_time); if (iter_->Valid()) { direction_ = kForward; ClearSavedValue(); FindNextUserEntry(false /*not skipping */); } else { valid_ = false; } } void DBIter::SeekToFirst() { direction_ = kForward; ClearSavedValue(); PERF_TIMER_AUTO(seek_internal_seek_time); iter_->SeekToFirst(); PERF_TIMER_STOP(seek_internal_seek_time); if (iter_->Valid()) { FindNextUserEntry(false /* not skipping */); } else { valid_ = false; } } void DBIter::SeekToLast() { direction_ = kReverse; ClearSavedValue(); PERF_TIMER_AUTO(seek_internal_seek_time); iter_->SeekToLast(); PERF_TIMER_STOP(seek_internal_seek_time); PrevInternal(); } Iterator* NewDBIterator(Env* env, const Options& options, const Comparator* user_key_comparator, Iterator* internal_iter, const SequenceNumber& sequence) { return new DBIter(env, options, user_key_comparator, internal_iter, sequence, false); } ArenaWrappedDBIter::~ArenaWrappedDBIter() { db_iter_->~DBIter(); } void ArenaWrappedDBIter::SetDBIter(DBIter* iter) { db_iter_ = iter; } void ArenaWrappedDBIter::SetIterUnderDBIter(Iterator* iter) { static_cast(db_iter_)->SetIter(iter); } inline bool ArenaWrappedDBIter::Valid() const { return db_iter_->Valid(); } inline void ArenaWrappedDBIter::SeekToFirst() { db_iter_->SeekToFirst(); } inline void ArenaWrappedDBIter::SeekToLast() { db_iter_->SeekToLast(); } inline void ArenaWrappedDBIter::Seek(const Slice& target) { db_iter_->Seek(target); } inline void ArenaWrappedDBIter::Next() { db_iter_->Next(); } inline void ArenaWrappedDBIter::Prev() { db_iter_->Prev(); } inline Slice ArenaWrappedDBIter::key() const { return db_iter_->key(); } inline Slice ArenaWrappedDBIter::value() const { return db_iter_->value(); } inline Status ArenaWrappedDBIter::status() const { return db_iter_->status(); } void ArenaWrappedDBIter::RegisterCleanup(CleanupFunction function, void* arg1, void* arg2) { db_iter_->RegisterCleanup(function, arg1, arg2); } ArenaWrappedDBIter* NewArenaWrappedDbIterator( Env* env, const Options& options, const Comparator* user_key_comparator, const SequenceNumber& sequence) { ArenaWrappedDBIter* iter = new ArenaWrappedDBIter(); Arena* arena = iter->GetArena(); auto mem = arena->AllocateAligned(sizeof(DBIter)); DBIter* db_iter = new (mem) DBIter(env, options, user_key_comparator, nullptr, sequence, true); iter->SetDBIter(db_iter); return iter; } } // namespace rocksdb