 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// @author Karl Voskuil (karl@facebook.com)
// @author Mark Rabkin (mrabkin@facebook.com)


#include <string>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

#include "thrift/lib/cpp/protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h"  // for serialization
#include "thrift/lib/cpp/protocol/TCompactProtocol.h"  // for serialization
#include "thrift/lib/cpp/protocol/TJSONProtocol.h"    // for serialization
#include "thrift/lib/cpp/protocol/TSimpleJSONProtocol.h"    // for serialization
#include "thrift/lib/cpp/transport/TTransportUtils.h" // for serialization

namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace util {

using apache::thrift::protocol::TBinaryProtocolT;
using apache::thrift::protocol::TCompactProtocolT;
using apache::thrift::protocol::TCompactProtocol;
using apache::thrift::protocol::TSimpleJSONProtocol;
using apache::thrift::protocol::TJSONProtocol;
using apache::thrift::transport::TBufferBase;
using apache::thrift::transport::TTransport;
using apache::thrift::transport::TMemoryBuffer;
using boost::shared_ptr;

 * Encapsulates methods to serialize or deserialize a code-gen-ed
 * Thrift class to and from a string.  For example:
 *    extern StatsMcValue data;
 *    ThriftSerializerBinary<StatsMcValue> serializer;
 *    string serialized;
 *    serializer.serialize(data, &serizalied);
 *    StatsMcValue result;
 *    try {
 *      if (serializer.deserialize(serialized, &result) !=
 *          serialized.length()) {
 *        // Handle deserialization error, not all data consumed.
 *      }
 *    } catch (TProtocolException& tpe) {
 *      // Handle deserialization error, underlying protocol threw.
 *    }
 *    // Use deserialized thrift object.
 *    ...
 * @author Karl Voskuil

template <typename T, typename P>
class ThriftSerializer {
  : prepared_(false)
  , lastDeserialized_(false)
  , setVersion_(false) {}

   * Serializes the passed type into the passed string.
   * @author Karl Voskuil
  template <class String>
  void serialize(const T& fields, String* serialized);

   * Serializes the passed type into the internal buffer
   * and returns a pointer to the internal buffer and its size.
   * @author Yuri Putivsky
  void serialize(const T& fields, const uint8_t** serializedBuffer,
                                  size_t* serializedLen);

   * Deserializes the passed string into the passed type, returns the number of
   * bytes that have been consumed from the passed string.
   * The return value can be used to verify if the deserialization is successful
   * or not.  When a type is serialized then deserialized back, the number of
   * consumed bytes must equal to the size of serialized string.  But please
   * note, equality of these two values doesn't guarantee the serialized string
   * isn't corrupt.  It's up to the underlying implementation of the type and
   * thrift protocol to detect and handle invalid serialized string, they may
   * throw exception or just ignore the unrecognized data.
   * @author Karl Voskuil
  template <class String>
  uint32_t deserialize(const String& serialized, T* fields)
    return deserialize((const uint8_t*)serialized.data(),

   * Deserializes the passed char array into the passed type, returns the number
   * of bytes that have been consumed from the passed string.
   * See notes on return value for:
   *   deserilize(const String* serialized, T* fields)
  uint32_t deserialize(const uint8_t* serializedBuffer,
                       size_t length,
                       T* fields);

   * Same as deserialize() above, but won't touch/reset any optional fields
   * that are not present in 'serialized'. So, if T has any optional fields,
   * the caller is responsible for resetting those (or somehow handling the
   * potentially dirty data.)
   * Use this method if:
   *  1) your thrift class doesn't contain any optional fields, and
   *  2) you are trying to avoid memory allocations/fragmentation during
   *     deserialization of thift objects
   * @author Rafael Sagula
  template <class String>
  uint32_t deserializeClean(const String& serialized, T* fields);

   * Set version of protocol data to read/write.  This is only necessary
   * for data that will be saved to disk between protocol versions!
   * You probably don't need to use this unless you know what you are doing
   * @author davejwatson
  void setVersion(int8_t version);

  void prepare();

  typedef P Protocol;

  bool prepared_;
  bool lastDeserialized_;
  shared_ptr<TMemoryBuffer> buffer_;
  shared_ptr<Protocol> protocol_;
  int8_t version_;
  bool setVersion_;

template <typename T>
struct ThriftSerializerBinary
  : public ThriftSerializer<T, TBinaryProtocolT<TBufferBase> >
{ };

template <typename T>
struct ThriftSerializerCompact
  : public ThriftSerializer<T, TCompactProtocolT<TBufferBase> >
{ };

 * This version is deprecated.  Please do not use it anymore,
 * unless you have data already serialized to disk in this format.
 * Doubles are not serialized in correct network order, so making RPC
 * calls with this data will not work.
template <typename T>
struct ThriftSerializerCompactDeprecated
  : public ThriftSerializer<T, TCompactProtocolT<TBufferBase> >
  ThriftSerializerCompactDeprecated() {

template <typename T>
struct ThriftSerializerJson
  : public ThriftSerializer<T, TJSONProtocol>
{ };

template <typename T>
struct ThriftSerializerSimpleJson
  : public ThriftSerializer<T, TSimpleJSONProtocol>
{ };

}}} // namespace apache::thrift:util

namespace apache { namespace thrift {

template<typename ThriftStruct>
  std::string ThriftJSONString(const ThriftStruct& ts) {
  using namespace apache::thrift::protocol;
  using namespace apache::thrift::util;
  ThriftSerializer<ThriftStruct, TJSONProtocol> serializer;
  std::string serialized;
  serializer.serialize(ts, &serialized);
  return serialized;

}} // apache::thrift

#include "thrift/lib/cpp/util/ThriftSerializer-inl.h"
